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Old 16th Sep 2010, 14:29
  #241 (permalink)  
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So they removed the low hours non-TR app fairly swiftly, I wonder why it was there in the first place, there seems to be enough type rated guys around?
I guess that they have been inundated with applications and have more than enough candidates for this recruitment period. Some of the low houred guys had an assessment day last Friday.

There were approx 16 there and they were given a company presentation followed by being split up into groups of 5-6 for group test. They then had a tech test with 40+ questions (multi-choice with 3 answers) and then an interview that lasted about 1 hour.

The interview was apparently a bit chaotic with one guy being interviewed by the chief pilot and another by a 20 something HR person and another by 2 people.

They also briefed that they have not yet decided on contract terms or pay rates either.

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Old 16th Sep 2010, 14:45
  #242 (permalink)  
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There seems to be a lot of negativity regarding the Jet2 recruitment, so I'd be grateful if someone could explain their viewpoint to me.

I have recently left a flying school, and so have no commercial experience. ("Ah," you say "there's the problem!") In the past, people in my situation looking for the Holy Grail of the first job have often found a helping hand in the form of flyBe.

For those knocking the Jet2 salary, it appears that every month a Jet2 F/O on 70% will still take home around £200+ more than a flyBe F/O.

For those being disparaging of the base locations, they're certainly no worse than some of those being offered by flyBe (Inverness, Aberdeen, IoM spring to mind). No offence to anyone there, just inconvenient to visit family and friends.

For those against the age of the fleet, a Classic Type Rating is only differences training away from an NG, not a completely new rating. And a similar comment could apply to flyBe; the Dash-8 may be a technologically incredible aircraft, but there aren't too many European/UK operators around if you leave flyBe.

The comments saying "hang on, the upturns just around the corner" might well be valid. Might not be. While the boats here, I'd like to get on board before it sails! If you've plenty of hours and experience, you probably feel more confident that the bigger "better" airlines will look at your applications. For a low-houred pilot like me, I don't have that experienced-based assurance.

Paying for your own rating is a big down-side, but the rating is less expensive than either Ryanair's or easyJet's, and unlike these two there's the guarantee that your base will be in the UK, and you'll know it before paying for the rating. It sounds as though 99% of the staff at Jet2 are good people too, which doesn't pay bills as someone said, but can make a huge difference to the prospect of going into work.

And for some (myself included), the time off in the winter doesn't sound dreadful as long as you've a hobby/past-time to entertain yourself or even a qualification to study for.

Of the options facing people in my situation, it doesn't seem like a bad one, and I'm aware that flying schools are still cranking the handle adding fresh ab-initios into the job pool every month, so I'm keen to get into employment before I appear stale.

I agree it's not the best job, but for my position I can't help but think it's the best job out there.

I'd be thankful if the half-empty readers would try and explain the negative sides, bearing in mind the alternatives available to me. It'd be really helpful too if you'd add a little about your situation/experience so I can appreciate your perspective.

And sorry if this sounded a bit anti-flyBe at the beginning. It's 100% not meant to be, just a comparison with another low-houred employer and trying to show Jet2 in the light that I see it.

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Old 16th Sep 2010, 15:33
  #243 (permalink)  
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@John Alcock

Thank you for voicing the feelings of, I'm sure, many low hours pilots.

Unfortunately I did not progress past the initial selection stage for Jet2 after applying through the available channels... but these things happen ...

Also being low hours I quite agree with much of what you have said and I admit to also suffering from the fear of turning stale; those newly acquired skills, which is what I believe they are no matter how well tests have gone and how glowing a flying reference might be, certainly feel as if they are fast fading despite my best efforts.

As I see things however there is a flaw in the potential offer with Jet2 (and I expressed this opinion in a previous post, prior to receiving the bad news) and that is that 5 months off over winter after only one season of flying is most lilely not the best way to consolidate the learning process. I am sure that many will agree that a busy summer flying season while very intensive does not suddenly convert us from low-hours, inexperienced pilots to experienced FOs with the knack to pick up where we left off, and back comes the issue of skills fade...

If someone with experience of training low-hours pilots in an airline environment wishes to correct me and tell me that I am selling myself short then please feel free but I try to be aware of my own limitations and I reckon I would be pretty rusty after 5 months off (even if I were "flying" a single about, which I still love to do...)
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 15:38
  #244 (permalink)  
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And sorry if this sounded a bit anti-flyBe at the beginning. It's 100% not meant to be, just a comparison with another low-houred employer and trying to show Jet2 in the light that I see it.
For those knocking the Jet2 salary, it appears that every month a Jet2 F/O on 70% will still take home around £200+ more than a flyBe F/O.
Unfair comparison. Try the other large established UK tour operators such as Monarch, Thomas Cook and Thomsonfly operating B737/B757 or similar, not a turboprop regional payscale. All of these airlines have employed low houred pilots in the past and will again.

A standard Jet2 contract is already low pay and this 70% salary for 80% deal probably puts you on 50% pay (or a turboprop salary) when compared to other UK Boeing/Airbus operators. Don't forget you won't get flight pay, diem, etc. in the 5 winter months. Just like P2F, these temporary part time contracts will also spread like a cancer in the industry.

I'm not saying its a bad deal if you can make it work for you and suits your lifestyle or present situation. I am worried it will drag the rest of the industry down to its level.

the Dash-8 may be a technologically incredible aircraft, but there aren't too many European/UK operators around if you leave flyBe
The airline knows this and will manage its payscales accordingly.

but for my position I can't help but think it's the best job out there.
You're probably right.
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 15:39
  #245 (permalink)  
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I applied on the 29th of august, got a call yesterday to set up a phone call interview for was very quick..they change their mind overnight...."From today we are are not going to get low hours pilots anymore". That's why the removed the app from the website.

Sorry to bring this bad news to all like me..waiting for something.....

Last edited by mat22; 16th Sep 2010 at 16:02.
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 16:09
  #246 (permalink)  
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Little confused about what Jet2 is doing to me!

I applied for the post last year, had an interview in Nov 09 and was told I'd be contacted within 2 weeks with a result. To date I still have no reply and when I call up the HR department say they will get back to me............

I have again applied this year, while other colleagues have been given a no thanks or please come to interview, I still have had no correspondence from them.

TR'd on 757 with 1000hrs and looking for a job next Summer........I guess I better keep looking!
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 16:16
  #247 (permalink)  
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Sorry to hear that for the low-time guys, they do change there mind very quickly and might do again, you never know.

As for the comments comparing Jet2 with FlyBe, well all I can say is that most of us here at Jet2 are striving towards the improvement of T&C's not the degradation of them.

Comparing us with albeit a very successful regional turboprop/jet operator, shows nothing more than a lack of experience within this industry. Don't mean it to sound harsh but there it is.

The whole point of benchmarking T&C's is to strive to improve things not to always work to the lowest common denominator, which lets be honest, airlines have been doing for the past several years.

We should be looking at the best parts of all the comparable UK airlines T&C's and strive for that, even if it is unlikely to happen, we should at least aim high.

I do feel for the new starters, I was one not so long ago and it is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, but paying for type ratings, bonded and only a 70% contract is just a bad deal, and this reflects and effects all of us here at Jet2.

Just a note and not sure how true this is but apparently the CAA have told Jet2 that they can not employ too many cadets as there is an issue with the dilution of experience. Think this is aimed mostly at the B757 fleet. As I say this is unsubstantiated gossip, so take it with a Everest size pinch of salt, but there could be some truth in it.

Finally, think most of the guys at FlyBe would argue, as they are doing at the moment, that they should be paid a hell of a lot more than they currently do, it's bloody scandalous what they're being paid. It needs to be brought in line with the rest of the Jet operators in the UK! They have my total support....
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 16:59
  #248 (permalink)  
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Still haven't heard, but as a low houred, non-TR candidate it looks like my app will have been filed in the circular filing cabinet as well.
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 20:13
  #249 (permalink)  
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What you all have to realise is that the goal posts in Jet2 are fitted with frictionless castors. "Being able to respond quickly to market conditions" is the corporate thinking behind this strategy. However when they are setting the market conditions that is, I suggest, a bit disingenuous.
However, the majority of the crews, cabin and tech, are very nice to work with; there is the odd exception but then nothing is perfect in my experience. The engineering back up is brilliant. SO, nil desporandum chaps and chapesses, if you can get through the fog of HR and the recruitment process enjoy!
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Old 16th Sep 2010, 20:50
  #250 (permalink)  
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Try the other large established UK tour operators such as Monarch, Thomas Cook and Thomsonfly operating B737/B757 or similar, not a turboprop regional payscale. All of these airlines have employed low houred pilots in the past and will again.
You can bet your life when they do recruit, it'll be on similar 'summer only' Thomas Cook did this season.
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 09:08
  #251 (permalink)  
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It is always difficult going through a recruitment process particularly when the flow of information is largely one way ie. from applicant to employer. I suspect, as has been said before, that Jet2's pilot needs are still quite sketchy and will without doubt change. I'm sure everyone has realized that some pilots will be needed for Glasgow but beyond that it is very hard to tell. It's no good speculating as to what kind of contracts are on offer because they may well change at the 11th hour aswell (and by 11th hour I mean possibly after completing a type rating at great personal expense - take it or leave it). I think if you're a low hour pilot (self improver/flight intructor/air taxi pilot or whatever) you should count yourself very lucky if you get an airline job on a 737/757, and I don't think anyone would blame you for taking part time, but it won't be easy being expected to do an LPC/OPC after 5 months no flying.
I would be interested to know if applicants are being asked their views on unions. As you may or may not know there is an ongoing campaign for BALPA recognition at Jet2 - to which the management are opposed and are doing their utmost to delay proceedings. Whatever your views on unions, this recruitment while necessary I'm sure could also be a management tactic to dilute the BALPA membership in Jet2 and thereby scupper statutory recognition. Food for thought.
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 12:53
  #252 (permalink)  
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I haven't heard anything either way. No PFO email or a phone call. Low hours non TR also. Even a recommendation letter from one of their current pilots has not held any sway in the matter. Bases and company suited me just fine too. Back to the drawing board I guess.
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 16:31
  #253 (permalink)  
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I got a rejection email today

2500TT 600 Jet 1200 Turbine, 4 different types but Non typed on either 737 or 757, and live 40 mins from one of the bases an hour from another base.

Am in a job so not too concerned.
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 16:46
  #254 (permalink)  
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Seems the 737 TR's will be payable up front for all non-rated FOs regardless of experience... I'll just keep flying my current (better) aircraft thanks.

Low-hours FOs are going for assessment & interview next week.


Last edited by babotika; 17th Sep 2010 at 16:47. Reason: Typo
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 16:58
  #255 (permalink)  
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babotika and binsleepen,

Can you say where you each got this info from regarding Type Rating funding?

babotika, you say it's "payable up front", but binsleepen said at a recent assessment the candidates were "briefed that they have not yet decided on contract terms or pay rates either."
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 18:49
  #256 (permalink)  
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All of those rejected, you made a lucky escape. Jet2 are the bottom-feeding airline of the decade. They treat their staff like dogs; they treat flight deck even worse.

If you want any more details, please PM me.

They are not to be trusted.
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 20:17
  #257 (permalink)  
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I'm sure there are many who are keen to hear what you have to say (myself included). Why not post it on here, it's an anonymous rumour forum after all!

If you don't feel comfortable, I'd be grateful of a private message.


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Old 17th Sep 2010, 21:09
  #258 (permalink)  
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Derestrictor please do not hide behind comments like that lets hear them in the open !! Personally i find the Job at Jet2 as follows .. its been a busy summer ... i dont think it will be that busy next Summer.. most days have been 2 sectors not 4 ... on the 73' no deep night flying generally last landing at 10/11pm earliest start 6am. Plenty of route variety. After 4 years i am personally still enjoying coming and flying for this company. Life is never perfect.. but just remember the grass isn't always greener either, its all what you make of it and and your attitude !!!
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 22:16
  #259 (permalink)  
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Have to agree. Very friendly company, not the best paid job in the world. Earliest start 6am, latest finish midnight (depending on fleet). No or very few overnights.
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Old 17th Sep 2010, 23:36
  #260 (permalink)  
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Hmm not sure i agree about next summer, we were so busy due to the level of crewing, we're going to be doing more routes with more aircraft and will need even more crew. Training courses need to start by October to get the guys on line for next summer and that aint going to happen....

By all accounts, the company are only looking at Oxford cadets for the 73 positions of which there are not many and experienced guys 1500hrs plus, including not type rated, for the 75.

Last edited by monkeynutz; 18th Sep 2010 at 10:07.
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