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Old 17th Aug 2009, 18:35
  #641 (permalink)  
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Bruce Wayne

No longer in the case of the individualists such as you, TRSS, LHC (management surely), etc.
This is preceded by

It appears to me that the only self respect being enjoyed by younger guys stems from presently being employed and having a reasonable bank balance. This should not be confused with self esteem.

Your second link takes us to the problem faced by CTC guys, see above. BALPA could have no bearing on this yet all your previous postings seem to have you in the anti BALPA camp. Why? Surely it is better that a collective such as them take this issue on rather than the pilot community seperately each put their heads in the sand and hope that the axe is not going to fall on them or, more proactively, they could each get a brown tongue and hope they will be rewarded for the foul taste.
As you appear to be singing the same songs as those mentioned you fall into that camp. You have stated your opposition to BALPA but without stating good reason, in fact in another thread you actually posted to me an admission of confusion, if I am wrong I apologise but I'll search for it., so, other than your less than lucid and assumptive post #661, could you please state it. If you wish to put your reasoned views forward I may reassess my view of you. The other two remain beyond the pale.

My comment on disdain was a generalisation of those whose dogmatic views prevent progress in this discussion. It was not aimed at you but, as with anyone reading, if the cap fits....

I am licence holder as well. improvements in flight crew T&C's in the industry benefit me directly as well as any other professional pilot.

and let me re-iterate the specific words i have posted before:

"What I am not for is a union attempting to gain a wider subscriber base, for their own benefits, at the expense of its own subscriber base, with a campaign that is bordering on laughable with the premise of better T&C's for it's members in the biggest industry downturn so far."
1st sentence, quite correct and I totally agree, that is why the manouvre of sticking your head in the sand and hoping things will get better will not work. Management is more likely to take advantage by pulling your pants down and shafting you, hence my stance on collective action.

It is up to that collective, in this case BALPA is the only show in town, as to what that action will be and how much support it will be given. Do you think BALPA is some kind of Marxist conspiracy, N. Tebbit used to head them FFS. Do you have any idea what a union is about? If you are a member you are it. As far as I am aware the promise of better T&Cs was not on offer but I write in ignorance, if that was part of an official release it should not have been issued, The only thing that can be promised is to fight to prevent degradation of T&Cs and, in better times, to negotiate a fair deal for all. If it were me I would also be looking at demanding that recruitment be increased to prevent the erosion of permanent FD numbers. But that would be up to the members of the bargaining unit. That may have a positive effect on BRK contractors.
Oh, and members are exactly that, not 'subscribers'. It is a union (look it up) not OK magazine.

What has been a continual failure here is the lack of perception that you have been in discussion with a pilot who has 'a certain degree' of management experience. someone experienced with an appreciation of both sides of the coin
Who he?

Can you see why there is a confrontational view toward unions?
Only dogma.

Searched for the worst T&C's thread but zilch.

If you think that FR itself itself is so influential within the industry that operators from Kabul to Asia copy a specific model to erode T&C's you are must be considering that FR is some great global conspirator to drive flight crew T&C's down as part of some great mater plan. They are down because of the conditions the industry is facing right now. They will rise, but when the market conditions can support them.
I said nothing about outside EU but money tends to have no conscience wherever it is. As for your last sentence, you either have more faith than a school of cardinals or are naive beyond my understanding.

operator costs have been on the increase while passengers demand ever lower ticket prices.
Can't say much about op costs as I dont have inside knowledge but pax dont demand anything, RYR offer the prices and Joe & Joan Average have gone for them but the business model is in MOL's hands. As far as I am aware no deputation of citizens or angry mob turned up at STN with placards demanding lower prices nor did Mr & Mrs Average send anyone round to my door with a petition. I think you may have this one skewed slightly. They can be offered because your T&Cs will pay for them.

If you *really* gave a damn, you would not be focusing your attention on FR as a basis of the level of T&C's you would be lobbying the government for a break up of OPEC to allow oil producing countries to sell their products in a competitive market not with production and prices dictated to by a cartel.
And MOL would pass on the benefits to you would he? Get real. Aside from that I would make 2 points, all airlines operate under the same conditions so the price of fuel has nothing to do with relative advantage or T&Cs and further, you underline why air travel is so competitive in that it is one of the few industries that operate free of fuel taxation. But I'll take it on board and drop Gordie a letter about it. Dont hold your breath.

socialist New Labour
Splendid example of an oxymoron.

Toodle pip.
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 08:40
  #642 (permalink)  
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thank you for the post, you seem to have missed the points by a country mile yet again..

let me reiterate..

"The result of this has not been any informed debate or discussion toward how these affect T&C's nor methods in which they could be addressed, instead it has been responded to by derision and ultimately 'table thumping' over BALPA being the saviour of the industry."

"Therefore, it can only be concluded by reasonable deduction that there is no interest in working toward a more stable and profitable industry, which will result in better T&C's, only that union membership is the only way in which the industry can be 'saved' and what campaign or issues the union puts forward, the timing or manner is irrelevant. "

i would have been inclined to discuss some of it with you by PM, however, by past evidence, you do not keep private PM's private.

I would have therefore offered if you pm me, in order that an unsolicited pm be considered as intimidating, i would provide you with my direct contact number in order to discuss, hell you can even withhold your number too.. however, by past evidence, again you do not keep private communications private.

The point is my dear al446, harping on about BALPA being the saviour of all aviation humanity is pointless. they have missed the boat several times on several key points within the industry which can only be interpreted as incompetent or dis-interest.

As I have said many times now, unless there is an understanding of the issues that affect the industry and how to improve the potential for airlines to become more profitable and secure in their existence, barking for better T&C's will not happen.

Continual demands for better T&C's without addressing the actual needs of the industry as a whole picture, not just a myopic view of one section of it is akin to bailing out lake windermere with a bucket.
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 10:21
  #643 (permalink)  
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Searched for the worst T&C's thread but zilch
it's on the thread listing page.. within a couple of threads of this one...

here's a guiding hand for you....

Last edited by Bruce Wayne; 18th Aug 2009 at 10:59.
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 12:06
  #644 (permalink)  
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Do you think you two could consider continuing this discussion by PM, as it is becoming a teensy -weensy bit tedious. . . . . " he said, she said etc etc "
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 12:20
  #645 (permalink)  
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isn't it just !
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 17:18
  #646 (permalink)  
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BALPA sure helped poor old Zippy Monster out
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 22:06
  #647 (permalink)  
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This is pretty dire folks - catplaystation has got it in one. Bruce Wayne, your arguments are at best convoluted - I simply cannot understand what your point is. Your re-iterations are just quotes of unbelievably badly written arguments from a previous incomprehensible argument! I have slightly lost track of whether you and al446 are in BALPA or not or if you are for or against Ryanair. Whatever your points are, it would be most helpful if you could produce a shorter, more succinct statement of your position - I am confused.
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Old 18th Aug 2009, 23:43
  #648 (permalink)  
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Bruce - "isn't it just !" Thank your chosen deity for that. I'll take you up on the PM offer, maybe. Keep your eye out for them.

NSF - For the record, Bruce is a BRK pilot and seems ill disposed towards towards BALPA's recognition, I am not a pilot nor do I have any hand in aviation these days other than SLF. I just happen to dislike the spreading of distorted anti-union propaganda which is why I got into this in the first place.

Hopefully this will now be kept between us as, essentially, I think we are actually arguing the same the same case but from different starting points.

Without trying to inflame anything here I would suggest that all look at the OP then look at post #12, there is a link to the REMA site.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 08:48
  #649 (permalink)  
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Norma, (correction to 'Norman' due to typographical error)

If you cannot understand what my point it and want a short statement of my position, open your eyes its been posted....

I have posted several times various data pertaining to the specific issues that relate to the degradation of T&C's within the industry.
The result of this has not been any informed debate or discussion toward how these affect T&C's nor methods in which they could be addressed, instead it has been responded to by derision and ultimately 'table thumping' over BALPA being the saviour of the industry.

Any post that supports BALPA membership is met by you, being pro union, with applause and support, yet there is no discussion toward the actual issues that affect rising costs of aircraft operation, the continual demand for lower prices and the affect this has toward lower T&C's in the overall view.

Therefore, it can only be concluded by reasonable deduction that there is no interest in working toward a more stable and profitable industry, which will result in better T&C's, only that union membership is the only way in which the industry can be 'saved' and what campaign or issues the union puts forward, the timing or manner is irrelevant.
Thank you so much for your post. It neatly sums up your position in a few short lines, Norma, you have shown your hand...

if you are for or against Ryanair
So, it doesn't come down to addressing ways in which T&C's can be improved within the industry!

It comes down to providing "Jack-Off Material" for your personal views toward FR.

This *is* the point.

What I have been driving toward is a discussion addressing the issues that affect T&C's in the industry and their causes and how best these be tackled, not providing you with material to nurse your erection for whatever your personal hate d'jour is.

Last edited by Bruce Wayne; 19th Aug 2009 at 10:46.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 10:17
  #650 (permalink)  
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Do I detect a slightly "penile/masturbation reference" tendency creeping into the responses by "Bruce?",combined with distortion of names (Norma) it smacks of a style beloved by another of our brethern in his postings here. Could we be talking the same chap behind the mask ?
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 10:45
  #651 (permalink)  
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captplaystation, indeed a metaphor.

point taken in regard of Norma / Norman.. a typo that spell check did not pick up due to the omission of the final 'n' resulting in a likewise correct spelling.

it has been duly corrected.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 11:08
  #652 (permalink)  
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Thread is degenerating into a schoolyard slanging-match.

I have no dog in the fight, other than having used RYR for my only trip outwith the UK to date (guess paxing BOAC and BEA in the mid 60's doesn't count )

The cake is only so big, you all know that the intellect of pax is directly proportional to the "fare" they pay, MOL has harnessed this mindset to RYR's advantage,- flog cheap seats and stitch them up on the extras

The total cost , financially, is still acceptable to very many and makes a foreign bolthole a reality for many...BUT... MOL has to continue selling his "bargain deals" otherwise you all lose your jobs!

Remember Freddy Laker?.....he tried to upset the gravy-train and was scuppered,- MOL is more aware, more aggresive and bigger than Freddy.

Yes, he's a tough sod and chooses to pump his "surplus" profits into Company Growth.- I don't wver see a monopoly position for him, but i do see a real force in commercial aviation.

Airline piloting is no longer an elite, mysterious, closed-shop profession.

Maybe waste your efforts telling all the "wannabe's "that it's a crap, poorly -paid job and you'd love to get out but are totally unsuited to any other commercial role....ETC.ETC. -create a shortage and the T/C will, short-term, improve....but then the fares will appear too dear and bums on seats will reduce, thereby reducing revenue.......... err - aint that what's happening now?

So, As i posted previously, form a consortium, buy shares in RYR and take a real hand in your own future.

Or do too many dreamers want the penny AND the Toffee?


remember, Sewage -workers are well-paid, but there's not a huge queue wanting to shovel **** for a living......but there are loads of people wanting to fly tin tubes for ever increasing wedges of cash !

Welcome to recessionary, 21'st Century business economics.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 12:13
  #653 (permalink)  
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I have to say that I had been thinking exactly the same only a few days ago.

Batmans Alta-ego which we know as Bruce Wayne aka Leo's Alta-ego. A username says quite a bit about you does it not? Somebody was just trying to be a little to cool for school with that username.

It was only a matter of time until the mask slipped and LEO was found out as he provided the proof that materialised in front of people’s eyes. The same old masturbation reference’s coming into play with the language and posts being constructed in a similar manner just without the extremities of language and fonts being utilised. oopps!

You really are quite a sad and disturbed individual and I ask does your AME do a proper full psychological appraisal on you when undertaking your Class 1?

Just in case somebody goes on the defensive and the post goes missing which is another of Leo's tactics here we are:

Bruce Wayne Norma, (correction to 'Norman' due to typographical error)

If you cannot understand what my point it and want a short statement of my position, open your eyes its been posted....

I have posted several times various data pertaining to the specific issues that relate to the degradation of T&C's within the industry.
The result of this has not been any informed debate or discussion toward how these affect T&C's nor methods in which they could be addressed, instead it has been responded to by derision and ultimately 'table thumping' over BALPA being the saviour of the industry.

Any post that supports BALPA membership is met by you, being pro union, with applause and support, yet there is no discussion toward the actual issues that affect rising costs of aircraft operation, the continual demand for lower prices and the affect this has toward lower T&C's in the overall view.

Therefore, it can only be concluded by reasonable deduction that there is no interest in working toward a more stable and profitable industry, which will result in better T&C's, only that union membership is the only way in which the industry can be 'saved' and what campaign or issues the union puts forward, the timing or manner is irrelevant.

Thank you so much for your post. It neatly sums up your position in a few short lines, Norma, you have shown your hand...

if you are for or against Ryanair

So, it doesn't come down to addressing ways in which T&C's can be improved within the industry!

It comes down to providing "Jack-Off Material" for your personal views toward FR.

This *is* the point.

What I have been driving toward is a discussion addressing the issues that affect T&C's in the industry and their causes and how best these be tackled, not providing you with material to nurse your erection for whatever your personal hate d'jour is.
Here is the permalink on post 677 and please feel free to read Bruces post 679.

Do you get extra block time payment in your cheque at the end of the month for your excellent contributions to these forums? I hope you’re logging duty time at the company behest!

Better luck next time Bruce err sorry I meant Leo!
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 12:25
  #654 (permalink)  
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Is your AME aware of your paranoia?

Do you check your closet each night to make sure there's not a hairy camel named Leo hiding in it ?

Brilliant, thanks for the laugh.

you were being humourous yes, Or maybe you actually believe that.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 16:44
  #655 (permalink)  
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Below is a copy of unsolicited correspondence from user Bruce Wayne. I can't be bothered to get into a dialogue with this individual, who's modus operandi is to muddy the waters. I post it on here otherwise his effort will go to waste.


i think you may be misunderstanding my stance here.. the post i made was a direct response to danny who continually makes assertions that i am other posters and management for FR, which i am not.

in the same line i am not associated with LHC nor a cohort.

whatever increase in T&C's occur within the industry are beneficial to me personally as well as other licence holders.

i have stated before that i am a license holder and not management, although i have in the past had a certain degree of management experience.

from this, i truly understand the many concepts of air carrier management and have been active in the management of flight crews from the HQ side of things.

the point i have been continually trying to get across and hoping that some people can read between the lines is that improvements in T&C's is not going to be a won overnight, it will be a slow process and will involve many battles.. the way to seek improvements with as little collateral damage as possible is knowing when to pick the battle, to fight on terms when the most ground can be gained.

entering into a battle when the odds are in the opponents favour is suicide.

The point i have been trying to assert to danny is, and i have been blunt about it in saying "if you don't like it leave" is that he wont leave, because no one in their right mind will choose to be in the position of looking for a flight deck position right now.

management know this.

the odds are in their favour. there are pilots from all corners of the country, Europe, the world, looking to pay the mortgage.

fighting for advances right now is a waste of effort and if anything it is detrimental. all it does it gets up the backs of management and damages future potential for negotiation.

its pilots right now that have the most to loose.

i cannot say i have been happy with BALPA in their performance and miserable failing in identifying, even ignoring specific issues. right they are doing the same again. it is anger inducing and frustrating.

in terms of dignity and respect, my BALPA card on the desk in front me doesn't give it.

what i have achieved though many years in this industry does.

another point is that another contributing factor is the quantity of management and middle managers in the industry that have no experience in aircraft operations.

the biggest single advancement for T&C's is management that has spent a significant number of years flying the line, not an accountant that has come from the pharmaceutical industry.

we will get better T&C's once we know when is the time for making advances toward them and how to best implement our efforts in getting them.

stay safe and happy flying!
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 17:03
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Congratulations, you manage to sum up your churlish capacity in a few single lines.

Was diddums scared or intimidated by getting a PM?

Or is it that you prefer that people not speak to you until you have addressed them first, like some turn of the century officer sipping a gin and tonic on veranda while the natives toil on all that is your domain?

Your CRM must be a delight to behold !

Private messages are just private messages, if you choose not to read then hit delete, and fair enough.

I extended the courtesy to you to take time and effort to address you personally, with no malice, no lack of respect that you seem to afford others that do subscribe to your militant views.

I have had PM conversations with many people on this forum, this thread and other threads, all of them bar yourself have engaged in dialogue on a mature informative and adult level, where our different perspectives can be considered and appreciated.

To each and every one of them, I take my hat off, they are interested in seeing progress in this industry and explore and consider ways to achieve this.


Last edited by Bruce Wayne; 19th Aug 2009 at 19:01.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 17:16
  #657 (permalink)  
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Thank you for posting that Barden, perhaps all will understand that unsolicited PMs are fair game for posting. I was going to get into an exchange of PMs with this individual but have just noticed more urgent matters come to light eg garden furniture needs rearranging, attic could do with a bit of a dusting and the cat needs a walk.

Perhaps another correspondent in a PM could explain to him, on an adult and mature level, what the primary function of a union is ie to protect members' T&Cs rather than fix the whole aviation world to suit MOL.

The chilish (sic) and diddums comments certainly demonstrate the family traits shared with LHC, if not one and same.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 18:00
  #658 (permalink)  
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Oh well al446,

I had actually attributed you to perhaps having the maturity and intellect to engage in informed, constructive discussion concerning an issue that we both have a degree of interest in.

Never mind. Glad to have known before hand that it would have been a waste of time and effort.


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Old 19th Aug 2009, 18:19
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Once more so that all understand -

the primary function of a union is to protect members' T&Cs rather than fix the whole aviation world to suit MOL.

Unless that is understood any exchange would be pointless.
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Old 19th Aug 2009, 18:28
  #660 (permalink)  
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And we can all go round in circles here because BALPA patently does not do that UNIVERSALLY.

If it suits their agenda you will be sacrificed.
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