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Old 17th Jul 2009, 17:43
  #401 (permalink)  
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"Jenny. You either can't or won't see the point. I'm unable to use words with smaller syllables I'm afraid."

Possibly because you don't have one?

If you are feeling intellectually challenged, perhaps you could work your way up from monosyllables to polysyllables slowly if you wish, though individual syllables generally not very long, just the way they're put together to form longer words that you may be having trouble com-pre-hend-ing.
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Old 17th Jul 2009, 19:42
  #402 (permalink)  
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Playing the player and not the ball again Jenny? I've noticed that about your posts, always seems to happen when you can't keep up.

Never mind treacle.
Old 17th Jul 2009, 19:51
  #403 (permalink)  
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If its the BRK pilots they are NOT included in this BALPA debate even if they are members because they are considered as contractors.
So your statements have no bearing on the BALPA debate.

The only way forward is to include ALL Pilots operating for Ryanair contract or permanent.

Protect your jobs, and those who work with you "VOTE NO TO BALPA"
I agree that every FR pilot should work with the same contract and that it should be a permanent one where you have a basic pay so if you get sick you won't have to work while ill if you still want to pay your bills.
Can a FR pilot choose between the 2?No my friend, permanent contracts are not offered to new recruits.
By the way, I also think that every permanent contracts should be the same in every base and not a colorful mixture of 5/3 or 5/4 or hotel paid here and not there and so on.

Is the company promoting this kind of fair treatment or choice?Not at all.
Is BALPA for such a thing?Definitely yes.
So even a BRK pilot should vote for recognition if he doesn't want to remain a second class citizen and have a voice too.


I'm not a native english speaker but I understand your language enough to summarize your comments in a few words: prolix,inconclusive,rhetoric and very superficial.
Wanna talk about FACTS?Fine, we're all here ready for an adult debate.
Wanna talk cheap chat?Well i'm sure you can find plenty of superficial discussions on the web that will welcome you.
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Old 17th Jul 2009, 20:00
  #404 (permalink)  
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danny, you beat me to it. Instead of contributing anything to the topic all some people do is come here to pick a fight and drag threads off topic.

The matter at hand is of interest to most crew and shouldn't be derailed by someone who begrudges a pilot their salary because they didn't or couldn't qualify as one. In my experience such people are best ignored.
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Old 17th Jul 2009, 20:07
  #405 (permalink)  
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Have to say that you did that with your previous post, merely responded likewise.

Your one man battle over people buying jobs notwithstanding, It does appear that you are the one failing to see the point.

Al Dente, then followed by dannyalliga, equate their "suffering" i.e. employment with an airline that they actively sought, and whether well paid in some cases, or not so well paid in others, is not and can not be considered the same as slavery as they and some others do.

The "facts" that you allude to from dannyalliga do not change this, having to pay out of their wages such things as rent or bills unheard of I know.

You manage to contadict yourself as well somewhat, when after impassioned rants against "paying for jobs", you then say :

"if you compare the personal investment that a pilot and dispatcher make in their careers you'll see why the former expect to earn more"

It is of course their right to spend as much as they like, what they can actually earn is down to their abilities and a certain amount of luck.

Just because somebody has spent a lot of money to get a particular job, doesn't necessarily mean that the job market is able or willing to pay their expectations, it is an investement in themselves, and like any other the value of it can go up as well as down.

In fact you totally agreed with my argument about the fact that nobody was "pressganged" into it earlier:

"Without wishing to appear too blunt you bought your way into the job and now face the consequences. Dine with the devil and all that."

Fail to see where the disagreement started by yourself began to be honest.
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Old 17th Jul 2009, 20:44
  #406 (permalink)  
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Fail to see where the disagreement started by yourself began to be honest.
Not sure where to start with that one. I know what you're trying to say but it just doesn't read well, does it? Beligerence does seem to be a common trait in your post history though so maybe that's all you're here for. On the offchance that you're remotely interested I'll explain it once more but then I'm off as I've more interesting things to do.

SSTR's are bad. They never used to exist and many of us progressed without having to buy our way up. Someone did, now it's expected and many newbies believe it their divine right to go straight to the RHS of a big jet. They buy their way into a company like Ryanair and are then surprised when they are treated like something on the sole of a manager's shoe.

This quick-fix brigade aside it's not unreasonable for someone who invests a large amount of time and money to expect reasonable remuneration. It's a profession and despite your protests to the contrary £90,000 a year is not really a great deal of money, it certainly doesn't compare with some other professions.

In short we agree that many (not all) RYR crew are the authors of their own misfortune, we don't agree that a pilot's pay or our T&C's are reasonable. I've a theory as to why you feel that way but you don't want to hear it, I certainly can't be bothered to explain it and it would contribute nothing to the topic of this thread.

Night all.
Old 17th Jul 2009, 21:47
  #407 (permalink)  
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Post Latest BLAPA Newsletter.

I'm delighted you've all met and been charmed by my lovechild, JennyB, but its time to return to the main game. BAPLA have been kneed in the balls yet again by Ryanair pilots. One can only but admire such committment and dedication to serial self-abuse as is so clearly BAPLA's. For an organisation more accustomed to the mutual masturbation that exists between themselves and the Houslow Barons of floundering British Airways, it is perhaps unsurprising. For those of us in shallower orbit, though, may I offer this for your enlightenment, with collegial regards, as always.


15th July 2009
To all Ryanair Members

Dear Member,
• Fighting for pay cuts and job cuts
• Update on this week’s lunches
• Dublin IAPLA-BAPLA meeting – “buddy can you spare us a dime?”
• Answers to some of the 10 irritating questions posed by pesky pilots

Fighting for pay cuts and job cuts
Members will be aware of BAPLA’s recent successes in our campaign for dignified and respectful pay cuts and job cuts in UK airlines. We have agreed yet more job cuts at Virgin and just this week we secured a very dignified 3% pay cut at BA. Our professional negotiators are unrivalled at securing the best pilot pay cuts and job cuts in the UK. Everyone at BAPLA headquarters is delighted that we have finally found something we are good at. With professional negotiators like us, why wouldn’t Ryanair want BAPLA?

Update on this week’s lunches
Terry “G&T” Brandon and Jim would like to report that they’ve had several delicious lunches this week. Terry’s favourite dish was a nice cottage pie and Jim’s number one choice was a warm goats cheese salad. Spending on lunches and entertainment this year is going well and BALPA are on track to top the spend of £80,000 in our last published accounts. Yum.

Dublin IAPLA-BAPLA meeting – “buddy can you spare us a dime?”
Following IAPLA’s three year failed campaign to impose recognition in Ireland, Terry will be attending a lunch in Dublin with IAPLA to share in the secrets of their success. IAPLA’s failed strategy cost Dublin pilots share options, pay increases and left them on a 5/3 roster for longer than any other Ryanair base while they refused to negotiate with the company. Oh yeah and don’t forget the free training that Dublin pilots paid 15 grand for, on IAPLA’s advice that they would win it back. At BAPLA we are all hopeful that we can match IAPLA’s track record of broken promises. IAPLA’s campaign cost them over a million quid in legal fees so they may well charge a fee for any advice they give us. We trust that you will understand IAPLA’s need for a financial contribution from UK pilots after they shelled out a million quid to cover Ryanair’s legal costs.

Answers to the 10 questions posed by irritating pilots

Pilots have been contacting BAPLA seeking answers to 10 questions about our pay cut campaign. So far we’ve managed to dodge these questions and avoid doing any work but we’re sick of being asked so it’s time to set the record partly straight; this week’s instalment covers questions one to five.

1. What’s BAPLA’s plan to regain your 5/4 roster and the £5,000 allowance when they disappear along with the current ERC deal?
Well, first we’re going to ask really nicely. If that doesn’t work then we’re out of ideas so remember, you are BAPLA and ultimately it will be your fault. So when things go wrong and we can’t get your 5/4 roster or allowances back we’ll remind you that it’s your problem, not ours. Besides, under the current ERC deals Ryanair pilots have pay deals and rosters that are better than those in any other UK airline. After we succeed in destroying those deals why should BAPLA fight to make sure Ryanair pilots are better off than the rest of our membership?
United in the Interests of British Airways Pilots

2. Will BAPLA confirm that those UK bases who do not wish to be part of this recognition campaign will be afforded the “dignity and respect” not to be included?
Absolutely not. We’ve already received petitions from the majority of UK bases which confirm that pilots don’t want this campaign but that’s irrelevant. Even though BAPLA is the pilots and the pilots are BAPLA (except for Terry Brandon who’s from the G&T union) that doesn’t mean that we listen to pilots, although we will not listen with respect.

3. What is BAPLA’s plan when they fail to agree anything with Ryanair?
Mmmmmmm. We’ll ask really nicely again? Just remember; if you end up with a pay cut or you lose your job you can rest assured that BA and Virgin pilots will feel your pain. You might also consider participating in the IAPLA “TAILSPIN” scheme which invests pilot money in Aer Lingus shares and lunches. Remember that the value of this investment may go down as well as even further down… until the banks ask you for more money to fund your part in this bird brained scheme.

4. If Ryanair makes a business decision to close a minimum of 2 UK bases and expand elsewhere in Europe – how will BAPLA ensure you are not made redundant?
We will immediately deploy our professional negotiator who will, with dignity and respect, demand that Ryanair reopen these bases. If Ryanair don’t agree then we’ll walk out the door to lunch with our heads held high, confident that we have salvaged your dignity and respect, even if you’re unemployed.

5. Why has BAPLA failed to negotiate a 5/4 roster in Easyjet or any other UK airline?
Who needs a 5/4 roster when you’ve got dignity and respect. Just ask the pilots at BA, Virgin, Thomson and Easyjet. We’re too busy with our fight for pay cuts and job cuts to talk about things like rosters, lifestyle, families etc. Remember that we are all BAPLA and we are all pilors (except Jim who’s not a pilot and Terry who’s from the electrician’s union) so our failure is your failure.

“Lunch Before Litigation”
From our latest published accounts:
• £477,000 spent last year on lunches, travel and entertainment (Wahey, thanks guys!) while we spent just
• £191,000 on legal fees defending pilots (boooring)

BAPLA incorporating • British Airlines Less Pilots Association • British Airlines Lost Promotions Association • British Airlines Low Pay Association
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 07:13
  #408 (permalink)  
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"to those 5000 you should subtract car park, uniforms, hotels, loss of license, pension scheme, transportation to/from sims....and considering we fly more hours/year that any other airline in the business (up to the max legal limit of 900) I cannot blame some of us feeling treated like slaves if compared to other colleagues doing the same job.
Go and ask any BA/LH/AF/KL/IB/EZ etc. Capt what his net take home would be flying 900 hours/year and also ask him about his benefits.
See where modern slavery starts now?"

Car park is a few hundred quid. I pay mine in one go £120. Not really breaking the bank.
Uniforms - well if your mummy likes to change your uniform every term, fine, but most of us will have on that lasts for a good few years. £80 for the jacket, £20 for a pair of black trousers, £5 for a white shirt?...You make it sound like its a constant expense?
Loss of licence/pension - ill give you them.
Transportation to and from the having a laugh? If you're in the UK - ill presume you are as you are posting on a thread about UK based pilots - then either drive, which in my car costs around 8pence per mile, or get the train. Or get the bus which is super cheap. And again you are making out that its a constant expense. Im sorry mate but if you are trying to convince me that Ryanair treat me as a slave then you are going to have to do a lot harder.
Its very difficult but I can just about survive my 5/4 (which I fly 4 or 5 of!), my hard commute of 20 mins to my base, my month off plus my 2 blocks of 10 days, plus any other days I wish to take off, last few months been clearing £4000 net, this month and next I requested out of base - been granted 3 weeks working 5 days every week so next two months ill be clearing a considerable amount more.
Life is so very very hard.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 07:35
  #409 (permalink)  
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Just to clarify something, at this moment in time BALPA is not taking votes on Recognition.

What they are in fact doing is something that makes sense.
They are taking an indiciative ballot of all the RYR BALPA and petition sign up members to see if we RYR PILOTS still want them to continue.

Stop changing things to suit yourself, there has been no actual vote on recognition yet, the only vote that may occur if we have decided we want one is a secret vote, where no one (including yourself) will know who votes what at any point in time.

So we await with interest the result.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 07:36
  #410 (permalink)  
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which in my car costs around 8pence per mile,
Wow Command B, what type of car are you driving? I think the last time I checked the TOTAL cost of driving the average car over an average of about 12,000 miles per year was in the region of 35/40 pence per mile! It's not just petrol, you have to take into account all the other ongoing costs such as insurance, tax, maintenance and, of course, depreciation etc.

AA Running Cost Tables
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 08:51
  #411 (permalink)  
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They are taking an indiciative ballot of all the RYR BALPA and petition sign up members to see if we RYR PILOTS still want them to continue.

Just to clarify something, a ballot is a vote, poll, a round of voting. You can change the name and add "indicative" - but it is still the same dog.

So it's OK by you for BALPA to organise a vote, ballot, poll but when the pilot's organise their own vote to " see if we RYR PILOTS still want them to continue" that, somehow, lacks credibility. It also neatly sidesteps the BRK pilots too.

Oh, and don't bother trotting out the glib excuse that the voters could be identified: the same holds for the poll on the BALPA website:

This petition is in complete confidence and no names will be shared with Ryanair. Please be assured that when submitting your support for recognition your details will be held on the BALPA secure server and will only be accessed by BALPA officials for the purpose intended.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 09:19
  #412 (permalink)  
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now slime shoddy,you simply cannot be so stupid to believe that a ballot or whatever you conducted in ema under company duress and intimidation is going to be a true indication of pilots wishes.when you were doing the rounds demanding pilots sign up to your union busting anti balpa campaign,you obviously did not listen to those who said they were not interested in your efforts to deliver yourself the base tre job by licking managements ass.all any pilot has to do tho get you off their back is sign your pathetic attempt to become the company big man in ema and then vote balpa when the time comes.

any truth in the word that ryanair union busting management called all the ema pilots into a room and threatened them that they would never get another break from the company if they voted for balpa recognition?

from what i can glean on the line,your good self is only anti balpa because you got kicked out of another airline for valid reasons and your former pro balpa self turned benedict when balpa could not jutify your actions?
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 09:56
  #413 (permalink)  
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you should be writing fairytales; your talent for making up stories is wasted here.

"Company duress and intimidation" - throw some fairy story around and hope that someone will fall for it.

Your gleanings are patently wrong too!

An over active imagination, dear boy, but then you probably believe in BALPA and the Tooth Fairy, but you would have more luck sticking with the Tooth Fairy!

You really have lost any shred of credibility you may have clung to now!
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 10:31
  #414 (permalink)  
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more evasion of the facts.i take it that in your determination to avoid answering my last questions particularly about your past and ass licking of present,you acknowledge that the statements are must think that pro union pilots are devoid of communication and content to let you do you wish,to the detriment of the pilot good sir are living in cloud cuckoo land.i am interested to see how management deal with you when you fail to deliver the union busting deal you have done with them.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 10:31
  #415 (permalink)  
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"Company duress and intimidation" - throw some fairy story around and hope that someone will fall for it.
Slim the time you spend on here is inversely proportional to your objectivity.
So now you're trying to tell us there is no intimidation?Do you want me to remind you the memo that came out about closing bases,freezing upgrades and transfers, going to 5/2 and so on?

Command B,

I might not be UK based, I might be say one of those VLC pilots who had to move his family overnight to a different country loosing my rent deposit (a couple of thousands euros) and then start a 6on/2off week because of my sim in EMA where I got flying to LTN late afternoon and then having to drive 2 hours (with a rentalcar paid by myself) to EMA; oh and since the Donington Race was on and every hotel/B&B in the area were taken I had to book (by myself) a hotel in a town about 50 miles away (hotel paid by myself).
Then maybe I even got a fair in the sim by somebody who had no idea I had been up for almost 24 hours, driving for miles and had to arrange everything by myself not considering that the only food I was able to buy in the 10 hours preceeding my sim was a sandwich at a gas station.

Some of you seem to have a cozy life living one block away from their mothers and two from the crew room, but you guys forget there are 33 bases scattered around Europe with about 3000 of us from many different countries each of them with their own story to tell.
And those stories are often not as happy as you guys would like to hear.

By the way, I do like to change my uniform more often than once in "a good few years" like you do...the way you look tells everyone about the way you are.
And I definitely don't want to be like you....
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 10:42
  #416 (permalink)  
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slime shoddy benedict - likes to change his uniform only when he gets the boot out of other would think then that he might look a bit more presentable,scruffy scrote.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 10:56
  #417 (permalink)  
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Mr Slim's not getting too much support so far, time to add a little.

Despite what the pro BALPA lot believe, most UK based Ryanair pilots want nothing to do with any union. The action taken at these bases proves this, mine included. Which is probably why you're all getting so upset, why can't you understand that a lot of us do not want the union?

Just as you have your opinion, we have ours. There really is no point trying to persuade either party to change their minds because they're already made up. I accept some people want BALPA, so why won't you all accept that a lot of us don't?

Last edited by bluff; 18th Jul 2009 at 18:09.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 11:15
  #418 (permalink)  
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Keep it up Dim.

You have run out of rational argument, know that BALPA have lost this fight and like the bully in the playground have nothing left but to resort to personal attacks.

The more vitriolic you are the better: it just lets everyone see the true colour of the BALPA hardliner's mettle.

There you are folks: just because someone DARES to hold an opposing view Dim Repa feels he has every right to be abusive.

What a sad ambassador for any union you are.
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 11:23
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slime - you are entitled to your opinion.what you do not have the right to is to make some deal with management for selfish advancement on the back of delivering a union busting deal to still have not answered my questions.maybe you are,like your missus,happy to move on now that you think you have delivered your base to the management on a plate and you don't feel you need to justify yourself.maybe you think you are superior to pilots in general.

bluff - "most uk pilots want nothing to do with a union",i take it you are speaking for uk RYANAIR pilots and if so how many uk pilots are in do you know what the majoritys opinions are and for what reasons do you not wish to have union recognition?
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Old 18th Jul 2009, 11:46
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