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Easyjet Strike?

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Old 25th Aug 2007, 21:35
  #181 (permalink)  
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.......AND there is ALWAYS something that is late, missing, expired (slots, flightplans) etc etc...Lets try this - Call NMC everytime this 800+ calls a day, then see what the result will be. Or maybe when pilots are down in the hold trying to help find a bag or two that is on-board, that should not be there, to try to make the slot....yes - have seen it several times....
Yes, we are hired and paid to fly the routes and are expected to help out with getting the job done on time etc...But there is alot of goodwill going on that we could stop with without risking to breach our employment contracts. Most of us are still willing to do this, but for how long?
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Old 25th Aug 2007, 21:51
  #182 (permalink)  
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Zbman what I meant was that I was making a guess, rather than the figures being guesswork.

Being an average, the contribution of the constituent bases and rotations is impossible to discern from the figure. I believe that there are some bases that shore this figure up through consistent punctuality, whilst many others drag it down.

You ask why I think it's pisspoor?

Because the schedule is unrealistic, that's why. You can make on time departure 90%+ assuming nothing too out of the ordinary. Much in the same vein as performance figures, the timetabling simply has to reflect the realities of the operation rather than an idealised model.
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Old 26th Aug 2007, 10:15
  #183 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by caudillo
Because the schedule is unrealistic, that's why. You can make on time departure 90%+ assuming nothing too out of the ordinary. Much in the same vein as performance figures, the timetabling simply has to reflect the realities of the operation rather than an idealised model.
I agree with what you say. 25 mn for a turnaround in CIA, well, let me see.... This is not to say we don't work damn hard to adhere as much as we can to the schedule, that's why I took the comment "pisspoor" a little personnaly.
We do our best you know...
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 08:10
  #184 (permalink)  
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Besides LTU, DABA, now also LUFTHANSA goes on strike.

Could it be that there is a "historical mentality change" between the UK and Germany?

Long time ago, there were more strikes in the UK (before M. Thatcher) than in Germany.
Nowadays it looks totally different! Interesting times!
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 08:23
  #185 (permalink)  
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Well, well...
the thing is that if you go on strike, you will damage Easyjet's reputation
It's a low cost you know. Lufthansa is a totaly different structure than Easyjet, they can afford strikes... not Easyjet.

25 mn for a turnaround in CIA, well, let me see.... This is not to say we don't work damn hard to adhere as much as we can to the schedule
Zbman, you are jocking ? Does it take you 25 minutes to prepare the FMS to go back to your next destination ? Normally it takes less than 10 minutes to get the aircraft completely ready (Atis, FMS, clearance, etc).
25 min turnaround is hard for a 319, but hard for cabin crew !!!... not for pilots

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Old 31st Aug 2007, 08:32
  #186 (permalink)  
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What brilliant insight!

hehe mate On behalf of the international ppruners I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for that piece of insight! Maybe now we can finally make those 25 min turnarounds. All we need to do is train our crew to program that FMS faster. Maybe one pilot could listen to the ATIS while the other one programs? ...are you on line yet? Good luck when you get there [Insert sarcasm as needed]

Last edited by SmokeAndNoise; 31st Aug 2007 at 09:04. Reason: wording
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 09:52
  #187 (permalink)  
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yes honney, I am in line.

But I am not at Easyjet, so it means that I fly only in quiet airspaces, in sunny blue sky only, with no wind (se posts of zbman above ) and I have less bits to do during my turnaround.
My god, you have so many things to do in order to get the a/c ready during your turnaround that you would need at least 1 hour to do it !! 25 minutes is not enough for you isnt it ?

------> go on strike then !
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 10:19
  #188 (permalink)  
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Grrr nuageblanc

But I am not at Easyjet...
Great! All those wannabee people who are not in EZY, but all know better how to vote regarding our pay deals and how to program the FM(G)S.

Lemme guess... Are you related to albertoli?
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 10:23
  #189 (permalink)  
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My god, you have so many things to do in order to get the a/c ready during your turnaround that you would need at least 1 hour to do it !! 25 minutes is not enough for you isnt it ?
Nuageblanc, perhaps you noticed that Zbman picked CIA as an example of somewhere he thought 25 minutes is unrealisitic. That might suggest to you in one of your more lucid moments that certain airports bring certain difficulties.

25 min turnaround is hard for a 319, but hard for cabin crew !!!... not for pilots
As I'm sure you're aware, not everything depends on pilot performance. On turnarounds it's rarely if ever a limiting factor.

So you mention cabin crew, well you can't take off if they're not ready, neither can you land. By the same token, even if the fms is programmed to fly you where you're going upside down, if they're not ready, neither can you board passengers. Besides, cabin crew are also rarely if ever the source of delays. If anybody has a problem, be it the cabin crew, the fueller, the ramp staff, the dispatcher, the loaders, the disabled passenger, the people in ops, the ATC, the guy trying to push back behind you or even god forbid, the pilots - then that will eat into your turnaround time.
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 16:20
  #190 (permalink)  
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Clearly naugeblanc or whatever the **** he is called needs to do the FMS set up so quick so so that the Captain who babysits him can change his nappy!

I sincerley hope that I never have the displeasure of sharing a flight deck with this little s***.

He clearly knows nothing and has no experience to draw in whatsoever, apart from being a whizz on the FMS of course!

Now for the last time if you are not in EasyJet, you are not in a position to comment, just as I cannot comment on your operation so carry on playing with your blocks and leave the Easy disscussion to the Easy people, or at least to those with a measure of experience in the industry - you should really try listening to some people on here you may actually learn something!

Now, must try this ignore function everyone is talking about!
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 19:46
  #191 (permalink)  
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fish 2 squall line...

yes honney, I am in line.
Love that sugar, yes, you're in line of sight alright

live 2 fly 2 live
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 22:24
  #192 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by nuage blanc
Zbman, you are jocking ? Does it take you 25 minutes to prepare the FMS to go back to your next destination ? Normally it takes less than 10 minutes to get the aircraft completely ready (Atis, FMS, clearance, etc).
Thanks nuage blanc, you have just shown everyone that the only place you fly a CRJ is in your head. Given your ignorance and total lack of knowledge of operational matters involved in aircraft operations, I'm not even sure you could fly one in flight simulator.

Please leave the discussion to professionals.
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Old 31st Aug 2007, 23:32
  #193 (permalink)  
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Thanks nuage blanc, you have just shown everyone that the only place you fly a CRJ is in your head. Given your ignorance and total lack of knowledge of operational matters involved in aircraft operations, I'm not even sure you could fly one in flight simulator.

Please leave the discussion to professionals.
oh yes, zbman you are right (once again !) , 25' is not enough to prepare the aircraft. everybody is wanabee, everybody flies at flight simimualtor ..
around 200 Easyjet aircraft are doing 25 minutes turnaround every day anyway (you are not the only one to be superman, I am sorry to say ).

Just relax J.M. !! Andy Harrisson will laught at you
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Old 1st Sep 2007, 00:49
  #194 (permalink)  
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...where to start?

I was about to write a reply explaining the process of a turnaround and the scheduled block times versus actual block times and assigned turnaround times in easyJet and airlines in general. Also I thought about summing up as many external factors affecting OTP as I could to make the picture more clear...

Then decided not too, because I have neither time nor patience to try and teach you what you what you will eventually learn on line, Nuageblanc.

Sorry for being condescending but these are the facts.

As for easyJet not being able to afford a strike, well: easyJet is making sh*tloads of money. LH, BA, and AF etc. still have the long haul to justify their existence (ok, I'm painting a dark picture here). Aviation is changing. What will happen when the LoCo "plague" spreads to long haul? do the math!

From a pilots point of view I think it's a matter of getting what we can now, as the market is in our favor. It changes fast when it does!
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Old 1st Sep 2007, 01:41
  #195 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by nuageblanc
everybody is wanabee
Not everyone, you are right... but you definitely are. You seem to ignore facts that even a CPL student would consider self-evident.

You seem to think that the only thing affecting a turnaround is FMS loading.
You seem to ignore totally the fact that some airfields are more congested than others.
You seem to be oblivious to the fact that sometimes fuel or luggage doesn't turn up, that sometimes passengers go missing, that baggage belts break down etc...
Ever heard of slots? Ever been in BCN in summer? If you had you would understand that 25 mn, or 30 mn or even 45 mn on some occasions is not enough.

You have absolutely no clue whatsoever what an aircraft turnaround involves. I can't believe a serious airline would let you anywhere near one of it's aircraft.

everybody flies at flight simimualtor ..
a simimualtor ?! Is this some kind of sex toy . Suit yourself mate!

Nuageblanc, I think you are a little confused. Very entertaining reading, please continue.

Why is it that you care so much about what's going on in easyJet, now that you fly for a "proper" albeit imaginary airline? Oh, and would you please refresh my memory, as you seem to know me, but I certainly can't remember someone called Guillaume pretending to fly for Britair.

SmokeAndNoise is right, I shouldn't waste my time with you but I must admit I find it quite entertaining to see how far you actually go in showing all of us that the likeliness of you being an airline pilot is about as remote as making a successful 25 min turnaround in BCN these days. ie, zero.

Originally Posted by SmokeAndNoise
As for easyJet not being able to afford a strike, well: easyJet is making sh*tloads of money.
absolutely true. The company has huge cash reserves. Which makes me say that they could indeed "afford" a strike with no problem. Cor's bonus could take a blow though...

From a pilots point of view I think it's a matter of getting what we can now, as the market is in our favor. It changes fast when it does!
My feeling exactly. Share price is back up, no more excuses.
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Old 1st Sep 2007, 08:15
  #196 (permalink)  
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naugeblanc: Why don't you just **** off to somewhere else??

Create a forum for your own fantasy airline and get out of a forum for EZY people. You stated you don't work for EZY so you have nothing to do here, and you clearly knows nothing about what is going on anywhere, be it EZY, the cockpits or the industry in general.

You are waste of space !!!
Old 1st Sep 2007, 08:19
  #197 (permalink)  
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Zbman, there are not a lot of guys having flown for monarch and then easyjet and being never ever happy

Sorry, but because the refueling takes long sometimes, because there are 2 or 3 missing pax stuck in the airport security screening, because there is sometimes an ATC slot due to congestions, because we have to take the hold at some arrivals, beacuse of that you are claiming more monney, and threatening your managers of a strike ?
May I remind you that in all airlines we have the same problems at the airport (slots, missing fluel, slow loading, etc, etc). It is the same at Easyjet, at ryanair, at air france, at Lufthansa, at monarch, everywhere ! and I dont really see why the flight deck crew are claiming more monney for those reasons that we cant really do anything about as a pilot !

Instead of showing yourself egocentric, and pathetic you should at least recognise that the most challenging part of a 25 minutes turnaround is performed by your cabin crew who are disembarking your 150 pax ish, cleaning the disgusting cabin, and boarding another 150 pax with all safety measures.
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Old 1st Sep 2007, 08:49
  #198 (permalink)  
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What a tw*t
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Old 1st Sep 2007, 09:28
  #199 (permalink)  
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I would even go the other way and guess that a successful LoCo is in a better position to afford a strike than a traditional flag carrier. Most LoCo's make profit after profit, while the more established airlines struggle.

The fact is unfortunately that most pilots in those flag carrier actually have pride and self esteem and will therefore fight to improve their lives. Or at least they are willing to fight to stop the rot that is taking place in this industry.

On the other hand, most LoCo pilots are gullible sheep that are easily led to the slaughterhouse. Working harder, paying for their type rating, getting a ****ty pension, getting fed crappy crew meals, enduring the stressful turnarounds day after day while the companies are raking in the cash.

LoCo pilots are very good in procrastinating, "keeping their powder dry for the next battle," or instead prefer to complain about trivial things. Very few pilots for LoCo's come from established airlines that are willing to fight for a well balanced life with regards to fatigue, work, money and health.
Instead they are the blue collar workers of aviation: give em enough dough for a flat screen TV, feed them on fish and chips and they are fat, dumb and sort of happy.

Another reason for the rot in the LoCo industry is that many pilots come from small outfits that have gone bankrupt at one time or another, something which has left most of them traumatized and afraid to fight for good terms and conditions. They are so naive that they believe that by asking for a fair remuneration, they are going to bankrupt the company.

The company knows this and is doing a very good job at dividing and conquering and hiring the right people. While in the mean time, the sweatshop managers are awarding themselves bonus after bonus, believing they are worth it and not the least bit concerned about bankrupting the company...

And BALPA? Their are just reacting (usually too late) to what they are observing. Be it the DDO's, the fatigue 'training,' the fatigue training compensation/sector pay, the reserve period, the current pay deal. Giant loopholes everywhere, just waiting for the company to exploit. A total lack of foresight...
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Old 1st Sep 2007, 09:56
  #200 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by nuageblanc
Zbman, there are not a lot of guys under the name of ... having flown for monarch and then easyjet and being never ever happy
I don't know you sir, but somehow you know me... However if you really knew who I am you never say I am never happy. In fact at the moment, I am quite satisfied. I've got the base I want, and I love my job, and the people I work with. I joined on the assumption that the new management was a bit more pilot-friendly than the previous one, and I must say I am terribly disappointed. I am worried that with their attitude, our conditions could change drasticaly for the worst once we get a new contract. The only thing they will have difficulty reducing is our pay. This is why we NEED to secure the best pay deal now. Contrary to your belief, I am not thinking just about me. I have a young family you see, and my guess is that with the new contracts we can all kiss goodbye to fixed pattern rostering. This is why we must show resolve NOW. Then we stand a better chance. If we wait we will be screwed. I want to still be able to plan my life and take care of my family. Maybe, just maybe, you'll grow up and then you'll understand.

beacuse of that you are claiming more monney, and threatening your managers of a strike ?
No, you haven't understood a single word of all the different posts here. I'm getting worried about your IQ at this stage, and to imagine you might be flying my family somewhere in the future sends chills along my spine. Even though I think you have never flown a CRJ let alone a Cessna, I will try not to fly Britair just to be safe.

and I dont really see why the flight deck crew are claiming more monney for those reasons that we cant really do anything about as a pilot !
see above. Struggling with the english language are we?

that the most challenging part of a 25 minutes turnaround is performed by your cabin crew who are disembarking your 150 pax ish, cleaning the disgusting cabin, and boarding another 150 pax with all safety measures.
That's the only sensible words that have come out from your cheeky little mouth so far. I will add that I have never, ever been delayed due to our cabin crew not being ready. But if you think the cabin is the only limiting factor affecting a turnaround then you are seriously mistaken my friend.

I understand better your limited knowledge of our job, now. My guess is that you are now line checked... as Cabin Crew! Congratulations!

I will now stop replying to your nonsense.
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