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bmi strike?

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Old 13th Aug 2004, 11:05
  #1 (permalink)  
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Question bmi strike?

According to the Daily Telegraph 'News in Brief' this morning bmi (mainline?) pilots are balloting for a strike despite an offer of 1.5% plus extra allowances and holidays

Not seen anything here about it ...
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Old 13th Aug 2004, 11:38
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Old 13th Aug 2004, 13:37
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offer of 1.5% plus extra allowances and holidays
Shame they couldn't get their facts right.

bmibaby pilots are the ones who've been offered the extras. Mainline offer is "1.5%: take it or leave it"!
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Old 13th Aug 2004, 17:16
  #4 (permalink)  
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So, in actual fact, they are being offered a pay cut!!!! They have every right to go on strike.
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Old 13th Aug 2004, 17:25
  #5 (permalink)  
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bmibaby pilots are the ones who've been offered the extras.
No they haven't.

They've been offered a change to roster patterns, but no reduction in productivity.
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Old 13th Aug 2004, 21:14
  #6 (permalink)  
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It's also only 1.5% this year after nothing at all last year! No extras.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 08:01
  #7 (permalink)  
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So in total over two years, an approximate 4.5% reduction in salaries (assuming inflation at 3% per year.)

Sounds to me like BMI management taking the p**s !!

Hope you guys do go on strike. If you don't take a stand, you'll continue to be shafted over and over again.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 11:35
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Easy Glider

I agree with everything you say.

Having read the recent three page "rant" from the Ops Diector I'm not surprised that the pilots find themselves in this somewhat unenviable situation.

To the Company: You reap what you sow.

Good luck ladies and gentlemen.

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Old 14th Aug 2004, 12:43
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Hope you guys do go on strike.
Well I sincerely hope that we DO NOT go on strike, if it gets to that stage then everyone loses one way or the other. A strike is a horrible situation to get into.

However if the offer stays at 1.5% I will vote for strike action and am more than prepared to carry it through by walking off the aircraft when the time comes. The offer is derisory and deserves our contempt. BTW it's not just the pilots, none of the union groups have settled to my knowledge and we are not the only ones in dispute with the company.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 14:36
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It's a sad state of affairs but everyone in the company is pissed off and fed up to the hilt. This is heading for industrial action due to the management's inaction. I can assure you that this time the pilots will follow through unless the management change their offer considerably. Time will tell.

The Count.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 14:44
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It sounds to me as if this is not restricted to BMI pilots. Indeed if BMI was changed to BA, I feel as if the comments made would be equally as valid.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 17:51
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The ironic point here is that 2 years of sweet FA will end up costing far more than if a half sensible offer had been tabled. By far the majority of bmi pilots I've spoken too are now looking for a rise that will put them on par with what they where earning two years ago (far from industry leading!). This would not have been the case had a reasonable offer been made in the first instance without the "take or leave it" attitude.

Let the battle commence
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 06:23
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My flatmate Krysty has let me borrow his computer, so this is the first and last intelligible post under his handle.

In my opinion, bmi mainline and Baby staff have been let down badly by the guys and gals at bmi regional who have just voted to accept the 1.5% offer, by a slim majority.

This only goes to reinforce the impression that ABZ can push around its staff whenever it so chooses.

As I am told by a reliable source, not happy with the results of a previous No vote, ABZ called for a second bite at the cherry. By this time a huge number of new pilots had joined (who are unlikely to vote against management) and a few more had decided to leave (and they just want to get max money before they go) - so the vote was swung and ABZ notch up yet another win....

Bugger the rest of us.
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 09:35
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Krzysztof has it about right.

ABZ were so suprised by the no vote they demand an immediate re-vote on the grounds that only 75% of the flight-deck bothered to vote and had the missing 25% voted for the deal the company would have won. s

After a bit of angst and gnashing of teeth the CC told them that the vote would stand unless there were enough changes to the offer to warrant a second ballot. A bit more to-ing and fro-ing and ABZ made just enough changes to fringe T&C's (the first improvement in at least 6 years, but regional T&C's are so monumently awful it didn't really amount to all that much) to legitimatley ask for a new ballot. Interestingly, tucked away in a dark corner of the deal was a rather dinky little divide and conquer rule slipped in to help sweeten the pill. If any other part of the bmi group settles for a pay rise greater than 1.5% then bmir will get the same settlement. I can only hope that it applies allround.

I think some people may have been so surprised at getting any consessions at all out of WH that in a sudden rush of blood to the head they voted in favour of the amended offer. The vote result was narrowly in favour 46-53, hardly a ringing endorsement of the offer, but it is just enough for "The Management" to say that democracy has spoken. (but I'm all for a re-vote on the grounds that at least 18% of the workforce didn't vote)

The 46ish percent that voted against feel as let-down and disappointed as any of you at baby or mainline.

Many of us that vote against did so not only because the offer was a master-class in urine extraction, but also that by doing so we would be showing a bit of the solidarity among pilot workforce within BMI group, it would seem others did't. However I hope given the strength of support for BALPA within the recent recognition ballot this is the last time we will be able to be split as bargaining group.

To all at manline and baby good luck with your negotiations, may you have more success than we in the provinces.

Best Wishes
Lt. Pidgeon
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 12:17
  #15 (permalink)  
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I would hope that no-one in BMI is foolish enough to strike.

The company seems to me, as an outsider, somewhat fragile. It's strategy isn't clear, it isn't making bucketfuls of cash, and it's my guess that, if the market gets bloody this winter, it could just be one of the casualties.

And what would you be striking for? An extra 1%?

Please get real, and understand that strikes belong to the last century (notwithstanding the TGWU dinosaurs at BA), and will not do anything for you and your colleagues in the long term.
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 12:53
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LGS6753 So what do you suggest? Working hand in hand with the management? Doing our best for the company? Taking sound business and cost efficient decisions daily? Saving the company a fortune? Oh wait, the pilots are doing that already and still getting stuffed.. Perhaps that´s why the BM and to an extent , BA pilots are looking at alternative, more effective ways of being paid a decent rate for the job. If that means being a be it.
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 13:05
  #17 (permalink)  
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"The company seems to me, as an outsider, somewhat fragile"

From the tone of the post, LGS doesn't strike me as an outsider
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 13:07
  #18 (permalink)  
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The vote was indeed a narrow majority. i don't think anyone was impressed by the offer, but the whole thing was a mess from the start. The previous crew council had their heads sofar up ABZ arse they would have settled for minus1.5% if told to and the last crew council chairman has just taken a management post, whilst the pay talks were underway!!

Don't be to hard on the bmi regional crews, they have now voted in favour of BALPA which in part was largly down to the old Company council (sorry crew council) pratting about.

The pay deal is over for this year and the single most important thing right now is to get BALPA installed, i think you'll find that ABZ will have a much more difficult task next year, and many want the pay talks to start they day after BALPA agree terms of reference with ABZ.
Old 16th Aug 2004, 14:13
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“It's strategy isn't clear”

Perhaps true, however this is a problem with Management and has little to do with the people who work very hard for the company.

“it isn't making bucketfuls of cash”

Really. Very few people know the real state of bmi’s finances. There are many mechanisms for hiding a company’s true fiscal state and presenting a picture of woe. Ask any accountant worth his salt. The Company has always been financially in trouble and yet Sir M’s position in the Rich List keeps on rising.

“And what would you be striking for? An extra 1%?”

This in truth is perhaps the saddest part. Last year we got 0% and amended our T&C’s so that the company could use us much more productively.

In October, iaw our Agreement For Service, we submitted a pay claim which, instead of being discussed, was ignored. Four months later we are told that we will take 1.5%.

All we are asking for is a reasonable rise that would leave us roughly where we were 2 years ago, not trailblazing at the top of the T&C’s ladder in the industry.

“Please get real, and understand that strikes belong to the last century”

Along with treating the workforce with contempt, so perhaps it is quite fitting.

NOBODY wants a strike but if it is the only language management will listen to then it is our only option. It may be painful in the short term, or even terminal, but many people have put invested a lot of their lives in this company and would like to stay working for it, but only if it is worth working for. If we do nothing it won’t be.

Bearing in mind our CEO is paid a similar amount to the CEO of BA and had a pay rise on the basis that he should get the going rate of a CEO because the company should pay the going rate, perhaps we should be going for the same principle. UK airline+ airbus + LHR = BA!

“I would hope that no-one in BMI is foolish enough to strike.”

Foolish or just hacked off enough to do something about it. Again nobody wants to strike but it is the management who seem to want us to.
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Old 16th Aug 2004, 15:43
  #20 (permalink)  
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I have to say that the current feeling amongst the pilots is stronger than I have ever seen ( and I have been here for a while!).

They asked for our good will after 9/11 and we gave it. They fed us the Sound bites about us all being management level employees. They tell us that there is no money for pay rises and A.R gets 29%. They tell us we are valuable to them, then tell us they don't care if we leave.

I think they have cried wolf once too many times. Although a strike may bear serious consequencies, I believe it is the only way to make them realise how much we do mean to the business.

I have seen even the most placid and content characters turn recently, So I don't think there will be a big suprise when the count comes out in favour of action.
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