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Old 28th Mar 2011, 01:43
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Been reading about ADS-B.

Can someone explain to me what ADS-C is? It says contract and peer to peer....I really don't understand

Can you provide an example when it is used? eg which airspace? and what are the pre-requisite ( equipments)?

Do u need to have ADS-B to use ADS-C? Sorry if its a dumb question...i tried reading...its getting me nowhere. Maybe its my (poor) english.

Thank you in advance.
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Old 28th Mar 2011, 11:10
  #2 (permalink)  
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I am not very knowledgeable about ADS-C (I'm more of an ADS-B wizard), however, my understanding is that both ADS-A and ADS-C communications are carried out via the ACARS system, whereas ADS-B communications are emitted from the aircraft via either the transponder (1090 MHz method) or, in very small aircraft in the United States, via a UAT (Universal Access Transmitter).

There is a fairly comprehensive article on Wikipedia that explains ACARS, at this link: Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. There is also a fairly comprehensive article on Wikipedia about ADS-B at this link: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast.

I think if you read the ACARS article first, then the ADS-B article second, you will be able to get a pretty good understanding of the differences between the ADS-A and ADS-C systems and the ADS-B system.

The three ADS systems are all mutually independent, you don't need one in order to use the other.

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Old 28th Mar 2011, 12:17
  #3 (permalink)  
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From what I've read and had some classes about, ADS-C is like a separated dedicated link.

It will generally be used, for example, for airline operations communications. It will have a fee and will be charged.

It's a system independent from ADS-B in and out, whereas as far as I know, ADS-C is not intended for air traffic and air space management.

Now, that's what I hear, which could be proven wrong.
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Old 28th Mar 2011, 21:16
  #4 (permalink)  
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ADS Contract or ADS-C is part of the FANS-1/A equipment and is referred to as

ADS-C reporting is controlled by the ground station in all situations other than emergency contracts. Only the flight crew can declare and cancel ADS emergency reporting. Although the crew can initiate the emergency reporting mode, the aircraft cannot initiate a contract. If there are no current contracts with a ground station, the pilot can "arm" the mode and then the mode will affect any subsequent contracts.

There are three basic contract types; the Periodic Contract, the Event Contract and the Demand Contract. There are also a number of "on-request" information groups within the FANS-1/A ADS functionality that can be added to the Basic ADS Report for downlinking as part of an ADS report.

The event contracts available in the FANS-1/A system are:
• the Vertical Rate Change Event,
• the Lateral Deviation Event,
• the Altitude Range Change Event, and
• the Waypoint Change event.

Last edited by FlightPathOBN; 28th Mar 2011 at 21:20. Reason: add link
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Old 5th Apr 2011, 13:01
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In very basic terms ,it can be part of the CPDLC or Controller Pilot Data Link Communication. Or it can work on it's own.

Now this is a very basic description but it can download a full position report automatically on crossing a way point via ACARS +VHF/SATCOM without any pilot interaction after loggin on.

Used in many non radar environments, say North Atlantic Tracks, North Canadian Flexi Tracks, Mumbai FIR etc etc so we don't need to call on HF every 10 degrees. ATC get out report automatically.

In an emergency it can continously send the aircrafts postion if it's in distress.

So an automated datalink position reposting system...maybe.

ADS-B broadcasts it's info like Mode-S via the transponder, so it's range is limted and it's a one way broadcast. C or Contract, 'logs-on'.
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Old 26th Mar 2015, 15:01
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When they say peer to peer it means that the 2 sides (the airborne station and the ground station) perform a "hand shake" after the airborne element has logged on to the system That's part of the ADS-C system. the C stands for contract, meaning both have entered into an agreement to exchange certain information and instructions.

This is normally in the form of some type of subscription agreement between the aircraft operator and the service provider. It's more detailed than that but that's about a simple of an explanation in layman's term needed to understand the concept. CPDLCC could come under this agreed link in certain scenarios, but it does not have to be part of the ADS-C agreement and although they are tied together, they are not the same. ADS-B on the other hand does not require a subscription agreement.

If an aircraft is equipped, and turned on, the aircraft determines it's position continuously and will BROADCAST an updated info package every second. There is a lot more in the message than just position, but that's beyond the scope of your question. Another significant difference between the 2 is the timing, or cycle of information sent, received or exchanged. As stated, ADS-B make a broadcast out every 2nd with specific data. With ADS-C, it is around 20 minutes for a 'normal' report. That could change depending on the need of the ground station, or if the pilot enters an emergency mode, or certain other events aboard the aircraft trigger an immediate update transmission. ADS-B has the accuracy, reliability and reliability to be pretty much a very good replacement for traditional radar systems used in ATC. Also, ADS-B aircraft, if equipped with ADS-B IN to receive a significant amount of date that is broadcast from the ground - traffic information, weather data, NOTAMS, etc.

Normally, for sure in the USA, this data does not require a subscription fee to be paid by the user. You just have to get it installed in the aircraft. ADS-C on the other hand, can not be expected to replace ATC radars due to the long update/refresh rates. It can be used in conjunction with CPDLC in certain areas and clearances where it does not have to be closely monitored by ATC, as in over oceanic airspace and an altitude change is approved or issued and nearby traffic is not an issue. I hope that helps and did not make the confusion worse. I just finished preparing a presentation on this subject. ADS-B by itself is over 50 slides long, and that was the simple version.
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Old 28th Mar 2015, 13:56
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I had some difficulty understanding it as well. It seemed that the information was scattered around in various documents and only partial answers or difficult to understand information. So I downloaded stuff and took the best quotes from several articles, simplified it and made my own notes as written below. Therefore, there could be inaccuracies or out of date information. Maybe ATC Chopper can proof read it. Enjoy........

ADS-C is an automatic reporting system that is part of the FANS 1/A equipment in an aircraft. The primary objective of the ADS-C application is to provide automated aircraft position and intent data for ATC. It may also be useful in air traffic flow and airspace management. ADS-C replaces pilot position reports by voice and/or CPDLC. This allows controllers to obtain position data and other information from appropriately equipped aircraft in a timely manner in accordance with the controllers requirements allowing the aircraft to be tracked in airspace where radar surveillance service is not available.

The ADS-C application supports the following services: 4-Dimensional Trajectory Data Link, Information Exchange and Reporting, and Position Reporting. The ATC unit is capable of requesting the aircraft system to provide the ADS-C reports to the ATSU system in three ways:
a) on demand;
b) on a periodic basis;
c) when triggered by certain events.

The ATC unit specifies under what conditions ADS-C reports will be initiated, and what data will be contained in the reports. This requested information can vary from unit to unit.

ADS-C relies on specific contracts (or agreements) being established between the ground system and the aircraft's avionics. Basically, this means that the ground system provides the aircraft with a list of reports it is required to send and specifies when they are required to be sent.

The aircraft automatically complies by providing the information that its installation is capable of providing which can vary from aircraft to aircraft, and depending on its capability, may or may not include all the ATC requested information. ADS-C is a Dependent Surveillance because the ground system is dependent on reports from the aircraft - rather than primary radar which gets aircraft position information independent of what the aircraft is doing. The initial purpose of ADS-C has been to provide surveillance for aircraft operating in non-surveillance(non-radar) airspace.

The ADS reports are converted by data link equipped ground stations into an ADS track and presented on the controller's air situation display to provide enhanced situational awareness and the potential for reduced separation standards. ADS-C data can be used by the ground system automation to identify violations and potential violations of separation minima.

The indication given to the ADS-C controller varies for different equipment vendors, but generally an actual report is shown and then, based on information received in the report (ETA, speed...), extrapolation symbols are displayed until the next report is received.

Types of Contracts

The use of ADS-C with a minimum reporting rate (not greater than every 14 mins) allows longitudinal and lateral separation standards in oceanic areas to be reduced to 30NM/30NM. There are a number of contract types:

Periodic Contract: A report sent every "x" minutes. This can vary among various ground stations to suit their needs. The Periodic Contract specifies the reporting rate at which the avionics is required to assemble and downlink the requested information to the ground system. Once a periodic contract is established, it remains in place until it is cancelled or replaced by another periodic contract.

Event Contract: This can be one of four events which are waypoint crossing, Lateral Deviation Event(actual position exceeds the contracted lateral distance from the aircraft's expected position on the active FMS flight plan), Altitude Range Change Event(exceeding contracted value), and Vertical Rate Change Event(exceeding contract limits).

Demand Contract: a one-off request made by a controller for an ADS report containing only the Basic ADS Group. The Demand Contract is commonly known as a "one shot" report and is useful for updating ADS data and position information.

Each report from the aircraft includes the Basic ADS Group, which contains the current location and the altitude/level. The ground system receives the reports, and based on the vendor, will interpolate between the received data points. Current ATC designs are using more frequent update requests and fewer interpolations.

The Waypoint Change Event is triggered by a change made to the Next, or the Next-plus-one waypoint. This change normally occurs due to normal waypoint sequencing by the FMS. The Next or Next-plus-one waypoint can be either an ATS waypoint or a pilot inserted waypoint.

A situation where a Demand Contract report is useful is when an ADS aircraft is climbing or descending. The ADS level displayed for the flight data record does not update dynamically. That is, unlike a Mode C level readout, the ADS level displays the last level information reported and does not change until a new report is received.

Periodic Reports can also contain various groups of optional data generated by the avionics. Some ground systems will ask for automatic inclusion of this other data as part of the contract. Depending on its options, the aircraft may or may not be able to comply. This can include items such as wind/temperature(MET Group), ETA, altitude and Lat/Long for next position, next position +1(Predicted Route Group), true track, ground speed, vertical rate(Earth Ref Group), and Intent Group for route conformance.

The majority of information is exchanged system-to-system and is not specifically seen by either the controller or the pilot. In fact, the pilot can only turn the ADS-C application on or off, and select the ADS-C emergency mode on or off. And, in many ground systems, the controller can only change the periodic reporting rate for a particular aircraft to cater for situations, such as traffic density, where a higher or lower reporting rate is required or to manually request a Demand Contract in order to update the ATC display.

Other than emergency contracts, ADS-C reporting is controlled by the ground station in all situations Only the flight crew can declare and cancel ADS emergency reporting. Only the aircraft is capable of initiating, changing, or canceling the emergency/urgency mode. The provision of the emergency/urgency indication does not affect the operation of any ADS-C contract(s).

ADS contracts are established by the ground station following a logon from an aircraft. Where possible an agreement should be established between an aircraft and the ground system prior to the entry into airspace where ADS-C is in use. An agreement may also remain in effect for a period of time after an aircraft has exited this airspace. Termination of an ADS-C agreement may should be achieved automatically by the ground system.

Although, ADS and CPDLC are separate applications, they both use the same logon from the aircraft for their own purposes. ADS and CPDLC differ in the number of possible connections between one aircraft and various ground stations. For CPDLC, only one unit can communicate with a particular aircraft at any one time, and there can be only one other (inactive) CPDLC connection. For ADS, an aircraft can have connections with a maximum of four ground stations, plus another connection to the Airline's Operational Control area (AOC).

When an aircraft is on an offset route from the FMS route that exceeds 21 miles, any relevant waypoints on the original route will not be sequenced by the FMS. When a waypoint is not sequenced by the FMS, the intent information will continue to project to the just passed abeam waypoint until manually corrected by the pilot.

ADS-B is a separate system from ADS-C. As the name suggests, it operates in a broadcast mode where the aircraft broadcasts positional information on a regular basis into the ether. Any appropriately equipped station, including other aircraft, can intercept ADS-B reports from one aircraft. The reporting rate for ADS-B is significantly higher than ADS-C, which makes ADS-B a good candidate as a pseudo radar replacement system in traffic situations.

Note: when crossing into a new FIR, a position report is to be manually sent even if the aircraft is ADS-C equipped. This provides confirmation to ATC that the ADS-C equipment is selected to the proper FIR. It should not be assumed that a position report will automatically be sent at the FIR boundary if there is a waypoint at that location. Anchorage Oceanic uses 20 minute intervals for position reports not waypoints.
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Old 28th Mar 2015, 19:54
  #8 (permalink)  
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This is simplified, but:

ADS-B = Transponder protocol

ADS-C = SATCOM protocol and is normally used concurrently with CPDLC (Controller/Pilot Datalink Communications), but can be used without CPDLC.

Both ADS-B and ADS-C are used for Air Traffic Control, but for different purposes. ADS-C is not yet used for company communications. Most companies would like to see their flight's ADS-C reports, but that is not a functional part of ADS-C (yet).

ADS-C is typically used for oceanic or remote areas, so the aircraft's contractual reporting takes place over a longer period of time (10+ minutes typically). The time between reports is less for airspace where it's necessary (30 nm Lateral/30 nm longitudinal, or Reduced Lateral or Longitudinal Separation airspace). This allows ATC to more quickly identify the need for conflict resolution.

More than one Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) can see one aircraft's ADS-C reports at the same time. With CPDLC, only one ANSP can have current datalink authority (communications) with the pilots.

ADS-C is not considered surveillance control.

ADS-B is normally considered surveillance control. In fact, the aircraft's visibility to ATC is better because the aircraft's position is updated more often than most conventional radars.

You can learn more about both ADS-C and CPDLC by referring to ICAO's Global Operational DataLink Document (GOLD). Chapter 5 is a good reference for pilots, though most companies have their own slimmed-down version of Chapter 5.
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