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Old 8th Jan 2001, 15:36
  #81 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

DCA is a real joke. Real joke. If I were you BorneoPilot, stay where you are and make a living there. I thought Malaysia was good. You'll know when you go back. Everything is in shambles. All they know is BOLEH here and there. Unless they are able to recognize their weaknesses and improve the management, I think it'd be better for you to get a job there.

The "tidak apa" attitude and the lack of "self pride" amongst many seems to be, in my opinion, the greatest obstacle in achieving "perfection" in anything they do.
And this CANNOT be tolerated in Aviation as there is little room for "imperfections".

You might be shocked to know the amount of hours you need to fly (and hence the amount of money you need to invest) at MFA to convert. MFA is in great need of Help.

Whatever DCA tells you, Make sure you get them to send you a hard copy of whatever your deal with DCA is (CPL/IR conversion etc)
They seem to have different stories everyday.
Bottom line, think twice before going back.

Also, try playing some lotto before going back for the conversion. AND if you do return, please help yourself by not expecting too much from the people whom you'll be dealing with.

All the Best.

[This message has been edited by MASystem (edited 09 January 2001).]
Old 9th Jan 2001, 08:52
  #82 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

Dear Borneo,

Unfortunatly, what MASystem says is very very true, I can see by the way you write that you are quite westenised in your thinking and attitude, personally I think that this is a good thing and especially important in the field of aviation where the flight deck atmosphere should be level and open with crew members working as a team together in harmony to achieve a commen goal which is the safe operation of the aircraft from pushback to docking bay. Unfortunatly in Malaysia we are back in the dark ages and the very points instigated and learned in CRM are ignored, furthermore the open attitude that should be displayed when it is displayed is costrued as rudeness and a bad attitude that will dog you throughout your career in MAS.

Think long and hard before you make this big life / lifestyle decision.

Get you ATPL fast, regards, Captain Wooblah

[This message has been edited by CAPTAIN WOOBLAH (edited 09 January 2001).]
Old 10th Jan 2001, 05:09
  #83 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

training has been real fun here! the weather is so bad OVC002 Icing in the 2000ft level, etc. good IFR training. thank you all for the concern and advice. will take them to heart.
I will document my training progress here soon. about DCA. will need to get all my documents first before sending it to them.
more next time.

question: what are the flight weather in Malaysia? lot`S of TCU avoidance I presume.

Old 14th Jan 2001, 10:23
  #84 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

guys, any tips on NDB circling approaches?
Old 14th Jan 2001, 11:51
  #85 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


First of and foremost, THINK AHEAD & BE READY. Develop that sense of urgency even from the Top of Descent. Hear your heartbeat up your ears! Use that as a tool to judge how well prepared you are.

Alright, assuming you have nailed the sector entry, the holding pattern & the approach, ALL way inside tolerances, you are now into the circling manouevre.

After breaking visual, the first thing you would want to do is assess if you are within the circling area. To assess this, you should be able to see the RWY threshold [you'd be able to see the RWY you are expecting to use (from the TAF or from other aircraft) because you would've thought AHEAD, what the RWY orientation would be relative to your inbound course] and from the threshold, approximate your position to ensure you are inside the circling area.

Then after assessing the visibility and maintaining the required obstacle clearance, you can either descend to your circuit height(if your MDA is above circuit height) while positioning yourself in a KNOWN position - try to fly a normal circuit pattern, weather permitting of course. Otherwise, maintain MDA till you're mid base or on finals, it depends. Again, All this would have been thoroughly planned WELL, WELL AHEAD. Then comes the Pre-Landing checks etc.

Always THINK AHEAD. If you f**k up anything, be it in the holding or you went out of tolerances turning INBD, NEVER look back at what you have done wrong, it can wait till you got the chocks back on later. Focus on what's next. BE READY. Tell yourself, F**k It and lets move on!.

Always talk yourself through the flight. Set your own standards and aim to better those standards on every flight.

Never let your aircraft take you somewhere your brain did not get to 5 minutes earlier!

Last but not least, all this can only be achieved if you are KEEN enough to get it done. In addition to the above, for goodness sake, don't be a Stealth, let everyone in the circuit / AD know where you are & what you're doing - DONT FORGET THE RADIO CALLS.

Be Professional & ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT!


[This message has been edited by MASystem (edited 14 January 2001).]
Old 16th Jan 2001, 01:21
  #86 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

to MASystem: Thanks for the tips. will ponder them BEFORE a flight. Circling NDB can become hairy pretty fast if not prepared.

to Wooblah: currently have 170TT, half way through Multi-IR (called it Multi-IFR here)
and what is the differnce between command Multi-IR and Multi-IR? (there is only a multi-IFR rating here in CDN) CPL and IFR ground school running currently. ground schools will be done latest mid-march. then exam time! ATPL frozen - question - Malaysia and Singapore pilots sit for the JAA ATPL exams right? or is it the UK ATPL? I am really confused here - thinking about doing that course here in N-America, after all the `bad news` about training situation at home.
Old 16th Jan 2001, 07:16
  #87 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Apply for a Canadian Permanent Residency status NOW.
Old 16th Jan 2001, 13:18
  #88 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

to MASystem: hah...I wish, but currently don`t really qualify YET...!
ps: what do you fly?
Old 27th Mar 2001, 07:56
  #89 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


How do you do ?

I must be an ancient to reply to this post !

I'd liked to know which Flying School in Canada that you are doing ? How much does it cost and is it worth your money ? I'm from Singapore and I was thinking of going to MFA, but now I changed my mind after reading those post..! Nevertheless my vision and ambition to be an Airline Pilot is still there.. !!

Update me yea !

Thank you very much !

Old 29th Mar 2001, 12:17
  #90 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

hello Hermie,
It`s good to hear from someone that is interested in an aviation career. for further information about schools in CDN. email me at
[email protected]

Old 12th May 2001, 06:33
  #91 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hey BP how is it going? Passed the INRAT Yet?
Old 12th May 2001, 14:02
  #92 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hello Gnote,
I am glad to announce that the INRAT exam
was a success! next up get the CPL written out of the way, then the fun part starts - flying!
ps: Are employers interested in how good/bad one`s written test results are?

Old 12th May 2001, 20:07
  #93 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Congrats on passing the INRAT Bud!!! Although it is kinda strange that your school is making you complete your IFR Rating before getting your CPL, typically it is the other way around. Anyways NO employer cares what marks you got in your exams, all they care about is that you have your licences in hand. What are your future plans like? Are you going to stay in Canada and instruct?
Old 13th May 2001, 03:41
  #94 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi Borneo Pilot,
Just wanna wish you all the best in your flying career. If you have decided to start flying in Far East; converting your license through Malaysian DCA is perhaps the best way. It may be troublesome or tedious but definitely worth the effort once you get it done.
Old 16th May 2001, 09:05
  #95 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Thanks Gnote!
actually, getting my multi-IFR before my
CPL was my own idea. that way, I will spend
less money and the 200 hours flight time required before one can get a CPL is
satisfied all at once.

after all this...would like a job!
will fly anything, anywhere.
preferably not the instructor route.
any suggestions anyone?

Old 16th May 2001, 18:48
  #96 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Did you try the Cadet program at Singapore Airlines? I am not sure if I asked you that before. I finally got an answer from the DCA about my conversion to the MAlaysian Licence and I was exempted from half the written exams. By the way it took almost 1 year and loads of remainder phone calls before I got a response. If you want to stay in Canada, the best route is to instruct while on a Work Visa and then for apply Permanent resident status. I am not sure if they will issue you a Work Visa for a Line or Charter Pilot, but contact the Immigration Folks and ask them anyways. Let me know.

Old 19th May 2001, 11:02
  #97 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Are you thinking of heading back to Malaysia?
Where are you flying now? What equipment?
how did you get there? How long did it take?

Singapore Airlines, attended their recruiting presentation last year and made some contacts.
Will try, but I think I am out of their age bracket. but will try anyhow.

Old 22nd May 2001, 01:20
  #98 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I am currently flying charters in Alberta. Took many months of looking around to get flying. Yes, I was thinking of going back to Malaysia to work if I get an oppurtunity. Were you interviewed in Singapore for SIA? How old are you now if you don't mind me asking?
Old 26th May 2001, 11:17
  #99 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I`m 26 and I think the cut off for SQ`s
cadet program is 25 for Malaysians.
How many hours required to get a charter job? did you instruct before that?

Old 28th May 2001, 22:34
  #100 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

When I got my charter position I had just under 1000 hrs. I had accumulated time flying guys with strange desires to jump out of planes (skydivers). Flew them for a year and a half. Lots of fun and a great time builder and never got an instructors rating. Nothing wrong with instructing, you will get loads of experience and time.

Too bad about the age requirement for Singapore Airlines. Have you started looking at other places in Malaysia or Canada?

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