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Old 22nd Dec 2000, 09:27
  #61 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Milleniumdinosaur & MAStake

There must then be some truth in what I say for both of you to be irked by it. Maybe you are the junior who overtook the Ex-AirForce senior pilots who had to go and serve the Twin Otter for 3-5 years after they passed their ATPL By the time these ex-AF pilot comes on the F27 they do not have the criteria to go on to the B737 and you juniors overtook them again and so on to the wide body.

"If all you allege is true what are YOU doing about it now? "

Yes we cannot undo the past, but by highlighting it here, in future no ex-AF pilots will be conned again by the airline. Also I'm working on informing my MP that in future to be a pilot in MAS the applicant must have served 7-10 years in the Air Force.

To come out in the open, you must be joking what with the mentality that we have in MAS. Would you? Otherwise both of you can put both your foot in your mouth.

Old 24th Dec 2000, 17:48
  #62 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Bitch and Moan ...... that's all you're good for.

When you finally get some cojones then you can join the major league ..... before that, keep on bitching. That's all you're good for.
Old 24th Dec 2000, 19:25
  #63 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Oldass,if somebody posted on the net that you were a cretin I for one would be irked by it. Even a cretin couldn't be that stupid. Would that mean that there was truth to that statement?

Your powers of deduction require considerable honing.

GROW UP_!!!!!!!
Old 25th Dec 2000, 08:35
  #64 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

To all AF pilots who do not want to be conned by the airline:

Old 25th Dec 2000, 12:47
  #65 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

..... and if you did join the airline then you must be intellectually challenged. Oldass is proof of that.
Old 3rd Jan 2001, 00:05
  #66 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

MAStake, small fatt can you just piss off..
Stop making a fool of yourself here.
Old 3rd Jan 2001, 05:42
  #67 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I may be a fool but that's preferable to being a MORON like oldass.
Old 3rd Jan 2001, 10:07
  #68 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

If one is unable to counter-argue then the obvious solution is to tell one's opponent to "shut up" or "piss off."

Doesn't say much for you oldass.

But what else can be expected from an old ass except hot air from the rear?
Old 3rd Jan 2001, 11:20
  #69 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

There are many, if not the majority of ex AF or OLD pilots who look down on the younger pilots. They don't seem to care about capabilities, potential and other positive qualities of the younger pilots. Most of them think it is unfair that they had to suffer so much for so long to earn as much as a 'young punk' who had it all easy. They seem to want every other pilots to suffer as much as they did and they seem to blame all their suffering on other people.

First of all, looking down on others is a sign of inadequacy. The fear of being inferior. The constant need to tell oneself that he/she is better than others is another sign. Allowing others who are perceived as inferior to be in the same or higher category as him/her, is a blow to his/her percieved status and ego. Inadequate people tend to go to extremes to prove his/her worth and such are more prone to take dangerous chances.

The branding of the younger pilots of being inferior, is a poor resource management as it will cause them not to exploit the abilities of the younger pilots. As such they will make poorer leaders.

Wanting everyone else to suffer and go through as much oneself reminds me of a story in a religion. Once there was an exalted Angel who refused to prostate to a human seen as inferior to itself. So god cast him out and stripped him from his high position. The fallen angel was furious and blames the human. He vowed he would take as many humans to suffer his fate of endless suffering in hell. Wanting difficulty, hardship or suffering for others is just plain evil. If you hate the younger pilots earning as much as you then hate it all you want but don't blame, look down or make it difficult for them.

To OldAce, would you please elaborate again as to what experiences that you gained in the AF, that can't be learned elsewhere, and is so important to civillian flying, that all MAS pilots should fly AF first? Maybe, other people might have other thoughts about it too.
Old 3rd Jan 2001, 17:52
  #70 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

The reply you'll get from oldass will be :
"shut up"
"piss off"

or words to that effect.

I wonder if he learned that from the Air Farce ......... hmmmmmmm!!!!
Old 3rd Jan 2001, 17:58
  #71 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi fellow far-eastern ppruners,
I have been a regular visitor to this forum but never a contributor until now that is.
This far eastern forum is especially interesting, because of the quality (or lack of) posts and replies here.
It is getting like Jerry Springer everyday and I want in!!
We have characters like OldAce, Pilost, etc brilliant!
Allow me to get my 2 cents worth in....

To Old Ace- From your postings you must be a pretty aged and experienced driver. But with all that bitterness in you no wonder the younger guys in MAS who flew with you as your co-pilot are messed up. Imagine having you as a role model. I can only imagine, apart from having to handle ATC communications and paperwork and Wx monitoring they have to hear your bitching and complaining and bad-mouthing throughout the flight.
Understand this Ace, all you bitterness inside will have the better of you sooner rather than later. After all these years you are adding more enemies to your ever growing list. The way I look at it, the same co-pilots that you flew with years ago and bitched to years ago are the same people that you are now bitching about. You have no others to blame but yourself for the general image that the cadets have of the ex-AF.
After all they had you to look up to.

[This message has been edited by prunejuice (edited 03 January 2001).]
Old 4th Jan 2001, 10:23
  #72 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Assumptions, assumptions and more assumptions…

I can sense that kurmitola had bowed out and had send some young chickos to take over his place to lambast me. No fear..I had been 'baptized' under real fire in planes before.

Now coming to the first assumption….how do you know that I had treated my co-pilot badly. For me when I'm in the cockpit its fully professionals even with some sh*t ass pilots. unlike some (e.g. Camel, go ask him how many pilots he had messed up). I leave my home problems, financials worries and personal grudes and opinion out of the cockpit and that includes religion and politics. Since 1968 my co-pilots had mostly (98%) had been happy flying with me. I was practicing CRM way back then when CRM had not even being evolved yet.

It was lately that there are some #ss-hole types of pilot who had come up too fast especially the Taliban backed ones that p*ss me off. Don't get me wrong I work well with most co-pilots its just the odd few who got the backing of their Taliban godfather. Other co-pilots and young Captains fear not, my statements were not directed at you.

So I reckon again that both of you are nothing but some #ss holes send by kurmitola the Taliban to antagonize me. If you have no in-depth understanding of the whole issues…just piss off before you too get burned.

Just observe MAStake how pathetic he looks trying to get my attentions with his 2 liner statements and 4 postings before he gets my response.

Old 4th Jan 2001, 13:16
  #73 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Now Guys...
What did I tell you ? Even people from the other side of the world could not but notice whats at the back of Oldass's skull !!!
No mate , I was away on a flight and ever willing to prove that you are a disgrace to the AF and sadly to MH too.....
Old 4th Jan 2001, 18:52
  #74 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Oldass, your stupidity is overwhelming.
Old 4th Jan 2001, 20:53
  #75 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hey Old Ace,

Make that a one line statement!
Must be a MAStake?
I hear KLIA is the No. 1 airport in the world. In stealing pax luggage that is. Not exactly what they were aiming for?
How come the only aircraft i saw on ground at KLIA were halal aircraft? Do they get a special discount?
Old 6th Jan 2001, 08:05
  #76 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Those MAB check-in baggage scanners at KLIA is so advanced that can distingush between USD and JPY, fake and genuine diamonds. With many blind spots in the 2km+ transfer tunnel, ill discipline staffs amd crap management, stolen lugagge is no doubt among the highest in the world (in percentage).
Old 6th Jan 2001, 19:51
  #77 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Maybe if we put some ex-AF personnel there the situation may improve.
Oldass, you should speak to your MP again.
Old 7th Jan 2001, 09:36
  #78 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down message board is getting very childish. as a relatively new aviator myself, I cringe to think about those characters that I will eventurely fly with..
we, pilots should set a good example to the new-bies or wanabees.

some good and constructive posts....guys and gals?
Old 7th Jan 2001, 15:06
  #79 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

With a bit more experience you'll learn to bitch and moan like the rest of us.
Old 8th Jan 2001, 07:27
  #80 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Dear Borneo Pilot,

Have you enquired as to conversion of your Canadian license to Malaysian with regard to the DCA (Malaysia).

I posted the relevent steps for you earlier!
Perhaps you should start the process now as it will take a considerable ammount of time to complete, things move much more slowly here as compared with Canada.

And how is your training going? Have you passed your CPL and or ATPL, What about your Command instrument rating and Multi engine Instrument rating and training. Are your legs sore from EFATO's, how many flying hours do you have in the log book now?

I would be most interested in your progress and would be most appreciative if you could post your progress in far east for all the other wanabees training overseas as I believe that it would be of immense help to all of you in the same predicament.

Happy New Year, Wooblah.

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