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Old 16th Dec 2000, 13:06
  #41 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

And the truth is that Oldass is one old and bitter soul who is trying to live in his past glory ( if any....). What a shame has he put on the other ex-air force guys whom are good and dont spent more than 7 years in the company before getting their widebody command. Well done lads...keep it up.
Old 16th Dec 2000, 16:21
  #42 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I have a mixed feeling after reading the threads.

I started flying lesson 15 yrs ago cos the air force rejected my application for cadet pilot.It took me 2 yrs to do my PPL cos I was always run out of money, and often have to sneak pass under the accounts clerk window at the flying club cos I have no money to pay for that day's flight.

After PPL,I applied for my national airlines but was turned down thinking that maybe by doing self-sponsore CPL might stand a chance.

So with my request my family sold our house to fund me for my CPL and took a additional loan for my instrument rating.

After completing the CPL/IR with almost 500 applications sent out to airlines all over the world as far as places I never heard before,I found myself jobless, homeless and worst of all penniless and foodless.

I started to provide free flying to anyone as long as they provide me three meals a day. I even had to fly illegally for operators without insurance/visa/c of a etc just to fill my stomach and clock hours. At the worst point was that the creditors were after my family's back for the loan.

I never gave up, I never complaint, I never blamed anyone for anything cos I understand no body owes me a living and no body told me the world is fair.

Today, with about 2000hrs, almost 1000 jet and 500 turboprop (gained with most short term, free lance, instruction and rock bottom salary job)I am still jobless and not complaining cos maybe I am not good enough for airlines, or maybe my luck/break is not due yet, or I have not met the right people at the right time, at the right place. But most of all I know no body in this world owes me a living.

I am not refering to anyone's thread and if I had accidentally offended anybody, my apologies.

Cheers guys and girls.
Old 17th Dec 2000, 03:24
  #43 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

Boy....this is depressing...the big guys critisizing each other, MAS is being run into the ground, some jobless pilot starving and newbie pilots wondering if what he/she getting into has a future in Malaysia.

well....Merry Christmas Everyone!
Old 17th Dec 2000, 10:16
  #44 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Merry Christmas and Hari Raya to all ppruners wherever you may be. Joblessflyer, I seriously admire your strength and courage and all I can say is keep your spirits up and hopefully your time will come. It's people like you that make flying together more enjoyable after all the sweat and tears you've put in. Good luck in your endeavours.
Milleniumdinousar, if you have the time and experience that OldAce has acquired over the years then you're entitled to your comments but up to then show some respect or else 'Shut Up'. Try to understand the big picture and engage your brain before opening your mouth.

If it moves, then funk it!
Old 17th Dec 2000, 10:35
  #45 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Well Bp,

There are a lot of situations you can find yourself in. If you take driving a car for example, initially you can't wait till you're 18 to take the driving test and drive your old man's car to town and take your girlfriend out on a date with, and probably dreaming of the sports car you'd like to own and drive by 25.

You don't put the negativities in your mind like what if I fail the test 10 times, what if I get involved in an accident and kill my best friend or a family member or what if, what if?????? Do you?

The point is, if you want to ultimately be put off from flying altogether, then visiting this thread/forum is one of the ways you can do that. You will probably be one of the young chikus Old Ace mentioned about and if you're so depressed by what you read....then don't. There are a lot of self help books out there in the bookstores. Try Anthony Robbins...

You are in a different league and in a different time zone, so don't take NO from an unqualified person. Old Ace, Pilost, Wooblah, Kurmit, Slasher, each have their points because they have experienced what's good and bad for them. Everybody has their story.

If you really want to work here in Mal, Sin or even in Canada, go for it. Experience it before you decide whether or not it is good for you.

I know a guy like Mr Jobless too but was quite put off by his lack of back bone and his attitude of putting himself first before the family. Even tho' there were many other job openings for him, he didn't want to do any of them, because he believed that he was born to be a pilot and nothing else will do. I am not saying Joblessflyer has no back bones, but what I am saying is there is usaually more to it.

I am having a great time flying and loving every minute of it, not to mention the parties we have with the cabin crews, my weekly travels to foreign lands which is paid for by the company, meeting all sorts of people, some other perks that we still enjoy from the company, prospects for retiring wealthy and lots other blessings that we tend to take for granted after a while...because like everybody else....we want more!!! and familiarity breeds contempt. If I can help it, why not?

So, do the right thing by deciding what you'd like to do for yourself in the future and bloody well complete it. Take the necessary steps to achieve employment and soon you'll be 50yrs old and back in this thread bitchin like everyone else. You probaly be saying..."During my time....." and now "You young chikus....". Then you everyone else too.
Old 17th Dec 2000, 12:21
  #46 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Why do you always talk with sh*t in your brain and harping the same old thing about being old and bitter again and again. Is your brain so fogey that you don't you have any other points to make.

The other thing I notice about you, your memory are just short spanned cannot remember what happened just 2-3 years back. Are you growing senile or is it in your genes.

Kurmitola says:

"What a shame has he put on the other ex-air force guys whom are good and don't spent more than 7 years in the company before getting their widebody command."

I am referring to the ex-Air Force guys who joined after 1975 and before 1987 that were held back in their promotions against the MOU policy. What I can't stand are unethical people in the company who make their own rules. But when it comes to their own kind they follow the rules religiously. How much favors corruption money and others had you received. If you are a muslim you are going to be punished heavily when the day of reckoning comes.

No wonder the airline is in such a mess, with idiot people like you running it. People with no moral values, no moral courage, no integrity, immature, and the list goes on and on. Are you one of those Captains who goes around at night knocking on the young stewardesses room to pressure her to go to the discos, bringing black marks to the pilot fraternity. Or are you the one who typed and sent "Anu,Anu,Anu…." for the whole world to see.

Even here you want to write lies and rots, what can I say.

Old 17th Dec 2000, 13:38
  #47 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Talking mean you are in that group. Well ..where do you stand on the seniority list then ? Those guys were promoted because they are senior to you regardless whether they were once your co-pilot. They joined before you, what is there to bitch and moan about? I myself wud prefer the type of seniority that SQ has. But we both dont own the bloody airline (MH) and contreary to what you believe, I dont even run it either.You are quick to dismiss any opinion that do not support your argument ( not a rare thing for Ex Mil ) but you forgot this is a public forum and you can't just ask people to shut-up, try and create your own forum and then you can do whatever you want like deleting opinion that is against what you believe. I,m a normal guy but I cannot stand exeggerations . I dont mean more harm to you espcially and older person but if you continue your Bull#*it I will definitely play on that is wind you up.
Old 17th Dec 2000, 16:27
  #48 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

To Mr Goldwing2000: Thanks for the encouragement.

To Mr Novice: I am at the meantime holding a job clearing rubbish bins, flood sweeping to make some bucks for my baby's powder while waiting for my big break,thanks.
Old 17th Dec 2000, 19:20
  #49 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I've flown longer than you so don't patronise me. When you attain a level of maturity that equates to a monkey then feel free to tell me to shut up. Until then (if ever) keep on bitching .You're a good study in bitterness and lack of CRM (if you know what that stands for, that is.)
Old 18th Dec 2000, 09:31
  #50 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I am not in that group but in a way I'm representing the injustice done to the ex-AF. What we are not happy about is the way that it is done. Ok we had come in with 5000 hours, we are junior in seniority to the co-pilot. We got our command in MAS on the F27 and spend 8 years there. We got on to the B737 as commander and spent another 6 years there. But when there is a vacancy on the wide body you all put an expatriate to block our promotion especially when we got more than the criteria factor.. To reserve the slot for the senior co-pilot who had not even pass his ATPL after joining the airline for 20 years. (Now at this point in time you clever company people tells us we don't have much widebody experience)

What we are angry is the unethical way it is done. In the MOU it is stated that if you have the criteria you can be upgraded to the higher slot irrespective whether you are junior. If there is a commander slot on the wide body and the seniors are not ready for it then we should have filled that slot (as a nationalisation excersise) rather than paying high salary to the expat for many years. The expat could have been placed on the narrow body at less cost to the airline

If the slot is taken by junior pilot just because senior co-pilot cannot pass the ATPL it is just too bad. But reserving the seniority slot for them for 20 years is just too ridiculous.

Then in 1995 under Camel, a new policy came out in secrecy that the senior co-pilot with just only 3 years command experience on the B737 can become commander on the B747-400. You all change the established criteria overnight just like that without much consultation in MAPA. Where does this leave us, commanders with 6 years on wide body and 14 years as commander on narrow body. You mean to say commander with the only 3 years got better track record than us all, in the name of seniority. This is what they call the draconian seniority system like anything else MAS….Mana Ada System.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 09:39
  #51 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Had I ever tell kurmitola,Pilost or others to shut up …no… because they wrote about something here. OK Since you had written 5 lines, you can open your mouth now. But I still think you got pea brain as you only managed to only write 5 lines and that about mostly rubbish.

If you had flown before 1964 then I'll stop patronizing you.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 12:55
  #52 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


So who is this camel? My dad had a close friend who replaced Mr. Aziz. I called him uncle Kem. Is that him OldAce is referring to as Camel?

The pilot in my family said that he abused MAS' facilities, and had an "aquaintence" in Mexico whom he always sends flowers to. Anyway he's out now. My dad liked him as a friend but thought that he was not good as his job at all. Just curious that's all. I wonder if this is true at all.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 13:10
  #53 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Mr Job less,

Don't come to me if you've got some gripes. I wasn't responsible for your life and I do have some problems of my own but do not wish to seek any attention from others of them here. Believe me, you wouldn't want to know my story....everybody would probably puke and not remember what we're discussing or looking at here.

My message wasn't personal to you. I just thought that maybe my friend who was like you could have done something else before plunging into the deep end without any security of any sort of work or career.

Really, if I had offended you ....then I am sorry about your plight but what do you really want?

I was fair in discerning my views to BP especially about the other side of midnight..there's quite a bright light.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 15:04
  #54 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

5 lines of sense is a helluva lot better than the 5000 lines of nonsense that emanates from that vacuum between your ears.
Everyone who disagrees with you is a pea-brain and you seem to think you're the only qualified pilot. You obviously have no idea about CRM.
Grow up junior, and maybe someday in the next millenium we'll let you play with the big boys.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 18:43
  #55 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Old Ace, I would like to retract the post I made above. In your previous post regarding the seniority and injustice done to you all..I have to say I totally agree with you 100%. However, I must correct you on the certain things. The criteria reduction and changes did not happen only during Camel's time. Infact its well before that. If you were in the same batch with Tg.D and Harr*## H. then you ride the boat with them. ...they shud not be employed in the first place ( try lookin at their academic qualifications ). And expats ? Blocking you promotion although you guys have the criteria ? Try asking 001 TS..... You and I know flyin widebody is no bloody big deal whatmore as a F/O. These idiots make it big so to reserve the slots for their boys whom are so dumb to even pass ATPL so much so they have to be coached in the company organised ATPL course and still some managed to fail after that.And after they passed ? 2 days later they are on the upgrade course and after being checked out...they go around tellin and asking those young first officers about why they are not wearing 3 bars yet ( not knowing those boys had a frozen ATPL already..just waiting for the hours...he..he...what a bunch of idiots ).Or maybe 001 and Khairie are also part of the Taliban network......they srew you guys up as well didn't they ? Honestly tell me if all I have written here is not and I know!!!
Old 18th Dec 2000, 21:26
  #56 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Mr Novice
Don't be offended! Have no intention to bitch or beg for compassion. I understand your side of story as I have seen worst. Had a friend borrowed some money from a bank for his CPL and one month before graduating from the course he crashed and died! School did not insure student pilot and his poor mother had to service the loan. Understood they did not come from well to do family.

Anyway, wish you luck in your career.

[This message has been edited by joblessflyer (edited 19 December 2000).]
Old 19th Dec 2000, 03:29
  #57 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

For once you are coming out with the true facts. So now I can start discussing with you.

Yes there are crooked people too in the OldGaurds (post Hassan and Khairi times) OO1 TS must had made a lot through the employment agency to put all the expat on the higher fleets.

But the one behind it all is still Camel right from the early 80's since he became Fleet Captain and later on as Director of Safety. He had this grudge against senior (senior to him in the military service) ex-Air Force guys who joined the airline. Maybe since his seniors in Cadet Wing sodomised him for being such a corky junior.

Someone here mentioned that we are all going to die one day. The young will becomes the old in the next few years. But what is important is how we had carried out our job or responsibility. Do you want to die and people come and piss on your grave. Or even the living like Camel had built a fort for himself as you can see at Jalan Burharnuddin in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail. What with all the bad things he had done he thinks people are going to bomb his house one fine day. Is he going to live with peace of mind for the rest of his life?
Old 19th Dec 2000, 05:46
  #58 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Oldass, get a life. There's more to living than bitching and moaning. We cannot undo the past. If all you allege is true what are YOU doing about it now?
Come out in the open and prove your words or are you hiding behind your anonomity in this forum?

Put your money where your mouth is.

Are your cojones the size of peas?
Old 20th Dec 2000, 06:55
  #59 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

What are cojones and how do you pronouce it????
Old 20th Dec 2000, 13:27
  #60 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Cojones are what the oldass professed to have a lot of when he was in the airforce. However, when he joined the airline they shrank and today all he can do is bitch, bitch, bitch.
Which, incidentally, is what all female dogs spend their life doing. Which is why bitches don't have cojones.
Isn't that true oldass?

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