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Melaka Flying Academy

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Old 3rd Dec 2000, 11:36
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Dog
Posts: n/a

I think Malaysia Flying Academy wasn't as bad as some of you said it is. They had some pretty good instructors, a decent set of course notes, and the planes flew allright... They even have a flight simulator (when I was there)!

At least, it was a decent flying school then. Not so sure about it status now.

In the days before KLIA, we had a much bigger training area. With the proximity of the new KLIA, MFA would have less airpace for the students to roam. But they have a new VOR now, which we didn't have back then.

Back in 1993, MAS was very keen to buy MFA. But the asking price was far too high, so in the end Syed Kechik could not offload his flopped aviation venture.

[This message has been edited by Old Dog (edited 03 December 2000).]
Old 4th Dec 2000, 12:40
  #22 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

The space taken by MFA was originally meant to built a MAS Club for the benefit of the staff before it was hijacked. The management reckon in the end by having a club the staff will get together closer and will expose any wrong doings that happenens in the airline.

So the idea was scrubbed whilst SIA had a built a beutiful club that made their staff to contribute and work harder.

I didn't know that guy Syed Kechik is still around and was involved, that guy he made Sabah state go bankcrupt in the mid 70's with Tun Mustafa. That's another story..hope some pilot can come up with the real story when they were with Sabah Air.
Old 4th Dec 2000, 20:47
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Dog
Posts: n/a

OldAce, I am not sure about what you said about a MAS 'club'. And who would drive 160+km just for some gossips? As for me, a glass of teh-tarik at Simpang Air Base might make a little more sense. Why do I have a strange feeling that you are one of those sore old timer? But you were ex-RMAF, impossible! (It does not compute!)

But I learned that Saffuan Group later became interested with purchase of MFA. I did not follow up on that sale, not sure if it went through. I have no idea who owns MFA now.

[This message has been edited by Old Dog (edited 04 December 2000).]
Old 8th Dec 2000, 10:21
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I'm interested in getting a CPL. I have no flight experience. Which school in Malaysia should I enroll in? Is it worth it? I have enough money to not work for a few years. I was thinking of flying with MAS if and when I get my CPL.

I have a BS & MS in Electrical Engineering. I'm currently working as a VLSI engineer for Cisco Systems but would like to have a change of career since I'm still relatively young (26), although I understand 26 is quite old to start a career as a pilot. But flying is something I've always wanted to do.

Unfortunately my family is not well connected and I didn't fail SPM, so does that mean I cannot become the fleet captain eventually?

I have a family member who is a MAS Pilot and he doesn't seem to bitch or moan too much about some of you old fogeys in there (no offence intended).

Anyway, I'm not very big physically, in fact I'm petite at 5' 5" an 130 lbs. So seriously, where should I start?

Thank you in advance!

[This message has been edited by alfa75twinspark (edited 08 December 2000).]
Old 8th Dec 2000, 11:13
  #25 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I meant the space occupied by the present MAS Training School at Kelana Jaya.
Old 9th Dec 2000, 08:06
  #26 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi to anito4a, FlyingCrew and OldDog - I'm one of the old school MFA-ers as well (1993). Would love to chat and see what you guys are up to - drop me a line!

Climb like your life depends on it......because it does!
Old 9th Dec 2000, 12:33
  #27 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Once again I thank all that responded to my question. here`s another one, or two...
1. What can I fly or what kinda jobs are available after my Canadian CPL/MULTI-IR conversion is done from MFA?

2. what are the other qualifications required for hire? (Undergrad? diplomas? foreign languages?)

Terima Kasih!

Old 9th Dec 2000, 12:50
  #28 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

To alfa75twinspark,
I am a pilot in training here in Canada and I am loving it, if you love aviation, go for it!

Fly Safe!
Old 11th Dec 2000, 03:05
  #29 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi Wooblah,

You assumed I was a male to begin with. Well I am not, hence the term petite was used. DUH! Are you really a pilot? This is lame. How will you ever past your own psychological test by making the wrong assumption at the get go. Geez!

1-800 Gay steward? Do you get any lower? Judging by some of the post on the other forum, some of you old pilots are really lame! I know for sure that most MAS pilots, old or young do not act like you and that old-ace.

Anyway thank you Borneo Pilot. Are you Malaysian? Trainning in Canada? What did it cost you? If MAS doesn't higher female pilots, than I can pass this info to my cousin who works about 2 miles away from me and is also interested.

Old 11th Dec 2000, 07:35
  #30 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Reading your post makes me think you are a mixed ball. I had initially dismissed the idea of responding to your posh but since you had mentioned me directly in your second you leave me with no choice.

What we are bitching here is about the injustice in MAS. You young chickos would not understand it would you. Your family member pilot never had it so good as a pilot in MAS. Join just 10 years ago, spend 1 year on B737 then 4 years on B747 then straight as commanders on B737 for 3 years before going on to the B777 as Captain. He got no excuse to bitch about anything and if he does I'll put a tape on his mouth. I say good for him.

We old 'fogeys' had spent about 10 years in the Air Force, 8 years on the F27, 7 years on the B737 and 6 years on the Airbus simply because the airline had not been fair to us. Everytime we are due for promotion to higher fleet the company put an expatriate pilot in our place to block our advancement and to reserve the slot for a more senior copilot (but junior in age by as much as 15 years) who never seem to pass their ATPL.

Well would you get offended if I call you a 'young punk' who does not appreciate what he/she had got, had no respect for their elders and at the end of it type (no offence intended).
Old 11th Dec 2000, 17:46
  #31 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Obviously you haven't learnt that respect is earned.
Old 12th Dec 2000, 04:57
  #32 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi OldAce,

Fogey or fogy means a person of stodgy or old-fashioned habits and attitudes. I believe even you will agree to this, because of the bad treatment you received? Anyway the pilot in my family joined MAS about 20 years ago. He doesn't really bitch or moan as much although he acknowledges how Mr. 019 killing MAS and how his fleet manager caused his 747-400 to run on 3 engines at LHR just after landing.

OldAce, perhaps you'd like to give me your view on becoming an MAS pilot now. Well not for me as Wooblah has told me that females are a no no, but at least I can fill my cousin in on this. After all what better way of putting your knowledge to use instead of writting about Talibanis and Camels.

Thank you.

Old 12th Dec 2000, 06:01
  #33 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

What knowledge????
Don't you mean twisted info????
Old 12th Dec 2000, 06:57
  #34 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hello Alfa75TwinSpark,

Don't let this guys hold you back on your dreams of flying.Although MAS presently don't employ ladies (what a shame!),there are other avenues for you.

Pelangi Air presently has a female co-pilot on the F50 & countless other ladies in the Air Force.One of them is a mother of 2 (the last time I read about her) & is a Fighter instructor pilot.The rest are flying other type of a/c & are enjoying it!

So,don't let the postings in this forum deter from you achieving your dreams.We sure would love to have some ladies to liven things up & give us different perspectives!(In flying of course!)

Safe Flying All!


p.s. Wooblah....shame on your sexist remark!
Old 12th Dec 2000, 09:12
  #35 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

To all readers,

I with out hesitation apologise for my previous comments and have thus deleted the thread.

I wish to say that I have the highest regard for our cabin crew and for the excellent job they do under terrible conditions and extremely poor salary scale. In short their achievments are and have never been recognised to the extent it should be by the company before and now.

Cheers, Wooblah.
Old 13th Dec 2000, 04:32
  #36 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

To alfa75twinspark,

it`s about $30,000CDN to get your PPL, CPL and Multi-IFR here in`ll have at least 200hrs logged. Lots of uncontrolled aerodromes around and you`ll learn real seat of the pants flying out here in the Bush. plus the airport I fly out of has a mix of the jets and the local flying clubs piper cubs and cessnas. Great weather and best of all...the scenery is breath-taking! Interested? I will be happy not to be the only Malaysian doing flight training here in Western Canada.

Old 14th Dec 2000, 22:29
  #37 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


What has being badly treated got to do with being 'fogey' and now you mentioned 'lame' I detest that statement and feel insulted. If I used that word on my old instructor he will definitely pull out the control stick on his side and whack my bonedome whenever I make a mistake in aerobatics. Time had changed.

I had been looking for the pilot that landed in LHR with one engine flamed out due to fuel shortage and at last there is a trace of him and that event truly happened. Knowing MAS this kind of incidents were kept secret, sometime to protect the individual, that no pilot learn a lesson from it.

The pilot in your family member doesn't bitch that much as he is considered fortunate in MAS. As he is a non ex-Air Force things were better for him, seniority were grease on, promotion always on time, no juniors overtook him etc.

He is sitting fat and happy and satisfied and flying the jumbo after 10 years in the airline. Maybe he does not see the whole picture, like his 3-engine arrival in LHR are the results of the Taliban fuel policy. Imagine he does not even have fuel to do a go around. I definitely would have diverted to Frankfurt early rather than put the aircraft in that unsafe situation. This kind of complacency and lack of airmanship will kill him and 400 passengers one day!

The pilots with principles had all flown away rather than following the stupid policy of the Talibans. Only the old lame ones remains. A lot of the young ones had not being taught critical thinking in schools of the 80's so they could'nt care less of the airline future.

Like I said you are a mixed ball. From your writing you don't sound like a rookie, maybe you are the 20 years in the airline pilot himself out with some agenda of your own.

MAStake: If you had nothing to contribute here, just shut up

[This message has been edited by OldAce (edited 16 December 2000).]
Old 15th Dec 2000, 02:35
  #38 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hey mastake, oldass just can't stand any opinion other than his own. You've flown with that type before ---- ex air force guys who think they know everything and consistently prove how wrong they are.
Keep on posting ..... oldass may not know what freedom of opinion is but most of us in ppruneland do!!!
He sounds a lot like the taliban he keeps on harping about.
Old 16th Dec 2000, 09:16
  #39 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

A reply like "just shut up" says more about the oldass than i could ever post.
Well done oldasss. In one fell swoop you've destroyed whatever little credibility you had.
Old 16th Dec 2000, 12:28
  #40 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I had practiced CRM in 1968 when I first become commander even before you are born.

Well you had flown with the non-Air Force type too who think they are god and will not allow you to say anything and create a tense cockpit environment.

The difference between the Taliban and me is that I had not made other peoples life miserable.

Don't equate one liner statement as opinion. And I'll say here again if MAStake and you do not have anything to contribute…SHUT YOUR TRAPS.

I'm not interested in creditbility and popularity here. I can shaft that stuff up your *ss. All I want is the truth.

[This message has been edited by OldAce (edited 16 December 2000).]

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