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New MAS structure ?

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Old 12th Jun 2001, 20:19
  #41 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Bagaimana dengan operasi penerbangan luar negara, adakah MAS akan mengurangkan perjalanan ke tempat-tempat yang jauh dan tidak menguntungkan?

MD. NOR: Soal ini ada cabarannya, ia adalah cabaran kepada pembuat dasar. Bila kita cakap ada pihak yang akan beremosi. Ya, kita akan kurangkan atau hapuskan. Kalau kita tidak kurangkan laluan antarabangsa yang tidak menguntungkan, kita memerlukan sokongan. Kalau tiada sokongan, bagaimana?

The way it looks, if the government do not pump in more money Mr. MD is going to reduce frequencies or eliminate it completely for some destinations. When that happens many pilots and cabin crew are going to be retrenched. Most probably the least senior members as the retrenchment payout will be less.

Kita juga kena ingat satu prinsip yang penting, lebih jauh jarak penerbangan, lebih banyak kos yang akan ditanggung. Jarak penerbangan yang dekat sebenarnya memberi pulangan yang lebih besar.

What rubbish is he talking about. In that case how come the domestic sector is losing money.

MD. NOR: Setakat ini sambutan mereka menggalakkan. Pekerja yang tegar pun boleh terima. Saya masih baru tetapi saya lihat ada banyak kebanggaan didalam syarikat ini.

By this time TR had laughed all the way to the bank. The MD they had chosen had to unraveled the mess he had left behind.

I do not envy the position of the MD. He was being picked solely by his profession as an accountant. As he admitted himself he had very little knowledge of airline operation. Just like our Director of Operation, Dr. Con the geologist. Who ordered pilots to fly medium range with fuel just enough for 5 minutes alternate diversion.

And what had pride to do with profit. Its proper planning and accountability.

Old 12th Jun 2001, 22:09
  #42 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Old Ace my long lost friend, as much as I am agreeable that MAS is in the deep end, IMHO, we'll survive as it's in the national interest.

Obviously you were with us once before & left for greener pastures (can't blame you, as only the brave would stick & repair a derelict ship).You are also not privy to his roadshow which actually explain his views.

Basically in a nutshell, through his audit & by the consultant's reports, he found a lot of revenue mismanagement & wastage.He also compared (horrors of horrors) with our competitor from the south!A first as I can recall from a senior management who swallowed national pride & admitted that the neighbouring airline shall be a yardstick.

When he talk about "jarak penerbangan yg dekat" what he meant was the regional market rather than domestic.As the Asian market has the biggest growth & the best profit margins.

As for the pride, he was refering to the workers sense of camaderie & belonging to the company.As you have seen for yourself Old Ace, the workers soldiers on in the hope that one day MAS will be the Airline that it deserves to be.THAT IS PRIDE.We'll leave the planning & accountability in the next general election.

Last but not least Old Ace, please do not insult the remaining MAS pilot's intelligence on flying with a diversion of less than 5 minutes.Every pilot worth his salt would know that MAS's SOP's, ICAO & DCA Malaysia has strict policy with regards to selection of alternates, let alone an alternate which is just 5 mins away.

Till then my friend, blue skies always & enjoy your spoils in the foreign airline.

Safe Flying.

P.S. Old Ace try not to shoot the messenger.

Old 13th Jun 2001, 04:43
  #43 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Pilost my poor brave friend on a delerict ship, as usual you do not get the gist of the message. What I'm trying to get at is that if you have a leader who do not understand the industry fully, the company can end up into a lot of trouble.

If your poor memory can help you (maybe you were not given this situation as you are the Camel's men) we were doing the KUL-LHR div Gatwick and LHR-DXB div Sharjah. This were implemented during Camel period (1994-1996) and carried on for quite awhile during Dr.Con time. Where were you during this time, flying 737? If not were you one of those 'Yes Man" or just another 'zombies". The real brave pilots fought against this policy and were mostly engineered out of the company. They were only corrected in 1999.

Huge aviation company had come and gone. Like the once US national carrier Pan Am and Eastern Airline. So what is special about MAS. Pride alone is not going to help to bring the airline up. I think the Malays called it 'Bodoh Sombong". If you leave the planning and accountablity to the next general election(2004)it will be way too late. As the new MD himself had said MAS can only survive till the end of this year.

[This message has been edited by OldAce (edited 13 June 2001).]
Old 13th Jun 2001, 05:52
  #44 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Shintaro9: I know who you mean, he is none other than 'Jew' the Taliban Camel left -handman. If you can come real close to him you will see that he wears a black eyeliner. You know why Dr Con the geologist let him do what he wants. The majority of the Flt Ops management are the incompetent Taliban and he is scared that they will gang up on him.

(see "For Malaysian Airline Pilot Only" to understand what had happened.
Old 13th Jun 2001, 06:39
  #45 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Prior to 019's departure, a few of the EVP's (the ambitious one) went on a turun padang, to meet the grassroots. In those sessions they impressed upon us that the company is doing badly and can only survive "till the end of the year". They did not specify which year though! Blamed a lot of things (USD, recession, currency issues. oil prices..) on company's poor performance, also hinted that we, the staff also screwed up (not enough productivity, too many..). Strangely, they did not at all blamed themselves for the mess that we are in. With all this going more new position, SVP Treasury & Risk Management.

Now this new MD (an accountant)saw the sheets and was shocked. So, he's got rescue plans and he's going to restructure. For flt ops, the geologist is retiring and I hope that they wont extend him, he thinks running ops is like a show, thus his showtime. I ask you where is the script and the drama? In the running is the 2 vices. One has burnt out, too many pacific crossings and eating sushi only. The other, Pygmy is doing very well. He's been seen doing his PR and is even rubbing shoulders with the MD (schoolmates from the military college). Pyg also once served under Dy Chairman when he was in the air farce. As for the chiefies, musical chairs is in order. We have 2 new ones, Safety and Fleet Management. Same old "dont and wont rock the boat" Training guy and the VP wannabe (the Hufac and the PM guys). FCSD guy's so busy, and the P&D guy, busy too, planning and deploying himself on the SYD run. And the Marketing chief, he's marketed himself so well, he's now in another division. Doesn't even greet the geologist nowadays. So when Pyg takes over, a new flt ops management.

Anybody know how to apply for another airline. North, south, east or west, it only can get better. Help
Old 13th Jun 2001, 11:28
  #46 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hey Old Ace, nice to hear that you're doing well.

Nope, was & still never a Camel's yes man or supporter.However,during the trying times of those so called 'nearest' alternate directive, I took the option of sticking to Malaysian DCA's & ICAO's regulations.Funny thing was, they never hauled me up for the extra fuel.The rest who followed blindly was either ignorant or just 'yes man'.Like you said "bodoh sombong".

As for MAS not surviving........heard it before & will hear it again & again & again & a broken record with Duracell batteries!The nice part about this cronyism thing is that I can count on my money being banked in at the 25th of every month.....without fail.As the saying among the employees now ..... "sekarang dah Gomen".

Shintaro9, a very true observation of the mismanagement & creation of futher post in the very top heavy hierachy of Flt Ops.A lot of 'chiefs' but very little indians........Lone Ranger must be very confused now.

Safe Flying all,

Old 13th Jun 2001, 16:05
  #47 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Pilost what you going to say next....landing on a single runway airport with no diversion fuel is OK...

How come the CFP can be presented to the crew
with 5 minutes diversion if its is not a policy or directive.

It it some devious scheme to 'catch' non- Taliban members to make a mistake? At the expense of safety and the full paying passenger.

Old 13th Jun 2001, 16:22
  #48 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

YES OLD ACE.That's allowable.......provided you carry required holding reserves fuel.Eg. Perth.

Or are you not a pilot.........hmmmmmmm, I'm doubting you now Old Arse.....

Like the saying goes, "little knowledge is dangerous".

Old 13th Jun 2001, 19:37
  #49 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I heard EVPs have become Expired VP and Dr. Con was called by MD for a talk and likely to move up one more level. Just an office gossip.
Old 14th Jun 2001, 02:54
  #50 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Incompetence has its rewards.
Old 14th Jun 2001, 13:43
  #51 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Perth is not a single runway airport. I think it got a shorter runway crisscrossing the main runway. So the rules does not apply.

We have been through this matter before on Pprune and I know you were there. To refresh your rusty brain, FAA make it a rule that you do not need B-C fuel if the weather is good on a twin runway airport. Quantas was doing the LAX-SYD with no diversion fuel provided the weather forecast at destination is good.

MAS under the rule of the Talibans in Flt Ops in 1995 make it a law that you can land in old Subang airport with no diversion fuel provided the weather is good. Twisting the actual FAA rule. This is to catch the non-Taliban ‘zombies’. So many pilots were landing in Subang under this situation then.

We almost got a major disaster in 1996 when an A-300 got bogged down in the middle of Subang runway after landing. Luckily the B747-400 from LHR (which as usual does not have the required diversion fuel ) was 30 minutes behind when they got the news and diverted to Penang in time. Imagine if the Jumbo were to come in earlier by just 15-20 minute they would be in Subang curcuit with nowhere to land. Subang was having clear weather at that time. It took 3 hours to clear the runway.

It looks like nothing much had change for MAS with people like Pilost who are forever ‘lost’. Holding fuel on a single runway airport would make my toes laugh all over again.

Old 14th Jun 2001, 15:20
  #52 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I take it MAS management hasnt a clue about the practical aspects of carrying extra fuel while flying in the equatorial regions? Glad I dont work for them!
Old 14th Jun 2001, 15:49
  #53 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Same here, glad not to have you as well. Like our southern neighbours. BTW, OA, it is spelled QANTAS and circuit......( pilot ? %#@*%"&*#$@). Dr. Con will continue his legacy...conning all the way up as high as he can. Camel...meanwhile is still dreaming about making a comeback with "Jew" setting the pace and planning to award him with " the most improved SVP ". The company ( sekarang dah gomen) continue to be on life-support ( read Petronas) until someone put words into action.

P>S Just heard SQ got a big payrise with 6.2 months bonus and EK got 5% payrise plus some profit sharing. Hmmmmmm when are we going to get the next ex-gratia .....
Old 14th Jun 2001, 16:19
  #54 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

Old Ace, you now have no credibility.PER is considered by MAS as a single runway airport, even though it has 3 (yes 3!) rwys.

Even with those 3 runways, MAS had classified PER airport to have a single runway for flt planning purposes as the rwys are not independent by ICAO's definition.So for that single rwy we have to carry 2 hours of holding fuel as required by ICAO & the OZ CASA.

As for the SZB ops, you again had exposed yourself as a fraud!The so called no diversion fuel requirements are really the inflight fuel policy.This again relates to 2 or more independent rwys.The FACT that there were no so called 'disaster' as you have seemingly cried 'wolf' further exposes your credibility to ridicule.

Please understand I'm not here to defend MAS's mismanagement but rather to defend the honour & integrity of MAS's pilots by blanket accusations from Old Ace.

Old Ace had clearly showed in his postings that he has no inclinations or knowledge of aviation regulatory requirements.

BTW Slasher, MAS's fuel policy caters for the A to B, contingency reserves fuel that are legally required,B to C fuel,inst app. fuel, a few percentage extra & any other fuel as required by the authorities (whether local or overseas).ABOVE ALL THAT, MAS has never hauled up a pilot for carrying extra fuel when the pilots think it is prudent.So Slash, don't believe whatever you read.

Till then all, Safe flying.

Old 14th Jun 2001, 20:24
  #55 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Pilost says MAS Flt Ops management never pull up a pilot for carrying extra fuel if the pilot think it is prudent.

What can I say.....only my toes will say HAHAHAHAHA!

Remember at that time the pilots were so fedup being harrassed by management for carrying extra fuel, that most of them just took this stand-just carry minimum all the time however bad the condition is.
Old 14th Jun 2001, 21:11
  #56 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Old Ace your toes can do whatever they want.....


Old 15th Jun 2001, 05:46
  #57 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Pilost said:"Even with those 3 runways, MAS had classified PER airport to have a single runway for flt planning purposes as the rwys are not independent by ICAO's definition.So for that single rwy we have to carry 2 hours of holding fuel as required by ICAO & the OZ CASA."

Pilost, my poor 'lost' friend in MAS, I haven't been to Perth for more than 10 years. I remember that the 2 hours extra fuel we used to carry was for the diversion to an airport to the north of Western Australian coast.

If MAS management had told you it is for holding fuel, it looks kind of strange. Or are you the strange one?

[This message has been edited by OldAce (edited 15 June 2001).]
Old 15th Jun 2001, 10:58
  #58 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

Old Ace, obviously you're not with MAS, neither are you an airline pilot.

If not you'll be familiar with fuel requirements as set out by ICAO annexe 6 (Ops. of a/c) & the Oz AIP.FYI, there are no 'commercially suitable' alternate to the north of W.A. coast.In other words, you can divert, but there will be no ground support.

Old Ace, you have time & time again showed your stupidity & ignorance of the basic rules of commercial flying requirements set out by the local & international regulatory bodies.These are the very fundamentals subject thought to every commercial pilots worldwide.

Old Ace, please stop embarassing yourself.



[This message has been edited by PILOST (edited 15 June 2001).]
Old 15th Jun 2001, 11:15
  #59 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

Is this kinda attitude a sign of a professional Pilot? I am very afraid to head back to Malaysia then! I find this kind of petty bickering very troubling. Hope it is not that way in the cockpit.

Old 15th Jun 2001, 14:13
  #60 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Listen BorneoPilot Ive done my best to ignore you but why in the name of christ would anyone want to leave a pleasant place like Canada and go to Malaysia to live? It amazes me how almost everyone in the third world is busting there balls to get out and you complain you cant get back in?
Cant you cope with democracy, civil rights and free speech?

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