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-   -   Cathay pacific SECOND OFFICER – ADVANCED ENTRY INITIAL INTERVIEW (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/476610-cathay-pacific-second-officer-o-advanced-entry-initial-interview.html)

smurf84 13th Apr 2012 05:04

spitfire - You're right. Nothing to worry about.

I got hold of HR over the phone earlier today. The lady told me to ignore this email as we've already been shortlisted for the Stage 2 interview.

P.S. - She had no clue regarding the dates for the next interview.

smurf84 13th Apr 2012 05:10

Having applied way back in March 2010, I don't remember the options. But if there is an option to select a city, I suggest you opt for Mumbai.

I think I selected Delhi, and they ended up inviting me to Mumbai (because of the large number of applicants from that city).

smartflyier 13th Apr 2012 07:10

i had called them up this morning and asked where will be the next interview? he said he don't have any info regarding that. But he said its good to choose first option as your country

smurf84 13th Apr 2012 07:23

bond - Yeah, nothing at all. She said it was a system error. That's about it.

smartflyier - So now you know what to do. Just hang in there and you'll certainly get that precious invitation in the near future. Good luck.

smartflyier 13th Apr 2012 07:57

thanks buddy

Urbn31 13th Apr 2012 09:54

Hi guys, does anyone know what's going to be on the second interview for the AE program?

I gathered some information but I'm not sure if it's up to date. Here's what I know, there will be:

1. Math test
2. Aptitude test
3. ICAO English
4. Flight planning
5. Group exercise
6. Technical interview with two pilots

Then the second day there is:

1. Medical exam
2. management interview

My problem is some of the info is quite outdated on forums and are from 2009 or 2010. Ive heard that the Math test is different now along with several other things. Can anyone confirm that this is what we can expect going to the second round? Also, how are you guys studying for the math test, technical interview, flight plan and group exercise?

The other conflicting part is it seems like for the aptitude text they use to have to write a test and prove your hand eye coordination skills in a series of computer games. Is that still the case? I've read on other forums that there's only 5 games that you have to play now, suggesting that there are no written portion. Can anyone confirm?

Thanks guys. Hope we all make the hurdle!

ashokbhatt1 13th Apr 2012 10:57

i was busy with my class 1 medical renewals and it seems many things have changed here people have got system error mails i read.

i hope what smurf84 said is true and this is just system error because my case is same as bond737 even i have less than 250 hours and i dint got any mail from cathay.they have hit my panic button.

smurf84 said in one of the previous post that if you have less than 250 they will give to some months time to reach the requirement level.

I will be calling them on monday till the mean time anyone with less than 250 hours who got this so called system error mail please inform.

vrg380 13th Apr 2012 11:43

Is there any 1 who have sent the filled up form to them..
In the 6 page form they need signature on last page. So, if we take a print out nd scan it , it will be 2 files.
Does any 1 know is that valid or any other option is there??
Also, what about the cathay pacific reference.??

Any reply will be a great help...!!!!

smurf84 13th Apr 2012 12:03

Urbn31 - The list of tests during the Stage 2 interview looks pretty much similar to what some of us discussed earlier in this thread. We're aware of the changes in the Quick Math Test, but nothing else besides that. I don't know anyone who has done their Stage 2 interview in 2012 or even late 2011.

Some of them don't have much to say with regard to the Math test. It seems to be quick subtraction, multiplication, graphs etc.

Technical Interview - Get back to your books (CPL/ATPL). Ace the Technical Interview would be a good option.

There isn't much you can prepare for a group exercise, unless you can form a group of your own and practice that particular exercise before you go to the interview. As for flight planning, it is best to brush up on the fuel/distance/time calculations. This is my personal opinion.

I don't think the hand-eye coordination test exists for AE pilots.

smartflyier 13th Apr 2012 12:54

hi guys
Is there anyone who had got this first mail and not from India?

vrg380 13th Apr 2012 16:15

Is there any 1 who have sent the filled up form to them..
In the 6 page form they need signature on last page. So, if we take a print out nd scan it , it will be 2 files.
Does any 1 know is that valid or any other option is there??
Also, what about the cathay pacific reference.??

Also ny have ny idea that IR should be current or lapsed IR is fine..!!

Any reply will be a great help...!!!!

smurf84 13th Apr 2012 16:31

Are you sure any reply would be of great help? :)

vrg380 14th Apr 2012 04:24

any reply clearing the about doubt will be a help..!! not ur blank post..!!

ashokbhatt1 14th Apr 2012 05:04

bond737 were you able to get in touch with anyone who got this mail and had less than 250 hours.

I hope this is not the end of journey for us.

will be calling sunny s on monday

smurf84 14th Apr 2012 05:27

Haha. vrg380 - Take it easy cowboy.

1. Regarding your IR, in that particular form, Cathay has simply asked you :

Multi-Engine Instrument Rating - Valid until.
They haven't written 'Do Not Apply Unless You Have A Valid MECIR'.


What about Cathay Pacific reference?
Again, a very simple question. Do you know anyone working for Cathay Pacific? If yes, write his/her name and your relationship with that person. If the answer is No, I think you know what to do.


In the 6 page form they need signature on last page. So, if we take a print out nd scan it , it will be 2 files.
Does any 1 know is that valid or any other option is there??
I'm sure you can spend 20 bucks and call HR on 00852 27478249 to find that out.

Good luck.

smurf84 14th Apr 2012 05:30

ashokbhatt - Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the 250 hours requirement. That email was just an error.

flypaul 14th Apr 2012 05:55

Hi all,

Why do u think that the above mentioned E-mail was just an error? They have 3 different entry programmes.

I got this mail too, i have thousands of hours but i dont have MECIR.


smurf84 14th Apr 2012 06:36

Some of us have passed the Stage 1 interview and have been shortlisted for the Stage 2 interview.

System error because they accidentally sent emails to some pilots who already passed the Stage 1 interview. Hence, it doesn't concern us anymore. But for those who haven't been given a chance to sit for the interview earlier, this is it.

P.S. - I don't think not having a MECIR would be an issue.

flypaul 14th Apr 2012 06:50

Im sorry to hear that, hope its really system error.

if u have passed stage 1 then you dont have to worry!

I dont have any ME too, so maybe its does'nt matter????

ashokbhatt1 14th Apr 2012 06:52

thanks smurf84 hope this is an error.

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