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-   -   Cathay pacific SECOND OFFICER – ADVANCED ENTRY INITIAL INTERVIEW (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/476610-cathay-pacific-second-officer-o-advanced-entry-initial-interview.html)

smurf84 30th Mar 2012 05:48

A few reasons I can think of - Either your application is under process, or they must have put a complete stop to updating online applications for the time being, or your application has expired. You might want to call up HR and find out.

nsk.air 31st Mar 2012 20:28

Unlike the CAE indigo, where you can update your profile, you CANT update your profile for cathay. Send a updated resume at [email protected] and do mention your PRN/CRN no.

Flyingmachine01 2nd Apr 2012 13:03


I have just been given an interview for next month in Hong Kong..
I am wondering what the process is exactly? Has is changed.

Any help would be much appreciated... I have been invite to attend a Final Interview for Second Officer Transition Training Programme in Hong Kong.

I am aware of Boeing 747-200 sim. But exams happen on the first day?:ok:

Is the Cathay interview guide still my best bet? And also the " Ace Interview book"

Please PM with details

smurf84 2nd Apr 2012 15:44

Transition Training Programme ay? I reckon many of us selected for the Stage 2 interview are from the Advanced Entry Programme. But it goes without saying, the useful books would be 'Ace the Technical Interview', 'Preparing for your Cathay Pacific Interview', 'Handling the big jets'.

I'm not aware of the interview process or aptitude/technical tests for TT pilots at the final stage. It could be the same as it is for the AE pilots.

smurf84 2nd Apr 2012 18:13

I don't know if any one of you have come across this lately. I have a feeling there are a couple of fake usernames (created by some current users) opened up in March 2012, ever since CX left India after Stage 1.

These guys start the message with, "Hey there, I've been watching this forum closely. I'm new here...yada yada yada".

Well, if you've been watching this forum closely, where have you been all this while you idiot!!! Whatever happened to that fake username joseph f? :)

I really don't understand what joy you people get out of it and start sending Private Messages to some of us, and asking what books to study from, whether the interviews would be held in June, more info and all that nonsense.

smurf84 2nd Apr 2012 18:49


About time those nitwits pull their fingers out before the bubble bursts!

jamessoong 3rd Apr 2012 04:43

Hmm.. I hope you guys aren't thinking of this as a fake username. I'm actually new. Since I pass the 1st stage I was searching around whether are there any forums regarding this 2012 intake. Sort off reading this thread closely to see when would be the date for 2nd stage. :)

smurf84 3rd Apr 2012 05:17

jamessoong, maybe you're not a fake user.

Regarding the interview dates, there isn't much we can talk about till you hear from Cathay's HR team (via email).

bawa - Any other CPP? No. Definitely not for us.

google88 3rd Apr 2012 05:46

haha hello mr smurf and yes i think i am a real idiot thinking u would be kind enough to help me but i wont take that comment to seriously as i do understand there are a lot of fake ids in here trying to get out real time info.
1) my reason of not joining this forum before cathay called me for my initial interview which i had it on the 29th of feb (1:00 pm batch ) i had heard a lot about pprune and just like u i dint want to trust some fake id passing out false info to ppl. 2) i have been jobless for 4 years now and the competition is not getting any easier and well if u are smart enough u would know it better why some 1 like me would be even more careful before passing on some valuable info to fake shyt heads. well nice to know your frame of mind buddy have fun and gl with your further selection process hope to see u in Honk Kong sooner or later lol.

Ezhil Ayyasamy 3rd Apr 2012 08:57

Pop quiz time :8

1.What does the -115 on the engine XGE90 -115B of 777-300ER mean?
2.What does 115 in Grob 115 mean?
3. How many FTA hours after cadet program will I end up with? Say I am someone with 270 hours going in to the program.
4. Will you prefer Short course or long course? And why?
5. What differences are there between Boeings and Airbuses, in terms of setting engine thrust?

I could not find answers for them. May be I did not look hard. Anyways, will appreciate your help.

smurf84 3rd Apr 2012 09:55

1. -115 on the GE90 indicates the maximum thrust at sea-level. In this case it would be 115,500 lbs

2. As for the T-Bird, I can only think of one reason : The initial G115 model had a 115 hp Lycoming engine. G115A, G115B, G115E have different powerplants. I could be wrong.

smurf84 3rd Apr 2012 10:13

3. How many FTA hours after cadet program will I end up with? Say I am someone with 270 hours going in to the program.
I haven't heard of this before. Neither is it of any importance I reckon.

Will you prefer Short course or long course? And why?
If this one had a definite answer, I'm sure all of us would just feed it into our heads and give it back to HR on the day of the interview. We'll put that aside for now. :)

Ezhil Ayyasamy 3rd Apr 2012 10:14

1. -115 on the GE90 indicates the maximum thrust at sea-level. In this case it would be 115,500 lbs
Wonder how I missed that.

2. As for the T-Bird, I can only think of one reason : The initial G115 model had a 115 hp Lycoming engine. G115A, G115B, G115E have different powerplants. I could be wrong.
I guessed it to too. Would be nice to get a confirmation.

Thanks Smurf.:ok:

smurf84 3rd Apr 2012 10:29

No problem, Chief. As long as it's for a good cause.

Ezhil Ayyasamy 5th Apr 2012 15:11

New set of Q s.

1. Why do we use the type of engines on 747 what are they and benefits?

In that case we can question why are we using the type of engines in 777, A340 etc. If there s a valid answer do post it.

2. What does CFR stand for when you see that sign at an airport?

Is it like the one used in shipping?

'The delivery of goods to the named port of destination (discharge) at the seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the cargo insurance and other costs and risks.'

3. Draw the RB211 and GE90 engines on the board, highlighting the differences.

Draw the jet engine(with or without by pass or with different spools) is fine. But RB211 and GE90?

4. What gauges do we have in the cockpit for these engines?

This is fairly simple. Still looking for an answer.

5. Where is the RPM measured from?

6.What differences are there between Boeings and Airbuses, in terms of setting engine thrust?

ckalli 10th Apr 2012 05:03

looks like we will have to wait till June. :bored:

smurf84 10th Apr 2012 05:17

Preference will always be given to HKID holders. We can only wait. God forbid, according to sources, it could even go up to a year (time from Stage 1 to Flight Grading).

smurf84 12th Apr 2012 07:29

I think this was an absolute error and isn't of any importance at the moment, but I got an email from CX today. Is there anybody out there who got the same email?

Dear Candidates,

Thank you for your previously submitted on-line application with Cathay Pacific Airways for our Second Officer programmes.

Given this application was submitted some time ago, we ask that if you are still interested in the Second Officer opportunity, to fully complete the attached Flying Experience Requirement form and the Up-date application form.

Kindly complete the attached forms and return by e-mail on or before 12 May, 2012.

Once we have received the completed documents your application will be assessed on interview suitability and competitiveness.

Thank you for your continued interest in Cathay Pacific Airways.

Yours sincerely

Flight Operations Department
Looks like CX is desperately looking for Second Officers.

nsk.air 12th Apr 2012 07:41

Smurf84 I have got exactly the same mail. No idea what that means!

smurf84 12th Apr 2012 07:42

bond - Yes I did. I got an out-of-office automated reply. Since you haven't got this email, I reckon I'll just ignore it.

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