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Ezhil Ayyasamy 26th Mar 2012 07:57

Oh, the instructor then. Yeah, the number looks stiff. The problem with the unknown dates/delayed interview is that, to frame a study program becomes extremely difficult. You don't know if should study in the idling mode or go full throttle. Hope some one else calls. I don't want to call for the same query again.

Ezhil Ayyasamy 26th Mar 2012 07:58

One more thing. How the hell are we going to practice the 747-200 Sim? As there is none available here. There are a few people with the Yolk and the pedal connected but does it even come close to the real experience?:ugh:

smurf84 26th Mar 2012 08:31

Oh, the instructor then.
No, I'm just a CPL holder with 260 hours. Did my training in Australia and New Zealand.

How the hell are we going to practice the 747-200 Sim?
Who was talking about the 747-200 Sim check for Advanced Entry CPL holders with just 250+ hours, unless you've been selected for the Transition training programme.

I'm still confused whether the Sim check would be done during flight grading or somewhere between Stage 2-3.

Ezhil Ayyasamy 26th Mar 2012 08:41

I know. I just found out that you are not the instructor. I just spoke to him over the phone. ;) But how then did you know that I run a DGCA class? And did you attend the interview with me in Mumbai? I don't remember talking to anyone apart from the instructor from NZ and one other guy SA (I don't want to name them) apart from introducing myself. BTW are you sure about the SIM check is not for us?

smurf84 26th Mar 2012 09:13

I took a wild guess. But I've come across your name somewhere.

I sat for the interview on the 23rd Feb in Mumbai.

Regarding the Sim check, we might need to get that confirmed from a reliable source. There is a possibility, but definitely not on the B747-200 Sim. It could be on the B200 Sim. I'm not sure at what stage would it be done.

jackcarls0n 26th Mar 2012 16:11

Seems like everyone likes to assume things here and jst run with the thought. CX letters clearly says things would be as per the licenses held and experience. So chill and dont worry about the sim check. The flight grading happens in australia and its on piston aircraft and if a sim check comes in then its for instrument approaches, holdings etc not to fly a 747-200 perfectly with no experience on it at all..they are suppose to train you for that during ur training course if your selected.

And if they are going to grade you on 747-200 sim then i guess all of us would be screwed. By the way thats later why worry about that when you gotta think and work upon the stage 2 in hk :ok:

Denni89 27th Mar 2012 03:04

Initial Interview
Hi everyone,

I have my Cathay Initial Interview in Brisbane on April 10 for Advanced Entry.

They have said there is:
Multi-guess Technical questions (45 minutes)
Abstract reasoning test (45 minutes)
Personal and Technical Questions (45 minutes)

What is included in the Technical Questions and Abstract Reasoning test? Any help is very appreciated.


Ezhil Ayyasamy 27th Mar 2012 08:26

What is included in the Technical Questions and Abstract Reasoning test? Any help is very appreciated.

Bond737 is on the mark about the Multi choice written and Tech interview. I did the same. And regarding the abstract reasoning, practice Raven's Advanced Matrices until you get comfortable. As in, it is easy to solve but the idea should be to solve it in the stipulated time. That is the challenge.

Cathay tests you on the same Raven's.


ashokbhatt1 27th Mar 2012 09:17

called mr sunny singh today some lady picked up when asked for information she said might be in june or july.

Thats too long of a wait dont know whats their plan 1st stage in feb and second in july like 5 months .By the time they start calling for interview more than half of the guys would be absorbed by the market.

hope they do something before that.

smurf84 27th Mar 2012 10:05

Patience is a virtue. I don't think any one of us would drop out of it before June/July, unless, IndiGo hires one of us by then.

Denni89 28th Mar 2012 11:11

Thanks for your help!


jackcarls0n 28th Mar 2012 16:29

@Denni good luck for the AE Initial Interview:ok:

Do share the personal experience on how it went though.

Mr.CB 29th Mar 2012 04:46

can i apply with 200 hrs n no multi endorsed in CX's SECOND officer program?? :confused:

smurf84 29th Mar 2012 05:05

No harm in submitting your application. You may get lucky. It's just the waiting period that will be a testing time. There were a couple of pilots with 220 odd hours who were invited to the interview. If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter whether you hold a MECIR or not. But you must have a CPL to get into the Advanced Entry Programme (32 weeks), or they will put you in the Cadet Pilot Programme (61 weeks).

Good luck anyway.

ashokbhatt1 29th Mar 2012 05:56

i had 220 hours and was invited for stage 1 and now for stage 2 even i was worried about the 250 hours thing but it hardly matters i think .About multi engine i think it matters a lot two of my friend and me applied on same day for this cadet pilot programme they dint did their multi engine type rating but we are from same flying school same educational qualification(HSC 10+2) maharashtra board ,completd are cpl same time a week difference you can say the only extra advantage i had was multi and i was invited and they were not.I think multi could be one reason for that because we had same single engine hours +/- 10 hours to be more precised.they were not called for interview.

Any one who got invited with no multi from india can you please put some more light on this.

hope this helps.
I suggest if you are going to do your multi any time soon then dont apply now but if you have no plans of doing it then apply it soon as possible there is no point waiting bcoz the thing is if you apply now and then you do multi and try to upgrade your experience it hardly possible before 12 months or so i think bcoz it states your application is already under process.

smurf84 29th Mar 2012 12:11

ashokbhatt - There are quite a few Indian pilots with 250+ hours who haven't been called for the interview. So some of us were lucky to be invited. I don't know how the selection process works. Looks random to me.

Ezhil Ayyasamy 29th Mar 2012 12:46

Yes, it is most definitely random.

Mr.CB 29th Mar 2012 13:41

hello, can u help me out. m faciing some problm while filling up my flying details in CX's flying traing info. page.. its nt accepting my dual flying hrs, although perfect..kindly help if possible

smurf84 29th Mar 2012 17:40

One of my friends in Adelaide told me the reason for the delay of AE pilots to get the interview dates for Stage 2 is CX could be clearing the backlog of all the HKID ab-initio pilots (for the CPP) on a priority basis.

It happened to him in 2011 and this is exactly what the HR team at Cathay said.

Mentat 30th Mar 2012 05:00

I applied for the advanced cadet programabout 1.5 yrs back. Since then I hve got more hours and ratings.I tried updating my application but the site wouldnt let me.Any work around for this?

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