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-   -   Cathay pacific SECOND OFFICER – ADVANCED ENTRY INITIAL INTERVIEW (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/476610-cathay-pacific-second-officer-o-advanced-entry-initial-interview.html)

ap17 3rd May 2018 05:11

Hi Guys

Any update on how long it takes after document submission to be called for an interview ?

Thanks in advance !!!

castineiras 1st Jan 2019 15:13

Anyone who was invited SO interview 13-14FEB?

castineiras 26th Jan 2019 10:45

Originally Posted by castineiras (Post 10348884)
Anyone who was invited SO interview 13-14FEB?

Nettie06 check your inbox message, I can't send you because it is full. Delete any msg to receive mine.

needzforspeed 27th Jan 2019 15:13


I have submitted the forms on 8th Jan and still no news.

What was your experience...like how much time after submitting the documents you might get an email for interview or next stage?

thanks for your reply,

good luck

needzforspeed 28th Jan 2019 13:48

Hi..Would you like to share when had you submitted the forms and after how much time did you get an email for interview?

i had submitted forms on 8th Jan 19..But still no news after that.

Hit the blue 18th Feb 2019 19:18

CX interview prep help .
Hey Guys!

Can some one guide me as to what should I study for the Interview or as to how should I prepare for it?

PM me Thanks.

grind king 26th Apr 2019 08:17

Does anyone know which airplane they are doing the sim eval in? 777, 747?

juliopraxedes 7th May 2019 01:22

about a month

CXKR 6th Jun 2022 02:01

Hi, CX has begun their hiring process for the foreigners again a few days ago.
Anyone here has applied for DESO position?

Let's share the idea and make a chat if possible :)

benny_sze 6th Jun 2022 16:17

CXKR Do you have telegram? I am also considering to apply.

Toro103r 7th Jun 2022 12:55

In the process of completing an application myself

CXKR2022 8th Jun 2022 01:37

Sure thing, pm sent.

benny_sze 11th Jun 2022 14:37

CXKR2022 it seems like your inbox is full. My telegram ID is SYLBenny

MarcW 15th Jun 2022 19:54

Cathay Pacific SO Recent Opening
Has anybody here applied to the recent job opening for the second officer position at Cathay Pacific?

If anybody has applied in the past, how long does it usually take for a response and what was the whole experience like? I'm intrigued to find out as I have never considered Cathay Pacific as a potential opportunity available until I saw this opening on Latest Pilot Jobs.

All the best!

whitsunday 16th Jun 2022 06:53

I think apart from the interview process and experience, the question you should ask yourself is, am I willing to relocate to Hong Kong and work for Cathay given to the current toxic work culture and the things happening in Hong Kong, because these two are the main reasons that drives experienced expat pilots to leave CX.

Boulanger 17th Jun 2022 18:44

The other problem is that what CX offers you is a dead end career. There is an overwhelming probability that you will never get promoted and will not acquire experience to move your career outside. This is because the corporate believe (and have explicitly said) that it is cheaper to hire an external FO than to train an SO into the right seat, and that the SO is easily replaceable. They won't tell you this of course, and will try to sell you the job. If you don't believe this, then try contacting any current/former CX SO to verify.

Zi Peng 4th Jul 2022 07:28

CX is a good job to pay for your master degree !
No career prospects internally, if you think of upgrading, make a bit of experience and bail out consider that SOs are sitting on year 7 at the moment.
Also you need a plan to have a license you can use when you get out.
Big no no unless you are single or your Mrs can work.
At the moment toxic management, working conditions are terrible due covid with no light in sight, travelling is difficult, commuting impossible, HK is under chinese dictatorship, hundreds leaving.
Do your homework.

Zi Peng 6th Jul 2022 11:11

Boulanger is quite right.
SOs sitting on 6+ years, company looking to hire DEFOs.
Great to pay your master degree !
If you are a DEFO great for heavy time, then apply to Atlas !
Salary down 50-60%, toxic management, hardest working conditions in the world due Covid, people leaving in hundreds.
You would need a proper license to work in EU or NAM if you leave and right to live and work.
China dictatorship is here, don’t forget, HK is not the amazing places it used to be.
BTW unless you are single or your Mrs can get a decent job, forget it.
Covid restrictions to stay for some time, decisions made by the great leader in Bejing.

Porterboy 9th Jan 2024 17:06

I've heard that the laid off foreign SO's might be getting brought back soon. Anybody know if those who were given a start date in 2020 (but never made it on property before Covid) might be contacted as well? Not sure how this all makes sense with 800 cadets in the pipeline, but trying to be optimistic. PM me if you prefer. Thanks!

Zi Peng 10th Jan 2024 00:03

Originally Posted by Porterboy (Post 11572455)
I've heard that the laid off foreign SO's might be getting brought back soon. Anybody know if those who were given a start date in 2020 (but never made it on property before Covid) might be contacted as well? Not sure how this all makes sense with 800 cadets in the pipeline, but trying to be optimistic. PM me if you prefer. Thanks!

Haven’t heard anything, possibly recalling the SOs that were already on the line and have been deactivated or SOs that have completed their initial training in AUS/US.
That would be my guess.
CX has recently signed an agreement with two mainland aviation colleges, personally I believe foreign SOs are a thing of the past.

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