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-   -   Cathay pacific SECOND OFFICER – ADVANCED ENTRY INITIAL INTERVIEW (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/476610-cathay-pacific-second-officer-o-advanced-entry-initial-interview.html)

smurf84 16th Jun 2012 13:39


by the way there is also a good post in the fragrant harbour forums about the functions of a second officer. to be honest that was quite how is it going to be as second officer.
Yes, I was flabbergasted when I read that post prior to my Stage 1 interview. I gave it a long thought (at the same time, 4-5 years as a cruise relief pilot will definitely be a good experience). It's strange I haven't seen any recent posts from Second Officers (about their experiences) who are flying for Cathay Pacific.

The real question - Is it as bad as what it looks like on PPRuNe? All I can see is a planet of negative remarks about the airline, a struggling lifestyle in Hong Kong and Cathay's new recruiting grounds. These remarks come from only 20-30 pilots (and CX has nearly 2500 pilots). What about them?

Yes, Hong Kong is a very expensive city to live in. Plus, with reduced benefits and housing allowances, life can be tough for expat pilots. So the airline says - take it or leave it? Anyway, I'm not getting into this issue which previously got me and some others into a heated debate on the Fragrant Harbour forum.

Im also predicting that the demand for pilots would be less compared to this past few years. what do you think mate?
Oh, I think so too. Three months ago, Dave Hodges and Co. stated that CX was looking to hire 300 pilots in 2012. I reckon the numbers have come down. With the Eurozone crisis, fluctuating ATF prices and the Japanese tsunami which hit Cathay very hard in 2011, it will take time for the airline to display a repeat of 2010. I hope 2013 has good news in store for us.

ixg888 16th Jun 2012 13:56

Smurf i know some s/o in cx who were on advance entry who became my friends as we applied at the same in 2011 who are all having a blast i their job.. There are some guys who worked as fo for turboporps who went to jump as so's for the world class cx telling me cx is wayy much better regardless and i can see that..

smurf84 16th Jun 2012 16:35

They must be right then. I don't see why a pilot wouldn't enjoy working for one of the world's best airlines. The ones complaining seem to be frustrated for obvious reasons. Again, that would result in a heated discussion here.

rdane042 16th Jun 2012 21:44

AE in Toronto
Has anybody received an invitation to stage 1 interview in Toronto in July?

ixg888 17th Jun 2012 03:35

Yah, pm me ill intro you to some. I also have an indian flight instructor who is now an s/o and he told he is living the dream although he came in a bit late @ 35

smurf84 17th Jun 2012 04:43

rdane042 -

This is South Asia and the Far East.

jamessoong 17th Jun 2012 05:02

Hi all, I did my Stage 2 interview on the 13 and 14 June 2012.
I manage to pass the day 1 assessment and did my medical, english test, uniform measurements and logbook checking.

smurf84 17th Jun 2012 05:10

jamessoong - Congratulations. Good luck for your flight grading in Adelaide.

Out of curiosity and going by previous posts, was your technical interview similar to what some of us experienced a few weeks ago in Hong Kong?

jamessoong 17th Jun 2012 06:53

Well, the HR questions are more or less similar.
As for the technical questions, my group of friends which attended the stage 2 have different questions individually. They more or less ask questions base on your background for example there are some who are instructors so they ask them about instructing questions. As for me I just got my licence 6 months ago and i'm currently doing my 737 type rating so they ask me some questions about 737 systems and the rest about their 747-8F,747-400,A340-300,engines,holding (entries), TCAS, etc....

Redondo 17th Jun 2012 14:08

Well done jamessong,

Must be a good experience for you.
How many of you made it through?

cloudripper 17th Jun 2012 15:56

trying the 2nd time
Ixg888 & smurf

I'm glad to know that you too share the same thoughts about the 2nd Round as I do. Pretty much the same questions, which only kept getting tougher and complex, BEYOND my level for now; plus the fact that I havent flown for over an year didn't look good as others were much more current and one was already flying a Jet!

Anyway, I would like to consider reapplying, but I'm not sure if the cool-off is 6months or 1 year?
you guys are aware of the actual procedure? Do i withdraw my application and re-apply after the cool-off period? I would appreciate your guidance comrades :)


smurf84 18th Jun 2012 04:01

I reckon you need not withdraw your application. That will be taken care by the system. But the fact is -

There is a minimum period of 12 months before Cathay Pacific can accept a new application for the same programme.

ixg888 18th Jun 2012 10:56

cloud ripper - the cool off pd. is 12 months but write them a letter prior to your expiry. that is what i did. and my file became active again.

cloudripper 20th Jun 2012 07:31

thanks ixg888 & smurf.

so in the mean time, how are you guys planning to 'work on the flaws' , considering the fact hat there aren't many jobs out there?

in my case, I haven't flown since over an year. any suggestions?

minaldabasia 20th Jun 2012 09:15

hey guys, i did the stage 1 assesment in London in March 2012. I have recived my email to say i pass back in April and now waiting for the call to go to HK for stage 2.

Has anyone got an idea of when that will be happing? and is anyone on the same boat as me?

Redondo 22nd Jun 2012 08:14

Hi Cloudripper, do you mind sharing the difficulties you faced during your stage 2? Anyway, I renew my CPL and applied to CX again.

google88 22nd Jun 2012 09:47

Flight Grading
Hi all any 1 leaving for the advanced entry flight grading in july ?

rdane042 25th Jun 2012 15:41

I have an interview in July

ITAviator 26th Jun 2012 07:10

Regret Mail
I received the mail I was afraid of: Them saying they cannot accommodate me as they have met their requirements.
The mail:
Dear Second Officer Applicant,

Thank you for submitting the Application Update form.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are unable to process your application any further as we already have sufficient applicants with experience and qualifications more closely suited to our requirements.

Please note that due to the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, we are unable to retain your application on file.

Thank you for your interest in Cathay Pacific Airways.

smurf84 26th Jun 2012 08:37

Oh well, that's a first.

Looks like the numbers are down for this year.

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