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3 Green 30th May 2012 13:25


In your earlier post you said u applied in March '12. I assume that is a fresh application on CX website, in that case Wait for ur turn buddy. Long Wait!! I applied in early/mid 2011 and first reply I got was in April 2012. And that also just an email asking for more details! No reply since then. :ugh:

3 Green

Spitfire88 31st May 2012 06:34

i applied almost a year and a half before i got a call back...
Their not gonna have stage one this year again imho.

@ smurf
Thanks bro :)

flypaul 31st May 2012 07:27

if they wont hold a stage 1 in this year then why they asked lot of us to update our application until 12 of May???

I really dont understand....

Kitty_Hawk 31st May 2012 08:56

Sorry to burst all your bubbles. The email sent out asking for an update in details was a SYSTEM ERROR. They WILL NOT hire in India this year again. As a matter of fact, one person went as far as saying we are seriously considering to ever come back to hire in India.
However, few "lucky" ones (at your own expense) have been called to Hong Kong for their stage1.

flypaul 31st May 2012 11:02

I'm not from India. All whose received the mentioned message got just a system error???

Why did not get it everyone who once has registered online to their system?

Juan Manuel Aguirre 31st May 2012 11:12

it was a system error in India, if it was...

vishwas_ddn 31st May 2012 11:44

i spoke to sunny regarding if we wish to attend a stage 1 other than india, he said if i wish to u can send an email about it and they will inform the same..

flypaul 31st May 2012 11:59

Is Mr Sunny the contact person for Indian candidates?

3 Green 31st May 2012 12:32

By any chance, Are you one of the few "Lucky" ones??

Let us know when/if you get a reply. Thnks.

aer_bourne 31st May 2012 13:04

No system error
Can anyone explain what they mean by a "system error"? Why would the Flight Crew Recruitment reply to individual emails if it was so?.

Guess we are going to have to wait and watch.

smurf84 31st May 2012 13:05

flypaul -

There is no such person put in charge for Indian candidates. You can speak to anyone in HR regarding further recruitment.

smurf84 31st May 2012 13:11


It certainly looks like you haven't gone through all the pages of this thread. The very same email you received (regarding completing the application form) was sent to some of us who were previously shortlisted for the Stage 2 interview. That my friend, was a total system error. Have you spoken to Meegan or Emily in HR? I think you should. You'll get a better idea. What people write here regarding that particular email cannot be taken into account.

flypaul 31st May 2012 13:18

Thanks Smurf.


It wasnt system error.

we should just wait

aviator_0088 31st May 2012 14:35

This is what I received in Feb 2012:

Current screenings have been completed for the Initial Interviews of India.

Shall there be a slot available in coming future we will contact you via telephone and email.

Best Regards,
Flight Crew Recruitment
Cathay Pacific Airways

And later during April 2012:

Thank you for your previously submitted on-line application with Cathay Pacific Airways for our Second Officer programmes.

Given this application was submitted some time ago, we ask that if you are still interested in the Second Officer opportunity, to fully complete the attached Flying Experience Requirement form and the Up-date application form.

Kindly complete the attached forms and return by e-mail on or before 12 May, 2012.

Once we have received the completed documents your application will be assessed on interview suitability and competitiveness.

And finally the "Received with Thanks" mail.

Definitely not a SYSTEM ERROR!!!

I'd still try to get in touch with the HR guys in CX for further info.

flypaul 31st May 2012 14:49

yes, definitely it isnt.

let us know if you know any info.


flypaul 31st May 2012 14:51

we completed the documents and sent them back bfefore 12 of May.

i think our only things to do just wait.

Kitty_Hawk 31st May 2012 15:44

@3 Green - No.
The first email was an automatic reply. The second one in April was the system error one confirmed by the HR.

aer_bourne 31st May 2012 21:05

@smurf84 I in fact have spoken to Ms Meegan Eeves. I had a few doubts about the flying experience form which we were asked to fill out. So a follow-up from her side does indicate that it was not a "system error". am I right?

flypaul 1st Jun 2012 05:15

It was a system error for the candidates whom received it after their stage 1.

vishwas_ddn 1st Jun 2012 09:10

its definitely not a system error, its just that the population of fellow pilots is way beyod their capacity to handle. Because i did not even receive any mail to complete any other forms despite of submitting in march '12, also calling them gives you no other answer than to please wait we have so many applications to process..

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