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jamessoong 28th May 2012 10:42

Hi guys, is anyone going for Cathay Pacific Stage 2 in Hong Kong on the 13 and 14 June 2012?

smurf84 28th May 2012 12:56

Stage 2 interview questions
Sorry about the delayed reply, folks.

Math test - Part 1 was pure mathematics (fractions, short addition, multiplication all within 10% accuracy) and part 2 was all about 1 in 60, climb gradient, stall speed. I can't recall the exact questions though. Sorry about that. But you will have sufficient time.

Group exercise and flight planning are easy pickings. The assessors are looking for decision making skills and I think leadership does come into play, but not in an authoritative manner.

Flight planning is purely basic. They don't even give you a calculator - you can imagine how easy it is then.

Interview was 20 min technical and 20 minutes personal. I was asked a few questions on the A340 fuel system, aerodynamics. The management pilot also asked me if I knew anything about the A350. More aerodynamics on the PA34/BE76 with a model of it placed in front of me. Then tech questions -

1. Adverse Yaw.
2. Blended winglets.
3. Typhoon formation/Jet streams.
4. P-factor
5. Triple-spool bypass engine, its working and advantages.
6. Hydroplaning.
7. Drag curve for a jet engine.
8. Anti-skid braking system.
9. CAT

This is all I can think of. Hope this helps. Good luck to all of you.

P.S. - Don't worry about getting a tourist visa when you step into Hong Kong. Get out of the aircraft, rush to the long queue at the immigration counter, show your return ticket to the officer and Bob's your uncle! A 14-day free visa (to all the Indians). When you check in at the Regal Airport Hotel, don't bother giving them a security deposit (upto 2000 HKD) or your credit card. By the way, food isn't included in your stay. So if you're not willing to spend around 500 HKD per day inside the hotel, get ready to take a nice 4 minute walk to Terminal 1 and shell out 150 HKD per day if you plan to eat all three meals at Burger King or at one of those Chinese restaurants. But there's also a 7-11 and a Maxim's Delight inside the terminal. Sandwiches, donuts will cost you a total of 90 HKD per day.

On the day of your interview, take the FREE bus ride (exclusively for CX staff) to Cathay Pacific City from Parking Bay 32 outside Terminal 2.

And if you want to get out of the airport (where you will be staying), go to Concierge and book your seat for yet another FREE bus ride to Kowloon/Hong Kong. Within the city, MTR, trams, buses will take you to any corner. Transportation is fantastic. Finally, The Peak is a must-see. You will realize why Hong Kong is the most vertically developed city in the world.

I didn't manage to pass the Interview, but I enjoyed the Hong Kong experience.

dg4749 28th May 2012 14:06

Smurf 84

You are the first person to tell us about the Stage 2. I wonder why other candidates who were very active on this thread before 21 March are not sharing anything.

So thanks for sharing ur experience. I really appreciate it. Good Luck for next airline interview :ok:

wxy 28th May 2012 15:44

No answer
@ vishwas_ddn .. thanks for the number.

I called but nobody picked up.

I think he knew call was from India so about "cathay recruitment" so he did't bothered to pick up.

smurf84 28th May 2012 16:29

I request some of you to stop sending private messages with regard to questions that were asked during Stage 1 and now, Stage 2. Please go through all the posts - just like I did and others who went for the Stage 2 interview recently. I am not being rude. Please, just spare a day or two reading all the posts in the Fragrant Harbour Wannabe Forum (Cathay Pacific Cadet Pilot Programme thread). You will find all your answers there.

And do not expect the exact questions that have been posted so far. Prepare very well for the Stage1/Stage2 interview. It is an amazing experience. Definitely wouldn't get that in the Indian aviation industry. So be at your best cause Cathay Pacific Airways is one of the best.

I would like to point out one more thing here. When some of you have applied in March/April/May 2012, you must understand that Cathay Pacific receives thousands of applications from all over the world. You are not going to be called for the interview in 10 days. Give it some time, respect the process and you will be called. This isn't SpiceJet or IndiGo. I'm not in HR, but please do not ask them every single day as to when you will be called. If your application is considered suitable and meets the required standard, you WILL be invited to the Stage 1 interview. I applied way back in May 2010. I wrote to them after 6 months and submitted my application once again in June 2011. Finally, I get a call in February 2012. Play the waiting game and you will succeed, come what may. I didn't pass the interview, but I experienced it, and I will apply again.

Good luck chaps.

cloudripper 28th May 2012 16:36

Much appreciated Smurf!
I wish u all the best for the future, dont worry this was just an experience that must've been worth the time!:ok:

I would like to ask you if you took any certifcates or other documents with you ? My date is close but I am yet to receive instructions about the schedule and tickets.

Also, didn't any Radio-Nav based/Nav based math qs come in the quiz?

Thanks Bud!

smurf84 28th May 2012 16:51

Yes, carry all the licences and certificates.

As I stated in my previous post, regarding the math test - 1 in 60, climb gradient, stall speed calculations are an integral part of Navigation. You can expect questions from Radio Aids.

Once again, prepare for the worst.

P.S. - After your interview, the recruitment team will request you to not discuss the questions and contents of all the exercises with other candidates. What are we doing now!

dean2 28th May 2012 19:02


When did you have your stage 1 interview? anyone from the early march joburg group get any dates for stage 2 yet?

vrg380 28th May 2012 20:31

Thanks a lot for your replies and sharing ur exp. wid us..!!!
You have gone crossed d line and gave us sm kind of inf. of wat 2 expect fm CX..!!
And best of lck for your future..!!;)

vishwas_ddn 29th May 2012 05:43

@ wxy call them early in the morning before 10am IST....only then sunny is available later you get hold of a lady who knows nothing.

cloudripper 29th May 2012 10:04

@ smurf:
hey buddy,

did u go with a complete logbook photocopy - highlighting the necessary flights as per the various items asked under the A-E-Logbook covering pages


made a Photocopy ,highlighted and attached the required proof for each of the several items asked in this form?

Spitfire88 29th May 2012 10:27

smurf pretty much summed up the whole thing, well.

In the interview i got asked the foll:
Fuel flow on a 340
Jet engine working
3spool engines
Intake momentum drag
longitudinal stability
effects of cg movement
Altimeter working,construction and a problem
Moonsoon climate in Bombay and precipitation
corsswind produced critical engine on TO

Every one got asked diff questions. Generally one each from Aerodynamics, Tech, Met and Instruments and depending on how u answered they either went deeper into tht subject or moved to the next...

Day 2 started for me with a medical which is exactly like our Indian initial, -the EEG.
There is then a Icao English test inwhich they make u listen to people speaking in diff accents and answer questions and explain. no prep needed for this.
After which u give ur measurements to them and get ur log book checked.


You are the first person to tell us about the Stage 2. I wonder why other candidates who were very active on this thread before 21 March are not sharing anything.

Stage 2 Mar (21-25)
Seems no one from the above batch wants to share their Stage 2 experience here...Before the interview they were very active on this thread.
This coming from sum1 with 3 posts!! sharing is a two way street bro.Make some effort, how much spoon feeding do u require??

However most of us stayed back in HK until yesterday so...

GL to everyone else appearing for it.

Spitfire88 29th May 2012 10:30

@ cloud
For things like PIC and inst time, its ok if u copy the totals and highlight just tht. as long as ur showing the requirements.

If u need to show a 300 nm xcountry then ud need tht page and it highlighted

smurf84 29th May 2012 13:57

spitfire is the only one from our batch who had the 'Day 2' experience :)

Good on you buddy. Congrats once again.

cobracommander 30th May 2012 04:27

Did you have to pay an amount for fuel surcharge or anything for the etickets?
..mine shows a debit amount under tax and total.

vishwas_ddn 30th May 2012 04:42

anyone who is presently in HK...could enquire for me when and wherr will rhe next stage 1 be held? will be a great help fellow aviators...

wxy 30th May 2012 08:45

that exam which you guys took on 29 feb
@bond737 what he meant is could you please enquire when would they again hire (written test) for cathay pacific second officer in India...?? the same test which you guys took on 29 feb in delhi.
And how to apply or enquire about application?

wxy 30th May 2012 09:32

got it
@bond 737 thanks for the reply. I understand its not a walk-in interview. I submitted my application in march. so, it would just be helpful if you would be able get hold of anybody there who can tell you about the approximate date of upcoming exam in India (if there is one :ugh:).

Also, When I submitted my application in March at that time I didnt had Indian license. Now I have Indian license but now I cant update my application :{

Thanks for help buddy. And all the best to you :ok:

smurf84 30th May 2012 10:25

To all the newcomers (in this thread) - Let me repeat. Please stop panicking. You will get your chance in due course. Give them some time. Don't expect Cathay Pacific to knock on your doors this year. I'll be surprised if they do.

The other option would be to select Hong Kong as your preferred location for the Stage 1 interview. And I have mentioned this earlier, if you have read the entire thread or http://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbo...programme.html

wxy - For the love of God, call the recruitment team and ask them about your application and tell them you have an Indian licence now. If you ask us, we are not in a position to update your application or give you the next dates for recruitment in India. Speak to Sunny Singh or Emily Chan. Please read all the posts before you have any further queries. Again, I'm not being rude to any one of you. Remember, you submitted your application only in March 2012. It took nearly 1.5 years for CX to invite me to the Stage 1 interview. The best it could go up to is 3-4 months. But you've got to be very very lucky for that to happen.

cobracommander - You pay nothing at all (except for food during your stay). Good luck.

vishwas_ddn 30th May 2012 12:36

@ bond 737 its just a request if u could..thanks...because i have been caling them, but you see personal interaction is beyond any mode for a positive communication.
@ wxy thanks fr understanding.

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