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cobracommander 27th Apr 2012 16:29

Post #285. --- please respond guys, I'm sure there are others who have cleared round 1 too.

many thanks in advance!

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 16:29


What does the CRN number mean on the application form??


flypaul 27th Apr 2012 16:48

CRN number is the registration number what the Cathay sent u when u have applied online.

Did you write this number to the application form?

ashokbhatt1 27th Apr 2012 17:10


dates are not out yet spoke to them yesterday after giving the CRN number the lady said you are dued for final stage in late may or early june she said they will contact me by end of this month .Was hoping call from them today but no success hoping they might call on monday or earlier part of may.
1 month prior i will be informed she said so i am taking it as june 1st week.

hope this helps

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 17:22


Please help me!

Whats the CRN number?

Should i write it to the application form?


smurf84 27th Apr 2012 17:31

flypaul -

Your PRN/CRN is numerical. For example, 19-99999.

Haven't they given you a PRN/CRN in any of those emails after you submitted your application online the first time? If not, you can call them and ask.

smurf84 27th Apr 2012 17:37

ashokbhatt -

You seem to have a pretty good thing going on with the HR at CX.:) Two weeks ago, when I spoke to one of the ladies (to clear the air on the recent email issue), she simply chose not to tell me anything about the Stage 2 dates.

I hope they really do something about it soon.

I haven't come across any recent posts on the Stage 2 experience.

hinitin123 27th Apr 2012 17:53

when i submitted my application for the first time all i received was a user id which looked like 99-1111. i hope tht is the crn number and yea they had provided the password as well

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 18:43

Thanks smurf84,

I have got a number when i applied online like this XX-XXXX as user id and a password. Its all. I think this is the crn number.

Should i write it to the application what they sent me to submit?

ckalli 28th Apr 2012 03:15

user name and crn/prn are the same.

hinitin123 28th Apr 2012 05:13

alrite thanks for the help buddy !!!!

ashokbhatt1 28th Apr 2012 05:27


i hope you got your answer from smurf84 post.Still CRN number is when you first apply with them online and when you receive a computer generated mail its there in that.its in form of AB/AE CRN 11-XXXXX .When ever you mail or call them to know progress of your application mention this to them it helps.

the way the lady spoke shows they will call us by this friday maximum.But still you never know.This was for my application and i think they will give us dates one or two days here n there.

flypaul 28th Apr 2012 05:49

Thanks guys!

Yes i have it. They sent me when i applied first time.

I did a mistake because i sent back them my application with blank CRN row... (CRN row on the top side of the first page of the application)

What do you think should i resubmit the application with the CRN and resend?

Anyone else here who sent back without CRN and got an answer from them? (received with thanks) etc...


smartflyier 28th Apr 2012 06:13

bro i didn't mention the CRN also but i got the reply from them..... i m worried abt it again.......

flypaul 28th Apr 2012 06:24

thanks bro

dont worry about it, i think lot of us did not mentioned it.

When i was submitting the application i thought CRN is for the HR and i left it blank...

Hope its not a big problem.

flypaul 28th Apr 2012 06:38

I think if it would be a problem then they could inform us by e-mail "please mention ur CRN"

They can find us in the system with our name, adress, etc....i hope....

flypaul 30th Apr 2012 05:09

Hi Guys,

Has anyone received any news, invitation, rejection, anything?


smartflyier 30th Apr 2012 16:25

nothing yet bro after the thanks mail...

Robertson31 2nd May 2012 01:15

Other forum said there is a hiring freeze as of last week. Can any one corroborate that info?

aer_bourne 2nd May 2012 09:15

hey i just checked the other thread which i think you were talking about. A link to that CEO newsletter could be helpful, I think it has something to do with Immigration.

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