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3 Green 26th Apr 2012 06:22

Signed and Scanned...

hinitin123 26th Apr 2012 10:40

Hi guys have a small query regarding the form ( page no. 3) where it says civilian and military experience.
do we have to fill in any detail for the single piston engine and twin piston engine ( page no. 3) if yes, then what do we do for dual time received which i think cannot be filled as F/O's time and correct me if i am wrong the details are for people already having flying experience for some company/ chatters/ airlines.
so freshers have to leave the page blank apart from the licence details

vrg380 26th Apr 2012 16:31

Received mail from CX saying

they are sending this mail after almost 1 week of submission of docs.
Does any 1 else received such mail??

JAY SHAH 26th Apr 2012 17:52

i sent my the docs within 2 days on receiving the mail. I havent received any reply yet..

@vrg380- could you copy and paste the mail here you got from them for reference if you dont mind.

ckthepilot 26th Apr 2012 21:57

Originally Posted by vrg380 (Post 7157706)
Received mail from CX saying

they are sending this mail after almost 1 week of submission of docs.
Does any 1 else received such mail??

Got the same thing. Just more waiting.

3 Green 27th Apr 2012 07:23

I sent the forms back almost two weeks ago, No reply Yet.

hinitin123 27th Apr 2012 07:54

looks like nobody wants to help here.

smartflyier 27th Apr 2012 09:00

hey guys I got the same mail
"Received with thanks."
hope they will consider my application now..:)

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 09:11


When u got the mail?

cobracommander 27th Apr 2012 11:24

second round- anything ??
Hello fellow candidates from the 1st round-feb'12;

All those who cleared the 1st round in mumbai/ind ...have you guys received any further mailmaterial /date about the second round, apart from the 'congratulations' mail after clearing the 1st round which also did mention that. the 2nd round date would be intimated in 'future'

So , any headsup yey,anyone??

smartflyier 27th Apr 2012 11:30

i got it yesterday bro

flyflorida 27th Apr 2012 13:53

One of the forms in the second mail,which contains details of hours completed under various categories towards training states:

Do/did you hold a CIR? Yes / No Single / Multi - Expiry:

Can someone kindly shed some light on what does CIR stand for and what exactly needs to be filled????

vinit 27th Apr 2012 14:24

Thanks for the info. I am currently training for my CPL.

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 14:29


Thanks bro.

I did not receive any answer from them.....

CIR means command instrument rating.

Do u have or not.

If yes. Single or multi or both....valid for...

flyflorida 27th Apr 2012 15:11

Thanks for the reply.Kindly correct me if I am wrong here: command instrument rating means the authority to exercise the instrument rating privilages as PIC?????

Also I have IR rating on both single as well as multi..So how do i fill it in the form?????

aer_bourne 27th Apr 2012 15:21

No Response
I submitted my forms on the 14th, but still have not heard back. If anyone gets some info on this then please do post it. Thanks

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 15:45

U should write :

Do u have Cir? yes

SEIR expiry date

MEIR expiry date

Yes CIR is IR as Pic

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 15:49

But first check that whats the minimim flight hours of CIR.

flyflorida 27th Apr 2012 16:14

Thanks Flypaul.Highly appreciate ur help.TC

flypaul 27th Apr 2012 16:24

ur welcome. if u have any question just feel free to ask.


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