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vrg380 24th Apr 2012 05:16

I had a talk wid them on phone.
They said that they are still screening the applications. If we get selected then they will send us an email wid all details by minimum of 2 weeks time from now.
And den directly for the interview.
Keep your fingers crossed and hope to get selected.

flypaul 24th Apr 2012 05:48

Thanks for keep informed us!!!

igodream 24th Apr 2012 12:23

You talking about what stage??

flypaul 24th Apr 2012 13:59

He talks about stage 1.

vinit 24th Apr 2012 15:57

hi guys, i had applied in feb 2012..no replies yet..

smartflyier 24th Apr 2012 17:05

hi guys
sorry to ask the same question again, did anyone got a rejection mail from them even after meeting all the requirements?

much worried about it and bad feeling also...:ugh:

smurf84 24th Apr 2012 17:36

Vinit - Didn't you get an email from Cathay nearly 10 days ago? Some of them got emails with application forms attached to it. They were told to fill it up and send it back to the recruitment team. I suggest you talk to one of the HR folks in Hong Kong. If you're lucky, you may get that email too.

The first stage of interviews were conducted in Mumbai 2 months ago. There were 77 pilots who appeared for the interview. If they have good numbers from India again, I'm sure CX will go on a hiring spree.

Be patient if this is what you really want. Good luck.

smurf84 24th Apr 2012 17:39

smartflyier - I feel for you, man. Despite meeting all the requirements, as you claim to have, I still wonder why your application was rejected. I think you should speak to Ms.Emily Chan about your case.

smartflyier 25th Apr 2012 03:49

Thank dude
but the number of emily chan was not given in the mail and i had called the HR dept. they said they will review it again. I said I am meeting all the requirements and they said they are not only looking for flying hours rather they are going thorough overall application. I said the information asked in the form are only related to flying and education which I am meeting so they said they will review it again
lets see... hope is still there:sad:

smurf84 25th Apr 2012 05:12

I'm assuming it came down to the school grades factor. I think our school exams are far superior to the exams conducted overseas. I scored 80+ in the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 examinations. Yet, during the interview the HR lady asked me if this was good enough for me to get through to the next stage. I could only tell her that I gave my best. She didn't seem convinced. But I got lucky.

Ghastal 25th Apr 2012 06:34

How long are we supposed to wait?! I submitted my application earlier this year but haven't heard from them ever since; I had even selected HK as my preferred interview location, albeit I don't live there, as I thought that would provide an impetus to my application. I called, and mailed, them a couple of times to inquire about my application status but to no avail.

brit air 25th Apr 2012 11:01

i am also in the same boat i had applied to cathay back in 2009 still no reply even i mentioned as hong kong as my preferred location that may be the reason they didnt send us any email, tried emailing them and calling them but still no reply :(

flypaul 25th Apr 2012 12:04

It could not be a problem that you choosed HKG to preferred place.

smartflyier 25th Apr 2012 12:15

guys do our IR need to be valid to get a call?? did anyone from last attempt got a call even IR was not valid?

flypaul 25th Apr 2012 12:30

Must have CPL and 250+ hours. And your flying hours have to meet with their minimum requirements for AE SO programme. When you submitted the documents the requirements were in the firs column. IR requirement: 10 hours under training.

smartflyier 25th Apr 2012 14:11

yes bro i do meet all the requirements but my Multi engine IR is not valid.. is that the reason for not considering my application?:confused:

flypaul 25th Apr 2012 14:39

I dont think so.

Have u completed a flight as PIC on a route of 300nm?

Do u have 2 night cross country flights as PIC at a min distance of 65 nm?

But we dont know what is their selection process. maybe there can be any other why they answered to u like that.

maybe they screening what u have written to the why do u want to work for cathay row....

But if u check what they wrote u then you will see that they wrote u that "there are better applicants" So your application is allright, just maybe they received some better application.

we dont know....

But if they will review your application maybe they will change their minds.

vinit 25th Apr 2012 15:57

Thanks smurf84. Is this the correct number to call +852 2747 2200 ?
I read other posts where people are talking about IR, night flying etc.
This cadet program is for beginners who have little or no flying experience as well right or am i getting it wrong?

smurf84 25th Apr 2012 17:12

Yeah, I reckon that is the telephone number.

Before you get this completely wrong, you are eligible to apply only for the Advanced Entry programme which is for CPL holders (international and local) with 250+ hours.

The Cadet Pilot Programme (with zero or less than 250 hours flying experience) is strictly for HKID holders.

IR needn't be valid. Once again, according to the folks at HR, any deficiency in the flying hours (Night, PIC) should be met within 4 months from passing flight grading. They could change those rules as per their convenience. You never know.

flypaul 26th Apr 2012 06:04


After you submitted the application, did you print all page and signed or just simply submitted the word documents without your sign what they sent?


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