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Old 24th Dec 2000, 03:00
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Wink Gloves

Whats the story with pilots in England Wearing dainty white flying gloves? Is there a reason ? Is it a world wide phenomenon or localised to the uk?

ill buy a pair if i get a good reason.
Old 24th Dec 2000, 14:11
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Keep your hands warm in the winter, stop them getting sweaty and slippery in the summer. They don't have to be white but it's easier for the ground crew to see your signals in the dark!
Old 24th Dec 2000, 18:41
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Only because they have runout of green one's!
Old 24th Dec 2000, 23:38
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I use my old pair of Nomex flight gloves during preflight, not for cold, but if I'm taking the bird from another pilot just landed, I'm less likely to burn myself if I accidentally tough parts of the exhaust during preflight, also keeps my hands clean.

Old 25th Dec 2000, 17:27
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Also useful if you need to shake hands with any grubby engineer types......
Old 25th Dec 2000, 22:00
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Of course, some people use their flying gloves as a ready log book ie grubbier they are = more experienced. But then you get the guys who take a new pair for a drag around the filthiest thing they can find (waste POL, tractor exhaust etc). The natty Britmil leathers are thinner than the heavy US green and grey jobs - better 'feel'. Don't even ask what the silky liners are for...
Old 26th Dec 2000, 00:58
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Regarding the white gloves...if they ever get too dirty and you want to wash them, make sure it's on a cool wash. They look mighty strange after a boil wash; just about action man sized!

Another day in paradise
Old 27th Dec 2000, 14:50
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I tried to explain to a pilot about 10 years ago that I thought gloves were an unneccessary and extra 'dangerous' piece of equipment - he naturally thought I was mad. I hear he just lost some fingers when his gloves were ripped off.... ouch, very sad - I hope he makes a good recovery. (!?)

Other pieces of equipment incompatible with flying helicopters: Knee boards, Sunglasses, Hats (bibles and other superfluous supersticious items)... IMHO
Old 28th Dec 2000, 05:59
  #9 (permalink)  
Lama Bear
Posts: n/a

Flying with gloves is like sc**wing with a condom.
Old 28th Dec 2000, 06:19
  #10 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I think not, they are the bees knees for putting out exhaust fires!!!!!

And they stopped me 'Degloving' a finger when I slid off a shiny Wessex 2 in 30 deg of heat.

Drag up a lantern, swing that sandbag.

Plus they are nicer to eat your sarnies with in the summer!

Old 28th Dec 2000, 14:09
  #11 (permalink)  
The Nr Fairy
Posts: n/a

JoePilot :

I can't work out whether you're joshing or not about the incompatibility of sunglasses and kneeboards in helicopters.

Sunglasses I really can't understand. And kneeboards, unless you write on a map in something which stands out, which won't be the case at night.

Care to elaborate ?
Old 28th Dec 2000, 17:47
  #12 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Serious - no - too minor an issue to be serious about, just my (relaxed) personal view - part of the 'zen of helicopter flying' I guess - part of system of optimizing even fine details

Sunglasses; wreck peripheral vision, distort angles (even the best by 1/4 deg(an accuracy which pilots are surprised to find they do actually use)), diminish the pilot's / eye's ability to cope when sunglasses not present. Often used to make pilots look and 'feel' like pilots (coolness, ego etc ...unhealthy)

Kneeboards: necessary for examinations where impression counts - but dangerous (only a little bit) since a rigid structure of that dimension is not compatible with most cockpits, jamming and catching (on gloves perhaps) - besides it's fairly rare to need to record something which can't be remembered if your brain is engaged (if the need arises - yes write on chart or an old payslip - the clear panel on yr trousers seems to work well).

Hats: limited field of view, extra equipment, ego problems - good for latent epileptics tho'

And on gloves - I did a check ride on someone the other day who had gloves shades,leather jacket, hat, kneeboard - he looked really cool. He inadvertently turned a switch off with the fold in his glove - I felt a wave of that brief warm smug feeling inside which happens when one can't quite muster an 'I-told-you-so' - and he didn't even notice the associated warning light!

Experience is a wealth of very many very small things ... you have some intresting/obscure ones to share?
Old 28th Dec 2000, 18:15
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I don't usually wear my gloves when flying right now, just on preflight for reasons listed above.

I've gotten my kneeboard placement down, I'm more worried about it's strap coming off than anything else. going to a better make soon

Old 29th Dec 2000, 03:16
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Because,I suppose, most of us were in the military and were always told to cover all our body in case of fire we all wore gloves. Not expecting to crash and burn nowadays the practice is dying out due to the high c ost of those lovely cape leather gloves I expect.No reason why one shouldn't wear them though that I can think of.
Old 29th Dec 2000, 10:33
  #15 (permalink)  
The Nr Fairy
Posts: n/a

JP :

So without hats or sunglasses, how do you cope with glare from the sun - I assume since you're in the UK ( same as me ) that we get to see it every now and again.
Old 29th Dec 2000, 13:07
  #16 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Nr Fairy,

I've come to the conclusion this is a personal thing. Every flying instructor I ever had, both f/w and rotary, insisted I'd need sunglasses when the sun shone. Tried them. Didn't like them. I don't find the sun a problem at all, but I find sunglasses awkward and uncomfortable. I don't like hats or gloves since they're just extra things to carry, and I can't see the point. I do like my kneeboard so I can write things down easily though. I guess we're just all different.


To fly is human, to hover, divine.
Old 29th Dec 2000, 15:10
  #17 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

While flying a Robinson R22 a few years ago (right seat), I had a kneeboard on my left leg. After a normal approach, I came to a hover into a fairly strong wind. I made a slow left pedal turn to start a taxi back. As soon as I got downwind, the cyclic (sprouting from the floor between the seats) jammed the knee board between it, and my pelvis! I couldn't stop the downwind taxi! A fairly panicked right pedal turn solved it before I hit the rapidly approaching fenceline. I don't use kneeboards any more.
Happy New Year all.
Old 29th Dec 2000, 15:52
  #18 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I guess you prove my point. Glare for you is a problem because of your sunglass dependancy. (....maybe true?)

4 me and Whirlybird I guess no sunglass use and no glare problem. - I think its particularly important if flying on a dull day and you come around the corner of a cloud to full-on sun for your eye and methodology alone to be able to cope. (IMHO)

Old 29th Dec 2000, 16:17
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

A109:Four reasons against:
1. my acquaintance's loss of fingers with gloves (see above)
2. My inexperienced 'victim' inadvertantly turning off a switch (see above)
3. Extra equipment needs to be able to justify itself - otherwise its just clutter
4. Skin is a pretty clever contact surface - well designed for the job (sensitivity etc)

Kaitak: Would you seriously have lost the skin of your finger in an unrecoverable way without gloves - please explain?

Fishboy's example is fairly good - don't you think?

It's only a small point - but lots of small points make the difference - when managing a basket of 'long odds' risks - which is our job when flying (- no?)

Old 29th Dec 2000, 23:55
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Some of you have known many more accident prone people than I. Never heard of someone losing a finger in a hung up glove. However, I have spent several days in inhospitable climates with infected cuts from cable burrs and cotter keys. I wear gloves during preflight for the protection. Light cotton ones so you can feel that bearing play.
If your hand does not sweat on a smooth plastic cyclic grip, good. I wear flight gloves for this reason. Do not mind a hat if I can pop the bill up and down on need. Never, ever had a problem wearing sunglasses in the cockpit. Fact is, I've been in some hazy places where the sunglasses made the difference between seeing the other aircraft a little earlier or being quick to respond a little later

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