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Old 5th Jun 2000, 15:06
  #1 (permalink)  
semirigid rotor
Posts: n/a

Given that there seems to be an overwhelming opinion that BALPA made a complete mess of representing the work force in the Bond/BIH merger talks. Do we really want them dealing with the new company in the future?
Old 7th Jun 2000, 03:12
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I asked the same question a while ago, "BALPA and the North Sea pilot, about as much use as tits on a fish!!" Got no response then and I see you are getting little response now. If North Sea pilots are to get anywhere with regard to pay and conditions they will have to find their balls and stand up and be counted. With regard to BALPAs role within the merger talks the only people they represented was themselves. As far as I am concerned, Jim can shove my badge where the sun don't shine!!!
Old 7th Jun 2000, 12:28
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Although I know little about the merger of BIH and Bond, it has been proved before on the North Sea that individuals seeing managers or making comments at poorly attended meetings are a complete waste of time. This is exactly what the people, supposedly running our industry, laugh about in the pub after work.

The North Sea Pilots Association was a brave effort that failed through lack of commitment and support. The only way to make any progress is collectively, there is no doubt.

Neither, semirigid and pitchlink, does sitting on the sidelines and carping or using crude language help the case. If this as good as we can manage we might as well write off our futures now.

The answer is collective strength. Go to the next BALPA meeting and tell them that we are dissatisfied and we want them to take a tougher line with the employers and for them to get their act together and stop being so amateurish when dealing with the Oil Companies.

The North Sea Pilots have tremendous power if they could only get organised and remain united. Look at how BA staff by arranging some "sick days" managed to forward their case. If the NS did that the Oil Companies would take a very active interest in our problems. In fact they would be talking to our managers in double quick time!

So come on lets stop fighting each other, tell Jim to get cracking before they ruin our jobs, and our pensions and our pay scales ( behind the drag curve I know ).

IF WE WANT TO ACT STRONG WE HAVE TO ACT TOGETHER, and like it or not BALPA is the only vehicle we can use. If the officers are not doing a good job tell them in writing or vote them out.

If any younger people intend staying in this industry you had better come forward and start fighting for your futures or get out now and go and do something else.
Old 7th Jun 2000, 16:28
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Houdini, Couldn't agree more. However, I am at a base that did turn up to a Balpa meeting, told them that we weren't happy in no uncertain terms and awaited the result from the next meeting they had with management in ABZ. Next we knew it had all been agreed after a pilots meeting up North.
Coming from a base with the highest proportion of pilots in BALPA we were not even given the courtesy of a meeting to see if we agreed with the proposals. (Which we didn't)!!! The ones who should be ashamed are those pilots living North of the border who showed no backbone for the situation. They had proved once that it works when it came to an unfair roster, but when the issue of pay and harmonisation came up seemed to turm over and let management tickle thier tummies!!!
This leaves those of us in the South in an awkward situation:-

We joined BALPA hoping that they would sort the pay and harmonisation mess out. They agree a deal with the company which they think is fair for the industry average and this is agreed to by its membership in Aberdeen but is seen as misrepresentation South of the border. Our argument is therefore no longer with the company but with BALPA itself who just seem to want to take our money and go for the easy option. Do we therefore leave BALPA in protest (and as a result give ourselves an extra 1%). This, however, will not get rid of BALPA as the recognised Union even if its company wide membership falls below the 50% threshold. This infact would give the management more scope to reduce pay and conditiions further.

So tell me- Which way would you go??????
Old 9th Jun 2000, 14:38
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Couldn't agree more with pitchlink on this matter. Balpa needs to be shown that we in the industry have backbones which they could have used for negotiations. If Jim O cared that is. He is the problem with helicopter pilots within Balpa and by all resigning membership (even for just one month) sends a clear message to New Road that we are all unhappy with his lack of backbone.
Old 11th Jun 2000, 22:13
  #6 (permalink)  
semirigid rotor
Posts: n/a

Houdini, I think most of us are in agreement with you. I'm A BALPA member, who turned up to the meetings and said my bit. Now the details are out and Iam being disadvantaged by the new pay deal, guess how surprised I was to be told by my rep. to talk to management direct and resolve the problem! What is the union for? I'm not an isolated case in this respect and after the last BALPA meeting I got the feeling that BALPA has not grasped the fundementals of how our industry works. Added to that, to agree a deal without asking all the members is undemocratic to say the least. Next year if the oil price takes a dive do you all really believe that we will get 4.5%?
Old 12th Jun 2000, 01:40
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I find it amazing that this industry provides an essential service to the richest clients in the world and we do it at cost price or even at a loss. The Management of the North Sea Helicopter Companies seem to think that their only means of increasing profitability is to squeeeze their employees harder and harder. This is at a time when the oil price approaches an all time high. Profitability is not a crime. It is essential for the future health of aviation in this difficult environment. But extracting it from one's own workforce is asking for trouble.
Maybe a withdrawal of this essential service is the only means of bringing everyone to their senses. The consequences of not facing this simple truth is plain for everyone to see.
Old 13th Jun 2000, 03:30
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

4.5% ? Where does that figure come from?

Or, is it 4.5% of the rise we got last year (o%)?

Or, is it a 4.5% cut?

Another day in paradise
Old 13th Jun 2000, 23:38
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Pitchlink,like your comments however you should be aware that like yourselves we did not agree to anything but our "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING" Balpa organization did.I was at that meeting.Lets fight together.A NORTH NORTH sea pilot.
Old 16th Jun 2000, 17:16
  #10 (permalink)  
semirigid rotor
Posts: n/a

Now the truth is out there! Jim O'Donnell, our representative from BALPA for the merger and pay talks. The man who fought and got us a crap pay/merger deal has joined management!Talk about poacher turned game keeper - no conflict of interest there! Just get a pay deal acceptable to management, don't consult the work force and he gets you a cosy little job up here. It STINKS! :MAD:
Old 16th Jun 2000, 19:16
  #11 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

How dare Balpa call themselves an honerable organisation after Jim O'Donnell can pull a scam like this. No wonder he wasn't willing to support anyone who thought the pay deal was crap.

That might have upset the company.

Come on O'Donnell, you TOSS*R, Explain yourself. I know your out there, lurking about. Your type always do!!

Back stabbing, good for nothi..........
Old 17th Jun 2000, 01:16
  #12 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Couldn't agree more with the two above postings! I don't know how he thinks he will get away with it. I guess once again that he is relying on the appathy of those who will see him everyday and not say anything. I just wish he had an office down south!!! I will be resigning my BALPA membership immediately as once again they have proved they cannot be trusted!!!!!
Old 17th Jun 2000, 01:49
  #13 (permalink)  
Speechless Two
Posts: n/a
Red face

For those of us who are no longer active in the profession, could someone post which company O'Donnell has joined?

I must say I never liked the attitude of this gentleman at the BALPA meetings I attended in Aberdeen and I took a particular dislike to the contemptuous way he dealt with those who were effectively paying his salary. His actions now are just beyond belief!

Ah! - just seen the post in Rumour and News - I feel for you guys in Scotia.

[This message has been edited by Speechless Two (edited 17 June 2000).]
Old 17th Jun 2000, 19:17
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Jim O'Donnell has joined Scotia, merged Bond and BIH. Quite a senior post in management!!
Old 20th Jun 2000, 02:21
  #15 (permalink)  
365 budgie
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

I am not a member of BALPA but went along to see what Jim O had to say when he visited our base.

With all that has transpired since I am glad that I saved my subscription money.

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