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Getting your 'Wings' 2005 style? (Recruiting homosexuals to the military)

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Getting your 'Wings' 2005 style? (Recruiting homosexuals to the military)

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Old 30th Aug 2005, 04:34
  #21 (permalink)  

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Agaricus bisporus

Although your words are obviously well intentioned and heart felt........Take a Chill Pill! Then go to confession and say 20 Hail Mary's!


Your point was well taken and very eloquent.

Why not just let people do what they want to and not get in their face? For instance AB, if you want to go to the local Pub and raise hell and go home with whatever..does anyone rattle yer chain? I don't think so.

DJ, I concur. Leave those who want to be whatever to themselves, Mother Nature will eventually sort it out.

Heliport, its sad to see you take the brunt of this abuse but thats why they pay you the big bucks, right?

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Old 30th Aug 2005, 04:59
  #22 (permalink)  
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OK, as much as my 80 IQ will let me enter this one.......
I Dont give two hoots if these Morons want to walk around with there Asses hanging out. Do it in front of children and be prepared to eat a Cricket Bat..........
Other than that have a nice day......
That aint Homophopic, just common sense.
Anyway few can become Helicopter Pilots, they cant keep it in trim........always want to stick the Tail Rotor in the wind...
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 05:02
  #23 (permalink)  

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B Sousa

I always heard that if you can't Hover, your'e QUEER!

Must be true.

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Old 30th Aug 2005, 05:55
  #24 (permalink)  
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Heliport - I don't think Agaricus understands your sense of humour - maybe he doesn't do irony.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 06:09
  #25 (permalink)  
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Puts a whole new meaning on the old army saying "never leave your mates behind!"
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 09:52
  #26 (permalink)  
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Im with Heliport on this one, these people are not hurting anyone so let them live there lives.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 09:53
  #27 (permalink)  
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I would like to take issue with the photo on the first post. That blokes dress sense, outrageous head wear and his obvious display of sexual innuendo and provocative ' in yer face' suggestion, was an assault on my sensitivities. How he and the others were allowed to get away with it is beyond me.
And as for the guy on the left............
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 10:38
  #28 (permalink)  
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Coming from a country where the word ¨Macho¨was invented . . .

I really don´t have anything against gays, the only time when Gay people can get on my nerves is whey they start to show how ¨proud to be gay they are¨

Being Gay is a health problem, I´m not sure but I think it has to do with a psycological problem, something in your childhood, a chemical inbalance I really don´t know, but I know its an oddity of nature and its abnormal. The same way I wouldn´t hate someone that has cancer, I wouldn´t hate someone Gay.

But when it bothers me is when they start saying they are proud of having this problem, and then they start to publicly flaunt it and showing everyone their problem. I just don´t get it, I mean I don´t see a Gay parade and run them over or scream things I just think inside of me . . . That I never see people with say paranoia or other psycological disorders make pride parades, why should they?

Let's not forget it's not normal to be gay, why be proud of it, I have never seen a "oligophrenic pride parade" or have I ?

Now about having Gay people in the armed forces, well I see where that could bring lots of problems.

Last edited by BlenderPilot; 30th Aug 2005 at 17:10.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 10:50
  #29 (permalink)  
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Thanks Blender, it's taken me 20 mins to find out how oligophrenics translates into English and I'm still none the wiser!
So come on then spill those cowboy beans ? ya'll.

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Old 30th Aug 2005, 12:33
  #30 (permalink)  
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I would have thought that in general, sexuality is not a matter of choice but one of genetic make-up and therefore not something that we choose.

Homosexuality was always frowned upon in the Armed Forces as well as society as a whole and therefore it does not follow that a change in attitude should follow a change in legislation.

Surely this is part of a much bigger discussion, the rights and acceptance of minority groups in society.

If society is to open its arms to homosexuality then surely this must include acceptance of all minority groups and their actions alike. How about inviting Gypsies to stay on our village greens, or allowing the preaching’s of religious extremism in our schools, - I think not.

Dressing as they do, the 'gay pride' paraders set themselves apart from mainstream society and therefore leave themselves open to ridicule, and I would hazard a guess that a large proportion of the homosexual community must cringe at the site of these parades.

For this reason I would have to question why the Armed Forces should elect to take part in such events.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 15:13
  #31 (permalink)  
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recruiting homosexuals to the military

Whatever next ! ! if you want to push **** up hill get a wheel barrow.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 17:17
  #32 (permalink)  
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I cant really believe what I have just read. I have never heard such nonsense in my life (with the exception of a few balanced comments)

The Gay/Cancer comparison has to be the most awful. You see people who are homosexual as suffering from a terminal illness? Or are you still of the opinion that it can be 'treated'? Just not with chemo like a cancer but with electric shock therapy. What age are you people living in? Are doctors searching for a cure to homosexuality - i think not - because its not an illness, it a very small part of someones personality.

I personally do not feel the need for some people to make such a spectacle of themselves on such marches and I am gay. Infact it is a bit cringeworthy. But after so many years of persecution and bigoted views from some areas of the community can you understand why people would want to say they are not ashamed of who they are?

Some of you are pilots and I imagine you must have an awful time working with us gay stewards (and infact some of your colleagues on the flight deck I should imagine) with the attitudes you show on here.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 18:30
  #33 (permalink)  
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Some of you are pilots and I imagine you must have an awful time working with us gay stewards
Funny you mentioned that Danflybe. Not being a Heavy Driver but a Lowly Helo Pilot. I have never had the luxury of a Coffee Moffee working in my little put-put. I have, however, flown on many airlines for many miles and as a passenger never given it a second thought. It just goes with the territory that all male stewards are considered gay. I wonder why that is?? What is the attraction for the Gay Male to this line of work...Its not easy work either, be one Male/Female/Confused. I can guarantee if I had to put up with some of the passengers I have seen, I would certainly Bitch Slap more than one.

Back to the topic. I think most would agree that again most dont care what these folks do. Its their lives, they have to live it. I dont. In fact I have been accused of being a Lesbian......My wife may even agree.
Its the ridiculous "we have to prove something attitude" What do they have to prove. Their queer?. Why do I need to know that . I also noted in the area of the parade there appeared to be some family types going by. I still think its inappropriate behavior in front of kids. Two dads...I don theeenk so senor.
So whats next a monument as to what the gay community has given to the world........Lets see.. No more fun sex, unless you want to die...... Ummm, maybe not chasing the girls in Bangkok(ironic name), Paris or any of a hundred spots......
Here in Africa its so bad they are literally running out of Burial space. TV tonight said that 40% of the Swazi adults live with HIV.
Thats FORTY Per Cent.
So go to the parades, have fun, but dont give me that pride Bullsh1t as there aint much to be proud of

Ouch, The Edit Police got me. I forgot we cant put letters by our censored words.... Sorry about that.

Last edited by B Sousa; 30th Aug 2005 at 19:59.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 19:44
  #34 (permalink)  
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So long as there aint kids involved what folk get up to in private is their business. They can get their kicks from sex acts with other guys, animals, a pot of peanut butter and jello or any other perversion they want and it's no business of mine. Same goes if guys want to dress up as fairies and nuns.
What I got no time for is the in ya face sort who just gotta make a big thing about it when they're not in private and then expect to be treated as if buggering other guys and such like is normal. Yeah its gone on since the beginning of time. So's bestiality but that dont make it normal behavior. We're all expected to respect their feelings but they don't show any respect for regular folks feelings.
And if you say having sex with other guys or animals is wrong or abnormal you're a bigot.

Its all fine and dandy in theory to recruit them into the military so long as they keep what they get up to in private lives to themselves. If they don't and flaunt it in folks faces then they aint got anyone to blame except themselves if they get told what most folk think about that sort of behavior. If you dont want a reaction dont provoke one.

Last edited by Bronx; 30th Aug 2005 at 19:59.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 20:01
  #35 (permalink)  
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Unfortunately the rules won't let me just post a vomit icon - so now I've padded it out a bit, here we go...

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Old 30th Aug 2005, 21:36
  #36 (permalink)  
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Call me old fashioned, but how the hell did this end up in Rotorheads?
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 21:51
  #37 (permalink)  
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I guess because the recruiting programme covers all branches of the Army and the Army Air Corps operates helicopters.
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Old 30th Aug 2005, 22:51
  #38 (permalink)  
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To try and bring a slightly balanced view to the forum.

Firstly it would appear that the thread is about a Carnival, albeit the focus is on being proud about being gay.
How many 'straight' carnivals do you see where the attendees are dressed in business suits? not many I bet, usually people wear outlandish costumes and prance around generally enjoying themselves. Which appears to be the case here, the only difference is instead of sexy latin women with virtually no clothes on there's fat northern blokes.
Why can't children go to this party?
I didn't see in the pics anyone buggering anyone else, male or female. I'm sure there was music and laughter and colourful costumes the like of which I'm sure my young daughters would have loved and I certainly wouldn't have kept them away because some of the people there had their bottoms showing. Shock horror. The music, theatre, film and television world is full of gay people but in todays media crazed society I'm sure most of the people condemning this festival would love their child to be a famous actor, singer, etc.

That's all I have to say on the matter. Take a good look at yourself and make sure you're not a hypacrite.

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Old 31st Aug 2005, 00:43
  #39 (permalink)  
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We should be thankfull that very few of the gays breed.
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Old 31st Aug 2005, 01:21
  #40 (permalink)  
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I begin to wonder about Barristers.....wigs and all that....but sans the pink ribbon trimmings...maybe Flying Lawyer can explain what University degree in law is signified by the pink trimmings? (Guess it had to be Pink....Blue just would not be gender correct now would it?)

Somehow....I am not shocked by all this....way deep down inside my heart I know I should be for some reason. Grandma would swallow her Snuff if she could see those photographs. She would not have gotten past the bad manners part of the bare assed chaps (the apparel and the person) thus the rest of the issues would have gone unremarked about.

Somehow I question the "rightness" of the travelling public being ambushed by such behaviour....one minute you are having a nice walk with the youngun's then poof....you are having to explain men in women's clothing....bare asses in public....and Lord knows what else.

They can call it "Pride".....I merely call it being rude and obnoxious. Hire the Legion Hall and do whatever you wish behind closed doors...but not in public. The Pride Nazi's might as well be Born Again for all their zeal in trying to convert others to their way....they waste their time on me....The Born Agains do as well. I ain't lost Jesus and I sure have not lost anything but my sense of humour with the other bunch.

I don't reckon calling them simple Wankurs would be acceptable?
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