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2A levels or equivalent ?

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Old 13th Jun 2001, 14:52
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Question 2A levels or equivalent ?


I am 22 and am hoping to apply for the BA CEP scheme in the near future,
however I am unsure whether my A levels qualify me.
I have four A levels with the following grades; Mathematics(B), Physical Education (B),
Law (E) and Geography (E).
My problem lies in the fact that I'm not sure whether my PE qualifies as a subject.
Can anyone help ?

My other query is that I almost have my MCSE and would like to know how BA regard this
Old 13th Jun 2001, 17:49
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

If I was you I'd go for it. PE maybe not as 'academic' as other subjects, but then again you do have four A-levels which is good achievement. You'll never know till you try anyway. I'm sure you will be okay, particularly if you have a decent set of high grade GCSE's. These are a particularly good way of determining whether you can learn/cope with a wide range of subjects at the same time. You could always ask when phoning for your application form - they might be able to shed some light. Good luck.
Old 13th Jun 2001, 19:23
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the encouragement. I think I'll take your advice and give them a call.

By the way, I have 8 GCSE grades A-C.
Old 13th Jun 2001, 20:59
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I agree, go for it!
I again had the same problem, I had an A in art and a C in computer science!
I had 9 a-b gcse's and have been invited for an aptitude test!
Art is blatently not an accdemic subject!
Good Luck!

BA wannabe!
Old 14th Jun 2001, 02:25
  #5 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a

BA state that they require 2 GCE A levels at C grade or equivalent in CORE academic studies. I think that you will find that computer science is not a core accademic subject (please correct me if wrong), SOME of these might include, English, Maths, French, Science, History and Geography etc. So I go off to study for two 'core' A levels on a fast track course when I could have got accepted for aptitudes with two non core subjects. And do you know what is worse? I reckon I may get a D or worse in one of the subjects.


[This message has been edited by lone eagle (edited 14 June 2001).]
Old 14th Jun 2001, 02:33
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I did Politics, Economics and Geography

U cannot honestly tell me that Politics and Economics are not "CORE ACADEMIC" subjects!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know the list of whatis considered CORE but I am sure what is done in most schools is considered CORE. I know General Studies is not considered CORE

Old 14th Jun 2001, 02:56
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Lone eagle I urgently think I need to clarify your post because before people start worrying lots and lots, oh no I didn't do one of the 5 subjects u listed.

A CORE subjected is basically subjects that Universities will accept for UCAS points.

Lone eagle placed French as a core subject, if u did German etc don't worry a Language is a CORE subject.

As is Politics, Computer Science, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology etc etc list goes on and on.

Lets not panic people please. I am 99% confident that BA will accept any subject except General Studies (similiar to the majority of Universities in this country).

Old 14th Jun 2001, 15:35
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Just to let you all know, I phoned BA today and asked whether they could clarify what is regarded as a 'core academic' subject, most importantly of all whether my PE Alevel qualified. To my delight she came back minutes later and said that all subjects excluding general studies (to her knowledge) counted.
I asked her about the Physics and Maths, she just said in the past these have been preferred subjects as they give an early indication whether a student can cope with the workload that is expected of them during the course, but she did reiterate the point that all Alevels EXCEPT General studies were accepted.

Time to start filling in my application form !!
Old 14th Jun 2001, 19:43
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

No longer 99% sure now 100% sure lol


Well done for getting clarity.

Old 14th Jun 2001, 23:40
  #10 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a

Some pruners really are morons!!! Do I have to presume that half you lot (you know who you are) need everything spelt out for you? Do I need to list EVERY core academic subject??? If my post gave the impression that those subjects listed were the only core subjects then I am sorry and I will go and edit my post now lest some poor misguided fool takes my post literally.

Sorry if I am a bit grouchy but I've just had a VERY bad day!

Old 15th Jun 2001, 05:13
  #11 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Well from your post it gives the distinct impression that u have gone off and decided to study 2 more subjects that u feel are core subjects.

And I have read the post twice now and it still gives me the impression that u did A levels and now are redoing 2 on a fast track course in what u consider core subjects.

In all honesty it makes no difference to me, I meet the criteria, the posts that I and others have put on are in an attempt to illustrate that all A levels bar General Studies are considered CORE subjects and therefore those that have 2 or more at Grade C or above meet the criteria

Re read your post and if u still consider us "morons" then so be it. Other posts have only been placed to clarify any confusion

Old 15th Jun 2001, 10:40
  #12 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

BA applicants will also be required to demonstrate sound written communications skills, including reasonable spelling and grammar.

Use of 'u' instead of 'you' and 'i' instead of 'I' appears to be a creeping habit nowadays - I suggest that you break this 'yoof-speak' habit as it will not help you with your manuscripted application.

Interestingly, the worst standard of written English seems to come from British applicants for any sponsorship scheme.........
Old 15th Jun 2001, 20:23
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

In all honesty I use words such as u etc only when in a hurry online. Spelling mistakes etc are common on these forums and any other forums online but that does not make the points any less valid.

This is a forum about information, and noone is going to spend time correcting every spelling mistake, or grammatical error. I do get your point about using U, lol, brb etc online as it at times becomes a habit when typing, yet not when handwritten.

It does depend on the situation though, and I for one will certainly be using you if it is required when filling out job forms <g>


[This message has been edited by Sagey (edited 15 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Sagey (edited 15 June 2001).]
Old 15th Jun 2001, 21:09
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


The MCSE should highlight to BA that you have planned ahead well (backup career) by investing both time and money into a vocational course which is considered 'very difficult' for most.

(well I hope anyway, as in a few weeks I'll be a MCSE, MCDBA and CCNA!!! - hopefully.)
Old 16th Jun 2001, 01:10
  #15 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi Skyrocket10.

As you may or may not have guessed, I am new to all of this, and like yourself am 22 and aiming for the same course.

My main aim at present is to complete and pass my HNC in electrical engineering come the end of June 2001. However, I'm in the unfortunate position of only having passed 1 other subject, craft & design technology higher level and also being from bonnie Scotland require 3 SCE Highers as opposed to your 2 A levels. (I also have 7 SCE Standard grades and 1 GCSE).

All of that aside, I have been informed by the BA recruiting staff that these are expectable and can apply when I receive my certificate, whenever that will be I don't know.

1 thought that I did have was to start to take lessons in an aim to achieving my PPL. The main reasons were to indicate my seriousness, I don't intend to simply chunk my money away, plus give me basic flying skill! I started 7 weeks ago with 1 lesson a week and should go solo in the next fortnight.

Anyway, should you or any others have an idea about achieving my goal, then please let me know.

Good Luck…..


Old 16th Jun 2001, 18:18
  #16 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I assume fra, you mean these are 'acceptable'
Old 16th Jun 2001, 19:34
  #17 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi Fra,

Sounds like we're not only at the same point academically but also with our PPL training. I too started about 6 weeks ago, although it may be another couple of lessons before I go solo. I finished the basic exercises after five lessons and had my fist circuit lesson last week, my instructor tells me I should be ready to go it alone pretty soon- just the thought of it scares me !

Anyway, good luck with your PPl and your BA app. See you at the interviews!!
Old 16th Jun 2001, 22:37
  #18 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi again,

Don't let it scare you, yes I agree that it's a bit intimidating, but look at it as a challenge. When you’re past the first solo, the sky really is the limit!! or so I've been told.

As for applying, I'll have to wait another 3-4 months before I can do the deed.

So good luck with the solo, and the application to BA, and let us know how you get on.


[email protected]
Old 16th Jun 2001, 22:48
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Sorry Lucifer,

Yes they do.

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