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Class 1 med soon?

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Old 4th Jun 2001, 02:18
  #1 (permalink)  
Rob 747
Posts: n/a
Post Class 1 med soon?

Hi all.

*****WARNING-The strong language vents my anger towards the department in question.*****

I have already got a class 2 medical, but i am now looking to update it to a class 1. The problem is, i had a lot of trouble getting my class 2.

1.I have had a pneumothorax 3 years ago. This wont affect my application for Class 1 because i had it over 12 months ago (I have this in writing from CAA). The problem is , i got caught up with the medical branch trying to sort this out. Eventually i got it in writing that it wont affect me for Class 1 or 2 ( Took CAA about 12 wks to do this- One f**king letter).

2.I go for my Medical and have to have an ECG. 19 yr old lad for f**ks sake get real.

Oh dear!!! "Sorry Sir we have an abnormal reading for your ECG. It would appear you have got LVH (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy). I cannot issue your medical , you will have to goto Gatwick".

3.I speak to Gatwick." aslong as you dont show the symptoms for LVH you should be fine"

4. Back to Medical examiner " not good enough i want it in writing from the CAA"

5.CAA wont do this for me!! (im f**ked! no medical)

6.Daddy pays for private Cardiologist consultation.Daddy pays for Echo Scan.

Cardiologist says " this is ridiculous. You are 19 year old. Tall and thin. Fit and healthy. Something like this with people telling you, you have something you dont, will only make you ill. You are a normal variant as far as ECG's go. But the Scan proves it even further.

7.Eventually i got my medical and now need a Class 1. What i want to know is, AM I GOING TO HAVE THE SAME RUN AROUND AGAIN?

As you can tell Medical Dept at CAA are not my favourite cup of tea, but any info would be much apprieciated.

PS-I know you might think this should be in the Medical part, correct it should.The problem is i haven't had any replies in that section. So i have simply pasted it all into a new post on this section.
Old 4th Jun 2001, 08:55
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

It does appear you have had a difficult time obtaining your medical to class 2 standards. Unfortunetaly you will be subject to a slightly higher requirement for the class one.

It is important to remember that the C.A.A Medical branch is responsible for ensuring the medical standards of licence holders in the U.K. In doing so they have to be reasonably sure they are giving the certificate holder a fair chance of a long career. It is pointless issuing a certificate to an individual who is likely to have trouble retaining it in the near future, or who may pose a higher than average risk. Then there is the responsibility to potential employers that the certificate holder should be able to provide a reasonable length of service.

Each person is unique, and any assessment is obviously subjective. There are laid down requirements and guidance notes to AME's. Other medical specialists are often not experts on aero-medicine and things that might seem minor to them may have a greater significance in the context of aviation.

Problems are very frustrating, and I hope you are able to resolve these difficulties. It is quite possible you will be surprised and the whole process will run more smoothly than your previous experience. Despite the expense and the bureaucracy, the Medical branch are very good at helping people keep their class 1 status. I have personal experience of that. The other side of that coin is that they tend to be stricter on the initial issuing requirements.

My advice is firstly calm down, then listen to the CAA Medical branch and heed their advice. They are the relevant authority and at the end of the day what they say is what matters.

Good luck !
Old 4th Jun 2001, 11:34
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

Forgive the intrusion, but on scanning across the threads, I read the last post about Caa giving medical certs to allow a long career, I hope I am not stamping on your foot, But is'nt the idea of a medical there to ensure that you are as fit as possible in order to fly fee paying pax around in the sky, and not liable to croak it whilst just rotating at LHR, I dont think they care a jot about the length of your career!
Old 4th Jun 2001, 16:12
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

No !

I rather suspect they are looking slightly longer term than the next time you are "just rotating at LHR". If they "(don't) care a jot about the length of your career", I doubt people would find the requirements so stringent !

Unless of course you know different ?
Old 5th Jun 2001, 00:30
  #5 (permalink)  
Charlie Hotel
Posts: n/a

If the CAA were not concerned about your long-term career, they would not bother with minimum eyesight requirements for the initial Class 1. Despite recent relaxation of these requirements, there are still some in place to ensure that you will continue to have sufficient eyesight in years to come, allowing for deterioration.

I had to wait over a year for the eyesight rules to be relaxed, so believe me, I know how frustrating it is to be ready for the next stage in your aviation career, but to then have to wait for the medical board.

The CAA are not monsters who delight in denying you a medical - what benefit would it be to them? I found that when I rang and calmly discussed my worries and queries (having battled with the never-ending holding and terrible hold music), the medical department were very helpful.

Good luck with it - let us know how you get on.
Old 5th Jun 2001, 13:55
  #6 (permalink)  
Rob 747
Posts: n/a

Yeah exactly right!!!!

Even worse than the terrble HOLD music is-

Operator answers and puts you through to Med section----Then terrible HOLD music----2 mins later still terrible HOLD music----Then " There is no one avalable to take your call at the moment,please call back later"-----Dul tone after you have just been cut off and BT hve chargd you for it!!!!

Will let you know how my medical is!!
Old 5th Jun 2001, 21:12
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

I don't have access to a land-line at the minute, so I get to listen to their 'funky' music and get charged 35p p/min for the privilage!

Graeme Scott
[email protected]
Old 5th Jun 2001, 22:33
  #8 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a

Just a quick note on ECG's here folks for those who do not understand them. The ECG measures electrical charge accross sections of the heart. The main point is that without electricity the heart would not function. There are two points on the heart that electricity flows between, one is called the atrio ventricular node and the other the sino-atrial node. Both are essential for the normal functioning of the heart and any problems that an ECG points out here will reflect some kind of problem with the normal functioning of the heart. The muscles of the heart work in a very specific order, the top right of the heart beats first (Right Atrium) followed by the top left a fraction of a second later (Left Atrium) at which time the sino-atrial node fires up the contraction of the two bottom chambers of the heart (ventricles) having received instructions from the AV node; these contract from the bottom of the heart up.

So as you can imagine a timing problem with the heart could lead to some nasty effects. Age and body type do not really reflect the health of your heart. I am sure we can all remember hearing stories of seemingly healthy men and women, even professional sportsmen/women who have just collapsed and died.

I hope that I have shed a little light on the subject of ECG's to those of you who don't know. Just out of interest Rob, when is your class 1? I've got mine on the 20.

Old 6th Jun 2001, 01:36
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi all,
I`ll be there on the 18th. Anyone else ?

[This message has been edited by YanYan (edited 06 June 2001).]
Old 6th Jun 2001, 02:06
  #10 (permalink)  
Rob 747
Posts: n/a
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Thanks for that.
You are right about the heart bit. My problem was that i was told i had LVH. This basically means that the left ventrical is larger than it should be. This is normally caused bt some sort of coronary heart disease.
OK the AME was right to cast a doubt on this, but he did nothing to help.He was blunt in telling me i could not have my medical.
After speaking with the cardiologist it was fairly obviouse that this could have been sorted on the spot. A simple examination of my chest would have shown that i did not have the symptoms of LVH.

OUTCOME-The outcome is straight forward. An ECG will only show electrical pulses where the heart is 'SUPPOSED'to be.It does not take into account that we all have different shaped hearts that match our build.
If you are tall and thin (like me) you will have a long heart.Positioned slightly to the left.
If you are small and fat you will have a flatter ( only way i can describe it!).

I now know my heart is perfectly normal for my shape and size (touch wood).So do the CAA!!!!

I havent booked my Class 1 yet.Hopefully this summer though.
Old 6th Jun 2001, 21:14
  #11 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a

I fail to understand where anyone is coming from regarding the Left Ventricle being slightly larger than it should be. The left ventricle is naturally larger(more muscular) than the right as it is this side of the heart which pumps blood around the body as opposed to the right side which pumps blood to the head and is therefore less muscular. As far as I can see this can only be to your advantage unless of course it is significantly larger in which case you have a problem. Let me know how you get on.

Old 6th Jun 2001, 21:57
  #12 (permalink)  
Rob 747
Posts: n/a

When they said i had a larger heart than i should, they were wrong!.
My heart shows that it is bigger on one side purely because it is placed further to the left. This is because i am tall (s the criologist says).
If you have a long body then you will have a long heart-perfectly normal in tall pople.
If you have small stumpy body then chances arew you will have a flatter sort of heart.

I would let u know if i could get through to them. They have changed the music on the hold machine.
Now instead of cutting you off-They have an indian woman asking you to leave a message.Guess what- you leave a message and they dont bother contacting you.
Old 7th Jun 2001, 21:31
  #13 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a

Thats the CAA for you! When is your med??? I'm at Gatwick on the 20th. Anyway I wish you good luck and hope to see you on the flight deck oneday.

Old 8th Jun 2001, 17:19
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I've heard that new music ... still stinks through... I rang them all the way back on Monday, and they didn't return my call either! You'd think they'd answer and give star service if they were gonna get £400!

Just out of interest, what was the waiting time for medicals like when you booked? Generic you for all this thread... I remember it was about 4 weeks, about right?


Old 8th Jun 2001, 21:22
  #15 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a

I booked mine in April and they were booking ahead to mid-June. I must admit that I found them very friendly and polite on this occasion. First time for everything I guess.
Old 9th Jun 2001, 03:58
  #16 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I booked around the second week of May and I asked for a Monday slot, I found them very nice and I am booked in at 12.45 on the 18th of June.
So your idea of 4 weeks waiting time is pretty accurate.

As an extra thought, "What are these eye drops that make your vision blurred" I was originally going to go back North after the Medical but on reading this have decided I will stay in London for an extra day until I am safe to drive back ?
Old 9th Jun 2001, 19:04
  #17 (permalink)  
Rob 747
Posts: n/a
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Finally got mine booked for 20th July.
Little bit worried about the cholestarl side of things!!!!. Tall, Thin, 21 y/o, But eat alot of **** !!!!. Do you think ill have a problem???
Old 10th Jun 2001, 01:40
  #18 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a
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Not at all, chill out. The damage done to your arteries is being done now due to your high intake of saturated fat but this will not become a problem until you are old and grey.....and retired. However I would advise you to cut your fat intake because I have seen the effect first hand of a patient who had a very high fat diet in her youth and who ended up having lots of little strokes known as 'TIA's' and ended up a cabage, so be warned.

Old 10th Jun 2001, 16:29
  #19 (permalink)  
Rob 747
Posts: n/a
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Lone Eagle,

Excellent!! Just what i neede to hear!!!
So i take it from what you seem to know, you are a Doctor?.
If you are, then i have another question i need to ask you.
You probably noticed that in my first post i said i had a pneumothorax 3 years ago. Although this will ot stop me from getting a medical, i would be interested to know, what the chances are of recurrence?
I have been assured many of consultants that it is highly unlikely, but maybe they say these things to keep you sweet!.
It wasnt a bad pneumothorax as i had it for a week at home until my Doctor decided i should go to hospital to see what the problem is.
I have no doubt you cant be bothered bringing your work home but the slightest bit of encouragement would be greatful.
Old 10th Jun 2001, 23:06
  #20 (permalink)  
lone eagle
Posts: n/a
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Rob check your mail.

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