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ALL wannabes please read! Truth about aviation!

Professional Pilot Training (includes ground studies) A forum for those on the steep path to that coveted professional licence. Whether studying for the written exams, training for the flight tests or building experience here's where you can hang out.

ALL wannabes please read! Truth about aviation!

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Old 13th Sep 2001, 20:11
  #1 (permalink)  
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Angry ALL wannabes please read! Truth about aviation!

I cant believe the arogance of people on this board. Mechantloup speaks the truth and is correct about so many things in aviation. All people do on this board is criticise him because they don't like what he says i.e. the TRUTH! It really shows the ingnornace and disregard for other people's opinions. Some people say they have an MCC and CRM after this display I question your training.

I think you people on this board are very rude people. I wonder if we had a face to face conversion would it all break down into chaos and anarchy because you simply wouldn't allow people to voice themselves. I think this would be the case unfortunately.

You think because you have spent a fortune on your JAA licence that gives you the right to:

(a) snub other countries licences which are loads cheaper such as the USAs. Because yours is expensive that equals good or the BEST. WRONG! You snub the FAA's question banks which are made avaiable to people. But your own JAA questions are such a mess you don't even understand the questions themselves. The questions are based on no syllabus known to man bar a few JAA burocrats in Brussels. But yet you have the audacity to critise.

and (b) think you have some right becuase you have spent all this money to walk into any Airbus job in any airline without lowering YOURSELF to air-taxi work and other LOWLY forms of aviation, that well isn't worth a mention becuase you don't get to wear a fancy uniform. With only 200 hours!


I can't believe people on this board who say its great i've just got £30K from the HSBC now I can do my training. They seem to be so naive, they don't seem to think they will have to pay back 45K. But hey, theres no telling these people. They have a comeback 'Whats 40K when you are a Captain of B777!' WRONG AGAIN MY FRIENDS! TRY paying it back when you are JOBLESS!

There seems to be a total lack of awarness of the current climate. There are simply NO jobs in aviation!

Get a JAA PPL and have some fun in the sky but DO NOT go any further becasue it is simply a waste of money, time and energy. The only ones who benefit are the JAA and the flying schools. Look at your flying school. I bet many members have their JAA ATPL/IRs. Have you had a spin in their A320 which is parked up by the flying school buildings? NOPE I DON'T THINK SO. Its because there are no jobs. Most of the members with CPLs are doing jobs that they were doing even before they started flying.

The airlines only want people from the RAF and sponsored cadets. How many times do I have to tell you! Everyone else ends up with a CPL and no flying job OR becoming a career flying instructor. Airlines simply do not want people who have paid for their training.

Spend your 50K on your flying. Be in debt for years! If you are very very lucky you will end up flying a air taxi in bad weather, during the night in hurried sectors. Mass and balance will usually be exceeded and you will dare not say anything because you will lose your job! This is aviation my friends but only for the lucky few.

As for the ones on this site who have got jet jobs, well they are few and far between. You don't hear about the guys who fail and give up because many of these can't even afford a decent computer let alone the internet!

Take this advice on board. As for the the 'wannabes' who have a route all planned out upto their MCC but haven't even clocked up an hour in their logbooks, I pity them!
Old 13th Sep 2001, 20:27
  #2 (permalink)  
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Well you're a bundle of joy. Truth be told I hardly ever see anyone on these forums denegrating the FAA licence. Its just that it is "worthless" in the Europe because it would be illegal to fly a European aircraft with it.

There are jobs out there. My company have hired DOZENS of low time FO's this summer. I met up with a few old students last night in Glasgow on a nighstop. On was just about to start the sim course on the 75/67 for Britannia, another two were waiting that day for their base flights with Logan on a Saab340 and the other was happily buzzing his turboprop around waiting fot Airtours to take him onto their jets being that they sponsored him.

Yeah we did talk about where some of the other students were and what they were doing and it came as no real suprise to me or them that the weaker students had found no work.

The flying schools are not rich not profiteering. The fact they charge a lot more than their US counterparts is simply due to higher levels of taxation and costs assoociated with employment and GA in Europe.

The glass is both half full AND half empty.

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Old 13th Sep 2001, 20:27
  #3 (permalink)  
I say there boy
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Once again our multi-personality friend Ronchonner sets up another username to lend credance to his rants.

Once again we see a diatribe about the same old subject.

Change the tune or shut up, Ronchonner, we're bored. Personally I preferred the one about yellow tattoos.

Why do you have this compulsive desire to make yourself centre of attention? Is it because you're bored of Flight Sim 2000 and are waiting for the new version to come out?
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Old 13th Sep 2001, 20:37
  #4 (permalink)  
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A chilling vision of things to come!

I think its true though, you hear people saying theres a shortage of pilots but its rubbish! It seems incredibly hard for a self sponsored person to get a job with an airline. Someone said they had 1500 hours flying and they didnt even get an interview from an airline. Just because someone hopes to get a job with 200 hours it doesnt mean they are arrogant, maybe mis- informed though or perhaps just desperate.
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Old 13th Sep 2001, 20:41
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Old 13th Sep 2001, 22:58
  #6 (permalink)  
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I will say it again.

There are jobs out there! There always is despite a fewer number at some periods when compared to other times.

It is down to the amount of effort that you put in and determination you have in finding your first job. Ideally you should be prepared to move ANYWHERE and fly ANYTHING. If you have that attitude and pull the stops out in finding that first break then you will find a break sooner or later!

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Old 13th Sep 2001, 23:01
  #7 (permalink)  
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Good comment Flyboy!.
Apparently people on this bord ask me to shut up cuz they don't like to read my comments, but guys who have paid a fortune in one of these flight schools in England has the right of speech.****GUYS! your money is gone, and there is no flying job for you, do you UNDERSTAND???*****

Good luck with your airline job....
Old 13th Sep 2001, 23:43
  #8 (permalink)  
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flyboy11 - shut up!

I know self sponsored people who, in the last 12 months have secured jobs with:

bmi british midland (Airbus)
bmi regional (Embraer 135/145)
British European (Dash 8)
Ryanair (737-200)
GO (737 Classic)
british regional (turboprops)
GB Airways (Airbus)
Maersk (737)
Airtours (757)
Brittania (757)
Virgin Express (737)

Need I go on?
Just because you don't have a job....
There are (were?) jobs out there, if you were in the right place at the right time and were good enough. I agree putting down £50k to do a flight training course is risky, but a lot do it, and many succeed. If you've got the determination, and you're the sort of person they're looking for, you CAN get a job.
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Old 13th Sep 2001, 23:53
  #9 (permalink)  
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Today Ronchonner you overstepped the mark You have become so predictable, I mean we don't get Combat-18 loving, QPR supporting pilots posting on PPrune everyday do we? Where did you say you lived? Hownslow thats it! a bit too exotic for you Ronc.

You're sick in the head!
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Old 14th Sep 2001, 01:49
  #10 (permalink)  

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If anyone is tempted to take this cretin seriously, please don’t. Flyboy11 (aka Mechantloup, aka Ronchonner) entertained us hugely at first with his semi-literate rants about the JAA, his vast experience on everything from the Wright Brothers’ Flyer to the Space Shuttle, and his curious obsession with penile tattoos.

Unfortunately however, the ramblings of this pubescent FS2000 captain have started to wear a little thin, and this week – of all weeks – there are a lot of wannabes like me who need to stay focused on their goal, and not allow anything – or anyone – to deflect them from it.

Normally Ronnie, I’d laugh you off as the fool you are, but with the way you’re throwing stones at wannabes 2 days after the worst catastrophe aviation has ever seen, just when many people will be at their lowest ebb, I sense something far nastier about you. Shame on you.

To everyone else, good luck one and all.
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Old 14th Sep 2001, 04:09
  #11 (permalink)  
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Well said GSXTY
Great to hear that their are still people out there who have a single minded one track aim in becoming an airline pilot. Although you may all have spent alot of money on flying you have to remain positive and think of the long term gains.
Dont discredit instructing or bug smashing because it will eventually make you a real pilot who has alot more hands on expereince.
I am a wannabe in OZ and I can assure you that hundreds of pilots with commercials here would love a job flying a little rust bucket.
I personally have a job doing everything from instructing to IFR charter to get the illusive four digits in the logbook. Not 300 hours which everyone seems to comlain about in the UK.
Instructing may not appeal to everyone however teaching someone to fly themselves and see their face at the end of it makes the hard work worth while.

Keep working hard all you Wannabe's and it is you guys I hope to see in the bars around the world after you have piloted you jets around the skies.
Old 14th Sep 2001, 11:42
  #12 (permalink)  
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Flyboy, Ronch etc etc...

Don't you have any mates or something ?

(I know, childish of me, apologies for language but what an a$$hole).
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Old 14th Sep 2001, 12:02
  #13 (permalink)  
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I've kept out of any discusions that involve ronch and his aliases.

My 2d's worth is I'd like to see the moderators delete the posts as soon as they see them, and failing that, EVERYONE just ignore then. They bring nothing to the party and devalue this forum.

I'll say no more.

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Old 14th Sep 2001, 12:08
  #14 (permalink)  
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You may or may not be Ronchonner/Merchantloup.If you are not and haven`t had the pleasure of his inane ramblings,let me tell you a few things.
No-one has been asked me to spend loads of money trying to get a job in Aviation,it is a decision that I have made.I know the risks involved and the chances of getting a job are low.Yes it does cost a fortune for a JAA licence.No I don`t think FAA licences are any better or any worse than JAA,it is just I have no right to live and work in the US,so a FAA licence is not worth the paper it is written on to me as I can`t use it to get a job in a JAA country.Ronchonner/Merchantloup has been told this loads of times,BUT he doesn`t seem to understand.
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Old 14th Sep 2001, 13:46
  #15 (permalink)  
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Once again,

are all different names for the same guy (a fellow french citizen) whose only goal is to entertain us ! Don't bother taking him seriously, he probably has a red nose, pink sunglasses & a funny hat. He may not even B a pilot. But he's one of those guys who make PPRuNe such a special place. What to do with each of his posts ? Read it, have a good laugh & forget about it !

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Old 14th Sep 2001, 15:48
  #16 (permalink)  
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Absolutely Polar, very important that we don't have inarticulate posters telling people things they don't want to hear, they should be banned for propagating a viewpoint contrary to the mainstream, Facism I think they call it......
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Old 14th Sep 2001, 16:41
  #17 (permalink)  
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All Wannabees,

Despite negativity promoted by certain individuals I emplore you all to keep your chins up as there are jobs. As Ive discovered and Im sure many others have too. Look at others success as inspiration to pursue your goal.

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Old 14th Sep 2001, 18:02
  #18 (permalink)  
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You really have no clue whatsoever do you ??

I do not generally respond to posts in an attempt to have a go at an individual, but please, wake up and see that what this "contributor" (Flyboy et al) is all about, particularly in current circumstances.

Don't bandy about with words like "fascist", save them for an appropriate occasion.

Are you an ATPL holder ? Prospective ATPL holder ?

If so, you know this idiot is a simpleton and has no concept of reality. If not, then please, try and impress your teeny girlfiends with your use of vocabulary, not us, we're simply not interested mate.

Hmm, shall I wait a few minutes for you to check out a dictionary to "have a go" at me with the use of some more emotive/irrelevant choice of words ?!?

PS. All the best with the GCSE's or your equivalent.

Lads, sorry for having a rant at this, but please....
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Old 14th Sep 2001, 18:07
  #19 (permalink)  
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I actually want to encourage the chap.

The more wannabies who give up because his posts means less competition for me when i start applying.

Keep it up froggy, your doing a grand job.

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Old 14th Sep 2001, 19:54
  #20 (permalink)  
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I'm not going to get into a pi$$ing contest with you over this, I've reviewed FlyBoys original post and although it wasn't very positive, it was just an opinion. To suggest banning individuals because they post negative views on a situation is crazy. As for Ron and his various namesakes you take them way too seriously.

To address the only valid point in your post I concede that I may have used the word Facism in the wrong context. BTW as you asked I have an ATPL and over 4,000 hours.

After making a reasonable challenge on my post you then reduced yourself to Ronchonnesque (did I just say that!)playground catcalling about my vocab, girlfriends etc. I know you didn't mean that as a personal attack, because that isn't the kind of crap you'd expect from a 43 year old adult is it?
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