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Why do you 'wannabee'? - what inspires you?

Professional Pilot Training (includes ground studies) A forum for those on the steep path to that coveted professional licence. Whether studying for the written exams, training for the flight tests or building experience here's where you can hang out.

Why do you 'wannabee'? - what inspires you?

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Old 11th May 2000, 18:32
  #21 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

What a good thread - well done that man !

Rusty Cessna , just one thing , why was your first solo on the news ? Did you have a prang or does not much happen in your part of the world ?

Old 11th May 2000, 22:28
  #22 (permalink)  
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Quite a good response here!
There's certainly something about careers teachers, maybe they're slightly jealous?
When I land my first airline job I'm going to have a great big party (all PPRuNers invited!) and invite everyone who has ever doubted my becoming a pilot and show off!

150Aerobat, thanks for the compliment about my mature writing style.

Happy Landings!
Old 12th May 2000, 02:07
  #23 (permalink)  
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And, ladies and gents....

Without being smug, let me tell you that the job is exactly what you expect it to be.

Like all professions it has its ups and downs, but firewall those throttles (ermm... as far as the engine management system allows you to !), pull back... end of all that boring, mundane, monotonous routine a fair few FLs below.

Final demand for an electricity bill because I'm up to my neck in debt ? Couldn't care less. Paperwork needs doing ? It can wait. The kitchen and bathroom are probably a health risk ? I'll do it when I get back down. Don't think that flying removes the day-to-day problems.. it doesn't... but it makes it soooo much easier to cope with.

And not that there isn't routine in airline flying, and there have been a fair few threads from very experienced pilots on this topic, some of them wishing they hadn't bothered, but it's a different kind of routine. Sounds complete pants, but I know that you all know what I mean. Geez, I sound 13 again !

150 Aero - no dropping stuff behind the rudder pedals.. it will come back to haunt you on that 20-knots-across day

Best of luck to all of you - if you match the percentage of ppruners here who go on to flying commercially, I expect to see you down at the bar in the airline club in the next few years.

P.S. Twin Peaks...ermm... typing a post here is not exactly filling in a BA application form. Most people here are intelligent enough to know that and forgive the odd typo !

[This message has been edited by TBone (edited 11 May 2000).]
Old 12th May 2000, 15:03
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Who did you do your work experience for and
how did you get in ?

You can e-mail me with the details to

[email protected]


Old 13th May 2000, 13:59
  #25 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

CLOSE your eyes and imagine you are at the controls of a 747..VISUALISE leaving behind the runway and as everything becomes a flicker of light as you climb..and TOWER ask you to contact departure..then welcome back to reality!!!

Yes each and every one of us has the desire to achieve our dream, and every one has our own motivation.

For me, as I live near LHR (London Heathrow)
and as im driving I look ahead as a 747 flies above the roof of my car with its landing gear down and landing lights on.

I so long to be at the controls, and when I get there (which I will), it will wipe the arrogant attitude away from my career teachers face!!

Many of us have motivation from different experiences, and it would not be logical for me to list all of them as i would probably hog the whole thread.

For those of you who live in the UK, last night at 21:30 there was a re-run of the film 'TURBULENCE', where the Flight Attendant hops into the Captain's seat and lands the 747..oh...yeah baby, how I longed for it to be me!!

To all PPRUNERS you are who you want to be, and never give up.

Good luck in your quest.

Old 13th May 2000, 16:10
  #26 (permalink)  
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Trying to explain this level of passion about something to someone who does not understand, well, from my experiance usually results in been called "sad" or "nigel"!!!

Interesting reading as we all try to put it into words - I think i'll print a copy and just show it to the next person who takes the micky !!!!

By the way, did anyone watch that film Turbulance - haven't laughed so much in ages!!!!


"My Name is Pussy Galore"

"I must be dreaming"
Old 13th May 2000, 17:42
  #27 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

To all those who live or work under the LHR flight path - I know how you feel, having it rubbed in your face day in day out! I have lost count the amount of times I've been driving along the M4, opened my sunroof to stare upwards then glance down to find the car in front has stopped! Mmmm abs - what a marvelous invention.
I think myself of being very lucky. I go out with one of the 12000 + BA cabin crew. All I can say is I thoroughly recommend you do the same. Not only do you get to go away on long haul trips with them for decent money, but, every flight if you ask nicely, you can get strapped into the cockpit for take-off and/or landing - which as you can imagine is fantastic. On my last flight I was strapped in for take-off from Seattle. As we rotated I recognised something familiar on the screen in front of the FO. For those who have completed the Micropat tests for BA or whoever, the FO was playing the "keep Mr pink dot in the box" game.
I knew this flying milarky was easy!

One more thing. I admit to parking on the grass verge on the A3044 to watch planes landing. Only once though!
Old 13th May 2000, 17:53
  #28 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

You guys are all saying how hard it is to watch a/c flying overhead when you are at work. I'm on the bloody things, but having to talk to the pax. It's bad enough being stuck on the ground, but I'm sat facing the wrong way, the wrong side of the flight deck door, nightmare! From purser to FO, from tea maker to tea drinker is going to cost me alot. But put simply, it just has to be done
Old 13th May 2000, 17:53
  #29 (permalink)  
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I always wanted to fly, initially with the RAF, though I soon decided the military wasn't for me!

Following from that I became reasonably successful in other parts of my life, without even trying, and with all that going on I felt life had handed me a decent card and perhaps I should be happy with it.

HECK NO! One flight with a friend three years ago showed me what I was missing. Now I'm a BCPL with the ATPLs done and looking to start my FI soon. And I'm loving it.
Old 13th May 2000, 18:48
  #30 (permalink)  
Retarded Spark
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Because it just feels right.

And I know you all know what I mean.

As for the school careers thing, my high school aviation teacher told me I couldn't cut it for the RAAF, particularly not fast jets. I might make it to transports, but I didn't have "the mind like a steel trap" required for jets.

Two years later, who is highly recommended for entry to the RAAF as a pilot, via the Defence Force Academy, and looks to head to fast jets? Only thing ruining this sweetest of sweet poetic justices was being refused at the final medical after all the testing and interviews. So the teacher won out in the end, but he knows it was medical, and that he was wrong.

But whether it is fast jets, transporters, or C207's, it just FEELS RIGHT.

Old 14th May 2000, 04:22
  #31 (permalink)  
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Hi lads
Spot on,whoever started this thread.Flying IS the job.I turn spanners for a living on 146s,am studying for my ATPLs and hope and pray that,some day,I'll take off as a Commercial pilot.I don't care if it's a tatty Spamcan or a gorgeous jet,just as long as I'm at the wheel.Flying is the last decent job that doesn't need a degree to get in.I'm fed up to the hilt knobbing about on the ground.
Hands up any of you who still go outside to look up whenever a plane goes overhead,regardless of what kind it is?
Equinox,top words,pal...take a bow.
regards and good flying

Old 14th May 2000, 04:49
  #32 (permalink)  
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Magnificent topic, Darren.
They're coming, from all directions.
Yes, Yeas, Yeeaah!
Merde, more laundry.
Old 14th May 2000, 20:16
  #33 (permalink)  
spanky de brest
Posts: n/a

I saw Turbulance.
Old 21st May 2000, 19:15
  #34 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Yeah that was a great film, do you think you could have handled it?

Anyone else willing to say why they 'wannabee' and/or what inspires them to fly?

Old 21st May 2000, 20:04
  #35 (permalink)  
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I was intreged by the title of this thread and it got me thinking. Why did I become an airline pilot? To answer this, I really must travel back in time to by childhood (gees...all those years ago!). My father, a pilot in the RAF, used to take me and a friend to our local airfield. We would stand around watching the comings and goings for hours. It was fasinating. My passion for aviation, and, in particular, flying, began. As I grew up, my passion grew too. I started to ask questions on how 'planes actually fly. The answers were, unsurprisingly, obtained from both my father and reference books. As the years past, I came more interested in flying. While I was at school, I had a week end 'job' at a local airfield where I would clean 'planes. In return, I would often receieve a free flight. At the age of 15, I joined the RAF Cadets. In doing so, it allowed me to fly the glider and thus get a real 'hands-on' approach. I was hooked. Once I was 17, I began for my PPL. I completed this while studying for my 'A' Levels and would often give myself a wee break by going flying. Anyhow, to cut and long (and possibly boring) bibliography short, when I was in the process of finishing University, I applied for a sponsorship, got accepted, and, in-turn, became an airline pilot.

To round up, becoming an airline pilot is the BEST THING ANYONE WITH A SERIOUS INTEREST IN FLYING could do. I still find flying fastinating.



[This message has been edited by DASHER (edited 21 May 2000).]

[This message has been edited by DASHER (edited 21 May 2000).]
Old 22nd May 2000, 01:08
  #36 (permalink)  
hug a cow
Posts: n/a

Old 22nd May 2000, 17:45
  #37 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I completely agree with what you said about the career advisers. What a bunch of losers they can be, unless you want to work as a manager for a company or be doing some crappy office job they're useless.

1st answer to their questions is always NO i don't want to go into management consultancy.

2nd thing i say is yes i will close the door on the way out.

In response to this thread though..(SUPERB ONE AT THAT)

it still really (pardon the expression) turns my crank watching an aircraft take off or land, it's not a machine, it's a work of art...an aeroplane could stand next to the Venus de milo.....the Mona Lisa....and Sunflowers.

Flying one gives a total sense of happiness and fulfilment and if anyone ever asked me Why do i want to be a pilot, i could bore them to tears with my answer.


Old 22nd May 2000, 22:56
  #38 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Top thread Darren

It brings tears to my eyes when I hear stories of sunsets and greasy landings
Old 23rd May 2000, 01:46
  #39 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I'm sorry to dissapoint you all, but as a 757 Captain that told his father at four years old that he would be a pilot then I can assure you all that most of you are 'Wannabe's' due to a psychological desire to prove something to someone close to you in your personal life.

It could have been your doubting parents, sceptical careers teacher, or even the bullying kids in the playground, but actual love of flying has very little to do with your desires. It's the accomplishment that you seek.

If I had put as much effort into becoming rich as I put into being a pilot, then I woudn't be writing this tonight.

What awaits you all is a miserable industry with the role and respect that is afforded the pilot decreasing by the year, a lifestyle that even factory workers would not swop for, no social life, and unless you have a gem of a partner, probable home life problems aswell.

Sorry to say this, but it's people like you who the management of the airlines pray on to keep their cost base low. After all, in this industry, there is always someone willing to do your job at half the price because he thinks it will give him leverage up the ladder later. I objected to an old Captain telling me that years ago, but he was right.

I know how you all feel, I was there too. I'm sorry but thirty year's from now you too will know what awaits you, and I defy you then not to feel sceptical.

It would be futile to tell you to give up, but if you are able to separate your inner motivation from your love of flying, then one or two of you might save a great deal of money...... to the rest of you....good luck.
Old 23rd May 2000, 02:39
  #40 (permalink)  
Twin Peaks
Posts: n/a

I have got to agree with BoeingBoy I'm afraid.
I've not been in the game quite as long as BB, but I share the same sentiments.
Flying is always perceived to be both macho and romantic. It is important to try and remember this at 4am, half way home from some grubby holiday destination.
Please don't think that I dislike the job, as that is not the case, but it is frustrating to see 'outsiders' looking in through rose-tinted spectacles.

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