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Old 20th Sep 2013, 10:23
  #21 (permalink)  
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Really? I wanted to joint there, but when I red you message I'll change idea, maybe. Next week I'mm going to go to visit the FTO and then I'll decide, please can you let me know more about the slovenian training programme. How you knoe those informations?
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Old 16th Oct 2013, 21:01
  #22 (permalink)  
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Adria flight training

Hi mr uddin, I too was researching Adria airways for this year , to enroll on the full atpl course , but I cannot find many positive comments on websites . The comments made by pilot147u are a little worrying , but he will not respond to me , I have asked for reasons on why Adria is bad ,
Have you gone to visit Adria yet
? I read some news article that the flight school may be up for sale to a Chinese company ? Did you visit the school yet? Is the price of 39€ accurate , what impression did they make on you . I think they have one more course starting this year in November so I'm trying to decide soon . Would like to hear what you learned about the flight school , thanks ,
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Old 6th Nov 2013, 08:47
  #23 (permalink)  
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has anyone got some new information about the current situtation in the flight school? Is the school getting worse as the pilot147u said?
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Old 5th Mar 2014, 12:24
  #24 (permalink)  
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i've also been looking into starting my pilot studies there. They have an excellent price and it looks like a safe choice. If anyone has any info on the school i would be glad to hear something about it.

I've sent the schools head of administration an email and still waiting on his reply. I've also requested to meet with him and a guided tour of their facilities.
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Old 2nd Jun 2014, 09:30
  #25 (permalink)  
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Adria Flight School

Hi all,
I was thinking of joining Adria flight school and doing the Economy Zero to ATPL course. I'm aware of the hidden fees (CAA exams and landing fees), but I just wanted to hear some opinions about the school from ex-students or people with some knowledge of the school.
They seem very professional, but its always nice to be prudent seeing as many sharks are out in aviation at the moment.

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Old 11th Sep 2014, 15:14
  #26 (permalink)  
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Hi all,

I too wanted to go to Adria,

I will ask some Adria pilots today at work what they think!

also I know some good schools in hungary which are cheap but good!
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Old 27th Jan 2015, 10:38
  #27 (permalink)  
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Anyother had some other experiences with AFCC?
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Old 13th Feb 2016, 22:26
  #28 (permalink)  
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Anyone who wants to go there think twice before you goo because they always lie to students i finished few months ago it was terrible i paid upfront they don't return you the money if you decide to quit and in the end they charge you extra fees they don't heave enough airplanes they accepted more students than they can handle airplanes always break down they don't heave proper maintenance and if you complain they say yes wi will fix it it never gets fixed anything there they use PS-28 sport aircraft for PPL thats the only aircrafts they own i was lucky that i finished just before they got a lot of students in when i was doing my Multi Engine there was a mess for students who needed to fly hour building they could't find time to fly because airplanes where most of the time broken or out of fuel and there rules always change how it works for them they don't care for you after you pay them all the money up front.
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Old 9th Aug 2017, 14:43
  #29 (permalink)  
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These guys at Brnik are unbelievable... I paid almost 50.000 EUR for training and before I paid they told me, that I'll have the best quality training and that I will finish even before 1,5 years… It turns out that I needed 1 year and almost 90 hours just for PPL! because supposedly there were no airplanes available, even though they were parked on the apron, or no instructors available, because they were too busy drinking beer in the morning with the HT in his office!

So I said listen guy this is too much, I'm terminating the contract, let me have my money back, deduct the refund for the 90-hour PPL and I'll go somewhere else. And they were: No, no, no, you paid what you paid, there's no refund, even if you haven’t done the rest of the training. I had my lawyer already sent them a "love letter"…
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Old 9th Aug 2017, 15:17
  #30 (permalink)  
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This seems a shame. I did some flying with them a few years ago and had a great time.
I was thinking of revisiting them for an Atpl, my last attempt before getting far too old. They reassured me that there was still hope and their prices seemed good, however, reading some of the experiences here I'm rather put off
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Old 9th Aug 2017, 15:55
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I know... and I was told by other students thats its been like this ever since the ownership and management changed a year ago.
I'm switching now to another ATO in Maribor, will report
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Old 9th Aug 2017, 18:20
  #32 (permalink)  
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Good luck HowardJR!
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Old 4th Sep 2017, 10:57
  #33 (permalink)  
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The ACC (Aviation Career Center) people were in Adria Flight School somewhere between 2011-2015.See if you can spot any familliar names on the ACC's certifficate, published by the CAA of Slovenia. @HowardJR, this could be something for your Lawyer to explore.

Adria Flight School reportedly sacked the now ACC crew. The administration and instructors from my info are now good. No need to pay upfront.
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Old 10th Sep 2017, 13:50
  #34 (permalink)  
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ACC is not my problem, you guys at Adria are. And as far as I know I'm not the only one.

Oh yeah the administration and instructors are really great, it's like walking in to a bar, beer everywhere, singing, shouting, insulting...
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Old 15th Sep 2017, 10:07
  #35 (permalink)  
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Guys Im Reading your Comments this seams BS because Im One of the Students who Cancelled the Contract WITH (ACC-MARIBOR ).

Me and 7 other students left ACC after we understood what they were doing they gave us deadline dates to finish the payments and if we were late we were charged interest over the amount. They didn't care if we finished the module or not.

These are the Same People who used to Work before for Adria Flight school until they got caught and kicked out when i changed my contract from ACC to ADRIA.

ACC said you can go but we wont refund anything i lost a lot of money with ACC but better to lose these money than be there and not to get the Training they don't heave any airplane as they say they have only 2 Tomahawk which are for PPL and HB.

I came to Adria Flight School they understood y situation i started flying immediately and i don't heave to pay anything upfront i pay by module when i finish the module i can stay here and no cancellation fees nothing now Adria Flight School is under the German CEO and is run By Real Airline Pilots and they are so professional and very helpful. I see some guys saying i heave been Training with ACC i don't know how is that possible when ACC has their own ATO only for 2 months now and when they open the ATO the HT decided that all of us go home for holidays for 30 days we didn't fly the weather was Great. I suggest before you guys decide check both places but me my self Im bringing 3 more students to study in Adria Flight school they are starting now as soon as they get the VISA.

I really suggest to all future Pilot Students Check the flight school first in Person and ask People Around Slovenia every body in Slovenia knows the True Story.
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Old 16th Sep 2017, 19:54
  #36 (permalink)  
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Yes I'm also familiar with the stories the Adria Flight School staff has been telling us, and I can tell you that as far as I and my lawyer know, as he did some research, thanks to dawn747's advice and the true story is the other way around and everybody in Slovenia and abroad, that know these guys that are now running Adria Flight School, also know what the true story is...

But I guess PILOT21FO, we all have different experiences, maybe I'm just to demanding and strict and that's where the problems with Adria started. And also some people prefer to slander and be axx-kissers to the Real Airline Pilots , others just want to finish the training and be on our way to becoming an airline pilot ourselves. I really hope and wish that you guys in Adria will get what you came there for.
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Old 21st Nov 2017, 16:00
  #37 (permalink)  
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Dear All!
In last few months I was thinking about if I should share my experiences regarding Adria Airways Flight School. However I thought I might help some students to make up their mind. I will try my best to stay objective about every matter regarding this school.

But first some facts:

1; Training got delayed for approximately 2-3 weeks at the beginning (increased living costs in that time)
2: PPL Theory Classes are mediocre to bad
3: The first 3 months after PPL Theory flying on average 3 hours per month
4: Money problems
5: Promises and statements were often told, but never met

This are some facts which occurred when I was a student at Adria Airways Flight School.

Below my experience:

When I visited the Flight School in 2016 everything seemed to be working nice. They showed me how they operate and told me everything I wanted to hear (trying to get me onboard). At this time I believe the school did work as a whole, even with some difficulties every flight school experiences. I attended all my PPL classes, which got postponed every week for another (altogether 3 weeks) with an excuse where they stated that a company who provided them the CBTs having some troubles. A colleague of mine found out that they were waiting for more students to join the course. After PPL classroom lectures it took me about 2 weeks to study and pass the exams.
Everything seemed good and I was ready EVERYDAY for my flight training to start. After some more time I had passed, I finally got my info flight in the very end of 2016. This was also my only flight in 2016. To make matters worse, in the following months in 2017 I hardly flew more and therefore wasting my hours, time and money. My colleagues and I consistently complained and demanded answers on why we get delayed so often. There were always problems with maintenance (were not able to pay them), fuel (could not afford or forgot), planning (they had approximately at this time 25 students who needed to fly and most of the time 1 out of 3 aircrafts were only available) and weather. When there was nice weather the airplanes were on ground, when the weather was good they had troubles. To make a long story short: This game was played till beginning of summer 2017, until some of my colleagues and I decided it is time to move on. We later found out that the school was completely broke and could not even pay the instructors since we started our course. In the end most of the instructors left. Somehow (with financial aid from the Airline) they managed to survive the years 2016-2017. In the beginning of summer I left and at the end of summer I finally got my PPL (A).

I do not know how the school is operating now. Some of my colleagues stayed and some left. I only know that the people who started with me in 2016, and who stayed with Adria Airways Flight School, have, to this date, no PPL (A). I do not know how they operate now, and everyone can make up his/her own mind about this.

Altogether, from my experience, I can say that this School was not a good start for my aviation career. Maybe they changed into a better way, maybe not. Everyone should make their own opinion about this school, but let me warn you. Don’t let you get fooled by them in believing everything they say.

Hope I could help some people out there who are thinking about to start their training in Slovenia.
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Old 6th Jan 2018, 23:56
  #38 (permalink)  
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Guys I heave to say that the reason why we head trable in the past is because of ACC-MARIBOR. I don't understand why LogicalGuy didn't mention this. I don't not agree with him.They stole money from Adria Airways Flight School which was th reason why we had problems last year. Now everything is perfect and I am more then happy with training. We heave no problems, the planes are flyng, and we heave new Instructros now, which are better then in Maribor-ACC to, and they still only heave 2 old Tomahawks.
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Old 7th Jan 2018, 13:35
  #39 (permalink)  
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Anyone received an email for an assessment as First Officer Trainee at Adria Airways in January.
Can anyone who already attended the assessment give me some feedback?

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Old 7th Jan 2018, 21:07
  #40 (permalink)  
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Hello flyingmike737,
I received the same mail and I wil be in Lubiana on 15 January.
I'm looking for any suggestion about the interview like you. I hope that someone will help us.
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