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Old 23rd Mar 2010, 02:24
  #21 (permalink)  
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No far from it Paul

I am quite happy doing what I do and I get payed a reasonable amount to do it as well.

And inability to cope in a crisis yep thats what airlines do on Command courses and all LPC/OPC's they put people who can't handle crisis in charge of the hardware.

H'mm so I get accused one min of being blunt and disrespectful then the next of whining. You can't have it both ways.

Or is this method number 2 of dealing with confrontation in schools now if you don't get your own way.

1. Acuse other person of being immature and not respecting you.

2. Acuse other person of being a moaning whining git and make out that they are a wet plonker who rolls up into a ball at the first sign of a challange.

Do they teach you this is some banker Buisness studies course which the kids take as an easy option along aside media studies.

To be honest less than 10% of the people posting on wannbies will ever actually fly a multicrew aircraft. Out of that I reckon its going to less than 5% who actually make a career out of it these days. And you might say its all very well me sitting here preaching with no debts.

Opps is that last statement whining, disrespectful or immature?
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Old 23rd Mar 2010, 05:18
  #22 (permalink)  
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Bull/Bear markets Market trend
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Old 23rd Mar 2010, 10:09
  #23 (permalink)  

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Some hilarious stuff here - especially from those wannabe's who think that 'fluffy and respect' will come along with a frozen ATPL and zero experience!

I totally agree with mad_jocks comment regarding rates of failure, the chances of never making the position of FO is greater than ever but if you do, for the first 12 months of your career you'll be classed as a 'training risk' - failure rate is high. You will be judged and given professional critism permanently and you are entering an industry where pilots are regarded as nothing more than a 'necessary cost'. The respect levels between Pilots and Management is at an all time low!

For those on second careers, this industry will shock you! For those who have never been in the world of work, well, it sounds like it'll be a struggle for some...
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Old 23rd Mar 2010, 11:04
  #24 (permalink)  
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I tend to agree with Madjock's posts. To call him immature because of his fact-of -the -matter posting style is actually immature in itself!

What is exactly with all these, "don't hurt my feelings when you post...or I'll go tell mommy" posts? Since when has political correctness invaded Pprune? I am curious, was this type of "don't hurt my feelings / sugarcoat everything" attitude taught in schools during the last decade? Sad. This seems to be the same attitude in some American schools where wins and losses in sports are banned for children's sporting events because the losers may get their feelings hurt, every game must end in a tie. Sorry, but the real world does not work like that.

Scoot, I don't want to sound mean, but you ought to grow a pair.
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Old 23rd Mar 2010, 17:44
  #25 (permalink)  
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Uncle Wiggily, I'm sorry but you don't sound mean, infact you've just come across as fairly immature yourself. You don't have to adopt madjocks approach of "to the point" because it doesnt work for you. If you're telling me to 'Grow a pair' because of the reasons you've just made, i.e the world is spoon fed and everything needs sugar coating, then i'm afraid you need to re read my post. It isn't about 'wanabees' not having their feelings hurt, it's about people like you not coming across so judgmental to them. But hey, at least you provide us all with a good laugh, and a fine example of what not to turn out like.
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 00:23
  #26 (permalink)  
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"To break the course down, you spend the first year at university campus in High Wycombe... Doing assignments as well as training for your PPL (15hrs only). At the end of that year you buzz off to Florida for a month to complete your PPL. The next year is spent at Cabair's Bournemouth or Cranfield locations for your ATPLs for 6 months - pretty boring stuff. Then, once again you're shipped off to the US of A to hours build as so many do before returning to Wycombe Air Park or Bournemouth to gain your CPL. By this time it's two years after starting your course and you're going back to uni to do the serious work!
After that year, you do your IR and MCC in the summer with Cabair and voilà you've got a job! (Or so they say)"

This course sounds absoloutly identical to the course on offer from PTC B.s.C in airline transport operations along with a frozen ATPL at the end.

On another note i completely agree with the first post on this thread,if i had listened to all this negativity and crap from the likes of madjock and WWW i never would have fulfilled me dreams of becoming a pilot i would consider myself lucky as i was accepted by ryanair 2 months after completeing my training.

they have the mind set of: look at us we are captains now lets just berate all the newbies trying to get into our industry,just not nice people at all and probobly very WEAK people who feel better about themselves and more powerfull when they berate new people in the industry at a lower standing than themselves. pathetic!
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 04:41
  #27 (permalink)  
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You lot don't seem to realise the nature of the beast.

Pilots are payed to be judgemental.

We do it hundreds of times in the space of a days flying.

What you are asking for is the people you want to get the information out of to completely go against the grain of there very being. Which to be honest isn't going to happen for some snotty nosed ppl puke.

As I said before we don't respect you because you haven't earned it. As far as we are concerned you have no rights, no opinions that matter. Your ideas and views of the way the industry works are that of a 5 year old that wants an icecream but dad won't get them one.

The immature arguing may very well work in an office enviroment. You ain't in one of them, you will get eaten alive if you start trying to play by those rules. You are going to work in a hard operational enviroment which has no room for fluffy pampering because peoples lives are on the line, the most important one being your own.

If you want fluffy go and play on the OAA forums.
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 05:09
  #28 (permalink)  
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How very un PC Jock! I agree with you 100% Lol.
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 09:18
  #29 (permalink)  
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Oh Mad Jock you do give us all a laugh with your rantings...

Perhaps if you actually had some more sleep instead of logging onto this forum at stupid-o-clock you would be a lot more calm and relaxed instead of spouting off like a mad preacher.....

I agree experience provides you with envious amounts of insider knowledge, it does not, however, give you the right (or we as you say, who is this 'we' by the way) to dismiss the opinions of others who aren't in your 'fortunate' position....


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Old 24th Mar 2010, 10:30
  #30 (permalink)  
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I thnik you mean 'normal working hours for those in the airline world'.
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 10:58
  #31 (permalink)  

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Gents, from someone who has been there and done it.

When you cock things up in the sim, or the real aircraft (and trust me, you will, whether in a PA-28 or a 737) the first and most important lesson you need to learn is humility.

When you turn the wrong way in a procedure, leave yourself hot and high on approach, or mis-identify the failed engine in the sim, expect plenty of constructive criticism, some of it quite blunt. If you can’t handle that kind of advice (and I have trained with people who couldn’t), it will get noticed very quickly, and your flying career is likely to be short.

If you think WWW and Mad Jock are a bit harsh for your tastes, just wait until your first OPC debrief at 'stupid-o-clock' . . .
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 11:51
  #32 (permalink)  
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I think Greece is going to turn into a contagion, UK credit rating is going to loose its AAA status and a double dip is in the pipeline.
Well, it seems somebody heard you, have a look at Portugal: AA- today...
Good thing is Europe getting more competitive.
Other than that, future doesn't seem great...
However Asia, middle east, south america are not in the same boat...
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 11:57
  #33 (permalink)  
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Without wishing to divert attention from the main topic here, there is no way the UK would lose its AAA gold standard rating, so i will have to disagree with you there WWW and would be interested to learn on what basis you predict this?

The City of London still remains the financial centre of the world and the Government will do whatever it takes to maintain this, losing AAA status would be an irrecoverable severe blow for the UK financial market and will simply not be allowed to happen.


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Old 24th Mar 2010, 12:26
  #34 (permalink)  
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The City of London still remains the financial centre of the world and the Government will do whatever it takes to maintain this
I am not sure what the government can do, apart from creating more debts to reimbourse the previous debts.

However I tend to agree with you, I don' t see UK loosing its AAA status, UK not having more debts than many other rich countries.

Economy is not off topic, aviation being completely linked to economy.

In europe, and even in north america (but Canada?), it is definitely not a good time to pay for training.
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 15:15
  #35 (permalink)  
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What do you mean stupid o'clock? The sun is always up when I post.

And if you can't deal with "you made a right of that what did you do wrong" then move on and fly another 3 sectors your in the wrong game.

What are you concorde some sort of HR person wanting to make the change to working for a living?

By your posts on here you be more suited to the HR department than flying the line.

How you going to deal with

"Why the did you divert there you "
"What do you mean its in the tech log? Thats the whole schedual for the next two days"
"No I have looked at the FTL's and you are legal to operate after a 21 hour duty with reduced rest of 11 hours I will have to report you if you refuse to do it"

All of the above is Captain ****e most of it solved with two words.

"what do you mean your ill, there is no cover get your arse in now"
"you made a right of that, have a word with yourself before the chief pilot does next time you do it"
"you really are useless"
And thats not even going down the route of some of the lines bullying Captains use.

And the one that even Neil Armstrong can't jig a reply up to

"With someone of your experence I expected better" Thankfully never been poked at myself but a killer as a kick off line to a debrief, be you 250 hours or 20000 hours.

And were do you find that I don't have the right? Every country's ANO I have operated under not only is it a right but it is also my duty to ignore the opinion of people talking ****e.
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 15:33
  #36 (permalink)  
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Without wishing to divert attention from the main topic here, there is no way the UK would lose its AAA gold standard rating, so i will have to disagree with you there WWW and would be interested to learn on what basis you predict this?

Its no secret that 9 days ago Moodys credit rating agency said the UK had moved "substantially" closer to losing AAA status.

According to them the U.K. is likely to spend 7 percent of revenue servicing debt this year and 9 percent in 2013, rising to almost 12 percent under the adverse scenario.

Financing costs above 10 percent put countries outside of the AAA category into a so-called debt reversibility band, the size of which depends on the ability and willingness of nations to reduce their debt burden by raising taxes or reducing spending.

Its all going to hinge on the growth rate for next year. I think the Government is overestimating the figures. Darling revised them down a little at lunchtime. I think he's still too optimistic. House Prices are a very good proxy for the wider economy. They started falling agin in Jan and Feb and Easter is usually the absolute peak for house sales - but the estate agents I know are still struggling and every time I go past the offices are empty of buyers.

We shall see. Hopefully I'm wrong and I can go and dig up my gold stash

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Old 24th Mar 2010, 15:41
  #37 (permalink)  
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Oh i apologise Mad Jock, you clearly are judge, jury and executioner on all things aviation related....

However, you have served your purpose in illustrating my point on all that is wrong with this forum (aggressive responses to newbies, immature arguments, sarcasm, boundless negativity etc). Seriously guys, its a discussion forum chill out!!

I wish all of those genuine financially astute wannabes the best of luck and i sleep easy at night knowing that we will make it despite the 'statisics' thrown around on here because we have passion, commitment and a sensible head on our shoulders.

For those of you fitting the above description i look forward to flying with you in the near future.


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Old 24th Mar 2010, 15:47
  #38 (permalink)  
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I'm going to go all Jeremy Clarkson and state 'The UK will not lose its coveted AAA status & will do whatever it takes to protect it'....if it does i will eat my own hair!!

Moving substantially closer to losing it does not mean its a dead cert. In addition other countries are facing the same risk too, namely the US, Germany, Spain.


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Old 24th Mar 2010, 16:00
  #39 (permalink)  
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OK, you win Scoot 43. Everybody out there listen just need to believe in yourself and make it happen. Don't let the meanies in the world tell you that you can't do it! Follow that rainbow and wish upon the shooting star. You are special!
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Old 24th Mar 2010, 16:04
  #40 (permalink)  
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Come do let us know. Do you work in HR? I have 10 quid on this with one of the FO's.

He reckons you are just a bit of girls blouse with no heavy industry experence. I reckon you work in HR and proberly have a degree in it as well.
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