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Old 29th Feb 2008, 13:20
  #41 (permalink)  
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Drag King or is it Queen?
Tastes are tastes my dear (bear). I am an opend-minded person with no prejudices...

haven't you got anything more constructive to do with your time?
Pleanty, beside flying PROFESSIONALLY but too many to mention and it's not your business anyway.

If you pay peanuts you get monkeys, just hours in the log book does not get you jobs....proper, monitered training, with the associated knowledge does.
True, but just the 1st bit. Everything else is PURE propaganda, the same heard over and over 1000 times. PTC does NOTHING more that a JAA/FTO is expected to do BY LAW and you are still paying way too much for what you get! You obviously either work or train there...

PTC does have a reputation with the recruiters of the airlines mentioned for producing the above average student and they do ask for recommendations.
More propaganda here. So operators that got students from flying clubs and modular training are gambling with their passenger's lives because they hire at or below average pilots? What's "average" there BTW...

It is very hard work at PTC, you are tested all the time and if you are a whingy f***w*t you wouldn't get through anyway.
So it WAS for me and for ANYONE that believes in what he/she does. Keep this crap for someone else. What is the rule is PAY, SHUT THE F...K UP and you will be REWARDED with your interview? Smart move dude! Let's go on, FR & C. love people like you, with this attitude especially when it comes to the point of lowering T&C's. I think I know who gave you this lecture... Don't forget to ask permission to go to the toilet sometimes.

f there is something to be genuinely criticised with a company a few well chosen words usually does the trick whereas your points are lost as it becomes obvious you have an obsessional axe to grind
It was said more than once dude but it seems you didn't notice. axe is sharpe as a razor but it's inactive for the time being so relax.

Over & Out


As for instructors, two also fly private jets and one turbine in the real world. The turnover is nothing like as high as in most schools.
So do I.
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Old 29th Feb 2008, 14:16
  #42 (permalink)  
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of course you do
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Old 1st Mar 2008, 04:11
  #43 (permalink)  
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Hi there
My personal experience of PTC is as follows: I email them about doing an Instructor's rating.No answer.I email them three more times;still no answer.I phone them and get handed around and eventually get to talk to one of the admin staff.I get vague answers and nothing definite.A month later, I'm in Waterford and call into the office.After some time being left unattended, despite the presence of at least three persons in the office,I eventually get to speak to an instructor,who gives me a tour and eventually admits that they have trouble fitting in walk-in potential candidates/price for course not yet determined/lack of aircraft/lack of instructors,etc,etc, I am allowed to leave.No British or American school would, in my experience, allow potential business to walk away so easily.Result: I take my business elsewhere and I wouldn't go near them with a barge pole. Somebody needs to take the employees in hand and teach them to answer emails/phonecalls properly and make an effort in customer relations.
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Old 1st Mar 2008, 10:53
  #44 (permalink)  
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I wouldn't go near them with a barge pole
Best advice here. People, they're probably not the worst flight school around in terms of training, but believe me, when it comes to management and business ethics they a lot to be desired.

As for their contacts with airlines, what a joke! Parc Aviation which runs the MCC that PTC recommends, probably does have the contacts and is well worth going there. But thats nothing to do with PTC.
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Old 1st Mar 2008, 14:30
  #45 (permalink)  
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PTC have only interest in people who wanna spend 95,000, im sure if you phoned them saying you had the cash or called in with a check your calls and replies would't fall on deaf ears!

I agree with toltol, Parc Aviation run a great MCC the instructors are top notch all very experienced ex-airline pilots and I would highly recommend it to anyone doing an MCC.
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Old 2nd Mar 2008, 03:18
  #46 (permalink)  
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Unprofessional ??? u be the judge!

Hi guys

I think PTC has some serious managment and organisation issues. I visited them last year and booked the skills test. The computerised test was supposed to start at 10am. I was suppose to be in the air between 1 and 2pm for skills test. I was fobbed off when i arrived and told there was an hour delay. I accepted that but the delay grew and so did the lies.

Finally I sat the test at 3pm very frustrated and annoyed by the events and unprofessional behavior! Nothing was explained about the aptitude test and what was said sounded like it was being read from text. I asked a question and the answer i was given was "excellent thats great & good luck" which proves that particular member of staff neither had interest my question or their own professionalism. I was interupted no less than 9 times during the test by staff (one in particular 3 times) barging into the room with students then wasting my exam time with lenghty apologies. I went up in the air for the skills test and 7pm, this was very relaxing and i loved it. The stress and frustration of the day disappeared.

I arrived back at the briefing room and found out the reason i was delayed was another potential student had flown in that morning and needed to fly out on the last flight that evening. He unknowingly was given my time. The reason for this was he was interested in the integrated route where as i had stated from the onset i was interested in the modular route. I would not have been spending as much money up front. I made it clear to PTC that i was interested in the modular route when i first called in to the college. While in the briefing room after my skills test I was told that they did not offer a modular route in Waterford but they could arrange it in conjunction with another school. (PTC appears to be a modular course dressed up as integrated) I have never recieved another call from them. They could have told me before i booked the exam day that they did not offer a so called modular route through waterford, but they choose to tell me when they had my money and i had finished the days exams. In my mind this knowingly mislead me! I wasted my money with an organisation that did not offer the training i was looking for.

Anyone reading this can judge it for themselves. Before i booked the exam with them i did my research about PTC. I read alot of unfavourable reports from past students etc. I also read some reports defending PTC. I decided to give them the benifit of the doubt and to see for myself.

What is my opinion of PTC now, based on my experience?
I feel that the people operating on front line will tell you what you want to hear! That includes them knowingly giving you wrong and misleading information. I don't know if senior managment are aware (or care) how they are being represented by their junior front line staff, but what i witnessed and experienced on the day left alot to be desired. It all had an air of imaturity, unprofessionalism and lack of interest.

Apologies for the long text, its not a fraction of what went on the day. But my honest advice to anyone thinking of spending 95k on training is to seriously look else where and weigh up all your options. If you are the type of person who doesn't mind wasting money and using it to pay for other peoples mistakes then go for it.

After all that i think the instructor who brought me up in the aircraft and conducted my skills test was excellent and a credit to the organisation. I believe he was called in at short notice but was extremely professional in how he presented himself and theorganisation. Pity the front line representatives are letting people like him down.

Best of luck to all

Last edited by Pjlot; 5th Mar 2008 at 19:25.
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Old 4th Jun 2008, 12:29
  #47 (permalink)  
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hey deltaxray, i am thinking of atttending ptc later this year , but i have been reading both good and bad info on this site. whats your honest opinion of them? the ground school, facilities, and the chances of getting a job after?
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Old 4th Jun 2008, 13:03
  #48 (permalink)  
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I sent you a private message dave
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Old 30th Nov 2008, 17:57
  #49 (permalink)  
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People interested in PTC all i can say is NO, quick to take the money out of your pocket slow at just about everything else. PPL is left up to student which is ok as its just a PPL, then you go on to ATPL's where you can learn from an instructor who still hasnt passed his/her atpl's. CPL not bad, alot of work but decent, IR is the only good thing at PTC, but then again very expensive.
The Interview at the end of your training is also very dodgey, well actually never heard of anyone getting through that way, all the people i know of had to search for jobs themselves.
Try checking out, schools in states, and then conversions in europe with oxford or a school like that, or go to south africa and do all your licences there, quick, well priced and they also have "Good Connections".

Just for the question that was asked before "Why would FSI in vero beach be connected with a school if it wasn't up to their standards" - well i can tell you that the deal with FSI looks like it is near breaking point, rumours of moving to a school in Melbourne Australia! Bit far just for ppl and hour building dont u think?

Last edited by User_Irish88; 30th Nov 2008 at 18:09.
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Old 30th Nov 2008, 18:20
  #50 (permalink)  

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Just for the question that was asked before "Why would FSI in vero beach be connected with a school if it wasn't up to their standards" - well i can tell you that the deal with FSI looks like it is near breaking point, rumours of moving to a school in Melbourne Australia! Bit far just for ppl and hour building dont u think?
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

It was actually found to be the case that FSI was not up to PTC(FL) standards.
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Old 30th Nov 2008, 20:46
  #51 (permalink)  
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Hey thanks for the reply, well i can say that from my experiance Flight Safety was very professional, and I thought that their capability as an FTO exceeded that of PTC.
Thanks again for the reply
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Old 30th Nov 2008, 21:31
  #52 (permalink)  
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What a joke. The standards of professionalism and quality of training/facilities at flight safety are a thousand times higher than those of PTC. Every single student that has graduated from the 0-atpl course will tell you that.

FSI focuses on the student, PTC focuses on how much money they can extract from the student.
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Old 30th Nov 2008, 23:25
  #53 (permalink)  

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a797 - a delightfully moving tribute to FSI.

If you had any idea what you were talking about it may be of some value - but fear not, as I've always been a believer that everybody is entitled to their own stiupid opinion - and that includes you and yours.

I've seen, first hand (and been directly involved with), the training and the attitude of FSI, I've seen first hand (and been directly involved with), the training and the attitude of PTC (FL).

I'm neither discussing, nor have much interest, in the finance or the marketing (in this particular conversation), I'm talking purely the training and the standards required or achieved.

FSI could not stand up to the training requirements of either PTC (FL) or the IAA.

Indeed, I'm not aware of any one FAA "Academy", that has been able to sustain a JAA programme. There's no saying, of course, that the changes brought about by PTC(FL) will improve that situation - but at least they are trying, and I *know* it's not for their bottom line profit margin that they are doing it.

It's a long and involved story - there is *MUCH* more to it than face value.

It wasn't FSI that didn't want to hang on to PTC(FL) it out.

PTC (Waterford) - which is what this thread started about - *may* be a completely different story - I have *zero* experience of them so no comment - but somebody changed the messages to include Vero Beach - and now, I know what I'm talking about.
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Old 1st Dec 2008, 00:27
  #54 (permalink)  
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If you had any idea what you were talking about it may be of some value - but fear not, as I've always been a believer that everybody is entitled to their own stiupid opinion - and that includes you and yours.
Actually i do know what im talking about, ive had the misfortune of being messed around by ptc like most other students.

I've seen, first hand (and been directly involved with), the training and the attitude of FSI, I've seen first hand (and been directly involved with), the training and the attitude of PTC (FL).
Really? That contradicts what you said yesterday on another thread about ptc as follows:-

And, NO, unfortuantely I am not connected with PTC in any way - before you start squealing that line, too.
So i'm a little bit confused, were you lying when you wrote that or were you lying above when you said you are directly involved with PTC?

My stupid opinions are based on first hand experience of both organisations, and me and every single other student will tell you the level of training at FSI is far superior to the level of training at PTC. At FSI we received ground school from retired airline captains, at PTC groundschool was receieved from 200 hr conversions who had not completed the exams themselves. I dont know much about PTC fl, but i know how the company works, so find it hard to believe that PTC florida is of a higher standard than FSI. I could be wrong but i would truly be surprised.

And before you throw the accusations that im just a bitter student who couldnt handle the pace of the course and is blaming everyone else for my shortcomings - i got first time passes in every single written exam, oral exam, mock flight test and flight test on the course. I know what im talking about.
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Old 1st Dec 2008, 02:07
  #55 (permalink)  

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Somehow, I just knew you would bite. "Lol".

With regard to

So i'm a little bit confused, were you lying when you wrote that or were you lying above when you said you are directly involved with PTC?
I say again, unfortunately, I am not involved with THE COMPANY, yet I AM involved with their training and standards. It's none of your business as to how, or why - but it's true.

Why did you have to do your groundschool twice?

I was just thinking aloud, please, don't bother answering, as I really don't care.

<<Edit: Scruffy typo>>
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Old 1st Dec 2008, 10:53
  #56 (permalink)  
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I say again, unfortunately, I am not involved with THE COMPANY, yet I AM involved with their training and standards.
Ah ok, so you were lying on the other thread then, cheers for clearing that one up
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Old 1st Dec 2008, 12:01
  #57 (permalink)  
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with regard to your comment about a797 having to do his groundschool twice, i think he was talking about the ppl groundschool he received from FSI and the cpl groundschool he endured in PTC.
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Old 1st Dec 2008, 14:24
  #58 (permalink)  
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Dont give them your email address........... as i did once and cant stop receiving spam mail about sex and viagra pills etc.


"o yes they are to expensive for what the offer"

Good luck

I'll echo that, don't email them, they must have viruses, because I had a pretty new email address, and as soon as I emailed them nothing but spam.
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Old 1st Dec 2008, 17:50
  #59 (permalink)  
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User Irish88 said :
well i can tell you that the deal with FSI looks like it is near breaking point, rumours of moving to a school in Melbourne Australia! Bit far just for ppl and hour building dont u think?
There's also a Melbourne in Florida, about an hour and a half north of their current setup in Vero Beach. I think they maybe moving there, not Australia. Now that would be ridiculous even for PTC's illogical thought patterns.

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Old 2nd Dec 2008, 16:26
  #60 (permalink)  
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Don't waste your time or your money with PTC, nothing good will come of it.
what? are you crazy? dont you know that 98% of PTC graduates get hired within 2 months? that they have a 98% first time pass rate?

this is of course in no small part due to their "extensive fleet of Piper Seminole aircraft" (4 and a half last i heard) and their fantastic student support network who never return your calls...

better stop in case this thread mysteriously disappears...
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