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Old 25th Feb 2008, 09:57
  #21 (permalink)  
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If you are spending that amount of money don't just assume they are all pricey! Do your research at other flightschools as well. PTC is very, very expensive for what they offer, which is essentially modular dressed up as integrated. You can do modular cheaper elsewhere! The PTC open day is not that excellent compared to others and you must attend other flightschools to get a feel of what else is on offer.
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Old 25th Feb 2008, 17:49
  #22 (permalink)  
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Need to just grit the teeth, pick somewhere that isn't a shack that could close down in a few weeks and has good instructors that will teach you good things about flying, and literally just get it done.
Sure, all it matters is surviving ain't? Well done mate, let's tackle everything with this attitude and you will go far. FI's are great chaps over there but that's not all. Your list of priorities is rather poor and incomplete. There are loads of other things that need to be considered and most of the wannabees don't know much about it because they pay more attention to the shinning fliers they handle you at the open day than to former student's opinions. Who is the next in line you'd like to survive at? Ryanair...?

5 years down the road in whatever job you won't be looking back thinking "God I wish i went to Oxford instead of PTC" or somesuch.
No clue, I didn't go neither to PTC or OAT but I probably went to SOMESUCH FLYING TRAINING. Let's hope that in 5 yrs you are gonna be into a JOB that you haven't paid for (i.e. FR) and not into another mortgage to pay further "training"...

no matter what school you go to theres gonna be problems and people like you drag king, are the type to whine about it. In the end, choose whatever school you want but the grass is still gonna seem greener on the other side.
You obviously don't have a fu....g clue of what message I am trying to pass you. Well, don't say you haven't been warned...

Hi there. I was at the PTC open day aswell and thought it was excellent. I still have not done my leaving cert but am more than likely going to train to be an airline pilot. Course a bit pricey but sure they all are. A good day and well worth getting up at 5:45
TAKE IT EASY MATE!!! There is plenty of time. Just don't forget the chequebook!

You're right as far as the marketing goes though, all schools are as bad as each other....but there's better options out there than PTC and their EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND EURO.
If you are spending that amount of money don't just assume they are all pricey! Do your research at other flightschools as well. PTC is very, very expensive for what they offer, which is essentially modular dressed up as integrated. You can do modular cheaper elsewhere! The PTC open day is not that excellent compared to others and you must attend other flightschools to get a feel of what else is on offer.
I knew there must be some smart ones out there! Well said kids!

Best wishes

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Old 25th Feb 2008, 18:16
  #23 (permalink)  
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Dragking....if you did'nt go to PTC then why are you here telling people its a bad idea. Let the people who are doing/have done the course give some advice. Your just speculating and repeating rumours that have been spread. Ill be the first to stand up and say that PTC is'nt the best but to be honest, you have no experience with them. (Sorry if i in a bad mood with the atpl's)
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Old 25th Feb 2008, 18:25
  #24 (permalink)  
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Dragking....if you did'nt go to PTC then why are you here telling people its a bad idea. Let the people who are doing/have done the course give some advice. Your just speculating and repeating rumours that have been spread. Ill be the first to stand up and say that PTC is'nt the best but to be honest, you have no experience with them.
Oh dear, dear me...

You rush to keybord too quickly kid! Think FAST, but TALK slowly and more than that THINK FIRST, ACT AFTER!

(Sorry if i in a bad mood with the atpl's)
Why? PTC isn't backing you up hard enough? Remember to tell them that you are (among other things) also a CUSTOMER...

Please, avoid reminding me that it is a distance-learning course, I know that already but it means NOTHING apart saving money on staff/resources by PTC!


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Old 25th Feb 2008, 18:57
  #25 (permalink)  
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*counts to ten*

*walks away*
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Old 26th Feb 2008, 10:12
  #26 (permalink)  
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"They have connections with Aer arann, Flybe, ryanair, aerlingus,futuragael and a few others"

Is this what PTC tell you before you hand over the 95,000 euro required for the course??

I dont understand the training costs in 95,000 euro and you dont even get an MCC! For the same price maybe 5000 above I have completed all my training (Modular) and MCC all here in Ireland and thats INCLUDING the money put away for a type rating with an airline!!

Yes PTC have an appealing website etc but how much different are they to other MODULAR schools?? I have done my training in Cork all with Instructors who are airline pilots or experienced and the standard of training was excellent and for a fraction of the price!

Im not saying there is anything at fault with PTC and its college however people who are under the impression they are going to get an airline job because they pay 95,000 euro are very naive! remember people there is no guarantees! I think people need to shop around a bit more before throwing away alot of money on an outrageously expensive course!!

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Old 26th Feb 2008, 15:28
  #27 (permalink)  
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Drag king..wheres EIWT? Think before you type your waffle!
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Old 26th Feb 2008, 16:30
  #28 (permalink)  
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Atlantic offer 0-atpl(f) for around 54k. MCC not included.
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Old 26th Feb 2008, 20:51
  #29 (permalink)  
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Drag king..wheres EIWT?
I beg your pardon sir, I meant EIWF...

As far as EIWT is concerned YOU tell me where it is, you dumbass!

What does it mean "wheres"?

As someone said...

Think before you type your waffle!
No further comments...

Enjoy rainy IRL, windy EIWF, crowded EIWT, storm-battered EICK and wherever your FI is gonna take you. You don't sound smart enough to manage to go anywhere solo.

I am going back to my Jepp's Airport Directory...

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Old 27th Feb 2008, 13:11
  #30 (permalink)  

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Keep it friendly, children.
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Old 27th Feb 2008, 14:22
  #31 (permalink)  
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Well i see it theres no point in being a fair weather pilot as yourself and befor you start saying that i did some flying in florida, you should know i got my ppl in Irl
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Old 27th Feb 2008, 21:02
  #32 (permalink)  
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as i see it theres no point in being a fair weather pilot as yourself and befor you start saying that i did some flying in florida, you should know i got my ppl in Irl
I wonder why I am still replying to you. It feels like... Nevermind.

keep posting propaganda on behalf of PTC kid, you might end up on the wall-of-fame or in one of their glossy flyers if not on the website...Me, I got my moments of glory already!!!

Make sure you do a nice job, don't waste dad's money OK?

For those interested in this thread's subject, well...I think you might have figured out by now!

Don't forget where your VRPs are around EIWF, just in case WX catches you out!!!

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Old 28th Feb 2008, 01:41
  #33 (permalink)  
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edit edit x

Last edited by MarkColeman; 3rd Dec 2008 at 19:52.
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Old 28th Feb 2008, 10:17
  #34 (permalink)  
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Hi there
DragKing is, for the most part, quite right.PTC is very,very overpriced for Modular pretending to be integrated.It most certainly is possible to get all the ratings and the MCC for much less than E95K.EIWF is a nice airport to fly out of but they are as subject to Ireland's weather as anyone else.PTC are also suffering from a high turnover of instructors, just like the other schools.PTC's claims need to be taken with a pinch of salt, just like the claims of every other school.As for PTCs claims to be "connected" to airlines, well, that's the good old Irish version of the Old Pals' Act.Hypothically speaking, of course,it "helps" your application to do your MCC at a certain MCC supplier to get a sim-check at a certain Irish airline, who might possibly have senior personnel who might possibly share the ownership of the MCC supplier.Possibly.Hypothetically speaking, of course.Just like it is alleged in bars frequented by pilots that a certain Irish airline favours pilots who wear brown shoes, supplied to members of a very exclusive flying club.Possibly.
This is Ireland,for ****'s sake.It's a banana republic with no sunshine(except in the Sunny South-East, of course)
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Old 28th Feb 2008, 12:39
  #35 (permalink)  
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I agree with TDD on this one regarding PTC,

I think people need to see whats on offer before deciding to spend alot of money on a course that is very similar to any other MODULAR courses in Ireland and the rest of Europe, I think PTC are aiming for a customer base of students who have just finished there leaving cert etc and are basically ripping people off as explained earlier compared to other schools, for the sake of 40k I think its worth going away and sorting your own training out, yes there is a bit more involved in it but who cares its 40k in your pocket rather than PTC!!

Lets face it people Ryanair taking on 400+ cadets in 2008, Aer Arann recruiting as well along with alot of other airlines in Europe so PTC or no PTC the jobs are out there no matter what school your in and everyone is in with a chance so don't let PTC and there "connections" for 95k lead you astray from the simple fact that there course is a rip off!!

If someone can come on this thread and prove me wrong about PTC and there training costs then I shall stand corrected!
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Old 28th Feb 2008, 14:09
  #36 (permalink)  
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Real nice dragking.....that chip on your shoulder must have a chip on its shoulder i reckon.
You must have a VERY little sense-of-humor, dear!

Lets face it people Ryanair taking on 400+ cadets in 2008, Aer Arann recruiting as well along with alot of other airlines in Europe so PTC or no PTC the jobs are out there no matter what school your in and everyone is in with a chance so don't let PTC and there "connections" for 95k lead you astray from the simple fact that there course is a rip off!!
There was no need to mention it, however...WELL SAID!

for the sake of 40k I think its worth going away and sorting your own training out, yes there is a bit more involved in it but who cares its 40k in your pocket rather than PTC!!
That's why I said go and fetch (former) students from others FTO (no matter how blasoned) and find out how they have settled. Then if you still want to burn 100k check out the other top schools and find out that for the same figure they include MCC, better fleet, they are located in better WX-regions (as someone insinuated not that VMC matter to me but fast-paced training does...) and so on. They also have "connections" in case you need.


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Old 28th Feb 2008, 14:50
  #37 (permalink)  
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Well dragking. Im starting to get tired of this myself but i'll say it once again. Im not promoting nor am i bashing PTC. Im giving my opinion about the college that i train at. Im sure that was what the thread was about was it not? And just so you know, ive saved MY money for the course. If daddy had the money for it i wouldnt be fighting with the bankman everytime i need money.
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Old 29th Feb 2008, 04:36
  #38 (permalink)  
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EIWT is Weston.

Play fair children.

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Old 29th Feb 2008, 10:43
  #39 (permalink)  
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If PTC are so bad why have Flight Safety International, the biggest and most reputable flight training organisation in the world who, can have their pick of who to work with, associated themselves with PTC to form PTC Florida. This was done so the weather will no longer be a factor.
Drag King or is it Queen? haven't you got anything more constructive to do with your time? If you pay peanuts you get monkeys, just hours in the log book does not get you jobs....proper, monitered training, with the associated knowledge does. PTC does have a reputation with the recruiters of the airlines mentioned for producing the above average student and they do ask for recommendations.
It is very hard work at PTC, you are tested all the time and if you are a whingy f***w*t you wouldn't get through anyway. Don't you realise Drag KING (queen) what an arse you are making of yourself. If there is something to be genuinely criticised with a company a few well chosen words usually does the trick whereas your points are lost as it becomes obvious you have an obsessional axe to grind.

As for instructors, two also fly private jets and one turbine in the real world. The turnover is nothing like as high as in most schools.

Aviation is an unstable business and things do go wrong, Fuel prices go up aircraft go tech, mistakes are made, wx is bad, so what? go and work in Tesco if you don't like it.

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Old 29th Feb 2008, 13:15
  #40 (permalink)  
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they do ask for recommendations.
A requirement for your assesment with the airlines is a letter of recommendation from your training provider.

Other schools in Ireland have just as many connections with airlines but don't hike up there prices by 50%.. as for flight safety international, they associate themselves with training providers to do exactly what there name says FLIGHT SAFETY and of course a fee is involved in this association..... so lads and lasses the fee of 95k is still?


It is very hard work at PTC, you are tested all the time
Im afraid mate its the same everywhere you go not just PTC.

If you pay peanuts you get monkeys, just hours in the log book does not get you jobs....proper, monitered training, with the associated knowledge does
Are you saying that paying 56k is peanuts?

because if it is, there is alot of us monkeys getting jobs in the airlines so next time you walk into a flight deck make sure there is no monkeys flying the airplanes! and of course if there not monkeys then they must have been trained in PTC.
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