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F/O on a 737 at just 19

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Old 16th Jan 2008, 09:17
  #121 (permalink)  
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Yes indeed. Well done Ed I've got your Dad's signature in my logbook - he signed off a skills test at Andrewsfield (EGSL) for me a couple of years ago so I can fly in Thailand. Good luck in the future.

Last edited by Xeque; 16th Jan 2008 at 10:22.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 10:13
  #122 (permalink)  
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Just couldn't let this one go.............
Well done Ed, but...............
Even more well done to those like myself who started out late (PPL @ 31 years of age), then............ self financed hour building, IMC rating, Night rating, AFI rating, multi-engine rating, Instrument Rating, all ground school by correspondance course, hours and hours of filling out application forms, phone calls to secure that elusive first commercial job.........oh and at the same time taking out two part time jobs (on top of the full time one).....oh and paying the mortgage, keeping the wife happy, raising two kids and eventually getting that first job aged 39! Phew, makes me tired just writing about it.

My point is well done to one and all............
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 10:15
  #123 (permalink)  

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To add a little perspective this started out as a little piece in a local paper which was then picked up by the national press who have made it out to be a slightly bigger deal than it is (unusual I know). I do not believe it started out that way!

Like all things in aviation the guy had some good fortune but let's not forget he also had to demonstrate his ability as well. I have had my share of good fortune too. He must be feeling awful at some of the sneering and spiteful remarks here if he has read them.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 10:20
  #124 (permalink)  
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Flying 737s at 19 year old. Yep a fairly commendable achievment, he had the benefit that money was no object, coupled with an obvious amount of natural ability (otherwise he would have had to take more than just minimum hours to pass the course - bit like a driver who takes 5 years to pass the test or one that does it after 2 lessons).

I'm sure there are plenty others out there who given the financial backing, could have done the same.

He had the opportunity money wise and he took it. Just feel sorry for him that he will now have so many years ahead of him in the cockpit of a modern jet! Not my idea of an invigorating or stimulating career, but I hope he enjoys it and more importantly I hope he appreciates his father's gesture, though I doubt there is much fear that he won't, he must be fairly well grounded to achieve what he did
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 10:33
  #125 (permalink)  
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From the otherside of the fence.Would you help your son/daughter to become a pilot?
I certainly would!Anything i could do to help him would be done.How cool to be crew with your son,extremely proud moment for Ed`s dad.
Good on you both.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 10:50
  #126 (permalink)  
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Well done Ed. A fine achievement.

What a load of jealous types are on this forum. Yes, he has clearly had the licence and rating bought for him and his father got him the job, but so what? Ed's father could not pass the ATPL exams for him, nor pass the TQ course and line training. How kind of his dad to make such a huge investment in his son's future. I would do the same when my boys are old enough if they need the help- that is what parents do.

How many people have followed their parents footsteps into a company? How many veterinary surgeons have sons and daughters as veterinary surgeons- or father and daughter doctors? Of course it helps having a daddy in a particular business, but that is just how it is and how it has always been. If you want to become an officer in the Guards, then it helps to have been to Eton and Cambridge and have a private income. That is also the 'old boy network.'

I also fly with very young FO's and a surprising number tell me that daddy has just retired as a Jumbo captain for the same company? Does that help them get the place at the training school? Of course it does, but can you take away their achievement? The CEO of the National airline I work for has a daughter who flies as a First Officer. Was she ever going to be turned down? I think not.

I had to slog my way through my licences and it was a long hard slog, but I don't begrudge this guy getting where he is, one iota. If I had a similar family contact then I would hope it would have been easier- but I didn't. The best I got was from a friend who personally took in my CV to the recruitment manager- that got me an interview and subsequently the job. The old boy network again!
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 11:00
  #127 (permalink)  
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For me, Flying Clara says it all on page 3.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 11:09
  #128 (permalink)  
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Nice one, Ed! Your Dad did you a big favor. Thumbs up to him too.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 11:23
  #129 (permalink)  
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After reading everything....

Sincere congratulations to Ed on achieveing his ambitions at just 19. Any of us would have grabbed the opportunity to do the same with both hands so any cynical or jealous naysayers pipe down!

It's fair to say that we are ALL envious of the guy, I certainly am. But that isn't a reason to have a go at him and call him a daddy's boy. As said above, anyone on here would have done the same given half the chance and think how you would feel if you were in his position and all you got was sniped at for your achievement. He's still had to pass the exams to get there. No-one but him can do that. As for his dad funding it, that's not really any of our business is it. And as for his dad securing him a job, so what! Anyone care to say they wouldn't have taken a 737 RHS if their dad had offered it to them straight out of training???

The only bit I really don't agree with is the need to publicise it on the scale that it has been. But I'm sure the tabloids had something to do with that! Who know's, perhaps Titan have contributed to his training in some way and have then used it as a PR stunt. I doubt Ed's gone off to the paper's and said 'hey look at me'.


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Old 16th Jan 2008, 12:07
  #130 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by A330Ryan
7 pages for what alot of people seem to say is not worth the attention - hmm?

I think some of you should take a step back and READ this thread, it comes across as envy!!!!!!

I would go to the paper and be like Ha Ha daddy paid and got me a job! Nothing wrong with it, and none of you would have turned down that if it was offered to you on a plate.

Get over yourselves and let him enjoy his career - you all sound bitter!!!!!!
So how old were you when you obtained your fATPL then? nobody is envious, afterall most of us here has an ATPL already. Perhaps you should have a read of post #125 by rbr919

Well said rbr919.

Back to the topic, I said to my wife yesterday that he had the dedication and drive to obtain his fATPL at a young age, well done for that, but face the reality, had he been fresh out of a modular school at 19 and he had applied to Titan of his own back he wouldn't have even had a sniff of an interview let alone a job, so yes, he's worked very hard, as have myself and alot of others, but again, not begrudging him of it but he has been handed a job on a plate - fact, so where's the big deal in that?

All in all people aren't miffed at the young lad, good luck to him, they are, like me, a bit miffed about what the big deal is.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 13:18
  #131 (permalink)  
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Deano and any others that are "miffed" - Life's far too short to be getting wound up over this! I agree you as far as disagreeing with the amount of publicity that this has got but like I said in my previous post, this is probably largely down to the Tabloids and a bit of Spin from Titan ahead of the summer season.

I'm in the same boat as many of you in that I am having to go through the normal route of borrowing ££££'s secured against parents house so do understand where you're coming from but it's worth remembering that we all want to acheive that RH and eventually LHS and will approach it in a variety of ways. This was Ed's so I don't really think it's down to any of us to criticize him.

In short, he's got his job end of story. Now start thinking about how you are going to get your's! I'm sure most of us won't be as fortunate as Ed but personally I will take greater satisfaction form the rewards of my efforts so am really not bothered by any of this and netiher should you be. Like I said, life's too bloody short!

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Old 16th Jan 2008, 13:25
  #132 (permalink)  
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It's not ruining my day Chris, that's for sure, it's a case of seeing it with one eye and then raising an eyebrow, that's as far as it goes, what's more mystifying is the people who think it's a big deal and that us who think it isn't are not entitled to our opinions or we are flatly wrong.

Oh, and nobody is criticizing him, not in the slightest, I say again, good on him
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 14:11
  #133 (permalink)  
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I know Ed and he's a great guy and a good pilot...........his dress sense is pretty dodgy though (too much pink for my taste)

Who wouldn't take the help of kith and kin?

Good on you Ed.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 14:13
  #134 (permalink)  
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In the USA you can't have an ATP issued to you until you are 23 years of age.

I imagine all ICAO nations are this way...does the 19 year old just have a commercial ticket then?
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 14:23
  #135 (permalink)  
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Deano - I'm not saying you or anyone else isn't entitled to an opinion. If I did a forum would hardly be the sort of place I'd look to spend my time. Furthermore, I'm not getting into a debate on whether the whole thing is right or wrong. I've got my views on it just like the other 189k members will have but am simply saying that I think there are some very big chips going around this thread that are totally unnecessary.

I think it's a reasonably big deal that someone is flying a 737 at 19 however which way they got there. It might not be a big deal to others but to most other outside the industry it's newsworthy.

Let the guy have his 5 mins of fame and get on with being a decent pilot.

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Old 16th Jan 2008, 15:48
  #136 (permalink)  
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As someone that has sat in the left hand seat of a B737 with some f/os of fairly limited ability & who has been involved with this guys training prior to type rating, I would like to make the point that despite who may have paid for his training, he was a very capable above average pilot with a thoroughly pleasant & mature personality too. I would be more than happy to pick up a sign-in sheet & see he was my f/o for the day. Good Luck!
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 16:45
  #137 (permalink)  
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I assume that this chap will be flying on his commercial licence. As I understand it, one cannot be issued with a full ATPL until the age of 21 in JARland.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 17:35
  #138 (permalink)  
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Did I really read in post 138 that someone has said that it is the normal route to borrow money against your parents house!!!!!!!!!!
Normal route????
What you mean to say is that your parents have lent/given you the money and in order to do so they have remortgaged their house!
May i suggest this is by far from the norm, there is no norm in flying and if you think that this is the norm perhaps one of the previous posters was correct and take that silver sppon out of your mouth!

i am also with many previous posters that it is a great achievement to do what he has done but virtually he will be on his own at having life so easy. There are so many people who have achieved so much more.. I am not taking away from what he has done or achieved but are we getting into the habit of praising all who are so lucky.
No one is slating him as we all would have taken dads money and dads job so he has no need to feel bad. But those of you that think it is exceptional may I suggest that you get a serious reality check.
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 17:36
  #139 (permalink)  
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(Despite how this post comes across, I'd just like to clarify that I actually have no real opinion on the matter ((a.k.a I couldn't care less))- before I'm accused of having "chips" on my shoulders)

Much the same as ASFKAP's "Didn't you see the note on the fridge?" did for me, if this makes someone chuckle I'll be happy
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Old 16th Jan 2008, 17:55
  #140 (permalink)  
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Congratulations to him but let's all be honest... he only got that job because of his father.
Titan rarely hire experienced turboprop pilots with less than 1300 hours and the last time I saw a Titan ad was quite some time ago.

Good luck to him but it's not what you know... it's who you know.
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