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JAA ATPL Ground Exams

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Old 5th Jun 2006, 21:04
  #121 (permalink)  
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you can get the questions online £50 for 3 months, they are brilliant
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Old 5th Jun 2006, 22:34
  #122 (permalink)  
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Jamo is giving you a bum steer. Past questions in the UK JAA exams ARE available. You can get them via the ATP website (as per the link above via Bristol). I should know I sat Airframes & Systems today and I could only think of 2 or 3 questions (out of 76) that hadn't cropped up when I was going through mock papers online with Bristol/ATP. And I don't mean similar either. I mean word for word. One question in the exam had an Appendix and this was reproduced exactly on the Bristol/ATP website as well.

Don't be tempted with the cd's on ebay or paper copy variants. More than likely they will be the old Spanish/Italian database and as far as I know those questions are being phased out as its common knowledge that most groundschools and students have nabbed themselves a copy. They also had a lot of errors in them which have been subsequently been corrected through the appeals process.

There you go some support for Bristol and they aren't even my groundschool provider!
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Old 12th Jun 2006, 20:43
  #123 (permalink)  
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Question Most Difficult Exam

HI All,
I'm studying for my ATPL Exams via distance learning and I'm around halfway point through Mod 1, I've just started on the Performance frame of the course and I'm really finding this subject difficult to get to grips with
I had a chat with a few other Pilots and all of them stated that this was the most difficult exam to pass with a couple of them failing on their first attempt.
It just seems like every page I turn at the minute is more difficult to grasp than the last one maybe I'm just looking for reassurance I don't know but this is heavy going at the minute, I know this might seem obvious to most people as the reward at the end of the rainbow is fantastic but how did you guys keep yourselves motivated and focused ?
Oh yeah I forgot, is Performance the most difficult exam ????
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 08:00
  #124 (permalink)  
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Yep I struggled with that one to. POF isn't much better. Also found MET difficult as well. Struggled through MET at ppl level and found the shear volume of information to be daunting.

Generally people tend to find the wordy or touchy feely subjects like Ops, Comms, Air Law the easiest as they can be rote learnt. Radio Nav is a weird one as some of the subject matter is basically out of date and you are unlikely to come across it in your career. I enjoyed the more practical papers such as flight planning and general navigation as I could get my teeth into them and actually see that I was learning something that I would use.

I found the Bristol ATP website to be excellent. If you use it then don't leave it to the last minute before you start going through the questions. In some subjects like MET there are nearly 1,000 actual JAA questions in the database.

As a skipper once told me - knuckle down and think of the ATPL's as a right of passage.
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 13:37
  #125 (permalink)  
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Practice exams online

Has anyone delt with these guys before? - I am currently revising past questions for ATPL Exams for the end of the Summer. I am doing a home study course with Bristol and their online exam question are more expensive.
I just wanted to know if anyone has purchased the past exams with these guys and are the questions similar to what you would receive in your actual exams?
thanks again
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 13:48
  #126 (permalink)  
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Not used that online question bank, but is it really worth the risk if you are not sure when you can almost guarentee that Bristol's questions are upto date, and accurate? It's only £50 for 3 months but when you consider that an exam is £60 by using Bristol and not having to resit any you've all ready saved £10!

I've just done Mod 1 exams and can tell you that I had seen every question for Human performance, Vfr and Ifr, Flight planning, instruments and Mass and balance is on their QB! and 90-95% of the questions on Met, Gen nav!

Just a thought, is it really worth the risk for a few £?
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 14:02
  #127 (permalink)  
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Agree with Littco, I just did MET and Airframes and Systems and reckon that 90% of the questions were word for word as per the Bristol ATP database. The remainder differed only very slightly and were either a play on words or used different formatting. By way of example, in Airframes there was 1 Appendix to the June exam which had a schematic of a fuel system. As luck would have it the EXACT same diagram was in the Bristol ATP database. Tricky huh!

While I am at it heres a tip for you if you haven't already come across it. If you are using the ATP database do take the time to sit through ALL of the questions (yep there can be up to a thousand of them for say MET). By doing a random mock paper you are not guaranteed of seeing all of those tricky little questions that just might pop up eg: Whats a cumulous congestus!!!. You can set a starting point for questions and also the number of questions you want to sit so you can do all the questions in blocks of say 100 questions at a time which makes life more bearable. My approach was to type into MS Word any questions and answers that I struggled with. Then I took the exam again to try and get it into my thick skull. I must have been at the database for a good month prior to the exams not wanting to leave anything to chance.
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 15:14
  #128 (permalink)  
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The BGS website is far superior from the one you mentioned above.

From looking at both of them, as my experience as a ex teacher type person of this material you are better off spending the money over on BGS's site.
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 17:11
  #129 (permalink)  
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PKB sounds like i'll be similar to you when it comes to it, doing better at the exams where you can see your progress and directly how you'll be using things.

Could i also add to this thread and ask not just which subjects, but also topics in particular, like Gyros etc that people found hard.

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Old 13th Jun 2006, 19:03
  #130 (permalink)  
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Pretty much the same here as potkettleblack. PoF and Met were the hardest for me, due to having to actually understand rather than learn.

Perf was a struggle to get to grips at first but all fell into place by the time of the exam. The key was understanding the drag/EAS and power/TAS curves, and deriving whatever was required from there.

Others sailed through those but struggle with the more numerate subjects like Gen Nav and Mass & Balance. We're all different!
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Old 13th Jun 2006, 19:31
  #131 (permalink)  
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Hi Guys,
Many thanks for your replies, I really would've liked to have done the course full time, but like most who have to carry on working, I have to do it via the distance route, I'm not complaining about that fact don't get me wrong as I feel very lucky that I'm able to even get the chance to dream and try and get an ATPL in the first place.
Overall I'm really enjoying it, even though I've fell asleep on my books many times but I'm sure plenty of people have done that
I had a slightly better day on Performance funnily enough, not a lot better but better all the same, some subjects I've really looked forward to even PoF Instruments I've not found to bad and the Gyros you mention Sicky I found ok and I'm really %@**~# crap at Maths although I've brushed up on it before I started my course.
Maybe I'm just waving the white flag a little early, as I'm done with some other subjects
PKB, I like the knuckle down and think of the ATPL's as a right of passage part, a couple of my former PPL instructors keep on telling me we just get put through the mincer to worm out the dead wood.
Ah well back to it then i suppose, for another hour at least.
Cheers Guys
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Old 14th Jun 2006, 07:20
  #132 (permalink)  
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I struggled on Perf and it is the only ATPL that I had to re-sit, missed it by 1% which is a bit of a bitter pill. But all done now and it did not stop me getting employed, so do not worry about it - Perf still makes little sense to me even now.
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Old 19th Jun 2006, 10:11
  #133 (permalink)  
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Alright, think i will stick with Bristol then.

Thanks again for your insight!!
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Old 26th Jun 2006, 19:07
  #134 (permalink)  
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So what happened?? Didja go fly?
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Old 27th Jun 2006, 02:16
  #135 (permalink)  
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Sorry Neil, i forgot about this thread. Yes, i flew. Took me out in a Warriro, and it was bloody great. I couldn't stop smiling for days afterwards - he let me do as much as he safely could let me do.

I taxi'd, took off, flew, and made the whole approach, obviousley under guidance but it was such a great feeling.

I was excited/nervous/trying to take in as much as i could about what i was doing, trying to notice when to do things, and take in a bit of scenery all at the same time. At least i didn't have to use the radio amongst all that

I felt really comfortable with the flying though, i'd like to know his honest opinion as to how well he thought i did, although a few lessons would be better for that.

I'm busy trying to sort out an application for FTE amongst applying for sponsorship schemes. Can't make my mind up if i can afford to apply for the Thomas Cook scheme at Oxford though. I was recommended to go all the way at an integrated school rather thna do my PPL first though, due to training techniques amongst other reasons.

So thanks for asking, i took your advice and i'm glad i did, so thanks for that too.
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Old 27th Jun 2006, 08:13
  #136 (permalink)  
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"Integrated" courses used to mean that the groundschool and flight training was integrated ie you did some ground school and then some flying. At some schools it alternated daily.

Gradually to cut costs, especially with outsourcing early flight training overseas for better weather, the ground school and flying got more and more separated. Now (at least at OAT and Cabair - not sure about FTE) you do ALL the groundschool before going near an aircraft. Therefore most integrated courses are no longer integrated! Just expensive.
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Old 27th Jun 2006, 15:04
  #137 (permalink)  
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Yeah FTE does the first part of their groundschool in one big chunk before any flying, then they merge the second part with some flying
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Old 28th Jul 2006, 13:54
  #138 (permalink)  
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JAA ATPL Ground Exams

The exams for Mass and balance, performance, and flightplanning are they considered as one exam?

For example is possible to pass performance and flightplannning but have to resit mass and balance?
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Old 28th Jul 2006, 13:58
  #139 (permalink)  
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With the JAA ATPL they are 3 separate exams so yes, it is possable to pass 2 and re-sit the other.

With the CPL exams, they are combined into 1 exam (I guess this is where the confusion has arose)

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Old 28th Jul 2006, 14:06
  #140 (permalink)  
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Ok thanks, One last question is Aiframe & systems, Electrics, powerplant and instrumentation also considered as individual exams???

I am pretty confident with all subjects except mass and balance and flight planning. Performance is easy just alot to remember. Any tricks on these two??
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