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Type rating - My Diary

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Old 8th Jun 2006, 13:33
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Type rating - My Diary

I have put together a type rating diary. If anyone would find useful/interesting drop me a PM and I will send you a copy. (Microsoft word format)
Whilst the feedback I have had from the selected few who have read it is good, for one reason and another I have decided not to post it on the forum as yet.
If you are thinking of a SSTR you may find it helpful to know what to expect.


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Old 8th Jun 2006, 16:22
  #2 (permalink)  
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What a/c did you rate yourself upon?
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Old 8th Jun 2006, 16:27
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737 classic and NG.
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Old 8th Jun 2006, 17:08
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flyfish, your inbox is full

Would love to read about your experiences.


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Old 8th Jun 2006, 17:37
  #5 (permalink)  
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Whether you agree with SSTRs or not this makes a excellent read, is well written and would be of great use to someone considering going down the SSTR route!

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Old 8th Jun 2006, 17:51
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I agree, Nice read
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Old 8th Jun 2006, 18:33
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why dont you post it here on pprune?
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Old 8th Jun 2006, 19:35
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inbox is now empty for anyone that wants to have a copy, just let me know your email address.
I didnt post it on the forum for fear of it turning into another anti SSTR thread and there has been enough of those over the last few months.
Its really for anyone that is about to embark on a similar journey and wants a heads up as what to expect. thanks for your comments though.
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Old 8th Jun 2006, 19:53
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flyfish, have you embedded photos into the Word doc? if not, just copy and paste it here mate.
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 09:47
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Thank you to those who have been kind enough to read it and let me know what they thought.
I am now struggling to keep up with the requests for the diary so I will post it here for all to see.
It’s large so I will send it a bit at a time.

Regards Flyfish.

PS. If I haven’t replied to you via email as yet, I will and will forward you a copy in full.

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Old 9th Jun 2006, 10:02
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Part one- Introduction and my reasons why

Sitting at home having sent out my C.V and realising the airlines were not going to be beating down my door I had in the back of my mind plan B.

A little background - I am 36 years old, I got my PPL in the UK with the intention of doing nothing more than pottering around the English countryside on my days off, with perhaps the odd adventure to France.

Having completed the ppl, I realised that the option was there for the likes of me to ‘go all the way’ to achieve the dream. My father had been in the airline business so as a child I found myself sitting in the flight deck of Bcal DC10s wondering in marvel at this fabulous office while my father flicked the light test and GPWS warnings . WOW I was hooked; I was gonna be an airline pilot when I grew up!
Well school seemed to pass me by, and before I knew it I was 17 years old, 5 olevels a job in a warehouse and the dream of flying seemed to sit in the back of my mind as something other ‘gifted’ people do
I don’t know,it just seemed to happen, but I ended up at a police training college and graduated 14 weeks later as a police constable.
Life went on and before I knew it I woke up one morning and found myself with a mortgage, wife and 3 children! That was me for the next 10 or so years quite happy with my lot. I still wanted to get my pilots licence so on a sort of whim really I popped into the local flying club. A trial flight later and I was signed up for the whole course.
PPL completed over about a year, yes a year, 3 kids a mortgage, a full time job and the great British weather all extended the time it took me to join the world of aviation.
While training as I am sure most people reading this will know, I began overhearing conversations from Flight instructors. The routes they took to get where they had, the job market, the costs etc . But the biggest revelation was the fact I could try this game for myself.
Well the long and short was that having spoken to the family I would give it a go. No A levels, no degree, but it didn’t seem to matter.
The only gamble really was the two grand or so it would cost for the 14 ATPL exams. If I wasn’t up to it, well at least I gave it a go and the wife probably wouldn’t divorce me for that amount of money!

I did find the exams heavy going, but doing them modular with a great school got me through in the end. I did realise however that I had paid no attention in school and had to learn some of the basics from scratch. SohCahToa! I didn’t have a clue.

Having got the exams out of the way I was desperate to start the flying, just one small hurdle, money!
I really hadn’t thought passed the exams, perhaps in part to my lack of confidence, I guess looking back now that I really never thought that I would succeed, and it was more of a personal challenge than anything else.

I started hours building, well, hours in the book to keep current and do those things I originally set out to do with my PPL.
I had discovered PPRUNE by then and having used the search engine time and time again, (SCROGGS you would be proud) I found all the info I needed, even down to the most sympathetic bank.

HSBC – a couple of visits a business plan that took weeks to compile, a promise to stay employed throughout my training, security against my house and it was done. All the money I ever needed to get a FATPL.

Now I could hit the hours building hard, every spare moment I got I was on a trip somewhere. Something I did learn was that unbelievably it’s really difficult to find people to tag along. Once you have shown ALL your friends their houses the offers of FREE left hand seats seem to dry up. Perhaps I should be concerned!!
Finished the hours building and went straight into the CPL. I completed this at Stapleford in the south east of the UK. My instructor, fantastic. She in fact became more like a friend in the few weeks we spent sitting together making the whole process great fun. Well I passed on Christmas Eve, which was rather a nice pressey.

The New Year saw me complete the multi rating and then into the Instrument Rating.
When I think back to the IR I think of it as just another part of my training, a hurdle to get over, it really now doesn’t seem that bad.
However at the time, it was the most stressed I have ever ever been about anything in my life.
I remember sitting on the runway at Cranfield at the start of my test thinking 2 thoughts.
1) Oh god, I have forgotten to set the transponder code, what was it?
2) How the hell am I going to keep this straight on the runway, my legs are shaking sooo much.
As this isn’t a diary about the IR (or any other facet of my training, wow I have waffled), so I will spare you the details other than to say I passed 2nd attempt series 1.

MCC was completed at Oxford, which great fun, much needed after the stress of the IR.

So here I am where you began reading, me thinking about plan B.

Perhaps if I tell you my thought processes you may, even if you do not agree with, understand why I opted to go the type rating route.
I bashed out the CVs and filled in the online applications, which where either not replied to or sent back with a letter saying no thanks. I did have some luck with one application so that did mist the waters a little, but after I hadn’t heard anything for nearly 2 months I began to think that avenue was not going to open for me.
I figured that as I was now 36 years old, I really didn’t have too much time to hang about. If I went down the F.I. route, I would be perhaps nearer 40 before I had the sort of hours some people half my age had and were not getting any better replies than me.
I had to keep working remember, 3 kids mortgage etc, flying at weekends would be slow progress to a large recognizable amount of hours
If I hung on for the interview with the T.P operator I may not get through, and if I did, the way the market is going, the chances are that when I eventually wanted to move on to that dream job ( remember the jets I sat in as a kid) I may have to fund my type rating anyway.
I know that some people will despise me for doing it this way, but my interest lies in a jet job, sorry I can’t change that, that’s just me.

Another thing that helped was the housing market; I had made enough on a house sale to pay back my original loan, so I was perhaps in a better position than some to fund the rating.

Whatever you think on the dos and don’ts of self funded type ratings I hope you can see some method in my thinking.

Having completed my CPL/IR at Stapleford, I was aware of the 737 rating with 100 hours they did with Astraeus/Bond. It was also important for me to do it all in the UK, so I could get home for the family and possibly work in between.

Ok the reason for all this –

It was December again, doesn’t time fly. I went down to Cranebank at Heathrow to fly a British Airways simulator on a Sunday evening for a Simulator assessment.

I parked the car in the multi storey opposite, about 3 hours early and sat there briefing the pre read for the millionth time. You are given the basic profile and standard calls as well as the power settings you should use.
I had flown the 737 add ons for flight sim and practiced time and time again to myself.

We met up with the assessor and the other 4 candidates and after a coffee we had to decide the running order between ourselves. Always one for thinking lets just get on and do it, I made a lame excuse about going first and no one seemed to argue the point so that was that.

Sitting in the 737 simulator with training Capt. beside me on an assessment should have scared the pants off me. However this particular chap (a TV star but that’s another story) put me at ease from the word go. I flew as he had asked and well, just did my best. At one point the motion dropped off and the simulator and the system crashed, making the whole thing jump around, but a quick reset and away we went again.
When I later spoke to him during the course he said he was impressed the way that the system crash hadn’t fazed me, but if I am honest it gave me a few extra minutes to think about things.
Without giving to many secrets away this type of assessment is flown raw data, that is no automatics or auto throttle. Speaking to people since, the thing that gets most seems to be the pitch power couple, but I had read somewhere (probably PPRUNE), to treat the power levers as if they were attached to the electric trim. That is when ever the throttle is advanced; the trim should be as well in the same direction. So that’s what I did !
Hold entry worked out well, or at least I thought it did. I got it all worked out in my head, got the correct hold entry sorted, flew the hold and then on down for the arrival and landing.
(It wasn’t till I got my assessment report that I realised once in the hold I had turned the wrong way and it was more luck than judgement it worked out ok).

I got out 45 minutes or so later and after a goodbye and thank you I went off back round the M25 not having a clue how I had performed.
Bond/Astraeus say the assessment report will be with you within 5 working days, and true to their word, it was, oh goodness how did I do?

The grading is 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest 5 the highest.
I think that if you score 3 or less you have been assessed as requiring a Jet orientation course.
Well despite being a complete tool and turning the wrong way in the hold, I scored a
4 +
I was over the moon; a flying god had thought I wasn’t so bad after all. The big bonus being I wouldn’t need to find an extra couple of grand for the J.O.C.

Bond contacted me soon afterwards and asked if I would like to start the course the following week! Yikes!!
As it turned out I couldn’t get the time if work until a month later so I opted for the Feb 2006 course.

I spent the month in between on Microsoft flight sim, reading profiles, SOPs the 737 technical web page ( very good I must say), and watched as the days rolled ever closer to my big course............. to follow
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 11:00
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Very nice read, thank you to share your experience with us .

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Old 9th Jun 2006, 11:27
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Part 2 - the course itself


Beginning of February 2006 and I went down to Bonds training facilities near Gatwick like a nervous new schoolboy, for the start of my ground school.
The ground school is the computer based training (CBT), i.e. you are basically plugged into a computer and go through the 737 program from start to finish. They have an experienced trainer at the front to go over anything you have questions on, but generally you are left to get on with it. This sort of teaching was great for the likes if me, I do tend, after about 45 minutes or so of someone at the front of the class teaching, to switch off a little. This way I was able to study until I felt I needed a break rather than when someone else felt I needed one.
The CBT is broken up with afternoons on the ‘cardboard bomber’. It’s a basic mock up of the 737 cockpit where you are shown the switches, ergonomic layout and get an introduction to everything you need to push and twiddle with to prepare a 737 for flight. When you are first shown how to do the ‘cockpit safety check’ the ‘rainbow scan’ and the checklists it’s all very daunting, but after a few days it all seems that little more manageable. After a few weeks, you have it off to a fine art.
One of the complications for line pilots today is that Boeing has changed the way they run their office. The checklists used for I guess the last 10 to 20 years have now been streamlined to enhance safety. These include complete changes in responsibility for each pilot, the FO for instance while on the ground, doing more on the switches and buttons side , to allow the captain to concentrate on not hitting anything while taxing. I am quite glad then that I started the after the new system came in. It would have been a nightmare to learn it all one way and then a few weeks later have to do it a whole new way. So the cardboard bomber, yes I know it well know, just looking forward to the real switches and buttons.
Back to the classroom and progress tests are completed to ensure you are up to speed for the final exam. Again with these there is no pressure to take them on time although my class all sat them on schedule and passed.
Once you get to the end of the CBT, its time to learn the performance side of things. I quite enjoyed this bit as during my ATPLs it was a real sticking point for me so I was glad to be able to understand it all. Although this training is completed by the teacher student method, the line pilot/trainer who taught us it was top notch and completed it with a great power point presentation and loads of enthusiasm.
After 3 weeks of endless study in the class followed by 2 or 3 hours at night, it was time for the final exams. There are two the Technical and the Performance.
Were they tough; yes is the answer, but all that hard work seemed to pay off and we all got through with flying colours.
WOW that’s it ground school over time to start on the flying training well the simulator at least.
There were 3 of us in the class and that meant the 3 of us would be going through the simulator together. There is a downside to this but a rather larger upside.
We would do the simulator training in a round robin fashion, meaning that while 2 guys fly the other is in the back watching. After 2 hours we all swapped round. The downside meaning the simulator would take a third more time to complete, but the upside is that you get to learn so much from the back, its really free simulator time.
The guys I was with were both switched on and had both completed a J.O.C. so I was a little concerned about the head start they had over me and whether I would be able to keep up.
The simulator training is broken up into two parts. The first is the fixed based sim,(18 hours) this is either done in a ‘fixed base simulator’ i.e. one without hydraulic legs to give you the movement, or as we did, a full motion simulator with the motion turned off. The idea being that you learn to manage the aircraft systems without worrying too much about the handling side if things. At the start of the course you are given a break down of each of the simulator session so you can prepare in advance.
After that, it’s the full flight phase,(36 hours) building up to the proficiency test called the LST. This whole section would take a month or so.
Note – the sim sessions add up to the correct amount of time required for licence issue, just some days I did both seats and others only the one.

Part 3 to follow.
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 12:32
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Good work fella - I enjoyed reading through this last night. I see you have elected to post in in full anyway, as I suspected you would. I guessed you would probably be swamped with PM's and relent eventually.
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 14:20
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What a great read. It is a huge benefit to anyone who is thinking about doing a type rating, very consise and unbisaed. Thankyou for taking the time to write this.
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 14:26
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When do we see part 3???
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 18:16
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Well written and very interesting!
I look forward to part 3, Thanks for posting!
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 20:39
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part three- Simulator training

Our sim rosters have been completed for about 2 weeks in advance there doesn’t seem much of a gap between each session, I am still unsure if that’s a good thing or bad thing, weighing up tiredness with continuity. One blessing is the slot times, bearing in mind the sim is a 24 hour thing, my roster shows the earliest start 6 am and a latest finish of 12am.
Bright and early this morning, to the Alteon building near Gatwick. We met up with the instructor who gave us our brief and into the sim by 7am.
Today was all about getting a feel for the aircraft, putting the SOPs into action having our first go at the different MCP modes. Landed it for the first time , but a little late on the flare, ‘firm’ was the term used. Fantastic to be flying the 737 – 300 though.
Right back to study for tomorrow morning, same time same place same instructor

My turn to load up the FMC for the first time today, which was the same as the Microsoft one I had been using at home so that seemed to go ok. Today it was my rotation that was the issue, two rapid, need to work on that. Had to change the destination in the FMC following an airport closure, which kept me thinking, but it all worked out ok .Comment from the instructor to take away today was that I need to think ‘big picture’ a bit more and monitor the aircraft while doing briefings etc. Did my first go arounds which were marked as ‘good’ so pleased with today overall. Lots of study for tomorrow, amongst other things its Non precision approaches!

CRM has been marked as very good in both sessions so far, which is good because you really are aware that its easy just to want to get on and do things your way at the risk of cutting the other guy out of the loop.Non precision approach went nothing more than ok, I didn’t feel as ahead of the aircraft as I should have been. I do need to work harder on the track line as I tended to let it drift away a bit too much. Will read like mad to get that sorted. Still its early days and got a ‘good progress’ comment from the instructor so I must be doing something right.

Spent this evening getting my head round the track line and how to pull it in where I want it. Got a couple of days off now so I will read up for the next two sessions’s to try and give myself a head start.

System failures are coming on thick and fast now. Tried our hand at the loss of either hydraulics systems today, which although challenging is quite satisfying when completed to a safe standard. The big thing I think with this sort of flying is time management. If it all starts to go wrong, then give yourself time. Get things done in the order they should be done, but don’t rush. I am still managing to rotate to fast. Instructor said don’t worry, its easier with the motion on, god I hope so!
Did pilot incapacitation today which was great fun! Oh that sound terrible doesn’t it. I mean it was great having to get the aircraft safely down on my own. Perhaps not great fun, perhaps a satisfying result would sum it up a little better.
I am still not happy with the track line side of things.

Extra session today, a spare if you will, to ensure that we have completed all the necessary items of training so far. We all had, so we used the session for things we were not happy with. I was advised to leave the rotation issue for the full flight sim, so guess what I chose --- the track line and NPAs.

Full flight sim tomorrow, looking forward to that.

This is our first time at Cranebank, Heathrow, on the course and the first time I have seen it in daylight. The first thing that stands out is the size of the place. With its own multi storey car park, numerous buildings for the simulators, cabin mock ups and the like. Very different to Alteon which feels a bit more ‘homely’.
Nice 10am start today so I got the train down in order to read all the way. After the brief we were led to the sim, passed all the other exciting looking F.F.S. the 747,757, 767,777, and Airbus sims. Next door to the 737-400 sim we are using is a huge crate in the simulator hall. Rather sad to think that it’s the Concorde sim inside.
Really enjoyed today, the motion makes a huge difference, and the last training Capt. was right, the rotations were sorted within 10 minutes.
Today was all about flying techniques, the flight envelope and protections as well as a few stall recoveries thrown in. Also had a look at visual patterns which so they tell me are more difficult in the sim due to the limited visuals. All in all, a good day, with the following written in my report. ‘A good start to full flight sim. Well done keep it up. CRM - Excellent’
This session was a real confidence booster for me. The rotation issue was playing on my mind a bit despite the wise words of the trainers. I think from now on I will try and build on that confidence, my thinking being; I can take off, fly a departure, route, do the various types of arrival, and land it quite well. So everything else will just be polishing, that skill base.


Another pleasant 10 am start this morning. Today was handling more failures. I haven’t mentioned as yet a book that you use all the time on this course, the Quick Reference Handbook (Q.R.H.).
The QRH is used for almost every non normal situation that a pilot could be faced with on the flight deck. For some emergencies you are expected to learn and know ‘recall actions’ i.e. actions that should be carried out promptly and after those have been completed and its safe to do so, the pilot flying calls for the QRH drill for that non normal situation.
Today involved a cabin altitude warning followed by a rapid decompression.
This is in fact a good example of carrying out the recall drills first before piling into the QRH. After all you wouldn’t want to be reading a checklist before putting your oxygen masks on and start descending ( recall actions), you do those sort of ‘life saving’ actions first, then sort out the QRH drill.
Including the evacuation check list there are 14 of those recall actions to learn, which sounds a lot, but they are quite easy to pick up.
Started making a silly mistake today, not once but twice, I reduced the speed before the flaps on the descent, a real no no, will have to watch that one!
Carrying out the above failures gave me the chance to try out the oxygen masks and smoke goggles for the first time. I quickly realised how important the Standard Operating Procedures are. With the masks on, communication between pilots and indeed ATC becomes nearly impossible. SOPs ensure that even when you can hardly hear each other, you both know what the other is doing or about to do.
Quite pleased with the hand flying, that seems to be something I don’t have to worry about to much, the 737 really is a joy to fly.
Couple of days off now.
So far the tiredness hasn’t been a big problem and although I am mentally shattered at the end of each session, the thought of not screwing up next time keeps my head in the books well into the evening.


It’s been a month and a half since I started the ground school and I am beginning to feel I know the 737 quite intimately.
When you see line pilots flying it all looks very relaxed and almost casual. What I have learned so far that it’s far from casual. Today began with start malfunctions Up until now, I had just expected the jet engines to roar into life and settle down ready for us to go flying. Well from time to time they don’t start in the way you are expecting. There are different types of failed starts each requiring a slightly different recall and QRH action.
My point being that we are being trained to expect the worst to happen at every point. Engine start problems right through to APU shutdown at the end of the flight, could spell actions for us to have to take. I will never think of it as being casual up at the pointy end again, the body may look relaxed but the mind is motoring.
Start malfunctions well and truly practiced and it was into the air. Today was great fun, TCAS, Windshere and GPWS recovery procedures.
All exercises complete for today so some more hand flown approaches.
Report for today read – ‘good progress, 4 very good landings, handling better than average for this stage, but knowledge of the shut down scan was weak’. Doh ! Know what I will be reading in the bath tonight.


A lesson today I have really been looking forward to in a bizarre way. Something I have often wondered how difficult it would be to master in a big jet. Engine failures on take off.
Well I was pleasantly surprised when we all got them cracked after only a couple of attempts. The key phrase being, ‘stand on the bug’, as you are rolling down the runway your eyes are constantly flicking down to the heading bug , amongst other things, and if you see it swing, backed up with one of many other warnings, you simply apply pressure to the rudder in the direction the bug is swinging to. There is a bit more to it than that but it really isn’t a dramatic incident (in the sim at least). The thing I found most difficult, was making sure my brain had registered if we had passed V1 or not. Sounds daft I know but when the pressure is on I did find that a bit of a hurdle.
A good time to mention rejected take offs. They are progressing well, although I have not as yet got the brain capacity to turn the aircraft, once at taxi speed, into wind. More practice required I think.
Report was good today other than a note to watch, when stressed not to put in to courser rudder input after an engine failure. Again more practice required I think.

It is dawning on me that the test is only two weeks away now, a scary thought as I don’t think I am polished enough yet to warrant being put anywhere near a test and we still have loads of other sections to get through. The pressure and pace of this course is relentless, you really only get one maybe two chances to practice some of the tricky stuff. One thing I have learnt is the value of armchair flying. Every night when I get home, I do try and go through everything in the armchair. Sounds silly, but it seems to cement it in the grey matter.
Some rather dramatic failures to master today. Uncommanded roll/yaw and stabiliser issues; runaway and jammed. All these failure if not dealt with in a prompt and efficient manor will really ruin your day. As with everything in the 737 there is a tried and tested format to ensure a successful outcome. If you listen to what’s been taught, it all works out. I think sometimes I don’t listen enough!
First chance today to fly a non precision approach since the fixed based sim.In a jet you really do rely on the other guy to help you out when flying an NDB approach. There is so much going on that it is all too easy not to be configured and descend on time. Got that track line nailed thank goodness.

Pleasing report today – ‘very good progress, very good handling skills, keep studying those SOPs and standard calls’.

part 4 tomorrow
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Old 9th Jun 2006, 21:26
  #19 (permalink)  
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Thanks flyfish,

Its good to read a diary like yours, gives us guys who have yet to do the type rating a good insight into what we can expect and how we can prepare.


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Old 9th Jun 2006, 21:43
  #20 (permalink)  
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Excellent stuff, I hope to be starting mine soon. Thanks flyfish
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