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Cheesed off! but perhaps for the better good in the long run?!

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Cheesed off! but perhaps for the better good in the long run?!

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Old 19th Aug 2013, 15:30
  #1 (permalink)  
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Cheesed off! but perhaps for the better good in the long run?!

So, got my wings a few months ago, went through two training schools at two different airfields as my instructor quit two thirds into my training. Learnt solely in a cessna 152 and since gaining my PPL i have flown yet more 152's and a 150 Aerobat a few times. These aircraft are owned by my training school and therefore procedures did not change after gaining my licence! (it just got £30 an hour cheaper to fly).

Anyway, so in my Local airfield (where i originally started my PPL) there is a PA28-181 Archer 2 owned by a private owner who runs a group of about 28 members. My previous instructor is the owners friend and trusted 'check-ride' chief which was a bonus to me as it meant i could get on the group quite easily. So, got up in the PA28, did 55 minutes of PFL, stalls, 2 touch'n'go's, cockpit familiarisation, pre-flight checks etc etc Also in this hour i had to learn the tech logs, payment methods, removing and stowing the AC cover, filling the oil, A Garmin GMA340 audio panel and any other things that are 'extra' to that particular group/AC. I then did 3 T'n'G's solo and then got checked off and given membership to the group.

So, book up my first flight as PIC with a friend joing me for the journey. Just a simple trip to lydd for a coffee then back to base with some sight seeing on the way. Soon as i got approx 15 miles away from base i noticed something wrong with the radio. It was full of noise, could barely hear incoming RT's and while transmitting i could hear myself very distorted. This was incredibly distracting and was painful on the ears as i could not squelch out the hiss/crackle but had to have the Vol up to hear any incoming RX! I get to Lydd who know i am having issues but due to my PPR call, knew my intentions to visit. At Lydd the chief flying examiner had a look at the radio, preformed a few tests and confirmed there was a fault -he suggested ariel.
So, flew back to base -unfortunately now due to arrive 20 minutes late, radio still terrible. I land the AC and park it back in in its location neatly. It was about 50'c + in the cockpit and both me and my pax was desperate to get out! i did my shut-down procedure, switches off, control locks in. got out, did tech log, re-fitted cover and left the A/C in good condition afaik.
So, two days later i get an email from the owner telling me he is not happy!!
Due to a few factors ie, 50'c+ heat in the cockpit, Lack of experience with the AC (2.5 hours vs 60 in a cessna), the stress of the radio issues, being Late on my first time returning the thing and finally trying so hard to leave a good impression on the owner, it led me to make a few mistakes!
Basically i :-
Left the seatbelts untidy -something i never usually do!
Left four switches on (but not the master) -American switches, i turned them off, but can remember looking back that i turned them back on again as i exited the cockpit after looking them and thinking they was actually in the 'On' position!
Left the throttle friction tight -however i had not used this at all!
Flew an hour on just the Left tank, however i did forget to change tanks after 30min but i did select Right tank before arriving in the ATZ of base, i re-selected Left tank after shutdown.
Left the driver door unlocked (never had to lock a door in 60hours of training -habbit!)
And i left the excess straps on the A/C cover loose and not tucked in -This i was not told about in my check ride as the instructor told me to go to the ATM for his payment whilst he re-fitted the cover!!

As for the radio, the owner claims i had it set up wrong (its got two radio boxes and a garmin control panel) and thats why i was having issues, however the CFE at Lydd is trained in garmin products and even he said there was a problem. Also, i know for a fact that the radio has been temperamental as it recently went to Southend for repairing!

Anyway, all this led me to get banned from ever using it again and i feel its bloody unfair! its also put me right off flying -especially now as i am stuck with club planes, expensive yearly memberships and silly 28 day check-ride rules!

However. I am now thinking that there may be light at the end of the tunnel. I have landed a new job which pays quite well , in the 50k region to make it easier to explain my situation as i know some people on here consider good pay as triple that. But what i am considering is purchasing a PA28 with a small group of friends and running my own small non-profit group. I have done an amount of research and i see i can expect to cough up approx £10,000 per year for the a/c with approc 40~50 hours flying included in that. However, i dont know how up-to-date the info is to which i read my research from.

I am looking at buying a PA28-180R Arrow with IFR gear. The reason behind owning a Complex + IFR kitted plane is that i can add these ratings to my PPL without having to pay extra to hire an adequately equip aircraft. Also it will mean more economical flying and less on the ground time due to bad VFR conditions.

This way I have My own AC! that i can take pride in and enjoy without ever feeling like i'm under constant scrutiny. I would like to progress to an ATPL eventually and i feel this could be the best and poss cheapest way in the long run to build them hours and ratings up! (obv within limits of SEP).

What's everyone's opinions on this anyway? Am i a messy pup and deserve to be banned from that PA28? or was this unfair as i feel it is? And how about ownership? do i sound like i could be on to something? or am i really showing my lack of inexperience here?

Thanks for the honest opinions and sorry for the essay!
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 15:51
  #2 (permalink)  
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They sound insane, quite frankly. I'd run away from this group as soon as possible. Whoever bans a low time pilot from flying a plane because they forgot to put the belts tidy or had adjusted the throttle friction too hard? 28 member group, as well? Gimme a break.

I'm an aircraft owner and I can't recommend it enough. Best thing ever. Buy your own plane so you don't have to deal with all these high vis west police mentality people. Let them have their stupid little group with 28 members and a crap plane.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 16:23
  #3 (permalink)  
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Agree with Adam, and welcome to the world of aviation

Committees, clubs, groups, CFI's, massive egos, you will meet them all.....

What has that little escapade taught you???

The same as in any business, anything run by a committee, a tin pot dictator, or a CFI, run a mile
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 16:48
  #4 (permalink)  
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Frankly I think you're well out of this one. Though some people have had good experiences with small ones and they may be genuine cost sharing arrangements I've always been a bit dubious about non-ownership "groups" as you're always playing with another kid's ball that he can take away whenever he feels like it. This just sounds like the 28 people this chap happens to rent his aeroplane to and by way of a bonus gets to play "the man" with. 28 is IMO far too big to be a genuine group.

If you can find an established not too large and well run co-ownership group at an airfield within reach that might be a better bet at this stage than starting your own but make sure it's one where every co-owner has a genuine vote and voice in how it's run. Some groups are "run" by one person- often the founder- who ends up making all the decisions and imposing his will and "standards" on everyone else.
One way to tell this is if the group insists that you meet a number of other members before they'll accept you or expect you to commit to them that's a good sign. If you only get to meet one or possibly two people who speak for group that's not a good sign.
Before you commit to a particular group be prepared to keep on renting for a bit longer- the insurers of group aircraft sometimes ask for a certain number of P1 hours in any case- to give yourself time to have a good look round. Rushing into joining a flying group is about as good an idea as rushing into a marriage- though it's rather easier to get out!!

I rented for about two years before joining my present group and that was eighteen years ago so it seems to have worked out well and my impression is that in general PPLs who belong to groups are far more likely to keep flying and too many newish PPLs end up quitting flying far too soon. There is a degree of mutual support that can be very useful. .

The LAA produce a useful little book on group flying and it's well worth getting hold of a copy.

Last edited by 150commuter; 19th Aug 2013 at 16:56.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 17:17
  #5 (permalink)  
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I agree with previous posters, you're better off banned. I rented a lovely Robin DR500 from a chap along with 2 others, it was fantastic aircraft and arrangement, whilst it lasted, and we never had a single problem.

Very unfortunately he sold it and I was left high and dry. Like you I couldn't face going back to a flying school and renting 152's or PA28's "not that theres anything wrong with them". So, I bought my own aircraft and although the bank balance as undoubtedly suffered it has reinvigorated my flying. There really is nothing better than being king in your own aeroplane.

Go for it
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 17:51
  #6 (permalink)  
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Why do I get the feeling we are only being told half the story?

50 deg C in the cockpit? Of course, silly 28 day checks, not balancing the fuel burn, trying so hard to leave a good impression - by leaving the door unlocked and the cover partially secured.

And to sort this out you are going to buy an IFR equipped aircraft?

I suspect the group are pretty happy to see the back of you if any of this is true.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 17:57
  #7 (permalink)  
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If you can find a way financially to own your own aircraft or be the boss of a group that is the only way to fly (pun intended).

There is not a better feeling in the world while being on short final to your home field knowing that that in 5 minutes you are gonna be on the couch with your feet up drinking tea and catching the opening jingle to Corrie. And all you gotta do to make this happen is land, taxi up and into the hangar, swing her round pointing back out ready for next time, hit the radio master, pull the mixture then master and mags, out the door and into the motor while lighting up a fag and straight hame, no bollocking about with covers, tie downs, pushing or pulling the machine about, paperwork, or practicing origami on the seatbelts or charts or any other bollox if you don't want too.

Sorted !!!!

Last edited by piperboy84; 19th Aug 2013 at 18:10.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 18:01
  #8 (permalink)  
Sir George Cayley
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I thought there was a rule limiting groups to a max of 25 members?

Old 19th Aug 2013, 18:48
  #9 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Sir George Cayley
I thought there was a rule limiting groups to a max of 25 members?

It's a maximum of 20 - Article 269 of the ANO refers:

Public transport and aerial work – exceptions – jointly owned aircraft
269 (1) A flight is a private flight if the aircraft falls within paragraph (2) and the only valuable consideration given or promised for the flight or the purpose of the flight falls within paragraph (3).

(2) An aircraft falls within this paragraph if it is owned:

(a) jointly by persons (each of whom is a natural person) who each hold not less than a 5% beneficial share and:
(i) the aircraft is registered in the names of all the joint owners; or
(ii) the aircraft is registered in the name or names of one or more of the joint
owners as trustee or trustees for all the joint owners and written notice has
been given to the CAA of the names of all the persons beneficially entitled
to a share in the aircraft; or

(b) by a company in the name of which the aircraft is registered and the registered shareholders of which (each of whom is a natural person) each hold not less than 5% of the shares in that company.

Originally Posted by piperboy84
..taxi up and into the hangar, swing her round pointing back out ready for next time, hit the radio master, pull the mixture then master and mags

Last edited by hoodie; 19th Aug 2013 at 18:52.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 19:19
  #10 (permalink)  
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Taxy into the hangar?

Well, if there are any other aircraft in that hangar you better not contemplate taxying out again.....blowing dirt over all the other planes is not the way to make friends.....
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 19:26
  #11 (permalink)  
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Well, if there are any other aircraft in that hangar you better not contemplate taxying out again.....blowing dirt over all the other planes is not the way to make friends.....
None, just the combine harvester, baler and a knackered old Landy, I sometimes leave the back door open then swing the plane round at a higher than normal RPM which does a better (and easier) job than using a broom.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 19:44
  #12 (permalink)  
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Not worried about FOD from loose articles and propwash, then? I would be.

Last edited by hoodie; 19th Aug 2013 at 19:45.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 20:08
  #13 (permalink)  
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None, just the combine harvester, baler and a knackered old Landy, I sometimes leave the back door open then swing the plane round at a higher than normal RPM which does a better (and easier) job than using a broom.
. Castoring tail wheel?
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 20:57
  #14 (permalink)  
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It's a maximum of 20 - Article 269 of the ANO refers:
This is if it is an aircraft share group where you are a part owner - you can have as many as you like in a group like the one here, the only thing is that you are essentially renting out the aircraft, so unlike a proper share group that IS limited to 20, you need to maintain the aircraft to public transport standards..

Last edited by foxmoth; 19th Aug 2013 at 21:05.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 21:09
  #15 (permalink)  
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Thanks for all the replies everyone. Glad to hear that the owner has gone ott with this and im not just an imbecile in denial! I really do like the idea of owning my own AC, i know its not going to be as simple as buying a car of a similar value, but i feel it will be far more rewarding!

The problem i have with joining a group is the costs from what i have seen on most of them. Ie.. £XXXX.00 to join, then £70~£120 per month then £60~£100 ph + annual contribution! this is too much, its going to take a few years of flying to even get the cost of all that down to normal PPL hire rates ! The bonus in the group i joined was that there was no initial fee, just a hour checkride with the owners trusted FI/CFE. The costs then are £135 ph wet and thats it. I believe this to be fairly reasonable. The nearest best price i could find locally was a PA28 warrior 2 160 at headcorn priced @ £150 wet + £85 annual membership, but they also use the 28 day rule :/

Must say to gasax - I am 100% not the sort of person who tells one side of a story so as to make myself feel better by means of obtaining comforting replies and comments. I am very open to constructive critism and i believe that telling the full and honest story as truthful as i can will help me realise if its infact me thats in the wrong! And im not afraid to admit if im wrong! 50'c was an estimate of how hot it felt, i am a fan of hot weather, when im outside sunbathing! iirc the forecast was 28'c in the shade on that day so imagine being in a pa28 cockpit with nothing more than that little perspex window to let air in! obviously in the air, we had cabin vents open and it was quite cool but on the ground taxing back, well put it this way, we was both drenched in sweat and was out of juice to drink!
As for the cover, it was correctly re-fitted, neatly too. The mistake i made was not tucking in the little bits of excess strap after tightening the buckles -we are taking 5~6" of excess btw, not something silly like a meter or so. But anyway, as i said before, i was unaware i even had to do this! it would have taken me 2 seconds to do if i knew and i wouldn't have had a single problem with doing it. Jeez! i am human and we all make mistakes. As for locking the door.. like i said, 60 hours of 'Dont lock the door' while training! this was the first time i had ever took out a non -flying school owned AC!

Btw, what's the harm in future-proofing by buying an IFR equip AC?
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 21:23
  #16 (permalink)  
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The problem i have with joining a group is the costs from what i have seen on most of them. Ie.. £XXXX.00 to join, then £70~£120 per month then £60~£100 ph + annual contribution! this is too much,
And you think owning by YOURSELF will be cheaper??? Not sure where you get the annual contribution from - a well run group will rarely need this unless something has gone wrong - and if you own it yourself you will of course have to fund anything that goes wrong completely out of your OWN funds, at least in a share group that gets split between you. Remember, in a share group, no one is taking a profit, so any excess gets ploughed back into the group. If you are thinking that you can hire it out at below club prices and get your own flying cheap, just remember that a club will probably be getting double the usage that you do, thus bringing down its hourly costs, I suspect you will find you are actually paying almost as much as the club whilst giving others cheaper flying - what you WILL get out of it is that the aircraft is under YOUR control, so you can kick out people who do not look after it properly - people that do not turn switches off, balance the fuel and put the covers on properly, etc.

Last edited by foxmoth; 19th Aug 2013 at 21:26.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 21:38
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will find you are actually paying almost as much as the club whilst giving others cheaper flying - what you WILL get out of it is that the aircraft is under YOUR control, so you can kick out people who do not look after it properly - people that do not turn switches off, balance the fuel and put th
Tut, tut Foxmoth........
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 21:41
  #18 (permalink)  
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Everything you'll ever need for 11k (currently)

Avid Flyer Speedwing Mk4 with Jabiru 2200. Group A Permit Aircraft, like Kitfox | eBay

Last edited by piperboy84; 19th Aug 2013 at 21:53.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 21:42
  #19 (permalink)  
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Tut, tut Foxmoth........
Sorry - could not resist!!

Hopefully, if he does go this route he will remember and actually be someone that is a little more patient with his renters.

Last edited by foxmoth; 19th Aug 2013 at 21:45.
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Old 19th Aug 2013, 22:07
  #20 (permalink)  
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I would be looking to joint purchase with 5 or 6 friends, some with licenses and a couple who would like a license. I was then considering perhaps allowing a few more people who can join the group in a similar way to the group i was in basically just charging a small joining fee + a competitive hr rate. The idea being to cover as much of the yearly costs as possible. As i mentioned before, i would like something alike a PA28 so i can travel with 2 pax or 3 lightweight pax to destinations abroad. I get 10 days off in my job every 5th week so it would be nice to be able to perhaps spend a few days away from home in my own AC visiting some of Europe perhaps and clocking up some good experience! Obviously asking a flight school if i can have an AC for 5 days is unlikely to go down well, plus the local school charges a minimum of 3 hours per day regardless of if you do as many or not. So, if i was to get caught somewhere in bad weather for a day, id still get a 3 hour bill without even leaving the ground!

My attitude toward someone who left the AC in a slightly less than perfect condition? - well 1st time, nothing.. perhaps a kind reminder to everyone to remember to put the seatbelt back neatly etc. If it happened again, then i would probably just have a quiet polite word. No harm done. If after the 3rd time in a short period then i would probably get the hump. Its the same as when im in the gym! I always return my equipment ready for the next person to use, but some people leave the weights etc wherever they fall -ignoring the signs on the walls 'Put your weights back after use!'.. The gym does not instantly ban them for it though!
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