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Flight bags

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Old 17th Dec 2000, 23:31
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Smile Flight bags

Not had the glorious flying day planned... FZFG OVC000 said it all

So not being blessed with a Cat 3b Pup I sat having a coffe and sorted out the contents of my bag much to everyboby's merriment (it is Christmas afterall)...

Apart from the numerous rules and protractors (not one having a receipt), masses of fuel dockets and 2 whizz wheels there were things that others don't carry...

swiss army knife
super glue
hand held compass
single RAF glove (for when checking engine)
wooly hat
Mars bar....

and so on

Question... do you all carry bags and what do you have in them and am I some kind of survivalist freak? :confused
Old 18th Dec 2000, 00:08
  #2 (permalink)  
The Flying I
Posts: n/a

Bags: I'm always amused by these headset bags - the ones which are just a sack with a draw string. All the masses of money that ALL pilots have (remember: they must be rich, they fly!), and they parade around trying to look good with their headsets in what my mother would call a 'pump bag'.
ps: in your bag, you didn't find the 11 pairs of sunglasses I've lost this year? It's been a great year for me - because I haven't really flown much this month due weather, I've only misplaced 11 pairs rather than the usual 12. I'm on a roll.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 01:18
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Interesting timing on this one, Beagler. I very recently managed to find a flight bag that would fit under the seat of an R22. I bought it in delight, and transferred everything from the old one. Apart from the usual stuff, I found I had:

Empty plastic water bottle that I obviously thought I might refill some day.
Crystalised ginger, left over from my early days of flying when I used to get airsick.
Ginger tablets - as above.
Woolly gloves
Toothbrush, toothpaste, and spare underwear - added the day after I got stranded overnight in Blackpool, in case it ever happened again.
More spare GPS batteries than anyone could ever need unless they were flying to Australia.
Oversized plastic paperclips - no idea why.
Two pocket torches
Plastic stopwatch that I never use
Bits of rubber tubing - I use them for attaching to R22 instrument knobs so that I can reach them when flying (but why do I carry six of them?)

Did I clear any of them out? Nah, they might be useful some day.


To fly is human, to hover, divine.

[This message has been edited by Whirlybird (edited 17 December 2000).]
Old 18th Dec 2000, 01:18
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I muck out the old flight bag occassionally.

So often reunited with long lost bits of paper and nefarious items.

It's covered in stickers from nearly ten years of flying -I'll be sorry when it falls apart.
Old 18th Dec 2000, 01:29
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

whats a flight bag,head set in one hand and kneeboard in other thats me.

It gets me though see some people get in an aircraft big flight case in one hand keys in other then go and do 1 Hr in circuit do you really need all that for touch and go's
Old 18th Dec 2000, 14:35
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

After the charts, whizzwheel, ruler, protractor, steam age GPS (with lots of spare batteries), handheld + spare battery I was too afraid to check any further so I weighed it instead. 7lbs. My Pooleys must have put on weight......

Do you figure the weight of your flight bag into your weight & balance?????
Old 18th Dec 2000, 18:06
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Sensible item: leatherman multi tool (used quite often to unscrew the oil filler cap after A Schwarzenegger has popped by and tightened it up).

Silly item: "lucky" pen.

The lucky pen does not write anymore, but it is the pen I had dangling off my kneepad when I had a fer-real fanstop during training. I know, I know, I know: lucky charms are b******. There's a nice scene in Len Deighton's "Bomber" when the CO finds that his walking stick (which his crew think is an affectation but which is in fact his lucky stick) has been sliced in two by flak whilst parked under his seat. He vows never to take a lucky charm flying with him again (having said that he does buy it 10 mins later falling off a motorbike).
As for me and my silly pen: every time I sort out the bag, I take it out, think "don't be so stupid, chuck it away", then put it back in again.

Other stupid and pointless contents: world's largest collection of dried up map markers (from leaving the tops off: average life expectancy one flight), and packet of those stick-it-on-yer-map compass roses which are all stuck to one another instead.

[This message has been edited by FNG (edited 18 December 2000).]
Old 18th Dec 2000, 21:04
  #8 (permalink)  
Mister Geezer
Posts: n/a

Pointless items in my Flight Case.... mmm... where can I start!!!

Yes those stick on Compass roses seem to decorate the bottom of the case. When will I ever use them??

Pens... especially those Map felt-tip ones. They seem to grow legs and find another home. Somehow these pens have all gone!!!!

To also add to the problem.. where I fly we are booked out on the Ops computer and are given a Computer Generated Flight Log so that we can record Tacho reading and times etc and hand it in when we have finished. Only problem is that in no time at all you have bits of white, yellow and pink pieces of paper which decorate every pocket and pouch in the case.

I have a normal sized case but I just take the relevant bits out when I am flying and lock the case and leave it behind. The easy option!!!!

All good fun!!!!


Mister Geezer

Out of Calcutta...
Happiness is a dry fart
Old 18th Dec 2000, 21:35
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Clearly there is a parallel dimension somewhere where all the coloured pens go and flight bags must act as portals to this dimension. It's presumably the same place where the teaspoons at the bottom of washing up bowls originate from.

Flight bags: brilliant! Wannabe an airline pilot? Don't bother with all that forty thousand-quid-frozen-ATPL-psychometric-test babble-interview-questions-crib stuff: just sit in that nice restaurant at Le Touquet (first one you come to near the hotels after 20 min stroll from the field). Last time I was there (with another PPL) we got a lift back to the airfield from the owner's charming daughter, who appeared convinced that we were pro pilots on a tight schedule, apparently on the strength of our rather naff flying bags with dogeared maps and broken wizz wheels sticking out of them. We must have been working for "Air Scruffy" judging by our elegant "uniforms". Glad I concealed the PilotsRUs logo on my cheapo mega-bargain numptie stude bag which, rather embarassingly, I still use.

Talking of losing stuff in your bag: try wearing what those laughing military types call a gro-bag. I borrow a horrid unwashed green one when I occasionaly go Tiger Mothing, and lose my keys, pen, wallet, flying licence and everything else in the 47,000 pockets within minutes of putting it on. Do all you nice Yak people out there have this problem?
Old 18th Dec 2000, 21:59
  #10 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

FNG - I brought an old green flying suit with me when I left the RAF. I still use it mainly because it has all the pockets (gloves, specs, pens, torch, cloth, fuel-receipts, chinagraphs) but especially because it has two knee-boards which are ideal for scribbling on when ATC start sending me all those bl**dy numbers I have to remember. Oh, and it keeps me clean when Im pushing props, hangar doors etc.

I'm entirely the wrong shape and age to worry any more about street cred.

In fact, I might start a thread on the topic.........
Old 19th Dec 2000, 00:19
  #11 (permalink)  
Rallye Driver
Posts: n/a

Went to le Touquet on Saturday to stock up with Christmas cheer, so the weight and balance was crucial. Checked the weight of the flight bag - 16 lbs! Had to leave it behind.

The Pooleys is a heavy beast, but I also have a folder for all my old Plogs, which I use to look up the en route frequencies of places I've been to before. This now weighs almost as much as the Pooleys as it is also stuffed with landing fee and fuel receipts etc. Might just take the Pooleys on its own in future, its got lots more frequencies listed out and they're in alphabetical order.

One extra bit of kit which has just wheedled its way into the bag is an ice scraper/squeegee to get all the frost off the wings and elevators - certainly needed that on Saturday! Oh, and there's the Maglite to help find one's way across the quagmire where we have to park our aircraft when we've been night flying. And a plotter I never use, plus those dinky little edging strips for holding a map folded, which fall off as soon as you settle down in the cockpit. I feel a New Year's Resolution coming on!

Personally I blame it all on Transair for sending out those glossy catalogues in the flying magazines with all those wonderful gadgets... have you seen the one that works out the circuit pattern compass bearings for you?
Old 19th Dec 2000, 03:35
  #12 (permalink)  
Code Blue
Posts: n/a

Contents of flight bag:

2 granola bars with multicoloured fuzz
1 pack gum
1 empty bottle
2 whizz wheels
1 protractor
1 Flight Supplement
1 VNC local
1 Lo En route chart
approach plates
Knee board
4 pencils
2 Black & Decker snake lights
1 mag lite
4 AA batteries
1 cell phone (now Kosher here if comms failure)
1 hand held GPS
1 plastic yellow compass with wrist strap that #2 daughter won't let me leave behind "so I can find my way home"

....and that's just to do circuits!!

-.-- --.- -..-
Old 19th Dec 2000, 20:20
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

have been recommended to carry a condom in flightsuit/ bag.

so if you need the loo......
Old 19th Dec 2000, 20:28
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

There was a "What do you keep in your flightbag?" thread some few months ago. You really don't want to know what Slasher keeps in his...

{I just found the old thread started on 10.12.99. Couldn't resist repeating what Slash listed at the time:

Wallet (including bribe money)
Packets of peanuts that fell off last years dinner tray
Silverwear cutlery stolen from same tray
Condoms (assorted new and used)
Last years notams
A pair of smelly undies I thought I lost
Somebodys laced panties from whenever
A bunch of TAFs 5 years old
Small bits of cheese
A Bangkok roadmap
An old floppy disk
A dead cockroach
Spare house keys
Last months telephone bill
This months roster ]

[This message has been edited by ********* (edited 19 December 2000).]
Old 20th Dec 2000, 00:06
  #15 (permalink)  
Genghis the Engineer
Posts: n/a

NATO North Atlantic Supplement
RAF Minor Airfields Guide
(well you can't be too careful!)

Loo Roll (vital when using farmstrips)

Spare Chinagraph


Gash cheap logbook (good one is kept at home)

Charts (goes without saying really)

Cheque book.

(and usually)
Pair of Ground spikes
Spare radio battery

Except that the ground spikes are supplementing my tie-downs until the weather stops, the battery is on charge, and I can't find my flying torch anywhere - anybody seen it?

Old 20th Dec 2000, 05:32
  #16 (permalink)  
Code Blue
Posts: n/a

Meslag wrote:
>have been recommended to carry a condom in flightsuit/ bag.
so if you need the loo......

We were told on survival course to carry unflavoured, spermicide free condoms, allegedly for use as water carrier.

....different sort of water

This also led to serious competition to establish the definitive volume of the average condom.

-.-- --.- -..-

[This message has been edited by Code Blue (edited 20 December 2000).]
Old 20th Dec 2000, 07:52
  #17 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

why can't you have flavoured ones?
those tangerine ones are so nice

hmmm guess i should head back to jet blast

'Veni, Vidi, Velcro' - I came, I saw, I stuck around!
Old 20th Dec 2000, 08:31
  #18 (permalink)  
Hang On, I'm Busy
Posts: n/a

What are you supposed to do with the jonny when it's full of wee?

A good supply of sandwich bags with handles that tie up. Much better.

Depending where you are, the handles can be left lose and the bag emptied through the window, or they can be tied tightly to produce very effective biological ordinance.

I caught a thermal over my old school last summer.

And before anyone starts: "...except water or fine sand carried for the purpodse of ballast..."!
Old 20th Dec 2000, 10:59
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Sorry - thought this thread on Flight Bags was a dig at the old bats working as stews on a certain Big Airline....
Only joking, dear!

[This message has been edited by BEagle (edited 20 December 2000).]
Old 20th Dec 2000, 13:04
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

What brings you across to this humble forum Dingducky? Has Danny been wielding the big stick on JB again?

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