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Cambridge Airport

Private Flying The forum for discussion and questions about any form of flying where you are doing it for the sheer pleasure of flight, rather than being paid!

Cambridge Airport

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Old 13th May 2001, 22:19
  #1 (permalink)  
Luke Davies
Posts: n/a
Post Cambridge Airport

The sooner they close down this airport and cover it with rows and rows of Barrett Homes the better as far as I am concerned.

What gives amateur flyers the right to drone around for hours over densely inhabited neighbourhoods at the legal minimum height in noisy and environmentally catastrophic light aircraft?

Does an indivisduals desire to fulfil his or her pilot fantasy overrule the right of an entire community to quiet enjoyment of their property?

I estimate that about six people completely ruined an otherwise idyllic weekend for five or six thouxsand households in South Cambridge. How can that possibly be defended?

Old 13th May 2001, 22:31
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

I take it you didn't know the airport was there when you bought your Barrett home?
Old 13th May 2001, 22:41
  #3 (permalink)  
fast cruiser
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get a life
Old 13th May 2001, 23:51
  #4 (permalink)  
Fuji Abound
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Having recently visited Cambridge I can only say what a brilliant airport. There is a bus into the city every ten minutes, and the city is of course superb. I would encourage as many visitors as possible to this excellent facility. Thank goodness the airport was there before the housing estate, and continues to train pilots to take its five or six thousand inhabitants on their hols. Of course thats fine as long the pilots learn somewhere else. It always seems to me strange when you see the huge number of people that attend air shows and obviously get a great deal of pleasure from doing so, but seem to think the pilots learnt their skills on Microsoft Flight simulator. Just the biased point of view of a pilot with a love of aviation you understand - no offense intended, just another point of view.

[This message has been edited by Fuji Abound (edited 13 May 2001).]
Old 14th May 2001, 00:20
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Just one solitary baaastard with a lawnmower ruined my weekend!

Lawnmower or Aeroplane? Given the choice, I'd take the flying machine!

Get a life might be appropriate..

Old 14th May 2001, 00:52
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I guess that you have never flown abroad. How do you think people learn to fly? You can not do it by correspondence. When your Jet took off from Heathrow on your last holiday YOU have ruined the day for many more. When you take your car to the road you make noise so why not sell it and ride a horse?
We live in a modern society where ALL have equal right. We have to respect your wish for quite and to respect your wish to pursue your hobbies but you deny the same from other. Many aircraft owners wants to fit silencers on their aircraft but the CAA do not approve!
Old 14th May 2001, 01:21
  #7 (permalink)  
Capt Crash
Posts: n/a


I'm sorry that you Saturday was ruined, mine was to, flying all day. Just a few points:

The circuit height has been raised to 1000' agl from 800' in the last couple of years to reduce the impact of aircraft noise.

The airfield is the "gateway" to Marshall Aerospace and the company would find it hard to survive without an airfield. Due to the nature of activity that takes place at Cambridge the cost of maintaining the airport is very high, costs are reduced by trying to operate the airport commercially.

Close the airport, close Marshall Aerospace. Can the 4000 employees come and live in your house??

I am sorry that you have a problem with aircraft noise, have you spoken to the Airport Manager about it?
Old 14th May 2001, 02:02
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
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Luke who? Is this not an aviation related forum? If you wanted a sympathetic hearing why not write to your local council, not on a forum almost entirely made up of pilots, enthusiasts and journo's. A bit like complaining about hunting and country sports in Country Life!
Besides, I had an awful day. Driving to the airfield, got stuck behind some ors in a camper van. Did I complain? Did I F**K!

[This message has been edited by Zlin526 (edited 13 May 2001).]
Old 14th May 2001, 03:54
  #9 (permalink)  
Dog On Wheels
Posts: n/a

'drone around for hours...... at the legal minimum height'

What, they do circuits at Cambridge at 500' above any person, vessel, vehicle or structure? Must be entertaining to watch.
Old 14th May 2001, 04:04
  #10 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I live next to a motorway and am sick and tired of the noise all those cars, buses and trucks make. I have written to my MP, demanding that he take immediate action to severely curtail vehicular movements on the stretch of road passing my house.

The local rail network is now under increasing pressure (from me) to cut down on its traffic - or face complete closure. I simply don't want this kind of noise on my doorstep. I find it unacceptable that a diesel-powered locomotive, pulling thousands of tons of freight, aggregates, animals or people should be permitted to rumble and thunder through my neighbourhood. The disturbances caused by trains must stop.

The terrible noise of children at play, in the neighbouring school, was reduced somewhat from the initial 87db, following my vociferous representations to the Education Authority. After a short period at around 57 db, the level of noise increased, back to the original 87db and, as a result, the school has been closed down - on my insistence.

So far, my memo to the Pest Control Department of my local counil has not been actioned. It contained details of a certain bird species which, since the start of spring, has been waking me at dawn with its "mating call". This is noisy AND disgusting and I have, therefore, suggested that the council employ marksmen, lay poison or humanely capture the creatures and release them to a bird sanctuary, where they will be unable to cause distress to taxpayers, like myself. My MP is in agreement.

More recently, I have enlisted the help and assistance of Mrs Sytner (wife of Frank, the BMW dealership boss). Together, we will fight to prevent cows from mooing to one another and making smells in the countryside outside of normal waking hours. Pollution of rural areas should not be tolerated by people who have paid a premium to live in the country.

As soon as we have raised sufficient funds, our activities will be broadened to include lobbying the European Parliament to fund the latest genetically modified sheep larynx. This new bioresearch project will virtually eliminate "baa-ing" noises from the country - making it a more peaceful place to live in.

I phoned my local airfield this week and demanded that they widen their circuit, so that all aircraft going downwind should pass directly above my village and use my yellow bouncy castle as a left base marker. I would be able to feel the good vibes coming from first solo students, and people just having a fantastic time getting a life and expanding their horizons.

Me - well, I'm just a new-age-urban-warrior Not-In-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) campaigner, who likes to sit on his arse in the garden on sunny weekends and do nothing but whinge about other peoples' business and things that make the world go round. When the weather is bad my telly drowns out all of life's nasty noises.

Please help me, Mr Luke Davies, to make the world a better place, by sending 50 pounds or more this week - to keep the campaign running.

You know it makes sense.

Old 14th May 2001, 05:05
  #11 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

AC-DC, yes he does fly,,,,, but ONLY by BA (they have safe pilots, evidently)according to one of Luke Davies previous posts!.

Perhaps he thinks that BA pilots only train on Flight Sim 2000 and dont drone around in GA aircraft for hours on end?.

Old 14th May 2001, 07:20
  #12 (permalink)  
Captain Noodle
Posts: n/a

ETR, that post was fantastic.....

Not much sympathy from the Noodle either Luke. May I suggest

1. Permanant Headphones to eliminate all modern living noises, make sure fashionable and nice colour so as not to look like a dork.

2. Luke could you provide some medical advice to help with operation to modify sheep larynx, maybe cows butt modifications could be done here as well.

3. Why stop at humanely killing the birds and animals, lets do the same to the kids.

4. The Flintstones got it right with their feet powered car, have to wear silencer footwear though!

Long live the Urban Warrior!

PS, On a more serious note, you buy a place near an airport. What really did you expect?

Old 14th May 2001, 10:48
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I may be wrong here, but what's "environmentally catastrophic" about a Tomahawk? Given that there are many thousands of cars running around Chichester at any time, compared to maybe a dozen light aircraft (on a busy day like yesterday). They could burn fuel like an A320 and would make precious little difference. As it is, I can't see how they make any...

Sadly, Cambridge, like Chichester, is the sort of town where people move when they have become too old and/or boring to remember that some people enjoy different things to them. Now, in Chichester, they're stuck with Goodwood, although it doesn't stop them moaning, but dare to suggest something *new* - radical things like a cinema (gasp!) or nightclub (ooooh!) - and you'll get shouted down.

Luke Davies, if you are really sad enough to have your weekend ruined by something - anything - making a noise, then I honestly pity you. You need to lighten up. Badly. If you're trolling then go somewhere else - I'd suggest http://www.slashdot.org/
Old 14th May 2001, 10:54
  #14 (permalink)  
Captain Noodle
Posts: n/a

Evo, very amusing web site you posted and appropriate too. Had a great laugh.

Old 14th May 2001, 10:58
  #15 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Captain Noodle

Thinking about it, Luke Davies post must be a troll - he can't expect a serious discussion based on a post like that. Slashdot is fairly famous for just that sort of pointless cr*p.

Old 14th May 2001, 11:18
  #16 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I think we are being somewhat uncharitable with some of the comments here, poor Luke moved in next to an airport, yes, he probably bought it cheap BECAUSE it was next to an airport, but he didn't realise that airplanes made such a noise. Why should anybody think that Luke should move and not the airport, what about his civil liberties? If I moved into a house next to the motorway and found the noise of traffic too much to bear, I would expect the motorway to be closed or re-routed.
Old 14th May 2001, 12:44
  #17 (permalink)  
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This is just another bit of property speculation , buy the house cheap because it is near an airport and then protest untill the airport is closed and then reap the rewards.

This was tried at booker when an instructor doing EFATO trainning was taken to court on a trumped up charge of low flying , the evidence provided by the worst of the local NIMBYs.(fortunatly the court was wise enough to see the truth ,unlike the CAA )

The best of this is that now when selling a house disputs of this nature must be disclosed ,hopefully the guy who started this thread has just shot himself in the foot.
A and C is offline  
Old 14th May 2001, 14:35
  #18 (permalink)  
Bouncy Landing
Posts: n/a

My initial thought was: Lukes post was a wind up...... I hope it is!

If not he is one sad guy. If he hates aviation so much, how come he has had 14 posts and been registered here since Oct 2000? Maybe a professional "stirrer"?

Physician eh? Well when Drs clean up their act (who else can get away with professional "murder" and assault with a mere wrist slap from their "prefessional body" (self interest union & regulator <joke I think> ) then maybe Luke can talk more authoritatively.

Lets have BALPA or AOPA (as appropriate)REGULATE aviation, and if we kill / assault / rape / maim the odd person, then they could suspend our membership for a month or so, and for the worst incompetances, order a check flight......

Cambridge is a great airport - don't give Cambridgeshire council any excuse to listen to pr*ts like this.

For the record I live right under one of the SID routes for Heathrow, and guess what, the next door neighbour yesterday trying to cut his lawn with a grossly inadequate electric mower was much more intrusive than 747s clawing over at 1000' on climbout.
Old 14th May 2001, 18:07
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

What happened, fail your skills test? Poor eye sight? I try to be professional, but the likes of you make my blood boil...

Presumably you never ride in a car, train, bus, airliner, motorbike, own a dog, use a drill, hoover, flush the chain, have sex (obviously) Cut the grass, to name but a few noise producing activities.

Having lived in the area for 20 years, I can tell you that south Cambridgeshire is about the least flown over area of the city.

Get over it, Oh yeah, and watch out for blue ice!

[This message has been edited by Nishko (edited 14 May 2001).]
Old 14th May 2001, 18:11
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


If I may quote you from a previous post of yours...

"...Finally I should to say that I am not a pilot, and I fly rarely as a passenger. However I work in a highly technical environment (I am a radiation oncologist specialising in the treatment of deep seated brain tumours) where small errors have big consequences. And I know from bitter experience how easy it is to make mistakes (in fact that is one of the reasons that I started to fly less often).

I have been using PPRUNE for a long time now as a spectator and I have usually found it an invaluable adjunct to the news whenever an aviation story comes up (Concorde, Egyptair the Duxford/Kray story). But on this thread I was so surprised by the reaction that I felt moved to register and contribute.

It looks as if professional pilots are flying into the same sort of turbulence that doctors ran into about six years ago. One lesson you should learn from what's happened to us...if you dont regulate yourselves effectively someone else will come in and do it for you, which isnt a very pleasant experience. "

Luke, I must appologise. You clearly are an expert on everything. Pretty bloody rich having a so called Doctor telling pilots how they should conduct themselves.... Now then, where can I find a good old Oncology forum to stir up...?

P.P.S. Your house is now in my GPS - and if you don't stop posting ill informed and ridiculous posts such as the Cambridge airport one, I'll post the coordinates here for everyone to enjoy!

[This message has been edited by Nishko (edited 14 May 2001).]

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