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Escape commitee

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Old 30th Apr 2001, 01:05
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Post Escape commitee

How do you get out of Pprune?
I am willing to chair the escape commitee.

Yesterday I saw a thread transferred from Rumours and News abot a Canadian pilot who flew his Cessna into a TV mast in poor vis.
Another subscriber (Exozpat) had expressed zero sympathy for such a foolish maneouvre and was subsequently "flamed".

I of course being as contentious as ever, sided with him and quoted a case of Darwinism also stating that it was this sort of poor airmanhip gave a bad impression of General Aviation.
Perhaps a bit harsh but life and aviation can be like that.

Enter Capt Pprune and his lacky who then told myself and Exozpat that our views were not welcome and as we obviously not true pilots we should go elsewhere and barring any more postings with a silly little padlock.

I have repied with a polite e.mail direct graciously accepting his offer.

In the meantime another Canadian based subscriber put another posting up about the gadger who hit the mast demanding that this should be discussed.

Within the hour both threads were spirited away and I have not had the courtesy of a reply or being removed from what I consider as a too heavily censored list.

Mr Pprune is selling his list to advertisers on the number of subscribers and hits it receives so I really do not want to be associated with this anymore.

When do we start tunneling?

Steve McQueen (Beagler)
Old 30th Apr 2001, 01:30
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I can sympathise with you comments since as a pilot I also have never made a similar error of judgement which has proved fatal - yet!

With your number of postings, I am surprised that you have not yet learned that opinions expressed here must not only be popular opinions but must also be completely and politically correct. That's life in 2001 old mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 30th Apr 2001, 01:46
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Beagler, dont know when this accident happened.

However we SHOULD consider that if it occured recently we should show respect to the family of the pilot and NOT provide info to the press via PPRUNE or any other aviation forum by not discussing it.

We had a very sad fatal accident at Sherburn on Friday, many pilots and members witnessed this whole tragic accident as it occured within the airfield, it has affected all who witnessed it and it is NOT right to discuss it in detail.

Hence my reply to a posting earler today about the Sherburn accident, my reply is brief and just names the aircraft type, this was some 3 days after the accident, I would NOT have even posted this if the info had not already been printed in the press and mentioned on local TV & Radio.

I hope it stays this way, as it should in ALL accidents, surely you have empathy with this?.

It also stops the parasites from the press obtaining details via forums if we adhere to this basic principle, the press took more controlling than anything else at Sherburn on Friday.

If it was YOUR father who had made a mistake and killed himself how would YOU feel if he was discussed in an aviation forum?.
Old 30th Apr 2001, 02:24
  #4 (permalink)  
Wee Weasley Welshman
Posts: n/a

Beagler you are a prat. If you don't like PPRuNe then why - oh why - don't you go and start your own incredibly diverse universally popular discussion forum for professional aviation and build it up over 5 years into the premier version of its kind anywhere on the web - so that WE at PPRuNe HQ can see where we have been going wrong? Hmmm? <sound of tapping foot>

Your thread was in poor taste. It was closed. You were not banned. WHAT ON EARTH are you whining about?

You have managed not only to insul the friends and family of an accident victim but also the small band of volunteers who make PPRuNe possible.

Danny is "selling" nothing. He IS working hard to find ways of funding PPRuNe to keep it free and to expand our service.


ps You are STILL not banned so wind your neck in.

Old 30th Apr 2001, 02:40
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

WWW, I think you owe Beagler an apology, you are entirely out of order with you name calling which is Both unprofessional and uncalled for. Are you drunk?
Old 30th Apr 2001, 03:26
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Aussie section of PPRUNE Forum gives numerous versions of Para accident today in which a jumper became entangled in a/c tail and died whilst others inc pilot managed to jump and survive.

Read it, it is typical of just what should not be discussed and just provides incorrect info for press to publish (do they ever publish the truth anyhow?)

Versions in forum include postings which state that plane crashed into a paddock, into a hangar, pilot jumped at 300ft, pilot jumped at 600ft etc, etc.

I just feel that accidents should not be discussed where 'reasons' for accidents are included, these should be left to the AIB reports and not the rumour network.

Especially where someone has lost their life.

Thoughts are with family and friends.
Old 30th Apr 2001, 03:34
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Barbox. So you believe in censorship and withholding of information do you?
Old 30th Apr 2001, 10:55
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


You have not got it have you?

I want out but as I can't unsubscribe I will merely remain as a part of the 29000 claimed registered statistic... a marketing scam.

When it comes to being a prat, yes sometimes I can be prattish but enjoy lively debate preferably with language that may be used in a hotel lobby.
Might I suggest that you carry out a bit of mature self analysis as well sometime.

Hope that I never have the misfortune to book a ride with whichever budget line you now fly with... aviation can be a lottery at times but I like to minimise my personal risks.

The orange box glider is coming along fine and Mrs Beagler is doing a good job of sewing up my fake German clothes.

Old 30th Apr 2001, 12:07
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I haven't read the thread, but this sort of discussion takes place after almost every accident. There are those who say: "What a prat", and those who reply: "There but for the grace of God..."

I think they're both right. Anyone never been a prat? Can guarantee they never will? Normally such threads don't get deleted unless there's another reason too. Though perhaps PPRuNe moderators get it wrong sometimes too. They're not perfect either. Annoying isn't it?

But either way, don't you think that maybe you're going just a teeny weeny bit over the top here?


To fly is human, to hover, divine.
Old 30th Apr 2001, 12:20
  #10 (permalink)  
Tricky Woo
Posts: n/a


Could you please email me?

Old 30th Apr 2001, 14:13
  #11 (permalink)  
Wee Weasley Welshman
Posts: n/a

Beagler - as you wish not to be included in our subscription figures I will delete you this evening.



[This message has been edited by Wee Weasley Welshman (edited 30 April 2001).]
Old 30th Apr 2001, 15:47
  #12 (permalink)  
New Bloke
Posts: n/a


I remember you joining and you seemed such a nice bloke. What happened?. Why do you feel the need to lambaste some poor unfortunate Airman who has paid the ultimate cost for his mistake. You don’t know any of the circumstances neither I would hazard a guess does Ozexpat. I saw his post and it was totally unacceptable. Many thing cause aviators to descend, ever been in the situation with lowering cloud-base, no instrument rating and worried sick. Try to put yourself in this poor Guy’s shoes, his options were running out and he made a mistake. His remains were then left dangling from a mast for about a week if I remember correctly. Try to put yourself in the shoes of his nearest and dearest. They don’t need someone telling the world what a pratt he was.

Beagler, I for one am glad you have decided to go, you have used this board for a year or so, probably without even saying thanks, and all you can do is post snide comments about the guys who give up their time for YOUR enjoyment.

Bye Bye
Old 30th Apr 2001, 17:03
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I am sorry , but would you go and stand at this poor guys funeral and make the same comments/ or allow them to be made to the gathering ? I would guess you will say that that is different! well the only difference is the millions of people that have access to the web, their may only be afew hundred at the funeral.

I lost a very good friend of mine in a Helicopter accident in N.Ireland earlier this year, no one knows yet whose fault it was, but who cares, hes dead.End of story.
And it doesnt need the armchair specialists of this world to debate it, unless someone was there, it can only be speculation and that does nobody any good.

Old 1st May 2001, 01:49
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Good evening all,

It looks like I've just picked up the tail-end of this argument but I'd like to add my twopence worth....

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Beagler you are a prat</font>
As an exponent of the polite, good-mannered, well censored thread, don't you think that when you begin a message with an insult it sort of throws your moderation into disrepute? I have no quarrels with anything else you said but that kind of comment would get criticised for being un-called for normally...

Barbox - My full sympathies go out to the families of the deceased but it is too much to ask for accidents not to be discussed until full details are released. We are pilots, therefore interested in learning the vital lessons that can be learned from accidents and whilst this should be done with tact, it is impossible not to attract a few people who will not show sympathy. People are going on like he directly insulted the Canadian. He didn't. It was just a rather harsh, but fair, comments.

New Bloke and Hoverbover - Christ he hasn't committed a crime y'know Yes it was not in the best taste but to a person a thousand miles from a relatively common form of IMC accident I don't feel it strictly necessary to end every sentence with 'deepest sympathies' etc. etc. This is a forum where people come and discuss things that happen. Discussion inevitably leads to controversy but that is the only way to learn from mistakes and encourage open debate. I just wish people (Beagler included) would just relax about censorship and moderation.

Happy days are just around the corner,


Edited for general shoddyness. Twice.

[This message has been edited by SpeedBird22 (edited 30 April 2001).]
Old 1st May 2001, 04:33
  #15 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Believe in censorship?, no.

Some 2 months ago a light aircraft accident was reported, press moved in, stated plane involved was a Robin DR400 (wonder where this rumour came from?).

Then some person from the press decided to start contacting all DR400 owners (via an aircraft search engine?) and began ringing the owners,,,,questions like 'do you know where your father or husband is etc' and causing total panic in numerous families.

In fact in turned out the aircraft involved was not a DR400 at all, but a Rockwell Commander!.

[This message has been edited by barbox (edited 01 May 2001).]
Old 1st May 2001, 14:16
  #16 (permalink)  
New Bloke
Posts: n/a


Read my post again, nowhere do I end even a single sentence with 'deepest sympathies', nor will I. I perhaps have more imagination than is good for me and can visualise this poor Blokes last few minutes. I think his family and friends may continually have to stop themselves from doing the same.

Do they need a some smart-arse telling the whole world what a pratt their newly departed friend/Father/son was.

So much for the brotherhood of aviators.
Old 2nd May 2001, 13:05
  #17 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hopefully off on a WLAC visit to RAF Lyneham on Saturday; day with the family at Morden Hall Park on Sunday, then batting around the track at Goodwood on Monday. Average sort of w/e really!!!!!
Old 3rd May 2001, 14:33
  #18 (permalink)  
Capt PPRuNe
Posts: n/a

I have now deleted the Username 'Beagler' off the list of statisitcs as per his request.

I had originally decided to keep it to prevent someone else from registering it and not for my personal statistics as insinuated. For the original Beaglers information I delete between 10 and 20 usernames a day because of invalid email addresses and lost passwords and for me to want to keep his to keep the number up just goes to prove how self inflated his ego is, especially after his crass comments about how how much superior he is by not having killed himself flying.

I do not mind anyone discussing incidents and accidents and if you want to add condolences then go ahead (not my preference but some of you obviously feel the need to do so) but to have someone like Beagler and OzExpat inflame everyone with their cowardly comments about how stupid someone else must be because they were killed in a crash and therefore by deduction someone like Beagler must be Mr Perfect are not acceptable.

As you see though, this thread was started by our intrepid Mr Aviator Beagler himslef which goes to show that he was not censored but in order to fulfil his wishes I have now deleted his Username. No doubt someone else will take up the moniker and hopefully won't make the same mistakes. The former Mr Beagler will also have the opprtunity to register a new Username but with a bit of common sense will use it to partake in a forum for pilots without the attitude that makes him so brave behind his anonymity.

As for the Wee Weasly Welshman and his opening remarks... I can understand his frustration and his lack of diplomacy just goes to show you why he is doing his dream job of flying a Boeing and getting paid for it and is not the ambassador for Wales to somewhere like Iraq. PPRuNe is not some big corporation with offices and hunderds or thousands of employees and a PR department. It is a website with a handful of dedicated volunteers like WWW and Sick Squid who help keep it in order and not get out of hand like soem other websites that are unmoderated.

So, Beagler... good riddance. Should you ever get a professional licence you will still not be welcome here.

Not very diplomatic I know... but I feel so much better!

Now off to Jet Blast with this piece of trivia.

Capt PPRuNe
aka Danny Fyne
The Professional Pilots RUmour NEtwork

[This message has been edited by Capt PPRuNe (edited 03 May 2001).]

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