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From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

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From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

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Old 4th Jan 2006, 16:47
  #1261 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Well done Jon

That first solo nav is daunting and Barnard Castle is very easy to miss.

Keep's you on your toes when there is plenty of traffic about, but ATC is always on the ball at NCLE .

Orbiting is fun (not) did 40 mins on my first solo all 4 corners of both ends of runway,must of upset somebody ?

Chk pm
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Old 4th Jan 2006, 17:09
  #1262 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary


I had a rather interesting flight (and first landaway) today.

We basically planned to Teesside, knew the weather was a bit dodgy. By the time we got to Teesside it was seriously dodgy. Lots of cloud which was low. No way we could land VFR. The choice was to turn back, or the FI would show me a nice ILS approach. Decieded on the latter, and at 500 feet or so, the runway suddenly appeared! My FI said "you have control" and I finished a good approach by him with a very nice (my best so far since begining) landing. (With full flap!).

Anyway, we couldn't fly VFR out of Teesside's zone, so again he took us out IFR, but once a bit further north we were in VMC and all was fine.

My navigation was ok, but I will have to do that flight again dual. Didn't get much chance to find the airport on the way down!

Got back to Newcastle fine, after a quick look at the Angel of the North, and the Quayside!

My flight yesterday was some more solo nav - MUCH more straight forward in perfect conditions.

Just a very quick post tonight, as I am shattered! Well done Lister! And cheers all.

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Old 4th Jan 2006, 18:32
  #1263 (permalink)  

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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

John - your making some very good progress at the moment, a lot more than me! I am envious of your ILS approach, I wouldn't mind having a go (and making a total cock up) or being shown a demonstration
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Old 5th Jan 2006, 16:57
  #1264 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Dont put yourself down Mazzy the first one is always the hardest,we all have to learn !

All part of the learning circle/curve.
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Old 5th Jan 2006, 17:25
  #1265 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

A few days ago Mazzy wrote:

I am no longer able to access Pprune at work since the website was updated, our web blocking software now blocks it
I thought of this and so tried to access from work (as I am now) - and bizarrely I now CAN access PPRuNe since the software update - previously it was a 'banned' site.

On the flying front: well done to those with exploits to report. I've been grounded since my GFT back in Mid November! Even though I got my ticket on Christmas Eve I was let down by the weather over the holidays. So fingers crossed for this Saturday PM when my next flight is booked - but the weather doesn't look promising. Low winds but poor visibility. However I'm planning to get some revision time in before taking friends and family up as I feel a bit rusty so I've booked an IMC lesson and the weather might actually be favourable.
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Old 6th Jan 2006, 13:09
  #1266 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Visibilty here a bit dissapointing today.
We manged a few practice short field take offs and landings and simulated forced landings, then had hoped to do some low level navigation towards the east coast but the vis kept coming and going,now I'm home it's improved again but that's flying for you!
I've learned that the experienced call these short intervals of improvement "The sucker's gap" which is quite an apt term.
Anyway I hope better luck tomorrow or Sunday.
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Old 6th Jan 2006, 14:17
  #1267 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Lister - bad luck with the weather, something we need to get used to I suppose! As many people have said "It's better to be on the ground wishing you were flying, than flying wishing you were on the ground" - or words to that effect.

I'm hoping there may be a free slot tomorrow, (not holding my breath though). Want to get some more landaways done in preperation for the QXC!

And the ILS approach was fantastic! Obviously my FI got us established, and at 700 feet I had lost all hope of us finding the runway, but at 500 or so it popped up in front of us, and I was allowed to take us in to land (once visual). Something very high on my priority list once passed, the IMC. Not only fun, but may turn out to be very useful one day...

One thing I did realise when flying in instrument conditions is my confidence when flying has greatly improved, and I felt like a co-pilot, not a passanger, which could have quite easily been the case.
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Old 8th Jan 2006, 13:37
  #1268 (permalink)  

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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Sorry for the lack of posting guys - we have had some incredibly unlucky times in the family recently - my dad is not very well at all, so my life has kinda grinded to a halt at the moment.

I am going to continue my flying this month, as intended - so there will be in update in a couple of weeks! Again - apologies for the lack of posting, I don't get much chance now with visiting my dad.

Best wishes,

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Old 8th Jan 2006, 14:08
  #1269 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Hope he's better soon Lee

Family is more important believe me !

Best wishes
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Old 8th Jan 2006, 15:35
  #1270 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

I'm very sorry to hear about your father,and hope all goes well.
On the flying front,(or non flying front) ,six hours booked this weekend and a total of 35 mins flown!
It is January and I must be patient.
How does that song go?
"Things can only get better"

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Old 8th Jan 2006, 15:36
  #1271 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Mazzy, I'm sorry to here that. I've been there myself and everything does indeed take a back seat.

Hope he get's well soon,

Best wishes.
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Old 11th Jan 2006, 21:33
  #1272 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

I spoke to Lee today and he is hoping to start flying ASAP, so an update will be coming soon

Safe flying guys.
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Old 12th Jan 2006, 11:17
  #1273 (permalink)  

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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

My dad has also been a bit unwell recently. Very sorry to hear that mazzy.

Flying-wise, it's been an age since I posted in this thread but I did manage to get up on Tuesday morning, after an epic time away from my stead, to re-aquaint myself with what a wing was and why that whirly thing at the front...whirls. Just some circuits, short-field, glide approaches and some x-wind stuff. Been lucky (?) to not have had to deal with much x-wind so far but Tuesday was an eye-opener, crikey.

20 knots surface wind, a large part of it across the rwy in use - instructor demo'd a lovely approach and landing (crab method) despite the gusty conditions. My turn was, ahem, a little more "sporty". Definately a real challenge but I'm itching for more exposure to get me up to speed smartish.

If the wx holds out, my first little real nav flight will happen this coming Saturday. A little triangle between Leicester, Kettering and Rugby. If it goes well, there's the possibility that I can have a go myself the following weekend Having only got as far as some departures/re-joins on the solo front, I reckon this will be (if it happens) a GREAT experience

Bye for now,

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Old 12th Jan 2006, 14:50
  #1274 (permalink)  

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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary


Thanks for your posts.. I have managed to grab a few mins to come on pprune. Been a lot of bad news really, firstly about a month before Christmas, my Grandad was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma - something which shocked me a lot and upset me quite a bit. He is doing fine and responding to treatment well so fingers crossed.

The thing which knocked me for six though, was seeing my dad in pain for months (aching joints) etc and coming out in rashes all the time, then to discover about a week ago, that he has "Acute Myeloid Leukaemia". He is in intensive care at the moment and is hoping to return to his ward tonight to continue treatment. He was really bad, but has improved a little. There is only 1.7% of the population that will get this condition, and it is not hereditary - yet his Dad (my Grandad) died of it about 15 years ago, over the age of 60. My dad is 47.

As you can imagine, I can think of nothing else but the above at the moment, so pretty much everything in life has taken a back seat. I am looking after my Mum, who has seen better days.

I am determined to continue as normal as possible, including the flying, and so will see what I can conjure up next week - in the meantime, all my thoughts and time are with my family.

Sorry for such a morbid post - just didn't wanna leave any of you in the lurk, having been so good.

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Old 13th Jan 2006, 18:21
  #1275 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

I've had a brilliant days flying!
Very poor vis so we did low level (750ft) navigation out to Orfordn Ness via Framlingham then vis improvd so up to 2000 ,past Woodbridge and around Ipswich across to Wattisham for a MATZ penetration,then a diversion,eventually around Bury St Edmunds then back home.
Around 1.5 hrs flying,a lot on instruments as the vis was poor and I had no horizon.
Strong crosswind take off and landing,and it went to plan.
No flying tomorrow as I'm meeting up with a band to practice for a re-union party/concert at Hylansds Hall nr Chelmsfrd tomorrow night!!!
They have been trying to track me down for months and found me via Friends Re-united a couple of weeks ago!
I haven't played bass guitar for over 40 yrs and haven't seen the other members since 1965,I have borrowed a Fender bass and Laney amp ,and have been practising furiously for last ten days and it's all coming together.
It's really exciting as I haven't met them yet so will meet tomorrow morning for a short practice and I will report back after flying on Sunday.
life in the old dog yet.
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Old 14th Jan 2006, 11:30
  #1276 (permalink)  

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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Good morning of flying for me too

Plan was a short jaunt between Leicester, Kettering and Rugby but wasn't going to happen with this wx so my instructor suggested some instrument flight in the murk. This was something new and it sounded like fun! After a short intro to VORs, OBSs, NDBs and ADFs (with the help of a cunningly-designed cardboard instrument panel!) we were off.

Lost the ground at about 600' agl and didn't see it again 'till about the same on descent but in between we tuned in to the Daventry VOR, got a bearing and tracked inbound to it. Once above, we tuned into HON and did the same towards that as well, before flying the 010 radial outbound to take us back overhead Leicester. Made full use of my newly-learned TITS acronymn! One for the gents methinks...

We were up to 4500' QNH at one point and only just above the murk - it was basically all instrument flight. A real eye-opener - keeping S+L and tracking the VOR definately involves being fairly awake! Challenging but seemed to twig it and start to enjoy it up there in the white. Quite therapeutic! Heard a Thomson jet not too far away chatting to Coventry as well, nice (and disconcerting?) to think it was out there in the clag somewhere nearby.

All in all, a great learning experience and it has really given me a flavour of instrument flight. For anybody who hasn't done much yet, all I'll say is:

1. Scan scan scan. Don't get complacent. You're AI is the most important instrument. We had beautifully smooth conditions but it was still amazing how much slow roll you can get in a small a/c like the 152. When you have a real horizon, the keeping level bit is done without thinking as you're eyes see it straight away. Not so in cloud, it's a lot more subtle. Definately an increased workload!

2. As all books and pilots say, trust your instruments above your senses. We were S+L and instructor pointed out that, to him, it felt like we were in a right banked turn but he knew we weren't due to the instruments. I hadn't suffered any body-instrument contradictions up until now but the minute he said it I suddenly felt we were in a turn as well! All very weird...

Anyway, bye for now,

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Old 15th Jan 2006, 07:44
  #1277 (permalink)  
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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

Just to say... I managed to get into the skies yesterday for the first time since my skills test. What a relief. I was getting concerned that I'd forgotten everything.

I wanted to go up with an instructor just to get me back in the swing of things. To make best use of time I had my first IMC lesson, and landed back in the dark - although the time doesn't count for night flying.

Today is looking good too - I'm going for a conversion flight in a Diamond DA40.

Edit for an update: Diamond DA40. mmm... very nice. A bit odd for taxying as you have to use the brakes to turn but it soon all comes together. 60kts for rotate with the stall warner blaring!!! The 'wobbly' take off run reminded me of my first ever take off as a student. The stall warner comes on at rediculously high speeds, but it is nice to know it is there. So fast, so smooth, and with all the kit in the cockpit it makes a nice change from the usual level of kit in a trainer. Full avionics stack with twin Garmins and an autopilot which was fun to mess around with. Slowing down is difficult, think about cutting power to idle on the turn from downwind to base and glide in. I've passed the check ride now I'm looking forwards to flying this beast in the near future..

Last edited by MyData; 15th Jan 2006 at 15:12.
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Old 15th Jan 2006, 08:30
  #1278 (permalink)  

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Re: From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary


I just got my PC up and running after the mammoth house move to the Peak District...how did I acquire so much stuff?? Anyway, got back on PPRuNe, and heard the news about your dad. Really sorry to hear it, and I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you both (and your mum), and I hope maybe things are looking a bit better by now. Don't worry about not posting; flying can wait, family come first.

Best wishes,

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Old 17th Jan 2006, 17:38
  #1279 (permalink)  

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Many thanks Whirls

Well I booked in for my mock test next week - hope all goes well! Nearly there!

Data - you lucky

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Old 17th Jan 2006, 19:13
  #1280 (permalink)  
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Wow good luck with the Mock test Mazzy. Looking forward to a thorough write up afterwards
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