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Old 17th Apr 2004, 20:34
  #61 (permalink)  
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and I'm sitting here bored... pity I couldn't make it... but I warn you all! some day I'll make it

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Old 17th Apr 2004, 20:53
  #62 (permalink)  
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Today was fantastic, even better than Friday. Les Brodie's seminar was packed out - there were 80 seats in the room, perhaps 30 people standing and more pressed six deep outside the door trying to hear what he was saying. There was a queue out of the gates in the morning, and every exhibitor I spoke to said they'd done far better than they expected. At the AOPA stand we've signed more than 100 new members. We're told that Sunday is expected to be slightly quieter, but all the seminars seem to be extraordinarily popular, and I suspect Tudor Owen's will be the most useful of all.
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 00:48
  #63 (permalink)  
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Yes I went today and it was brilliant. Les Brodie's talk was excellent and the information on Concorde operation was rivetting - shame they had to stop it operating.

I thought the show was well organised - plenty of space, lots of variety and the catering was good and reasonably priced.

Let's hope this becomes a regular event on the aviation calendar.
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 15:58
  #64 (permalink)  
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I went on Friday on some freebie tickets - bloody glad they were free as I thought it a pathetically small selection of, well not a lot really, Scabair, Oxford, life insurance salesman, a few not very exciting aircraft which I can see at any airfield, a couple of book stalls and flight sim games. I would probably have been happy to pay a fiver tops to look round, but frankly why the hell I should pay to go and look at someone's trade stand utterly defeats me.

As for calling it Fly! The London Airshow, when Fly is about the only way you cannot get their, well that just stupid init.

All in all, £120 on train fares from the midlands plus the cost of the tickets, no thanks.

ps £10 a glass for Champagne
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 16:13
  #65 (permalink)  
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Were you at the same show Ludwig? I don't think you'll see the new Magnum at your local field yet and it was good to get close and personal with the Diamond Star. Our very own "Flying Lawyer's " seminar was worth the price of admission alone and he even gave pprune a heavy plug!. I had a particular headset query and it was a good forum to hear what the various suppliers had to say. You may of course be a professional show organiser but as a casual visitor I thought it was a very good first effort.
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 16:13
  #66 (permalink)  

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I personally thought it was very good.

Bearing in mind this was the first time the event had been held I must say I was impressed.

Seemed strange seeing an AA5 parked outside though!!!
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 16:24
  #67 (permalink)  
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Well, what can I say. A superb show.
Now we've dispensed with the sarcasm... as had already been said, charging to enter a sales arena for someone to sell you something is a nice little earner.

I'm glad I went, and have to say that Les Brodie was excellent, a gentleman of the skies in fact.

As for the rest of it, a simulator sold out in minutes, lots of insurance men, and a few planes with the cowilngs removed.

However, the worst for me was the venue. Why do the powers that be in aviation think that those of us North of Watford Gap still race whippets, and fly kites? (want the proof? have a look at the CAA safety evening agenda for this year, and see how many are coming North, in comparison to the South)

From Manchester, I had 3 1/2 hours drive to the outskirts, a 20 minute bus ride to LHR, and 40 mins on the tube each way!! A long day indeed.
Why not consider the NEC for the future. Outstanding communication links for eveyone in the British Isles. An airport next door for those wishing to fly (not GA I know). And the best bit is... it's a whole lot bigger, the displays could be better promoted, proper workshops on the matters that interest us, as opposed to a seminar theatre, next to a guy with a microphone at a ditching tank!!

To sum up, not a bad show, but I doubt I will go to this amount of effort next year, and as my school report used to say COULD DO BETTER!
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 18:46
  #68 (permalink)  

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Not impressed!

Glad my ticket was free - would have been really Pi$$ed off if I d had to pay to shop and be ignored. Took me all of 30 mins to walk around whole show.


Edited to add: Thanks to PAN for the opportunity to go though.

Last edited by pilotwolf; 18th Apr 2004 at 21:02.
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 18:50
  #69 (permalink)  
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I went on Friday and was underwhelmed. Aerofair is a far better venue and, surprise surprise, a decent amount of aircraft to poke about plus a flying display. Seminars and dunking pool aside, Fly! had nothing that Aerofair doesn't have whereas the reverse is not true...

Shan't be bothering to go to FLy! next year, if there is a next year...
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 19:10
  #70 (permalink)  
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did you get to meet the Pink?

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Old 18th Apr 2004, 21:37
  #71 (permalink)  
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It's a good start.

GA and private flying is off in the fringes of the public consciousness as a leisure pursuit.

There's definitely something to be said for an indoor show - it's not everyone's cup of tea, but neither is trekking out to a windy airfield. Although most of the visitors were already "involved", there were definitely a reasonable number who aren't. A show of hands in the seminar I was in suggested that 25% weren't flying. Convert just a few and it's good news.

And a sales event? Well, that's what shows are. That's normality - the boat show, the motor show, they are all the same. And that's not a bad thing.

Go to a field event and for joe schmoe it's just entertainment. "Hey look at all those people doing stunts! What daredevils!". In an exhibition, it's wall-to-wall "you want to fly, you want to buy".

If the sales environment brings more people to flying, all the better. Just imagine - airfield, clubs, competing heavily for a growing business.

It's a good step, and no it doesn't replace field avents. It's a good thing for private flying. My biggest criticism would be: not enough marketing. I hope they can get many more visitors next year. AND do an even better job of selling. After all, what is good for GA? Less buying or more?
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Old 18th Apr 2004, 21:50
  #72 (permalink)  
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Ladies and gentlemen,

Wearing my other hat (well, my business has to fund my flying!) ) I attend trade shows regularly and know whats involved.

I went today (Sun) with freebie tickets courtesy of my dear friends Mistral Aviation ( I promise to buy a new DR400 in 06!)

Hats off to the organisers. A bold decision indeed and a logistical nightmare.

The hall was packed with aircraft that had to be dismantled, roaded, rigged and - when you just want to have a beer - you have to do the whole thing again in reverse.

I came away with a very positive feeling about this show. I talked to the exhibitors and didn't find one without a smile or something positive to say.

Tudor Owens seminar was a knockout - respect to you M'lud and please defend me if ever I am in the siera hotel one tango.

All in all a great day out and congratulations to organisers and exhibitors alike for having the b@lls to pitch in on the first show.

Next year will be a cracker, mark my words. If I were an exhibitor I would worry if I haven't booked my 05 space already.

This is set to be one of Europes leading GA shows. A piece of cake to get to on the tube - leave your cars behind.

Look out for it on 05 and make a note in your diaries.

Even the catering was excellent!

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Old 18th Apr 2004, 22:43
  #73 (permalink)  

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Well, I'm glad that I made the effort - the Pprune Meet at the Breitling Bar was the first one that I've participated in and a jolly nice bunch you all are! To have Flying Lawyer, Aerbabe, Whirlygig, Whirlybird, Low'n'Slow, Brookland AND The Pink One (these are the only names that "stuck" - apologies to the others) all in one group was an uplifting experience and I believe that there was some sort of air show going on as well.......

....which was the first exhibition where I didn't feel herded, shoved and jostled, all the exhibitors were polite and interested and the food and drinks weren't priced off the scale. Learned a lot and FL's talk was worth the (reduced) price of admission alone.

My journey back was "interesting" as well. The underground substitute bus had me as its only passenger and dropped me off outside my parent's house as it was raining heavily. A tad better than the standard Tube service I fancy!

What else, ah yes, renewed the Pilot subscription at the Show and walked away with my "free" watch in my sticky little paw.

Top day...

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Old 19th Apr 2004, 00:03
  #74 (permalink)  
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I walked by the Britetling Bar but couldn't work out who the PPrune guys were. Can we come up with some way of identifying each other the next time to help newby like me?
The show was good for a first time. I was disappointed about the 737 sim. There was no chance of getting a go if you turned up on Sunday because it was fully booked up by people who were there yesterday.
Definately no regrets about going. Flying Lawyer's talk on its own was worth more than it cost to get in to the show. I couldn't get in to the audatorium and I was in the crowd at the back. Nobody was bothered this time but next year they should have more seats.
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Old 19th Apr 2004, 05:59
  #75 (permalink)  

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Old 19th Apr 2004, 07:37
  #76 (permalink)  
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couldn't work out who the PPrune guys were
The rowdy lot in the corner.

A great first show, I thought. All the main players were there, with enough staff that we weren't kept waiting long at any point. Also, as Ripline said, not so packed that we were pushed around or had to fight to see anything.

Nice to see a few 'big names' there as well. Not just our own Flying Lawyer (who turned the tables & tried to get me drunk ) but Mike Bannister and... erm, some other people.
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Old 19th Apr 2004, 08:35
  #77 (permalink)  
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Did any of the ppruners who attended the show have a look at the plastic Hawk at the entrance to the show? If so, shame on you for not introducing yourself properly.
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Old 19th Apr 2004, 09:28
  #78 (permalink)  
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What is it with the RAF and their plastic airplanes???

I quite enjoyed the show all in all, with the seminars certainly being the highlight of the day. The sessions I attended were all interesting, and Flying Lawyer even managed to captivate my non-flying girlfriend (who’d been asleep up to that point!)
I particularly liked the bit where the small bearded CAA bureaucrat attempted to defend some other CAA department from the justified slating from Mr. Owen!
Splendid! and worth every penny!
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Old 19th Apr 2004, 11:06
  #79 (permalink)  
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I thought it was sensible to have the show in London, apologies to Cessna 1 Pilot, but it's a good place to start as the majority of the exhibitors seemed to be from Darn Sarf. If it does get bigger then a move to the NEC might be necessary.
It would have been nice to have more representation of the second hand end of GA but I doubt that would be possible due to the expense of bring the aricarft into London. Still, it was nice to see somebody with the gumption to organise an event which goes a long way towards putting GA into the public eye.
Hopefully it will be bigger next year and I will certainly go if only for the chatting at the Breitling Bar! We managed to maintain the Pprune tradition of being amongst the last to leave.........
It was nice to see the familiar faces of the Ppruners again with a few new ones as well including the
Pink One, Flying Lawyer , Whirlygig and a few others whose names have been wiped from my memory by the post show beers.

Excellent talk by FL but a dedicated room for the seminars would be better especially if it was further away from the ditching pool!
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Old 19th Apr 2004, 11:11
  #80 (permalink)  
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A great concept and I hope it keeps going but a logistical nightmare to get to from the Midlands. No local airfield access and crap public transport and don't even start me on the roads.

At least the NEC is easy to get to. The London Dive Show at Earls Court used to be the centre of the diving calander events but poor access in London meant the NEC is now the leader.

I think if the organisers of Fly want to attract a larger audiance then they will need to choose a site that is accessable to all and preferably with an airfield near by.

If the minibus service that was promised and not delivered from White Waltham had been available it might have made it more attractive.

But I am glad everyone had a good time.
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