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Old 6th Jul 2010, 10:51
  #161 (permalink)  
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Hi, as a panic attack sufferer I would deffinately send your husband to his GP. 5 or 10mg of medication will make your husbands trip far more bareable.
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Old 6th Jul 2010, 11:03
  #162 (permalink)  
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That is why i asked for comments...

I am well aware of people only writing bad things on reveiw sites, but out of 298 reviews only to have 4 positive is not great.
No intention was to hurt anyone's feelings, however i am not sure that airlines feel the same way about their passengers.....
I do feel that dave has over reacted hurtful comments were made only examples of comments from OTHERS on review sites....
I asked for comments to get positive experiences to put my mind at rest and other reason.

I quote from my original post..."Anyone any positive comments that are RECENT!!!! "

I think you have got the wrong end of the stick Dave..
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Old 6th Jul 2010, 12:20
  #163 (permalink)  
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Mariakirk, see my post early on in this thread. i'm sure your GP could prescribe something for your husband. if not, speak with a local friendly pharmacist who might be able to reccomend an over the counter remady.

as a final resort, make sure he has nothing to drink in the airport (you might think alcohol will help him relax, however this will only excassibate the problem, and make it worse). breathing into a paper bag can also help calm people down when having a panic attack, so it might be a good idea to take one with you. you could also take something along that will help take his mind of the fact he is flying (like a portable music player, a good book, some toys / games he can play with the kids).

have a good flight, and tell him not to worry...........
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Old 6th Jul 2010, 13:23
  #164 (permalink)  
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Also - talk to your tour operator (if you can get a hold of anyone) and get them to make a note of it on the manifest that they send to the airline. The guys/gals at Viking preflight are also very good - ensure you have your tour operator booking reference and full flight details - and give them a call directly - phone number on their website!
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Old 6th Jul 2010, 20:33
  #165 (permalink)  
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The Viking aircraft I have seen are not Uk registered, so not sure if they fall under CAA regulations, but with reference to the above comments concerning CAA recommended parcatice - it is a little more than that. You can imagine the conversation in the post accident investigation...

CAP 789 Requirements and guidance material for operators

7 Seat Allocation for Family Groups

7.1 The separation of family groups, especially children, may lead to problems in emergency situations. During emergency evacuations, group members separated from other members of the family or party might seek each other out during the evacuation process. Such actions could have an adverse effect on passenger flow rates towards emergency exits and might seriously affect the outcome of an evacuation. Additionally, infants and young children would need assistance from adults in the donning of oxygen masks during decompression.

7.2 Operators' procedures in respect of seat reservations, seat allocation, check-in procedures and cabin crew duties should take into account the following factors:
a) Children accompanied by adults should ideally be seated in the same seat row as the adult. In wide-bodied aircraft, children and accompanying adults should not be separated by more than one aisle.
b) Where the above is not possible, children should be separated by no more than one seat row from accompanying adults.
c) Seat allocation procedures for family groups, including adults, should reflect the above.
d) When large parties of children are carried, operators should take into account the principles of the above criteria and apply suitable seating arrangements.
e) Whenever small numbers of infants and children are travelling together, the operator should make every effort to ensure that they are allocated seats where they can be readily supervised by the responsible accompanying adult in both normal and abnormal conditions.

I would certainly not waste my money buying allocated seats in order to be sure of sitting with my children. Unfortunately many UK airlines misslead passengers into paying for something to which they are entitled. (IMV!)
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Old 6th Jul 2010, 20:41
  #166 (permalink)  
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Well as a sccm i dont see too many nervous passengers these days. I think this is mainly because people dont tell me they're nervous. I've had to ask people if they are ok because they look very nervous. I personally think knowledge of the situation is key. I always try to find out what part of flying a person doesn't like. Is it because its a closed space? no control? height? Virgin atlantic do a one day fear of flying course which ends with an actual 30 mins flight. Whenever i have nervous passengers i request they be preboarded because once they see myself and my crew and the flightdeck crew and realise that we are well trained professionals and are here to help it relaxs them and i generally have a bit of banter and chat about their holiday and their plans and i just get the crew to keep an eye on them and not to make a big deal of the situation in front of the other passengers.
Ask to be pre-boarded if you'd like to speak to the crew or need extra time. Viking work with sunwing airlines of canada so you might have mix of uk/canadian crew and they are a great bunch generally.
Just plan ahead. Get to the airport early and get seats together. Explain that your husband is nervous and deal with one step at a time and you'll be on holiday in no time.
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Old 6th Jul 2010, 20:52
  #167 (permalink)  
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I totally agree with making sure families sitting together lets make that clear. But if a family are one of the last to check in and you have 50 other familes onboard it can become very interesting on boarding. So my point is the CAA only give guideance on the situation like using words such as " should ideally" and "should take into account". Personally i would not seat children away from their family unless over 12 and only if it was the next row. As you mentioned the viking aircraft are actually C-reg and are operated by sunwing airlines of Canada. So the viking flights would be ruled by sunwings SOP's and SEP's ( i've worked for sunwing previously). I found some of the candian rules quite relaxed like - infant lap belts for under 2yrs were optional! (well not on my flights).

So i will always advise families to check in early and get seats together to save problems onboard.
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Old 7th Jul 2010, 08:40
  #168 (permalink)  
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why not take the fact that possibly thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Viking passengers have NOT COMPLAINED, therefore massively outweighing the negative comments.

On the other hand, why not book with an alternative airline, one that has got glowing views, like BA or Cyprus airways, who both fly to Cyprus. If you are happy to lose 75% of your fare, fair enough. i guess if you can afford to lose 75% of your fare then you will also be able to afford the full fares from the full service airlines.
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Old 7th Jul 2010, 15:18
  #169 (permalink)  
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Please help, my main concern is the seating! Surely they wont sit children with strangers.
Not sure here ( although I have a suspicion) if your worry is that your children will be molested or that they will ruin the flight for other pasengers with their behaviour.

Just have to ask, do you spend your whole life in a pattern of eternal dread and foreboding ?

Edit: Having re-read your post, I see where your worries are. Guess you'll have to balance your "anguish" against cancelling the flights (money )and re-booking with a seat-bookable airline/( anxiety-cushion)

Just how the hell did mankind survive this long ? Astonishing.
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Old 7th Jul 2010, 16:37
  #170 (permalink)  
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"am now seriously considering loosing the 75% of the fare and booking with someone else"

LadyR; I was very angry with your post, I think you should expect people to be on here as it is mainly a site for people within the aviation industry to share information.

Every airline has problems that crop up and its unfortunate when they affect its passengers.

Recently, on my airline, after landing I decided to stand in the flight deck doorway and say good bye to the passengers as they disembarked. ALL but one passenger thanked the crew for a very pleasant flight. The one who didn't made some passing comment I couldn't quite hear, the crew said she had done nothing but moan the whole flight and that she wanted a complaints form. I wouldn't be surprised if she writes a nasty review on skytrax.

I freely admit things can go wrong that affect the whole plane load of passengers, technical problems etc. but sometimes most complaints are for such small insignificant things and come from people who seem like they've nothing better to do. The internet gives these people a voice and you only hear one side of things.

...Having chilled out a bit. LadyR, I'm sorry, I know you're only trying to put your mind a rest but posting on here is almost like poking you're head into the airlines crew room and saying 'I hear your airline is a bit rubbish'. I know you don't mean that but that's what its like.

If you're affected by any delays or other problems you'll be very unlucky.

Last edited by davecfm56; 7th Jul 2010 at 19:20.
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Old 9th Jul 2010, 09:59
  #171 (permalink)  
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None of the aircraft are on the english register, there either the sunwings aircraft which are on the Canadian register, or Vikings planes which are on the Sweedish register so follow there own aviation laws.

Which base are you flying out of?

I strongly suggest you either book the seats if it means that much to you, or turn up at the airport early and be the first at check in! Refusing to take your seats or asking the crew to swap people around can cause a lot of discomfort and friction in the cabin, and on top of that there isnt a huge amount of time allocated to boarding and it could end up delaying the flight!

As for nerves, Doctors now can give tablets to help settle nerves, but It doesnt hurt to let your crew know, they can keep an eye on him and make him feel more relaxed and reassured!
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Old 9th Jul 2010, 10:34
  #172 (permalink)  
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I strongly suggest you either book the seats if it means that much to you, or turn up at the airport early and be the first at check in! Refusing to take your seats or asking the crew to swap people around can cause a lot of discomfort and friction in the cabin, and on top of that there isnt a huge amount of time allocated to boarding and it could end up delaying the flight
I sincerely hope you are not cabin crew.
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Old 9th Jul 2010, 11:04
  #173 (permalink)  
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Whilst worded quite strongly, foxy baby has a point.

The option is there right now to pre book seats together which will stop any worry and reassure the customer that they will be seated together.

Having worked as both crew and also as a duty manager on the ground, these situations should really be dealt with before they step on board. Starting boarding around 30-40mins before doesn't always give you much time to ensure everyone is seated, happy and to also do your own bits and bobs too.

The option is there to them and a simple call to their pre-flight dept may put their mind at rest.
I know a few people that work for them on the ground at gatwick and are probably one the nicest bunch you could ever meet.

I have experienced working with Canadian crew and aircraft before and have also worked for a swedish company, they are no different to any other company and to be honest, the size they are at the moment, they are actually good to deal with and quite accommodating.

Give them a call or pre book your seats, will save you alot of hassle and worry.
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Old 9th Jul 2010, 14:10
  #174 (permalink)  
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Thank you

Thanks Dave for your apology...

Had I had the information about "crew room" before posting i would of perhaps worded differently.

Having typed in Viking airlines revies into the search engine....this site is one of the first 5 to appear.....I do have to admit that I thought it was all a bit technical.

No offence was meant to any crew or staff etc, i assure you all i was just looking for guidance and assurance and did strees i only wanted to hear positive comments..
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Old 9th Jul 2010, 18:43
  #175 (permalink)  
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Whilst worded quite strongly, foxy baby has a point
Fully agree that Foxy Baby has a point regarding pre-booking seats.

However, if you look back through this thread it would appear that mariakirk may be on a tight budget and that the additional costs of 4x the pre-booking seat fee may be expense that she could well do without. This additional expense is totally unnecessay as children should under no circumstances be seperated from one of their parents for safety reasons IMHO.

Given your background, it goes without saying that you will agree that safety on board is paramount and should take priority over delayed departure or inconvenience to any of the passengers. If a child was seated next to me and away from a parent, I personally would automatically offer to exchange my seat (even if paid for) with the parent as I believe the parent is best placed to assume responsibility for the child in an emergency situation.

Unfortunately from certain comments on this thread it would appear that commercial pressures on cabin crew take priority over this particular safety issue.
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Old 10th Jul 2010, 10:25
  #176 (permalink)  
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I understand what you are saying, truly i do but unfortunately alot of people are not as accommodating as you appear to be.
Some flights, especially ones where there is generally alot of children can sometimes be impossible to move unless bribed and will also depend on what kind of pax you have on board.
Don't want to tarnish people with the same stick but there were occasions where i would have to physically tell people that they have to move in order to accomodate, almost upsetting one lot of pax to please another.

It's not the nicest position to be in so personally, and i know you don't really want to, either pre book or turn up mega mega early. The only way that you can really be sure. Turning up 2hrs before may be a little too late and depends on how many are already check in.

If your tour operator is Kiss Flights who are the main booking agent for Viking then you can pre book seats at £10pp return. One of the cheapest out there compared to other carriers.

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Old 10th Jul 2010, 10:56
  #177 (permalink)  
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Booked on the following Viking flights from Glasgow to Corfu:

OUT VIK8067 MON 26/7 DEP 0450 ARR 1025
IN VIK8086 TUE 3/8 DEP 2215 ARR 0220

These were booked through

I've got no problems with the outbound flight but inbound is worrying me;

1) why is the flight time 6 hours (taking into consideration time difference?)
2) why can I find no record of this flight on Viking's official website? I can see the same flight on the day before but it arrives @ 0015!!!!

Tried to phone the airline but just sit on hold, please can someone advise if this flight actually exists?
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Old 10th Jul 2010, 12:50
  #178 (permalink)  
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Could be a shared flight with another airport.
Why not phone On the Beach.Instead of the airline.
Its down as a charter flight,so may not appear on Vikings timetable.
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Old 11th Jul 2010, 15:54
  #179 (permalink)  
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Looks like your departure is in UK time and arrival in Greek time for the outbound.
Departure and Arrival in Greek time for the inbound which would be 0020 UK(BST).
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Old 12th Jul 2010, 08:34
  #180 (permalink)  
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Hi There i am also booked on this flight through - Low cost sunshine / Kiss Flights... And my flight details the flight landing at 00.20. so i think this is probably something to do with time difference.

I have been keeping an eye on this flight taking of from glasgow and this mornings flight has been delayed by about 4.5 hours, Hope the flight on the 26th is not delayed for that long..
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