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Towering Q 25th Oct 2009 05:22

The type isn't operated here in Oz at all.
I heard somewhere that Qld Section have purchased a couple.

CharlieLimaX-Ray 25th Oct 2009 07:11

The Piaggio may look good on paper and the salesman may talk it up, but the last thing you want is an airframe that has no real local support.

Look how many B200 airframes are in Australia and also in the Asia as well as good spares support from Hawkers.

Wally I was talking to one of your comrades and he reckons you are going to work in Tassie as you spend a lot of time looking at maps of Tasmania!!!

Stationair8 25th Oct 2009 07:24

I believe the contract was due to be signed last Friday.

Order for new to B200's to be signed asap.

Any truth that a certain gentleman that has been mentioned and bagged on Pprune over the years and has a well known past is going to be the contract manager?

Horatio Leafblower 25th Oct 2009 07:53

...Large framed, recently of Jetcraft, previously of Cirrus? :eek:

Stationair8 25th Oct 2009 08:09

No not that gentleman.

Some days are .......!

Wally Mk2 25th Oct 2009 08:15

'eocvictim' Happy to explain where I can. I don't make the decisions but I can see why (mostly) it's the only way we do things, good or bad:-)

Now now CL x-ray lets not get 'two' headed over that statement:} I love "maps" of tassie, what pilot doesn't?:}
Support is everything when it comes to A/C in our role. I don't see Hawkers or anyone else for that matter pushing the 'Pig' barrow too far, would be nice to drive one though, then I can say 'Pigs do fly':)

"S8" few if any around our base know of such things but we pilots are like mushrooms mostly:) It's a good job we have a dedicated bunch of wally's down here (well one wally anyway:}) as the joint would fall apart if it wasn't for the men on the ground, especially those tireless engineers:ok:

The working group now await PelAir to step up to the plate & make this work, after all we are dealing with peoples lively hoods here not just some contract on paper!

Still it's the best GA job around because it has purpose beyond 'cattle' transporting, if the money was similar to the big fat shinny jet jobs I doubt there would be anyone left to fly them!:ok:


Under Dog 25th Oct 2009 08:18


Order for new to B200's to be signed asap.

That's If they can get them!

The Dog

CharlieLimaX-Ray 25th Oct 2009 08:23

Knowing Pelair that would be a Coles paper plate!!!

xma007 25th Oct 2009 20:09

Large framed gentleman?
You are kidding me.:eek:

ozblackbox 1st Dec 2009 03:08

Announced today by the NSW Minister for Health that the RFDS (SE Section) has been awarded the tender for Air Ambulance services in NSW.

Wonder what Pelair are thinking now?

Falling Leaf 1st Dec 2009 19:13

The life-port system won't work for our ops, OH&S issues knock that one out.
Wally Mk2, can you please elaborate on this issue? Are you referring to the manual lifting required between the Life-port and the stretcher? PM me if you want.:ok:

Wally Mk2 1st Dec 2009 22:25

"FL" it's quite simple really as to why the Lifeport system isn't suitable for our Ops (Vic Ops) it's not compatible with the road ambulances or the current Med equip used by us. I'm not saying that the LifePort isn't any good I have used it elsewhere & found that syetm to be cumbersome & labor intensive although very well self contained, not conducive to good OH&S practices in my own opinion, well wasn't when I was involved with them they could be different these days & if they are then I stand corrected here. You see the service (as in the RFDS) are heading towards utilizing a "roll on roll off set" up where a patient can be brought out to the A/C conveyed on a Rd Ambulance stretcher & be simply wheeled into the A/C on that same unit, (this is a huge problem at times) not the case at this point in time although it is now with one of the new MedVac Bell 412's, this new arrangement is great, the choppers boys have it easy...said with tongue in cheek of course:) I/we have no idea what PelAir & the Vic Air Ambo's have arranged for the future Vic contract re this very subject of patient transport compatibility..

As for the NSW contract being awarded to the RFDS? Well great news for the boys in Sydney, I wish them all well & it well help to ensure the longevity of the Sth Eastern section of the RFDS for some time to come, an organization that couldn't be topped & I'm very proud to be a part of the dedicated team, well for now as it will be broken up in the not too distant future sadly due to commercial pressures & politics, the latter a dirty word.:{


PPRuNeUser0161 1st Dec 2009 22:59

It ain't over yet wal! The fat lady is still in the limo on the way to the show but its an open air show that may get cancelled due to the bad weather!!!!

As for the life port system, it is not even close to the new TAS fit now in use by SE Section in 4 new B200's. The only lift is to transfer the patient onto the stretcher litter, the rest is a piece of cake even with a 200kg patient. It also is very easy work with only pilot and nurse which takes out any OH & S problems that come with using people who don't work for the company.

Life port is what you use when you don't want to provide a dedicated aeromedical aircraft custom designed for that purpose. It takes about four people just to load the patient. OK for jets that do part time EM. Thats about it.

Under Dog 1st Dec 2009 23:16

Life ports for King Air's were designed by a clown, There are far better systems in production than to have to resort to that back breaking method.

The Dog:ok:

P.s Well done RFDS (south east)

Jamair 2nd Dec 2009 20:17

Lifeport was invented by Satan to make life on earth a misery for aeromed crews..........:yuk::yuk::mad:

CharlieLimaX-Ray 2nd Dec 2009 22:06

Is the Lifeport certified for saltwater operations?

compressor stall 2nd Dec 2009 22:17

Life port is what you use when you don't want to provide a dedicated aeromedical aircraft custom designed for that purpose. It takes about four people just to load the patient. OK for jets that do part time EM. Thats about it.

CharlieLimaX-Ray 9th Dec 2009 05:51

An article in Friday's Australian, said the NSW contract is for 3 B200's and 2 B350 Kingairs and runs for ten years.

Beechraft have also picked up a large number of orders for the B350 from the US Government for homeland security, si it will be a busy time on the factory floor.

Dances With Dingoes 12th Feb 2010 10:05

I hear a bit of a tail today that Care Flight ( and I guess Pel Air) will be picking up the slack when Pearl finish the contract in the Top End at the end of June. Seems to be looking good for them to just carry right on from January 1st as well.

I also hear Rex have begun the process to import 4 new King Airs within the last ten days, but cant say that is gospel, just a prune'ism. As well as CF headhunting experienced flight nurses.

Anyone got any info?

If that is the case I guess there will be one hell of a p!ss up out past that old Berrimah Line at some stage, and a bunch of experienced pilots set free on the market at the same time.

Good luck to all affected, hope you all find employment ASAP.


CharlieLimaX-Ray 24th May 2010 07:41

Sunday Herald-Sun has been running a number of articles on problems with response time for road ambulances, shortage of quailified paramedics, delays in getting patients to major hospitals etc.

Minister must be under a bit of pressure, hopefully the fixed wing air ambulance contract is progressing smoothly and everything will be ready to start on July 1 next year?

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