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The PM 15th Aug 2009 03:09

Word from a very well placed source (a NSW lower house MP) is that there is less than a million $$ between the two tenders for the NSW contract.As she put it "chicken feed", but she wouldn't be drawn on exactly who was the more expensive.

Under Dog 15th Aug 2009 06:39

I imagine it will all come down to what type of sevice they can provide the Ambulance service with for their dollar spent not just the over all tender price.Just My 2 bob.

The Dog

mattyj 15th Aug 2009 10:47

31st Aug..

they've put it back 3 times so the preferred tenderer can get all their ducks lined up..by preferred I mean the one with the most expensive lobbyists..no bull!!

Sh!t process:yuk:

The Truckie 16th Aug 2009 00:20

Heard third hand that 1900D's are the aircraft choice for Pel Air. Goodbye to half the strips the RFDS could go into to.

LeadSled 16th Aug 2009 05:29

Given the concerns of NSW Inc., isn't it more likely that who greases the axles will be the deciding factor??
Tootle pip!!

pa60ops 19th Aug 2009 01:17

Well it is a rumour forum...
Any truth in the rumour that a certain consortium bidding for the NSW contract has still not paid the entitlements to the last batch of pilots it "let go"...??? If true, its a worry that they cant even find the money / decency to fork out....:ouch:

White and Fluffy 22nd Aug 2009 12:44

Does anyone know if or how the loss of this contract will effect the Launceston base? Is their main work under the Vic Ambulance contract or RFDS clinic and medical flights?

Cheers, W&F?

Dances With Dingoes 30th Aug 2009 11:31

A little birdy told me that the QLD contract (extension of) will be announced tomorrow. Just wanted to say good luck to the RFDS. Let us hope that common sense prevails and no other influence affects the decision, such as promising more regional services in the RPT field. But then our pollies would not be swayed by such a thing,,,,,, surely :confused:

On a COMPLETELY UNRELATED MATTER, was that a West Wind I saw in Guam the other day? Grounded by the local authorities? Rumour has it the governing authority there told the pilot to leave and never come back, this is a rumour network after all.

Let us be thankfull that CASA would never allow such an operator to work out of Oz and these types of business could never get a foot in let alone go after contracts held by Australian owned/operated organisations. Would they :confused:

May the best retrieval provider win.


Howard Hughes 31st Aug 2009 00:10

Does anyone know if or how the loss of this contract will effect the Launceston base?
Launceston is separate contract with the Tasmanian Ambulance service. The loss of Victorian contract will not affect Tasmanian ops.

B58 15th Sep 2009 05:22

The RFDS QLD Section was announced as the successful tenderer for the extra hours contract today.

Capt Wally 15th Sep 2009 05:31

.......this is indeed good news, now for the NSW contract to be awarded back to the RFDS, one can only hope common sense prevails

j3pipercub 15th Sep 2009 06:33

Best news I've heard all week.

Stationair8 30th Sep 2009 09:11

Any news on developments?

Jim Davis has a shot at the RFDS in this month's Australian Aviation.

PPRuNeUser0161 1st Oct 2009 11:12

I heard that things are perhaps not so rosy between Pelair and the VIC AIR AM?

tio540 2nd Oct 2009 12:44

Never mind.

gulf_dweller 4th Oct 2009 15:49

I heard that things are perhaps not so rosy between Pelair and the VIC AIR AM?

Like to elaborate on that SN?

PPRuNeUser0161 5th Oct 2009 21:43

Nah thats about it really, its just a rumour and is probably a load of RUBBISH. I did hear it though.........

scarediecat 24th Oct 2009 07:43

Heard that Pelair have finally signed the contract with Air Ambulance Victoria. What took so long? :\

hurlingham 24th Oct 2009 23:18

If the ambos still back up to the aircraft someone needs have a serious talk to them.

Very dangerous habit

Wally Mk2 25th Oct 2009 02:07

'eocvictim' To answer some of yr Q's here

Ambo's park close to the A/C for a variety of reasons. The weather for one, it's pouring rain, night time with no cover to transfer a patient onto the A/C stretcher, remember these stretchers are not comparable with rd trucks (a huge bone of contention that one!!!) so req man handling. Doing that a fair distance away from the plane is unacceptable due patient req's & common sense. Also the area's that are used for transfer at small country strips are often very small. With rain soaked grounds often the only place to do a transfer is right beside the plane & I mean within a couple of feet! Hence the dangers of the canard, it's academic as to what it's function is it's too risky to have such an A/C under the above described conditions (personal opinion there) & it would only be a matter of time before a 'Pig' airframe would become the local kids cubby house at the local airstrip!:}
The high tire pressure would kill the 'Pig' for some of our ops, plain & simple, no contest there with the old ugly truck Beech:-)
The life-port system won't work for our ops, OH&S issues knock that one out. Powerful unions involved, good or bad.
So the 'Pig' will never be a feature in & around the Vic Ops for many years if ever, same as the SE A/C, another no contest with the Vic ops, Ambo's unions won't allow it as far as I know & for good reason, too dangerous but as you said, let's leave sleeping dogs lie there:)
As for the contract? Well too many spies in here, not for me to say, lets just say that nothing is 4ever & somebody is going to regret a certain decision am sure (again personal opinion)!:)


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