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Wally Mk2 21st Aug 2010 03:20

G'Day "S8":-)

ATPL is a contractual requirement. Somebody (or their advisers) within the Govt organization/s felt that having an ATPL is safer no doubt. Bit like the Min hrs req'd for the job,all debatable obviously but that's the way it was thought, well by some anyway.:)
The RFDS was once considered a career for life but these days it's often used as a stepping stone 'till something else comes along IE: big shinny jets:-)

Hope you all voted for the right party 2day:E


33amc 29th Aug 2010 13:59

Well i think it gives them something to set a benchmark at, legally.

Doctors require the top grades to treat patients, so why shouldn't they be flown from hospital to hospital by the most experienced pilots? but i think it is mainly for legal purposes. Being able to cope under pressure etc.

Funny. Since your last post, we still don't know if he voted for the right party. :P

Stationair8 6th Sep 2010 11:56

Thanks for that Captain Wally, must make them consultants earn their dollars?

Just as a matter of interest 33amc define "experienced" pilot then?

Yes I voted, but the three amigos that will hold power won't do much for my electorate!

Al Fentanyl 6th Sep 2010 12:56

Doctors require the top grades to treat patients, so why shouldn't they be flown from hospital to hospital by the most experienced pilots? but i think it is mainly for legal purposes. Being able to cope under pressure etc.
So how does the NSW model of lowest bidder operating busted arse 1970's piston twins with CPLs of unknown heritage work with this philosophy? :hmm:

Stationair8 13th Sep 2010 10:07

Sunday arvo drinks with a well connected individual says the position of Flight Operations Manager has been filled by a well known industry person who comes with all the right qualifications and ticks in the right box etc.

PPRuNeUser0161 20th Sep 2010 00:05

So would this person have come out of VIC, NSW or QLD.

Under Dog 20th Sep 2010 08:44

Intials Wouldn't be S.A would it.

The Dog:ok:

morno 30th Sep 2010 07:43

Stumbled across this today, looks like 4 brand new BL build B200's are on their way for Pel-Air.

Registrations, VH-VAH, VAI, ZKA, ZKB.


scarediecat 9th Oct 2010 07:18

The very latest is the winner has the initials AE. All qualifications met for the new operations manager!!! Renowed or Renown? On a little less than requested but :(. All the best of luck mate.

ps. dont listen too Wally mkII anymore-he is now one of the rats who has left the sinking ship! Thanks for all your efforts mate :D

Stationair8 11th Oct 2010 06:01

Different initials to what I was told.

Has this gentleman previuosly worked for a large NSW based regional airline?

mustman 19th Dec 2010 02:40

I recently saw the advertisement from Pelair for the Aeromed drivers out of Melbourne. Just wondering how the deal compared to what you guys were on??

scarediecat 19th Dec 2010 03:06

We don't exactly know yet! Most of us who are interested in jumping across have been interviewed and all but one have been offered a job. We are now waiting on further correspondance with Pelair hopefully detailing that info.

morno 19th Dec 2010 03:08

Interesting that Pelair have had very few applicants for the VAA jobs. I heard they advertised internally at Rex etc. and got no applicants at all. And now they're still advertising for 18 pilots, including not just line pilots, but supervisory pilots and check and training pilots.

Getting desperate? Wonder what the penalties are if they can't supply enough pilots to run the contract?


scarediecat 19th Dec 2010 03:33

Not sure of how many applicants they have received. Surely there are heaps out there! :} Just watch those minimum requirements over the next year go up :O. But seriously it is Pelair and they pride themselves on keeping their customers happy so they will find the 18 (or 12) needed.
The contract they signed sure has penalties! 12 hour shifts if necessary is what I heard combined with an FMS. It will be very interesting to see if 12 hour shifts eventuates. (Bloody hard and tiring work for the poor sods if you want my humble opinion). I feel a few changes will be occuring with how FMS's are implemented for single pilot op's over the next year or two. It will be interesting to see how it pans out. Has Pelair much experience with single pilot op's or is it all two crew??

Under Dog 19th Dec 2010 07:58

The second advertisement, um!!!
Have they got the B200 on the AOC yet?

The Dog:ok:

Wally Mk2 20th Dec 2010 06:56

..............ahh good to see this thread still going, keeps me amused:-)

Now now 'SC' don't be like that buddy nothing is 4ever, we had it good once & I will 4ever cherish my years at the Dr's working with great guys/gals. I jumped ship as I had watched the movie 'Titanic' too many times:E
I miss the job terribly actually but the comfort I have now is that it simply won't be the same so in reality the job isn't 'miss-able' as it won't exist in my mind as of mid next year, well the way I knew it anyway:sad:

To all those that do get a start or stay on then best of luck:ok:

Wmk2..................props are 4 boats:E

apache 20th Dec 2010 10:24

I jumped ship as I had watched the movie 'Titanic' too many times

and to think, I used to respect you opinion!

Wally Mk2 21st Dec 2010 04:29

....oh God...........spare me 'apache'!.:ugh:


Stationair8 5th May 2011 09:38

Bit over seven weeks to go, still a number of the Pelair Kingairs in Hawkers hangar at Cairns.

scarediecat 6th May 2011 08:23

Everything on schedule and on track to be ready midnight July 1 :ok:

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