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Under Dog 24th May 2010 08:39

Wonder how their recruitment is proceding!!!

Regards The Dog

scarediecat 24th May 2010 12:01

They have advertised for expressions of interest but that's about it on the recruitment front. I suppose they are thinking about it at least. There is a little over twelve months to go. Last pilot count I heard Pelair had for the new Vic contract was one! (ie the CP)

Stationair8 25th May 2010 03:20

Christine Nixon will be the contract manager on call 24/7.

tasdevil.f27 3rd Jun 2010 10:48

I know there are endless rumours floating, but one that seems to keep coming up is that Pel Air may be looking at trying to pull out of the Vic contract since they missed out on the NSW contract. Maybe the $$$ not looking so good without the NSW contract now.

pa60ops 3rd Jun 2010 11:01

Ahhh...the old all or nothing technique? Very interesting....:ooh:

Captain Nomad 4th Jun 2010 02:46

I see Pel-Air are looking for a Flight Ops project manager. Criteria including:

This person will be responsible for:

Coordinating the Flight Operations aspect for inclusion of the King Air B200 onto the Pel-Air AOC
Drafting and implementing King Air B200 Standard Operating Procedures
Coordinating the recruitment and training of experienced and suitable King Air B200 flight crew
Liaising with stakeholders on the contract transition
Ensuring all Flight Operations timelines in the overall Project Plan are met
Producing project plans, budgets, resource schedule and risk assessment
Planning, scheduling, monitoring and reporting on project milestones
Continuous liaison with key stakeholders
Leaving their run a bit late to find someone to implement all that before July 1 2010 aren't they?! :ooh: (that's what the ad says)

No mention of B350 either.

Howard Hughes 4th Jun 2010 03:00

Contract starts July 1 2011. Either way it's going to be hard work for the appointee to complete the tasks in time! Any takers? Wally?:E

Wally Mk2 4th Jun 2010 09:50

Hi HH, how's Syd? Savin' up to buy a 1 bed duplex within 1000 miles of Syd are we?:}

I don't know anymore about what's goin' on with the new contractors than pretty much anyone else in here. Oz is full of Govt contracts these days that are lost in the blink of an eye so security in ANY industry is tenuous to say the least all for the sake of the might buck:sad: Am sure those that made the decision don't/didn't have a clue but that's just my opinion. I've stopped thinking/worrying about it as it won't be the same there anyway once the "Rufdus" have packed up & left. I've enjoyed my 10 yrs there been the best job one could ask for with the best crew the Ambos at ground level are terrific:ok: but it's time to move on.
As for the advertised Flt Ops Manager? well tall order indeed to fill that job. The person/s whom now do it need a bloody gold medal to make it all work so whomever they (PelAir) secure or have in mind I only hope he/she is extra ordinary!

As I have said b4 I wish PelAir well but those wishes are directed at the ones who actually make it all work, the slaves in steerage class:)

As they say the RFDS will go on but it won't go on for all:{


Dances With Dingoes 4th Jun 2010 10:45

What is the go with RFDS?
I have just heard of the third experienced retrieval pilot that has put in an expression of interest/resume on the RFDS website, 2 NSW, 1 QLD, and have had no response. I know one that called the section they had applied to and were told that that particular application on the website does not work.

It costs money to run a website, and I believe there is a price to pay for an add on the AFAP site. Why is money going into something that has not worked in ????? long.

PelAir don't have donations coming in but they also don't seem to be p!ssing $$$ up the wall just because they can. Is that how they are getting a foot in?

Before I started flying for a living I was on good money, and I used to donate, so excuse me if I am a little sh!tty, because my perception is that things can be run better if there is a bit of a shake up in the organisation.

DD :suspect:

Dances With Dingoes 5th Jun 2010 08:17

I've asked it before but will casa update their AOC with b200s inlight of norfolk? Big, possibly pointless, task ahead of whomever takes up that offer.
Ecovictim, I have been wondering the same thing. Is there not a rule against updating AOC's that are under investigation?



BULLDOG 248 6th Jun 2010 00:04

Might be a silly question, but do you have to have, in this case a B200 or B350 in you hands before getting it on your AOC. IE proving flights with CASA????

Stationair8 1st Jul 2010 00:02

Only 365 days to go!

Wally Mk2 1st Jul 2010 00:32

.............indeed "S8" one year to go. Has been a hell of a ride for us that have been there from the beginning of the current contract. I'll look back over the years & call this time the best in my flying career, but you never know!:} GA wise none better. Great crew shame to break it up. I only hope the decision makers in AAV (Air Ambulance Vic) know what their doing.
Like I have said before the RFDS will go on but it won't go on for all:ok:.


Stationair8 1st Jul 2010 09:37

Game on, as they say.

Whats the serial numbers of the B200's?

truth boy 2nd Jul 2010 02:48

Back in 1996 the winner of the Defence target tow contract was announced. Everyone thought National jet was a 100% certainty to win it again. BANG. pel-Air was announced as the winner much to national jets anger. They hung around hoping,wishing,preying Pel-Air would fall over. They even kept a few planes around ready to swoop in if it happened.

Well it didnt happen and Pel-Air became the new Target Tow contract holders.
7 or so years later it was contract time again. Once again many other bidders all convinced they would beat Pel-Air this time.
BANG. Pel-Air wins again. At this point they were the first contractor to win it twice since the target contract started in the 80,s.

My point being things will never happen as you anticipate. And you would be wasting your time expecting them to fall over.

I was actually part of the Target contract back in 96.
They were convinced 100% that they would still be working for national jet.
Then they were told the winner to which they all asked.

WHO THE F@#K IS PEL-AIR. They are survivors thats for sure.

B58 2nd Jul 2010 13:32


Everyone knows who PEL-AIR is. They are the guys who ditched a perfectly good westwind are'nt they Truthboy?

rmcdonal 2nd Jul 2010 13:34

PEL-AIR? I thought they were called REX these days?

Fat_Bulldog 2nd Jul 2010 14:58

The turboprop operation is all Rex procedures. Westwind are still in their own class. Pretty sure the turboprop boys at Pel-Air don't like to be referred to as

the guys who ditched a perfectly good westwind

betaman 3rd Jul 2010 01:08

B58 said


Everyone knows who PEL-AIR is. They are the guys who ditched a perfectly good westwind are'nt they Truthboy?
Pel Air also lost a Westwind in 1985 off Sydney with the loss of two crew members and another in 1995 at Alice Springs with the loss of three crew members.

There aren't too many companies around that have lost a transport category jet aircraft at the rate of approx one airframe per decade and still get to keep operating.

So when truth boy said

WHO THE F@#K IS PEL-AIR. They are survivors thats for sure.
It is probably not too far from the truth, pardon the pun.:E

Wally Mk2 3rd Jul 2010 03:21

"1more"obviously yr angry & that's fine we can all be that at times amongst these pages but as far as the RFDS goes it won the Govt contract back in 2000 yes but it's not a commercial operator in the strict sense as any profits made by a commercial venture/contract (such as the current AAV contract) goes back into the traditional workings of the RFDS & not to share holders as would be the case on a publically listed Co such as REX. The RFDS as far as I know lost the contract based on cost, can't for the life of me see any other reason as to why.
The RFDS I believe are simply the best operator for this type of work as that's all it does but am not saying somebody else can't do it.
A PIC is ultimately responsible for the flight. Now whether Dom was at fault or not he takes the first kick up the ass followed by the operators etc etc. PelAir don't have a good track record that's for sure but neither do a few others either so perhaps some poor words have been composed here.
I doubt the Mods will pull yr post although they do at times remove posts for perhaps personal reasons.
Finally if you find this garbage then simply don't participate. We live in a free democratic world (well mostly) where freedom of speech is a foundation for our society & we do have choices (meaning close yr eyes):ok:.


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