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AOPA, what do YOU want???

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Old 2nd May 2003, 15:26
  #41 (permalink)  
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I'm not sure that calling someone "Creampuff" is complimentary, but in any case aren't I permitted a little dig at people who feel free to criticise me and others to the point of insult, as you have, but who are too craven to use their own name while so doing?
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Old 2nd May 2003, 15:40
  #42 (permalink)  
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Noticed in this months magazine that AOPA are finally offering scholarships for GFPT/PPL.

About time, and if anyone cares about this industry they will push these scholarships onto anyone they can. 14 are up grabs, two for each state and one each for the territories.

Get behind it. If you know anyone that wants to learn to fly and fits the criteria get them onboard. Details are in the magazine!

Dog wishes he was 18 again.
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Old 2nd May 2003, 17:36
  #43 (permalink)  
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Geez Bill - "Poofcream"? What the heck were you thinking? This is exactly the kind of unprofessionalism and lack of diplomacy that I was alluding to. You're evidently passionate about your point of view but I expect any lobby group that represents me in any way shape or form to argue the issue not the man.

Gaunty, I appreciate your comment re talking to them in the flesh being different from what they say in the mag, but how many members do they see in a year - 400+? The magazine goes out to 4000+ this forum has 60K+ members (yes I know they're not all in the Godzone but it gives you some idea of potential exposure) and your average punter could hardly be excused for thinking that the commentary either here or in the magazine is an accurate reflection of the contributor's normal phraseology.

Camden reminds me of another item on the wish list - how about asking for members' opinions before announcing a stand? I do not support total closure, especially knowing what the circuit is like there on weekends, and other contributions on this thread clearly show I'm not the only one. I don't think AOPA's push to make flying affordable for all should be a blanket approval to cut anything out that costs $ regardless. Consultation does not cost much to do via email, and is IMPORTANT for a group that claims to represent GA to actually find out what GA wants, not by consulting the usual crowd, but by consulting the members whose support (= $) AOPA needs. If the membership (or potential membership) don't feel that you are in touch with or represent their views, why would they be a member?

Capcom - never again! Mind you, does that sound familiar?
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Old 2nd May 2003, 21:05
  #44 (permalink)  

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Thanks for bringing that up, I was only talking to snarek today about these Scholarships, which are one of the best kept secrets in GA today.

I haven't seen anything promoting these outside the article in the magazine.

No publicity, no posters, no handouts not a sausage.

The magazine talks to AOPA members, most AOPA members are already pilots and if they get the magazine they are already members.

Get the picture.

I sorta thought that the whole idea of the "Scholarship" was to support new pilots into the professional side of the industry, foster the image of and gain new AOPA members and support affiliated training schools and/or encourage those who are not to be so.???

Or are they being closely held by whomever to be conferred on a grateful and already chosen few as "grace and favour" rewards.

I would like to think that there are at least three times as many candidates as there are seats and that they are hotly contested.

It would be a great and tragic disappointment if the Scholarships are run the same way as the Committee appointment has been in the past.

The closing date is the 15th May and unless I'm mistaken their are not all that many, enough anyway, candidates.

Not I suspect because there aren't a bunch out of eager youngsters out there, they just don't know, haven't been told about it, or cant find out anything out about it. Unless of course they are members of AOPA which is where I started.

ugly points out;

Another thing AOPA need to get happening is encouraging tomorrow's pilots. I work for the Air League in my spare time and its great to see the young people so keen and wanting to fly. 3 kids from my local 'Squadron' (Blacktown) went solo after Xmas at CN and should have their GFPT soon. AOPA had a crack at a 'young eagles' program similar to the USA around the time I left, however that seemed to have died quietly. They couldn't do worse that work with the AAL - we have the infrastructure and have been doing it for 69 years now, the 2 organisations could compliment each other. However a few of the leaders in AAL are amongst the disgruntled ex-members I discussed above...

I was pleased to hear that Ron Bertram is running for the board of AOPA. As well as being a working pilot (ops manager/instructor at a BK flying school) he's also a member of the Air League and gives a considerable amount of his time to work with young people who have an interest in aviation. He's also a nice bloke - most of the time ;-)

Having Ron on the board might open up an opportunity for AOPA to work with the next generation of aviators. If you haven't already voted - give a thought to giving Ron a vote
Is just one of the ways and I hope that they and kindred orgs around Oz can be got into the loop on this.

I want to know now, how many applications AOPA has received, to date and from which States and Territories.

If the numbers aren't substantial and I mean in the order of at least 8 to one, then the closing date should be moved back or suspended until a proper and vigorous marketing campaign is formulated and prosecuted.

It needn't cost more than a little money, wont take much more time and there wouldn't be a Flying School, Aero Club or any organisation remotely connected to aviation training who wouldn't promote it for free in their mag and on their notice Boards.

Properly executed and shown to be truly inclusive it would do more to immediately raise the awareness of AOPA than just abut anything else I can think of at the moment.

Can anybody tell my why this should not be so.
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Old 2nd May 2003, 21:11
  #45 (permalink)  
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Thanks for bringing that up, I was only talking to snarek today about these Scholarships, which are one of the best kept secrets in GA today.
I only saw it when I got my April mag, its not on the website or anything..

Its on the AAL website now too - hopefully that should generate a few applications, and new memberships

Dog wishes he was 18 again.
You and me both!

Actually - it should be 16 and up, not 18. I know quite a few 16 years flying who could seriously do with some assistance
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Old 4th May 2003, 07:41
  #46 (permalink)  
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As I am in my sixties I am looking back on my career more than forward to it. I have therefore little to lose. I have no understanding of the logic behind the statement "AOPA needs members". AOPA doesn't need anything, AOPA is the members and it is the members who need AOPA. It is true that AOPA is less effective without more members, but who is hurt here? Not "AOPA"! The AFAP doesn't need the pilots, the reverse is the truth. I am bemused that anyone could decide not to join AOPA because I am too blunt, or too whatever words you like, for their gentle taste. What do I matter? I believe that the industry does need an AOPA that is willing to stand up at a Parliamentary enquiry and say in front of Mick Toller that AOPA does not get on with CASA because of CASA, not the other way around, and such people might well disappoint your maiden aunt, but are they the right people for the job? Joining and voting is the answer. The industry is settling into a morass of costs and Regulations that have no practical application, (how does a charter pilot inspect his destination paddock? What has been the fatality rate in uninspected paddocks? Do you really want a Navajo endorsement good only for the company that gave it? Should Hoxton Park be sold without a covenant that keeps it an airfield? Should a private pilot from a property in Queensland who flies over tiger country for hours in his single be forced to carry lifejackets to cross the Whitsunday Passage? Where does he get them from at short notice? Only in Australia!! Do you really believe that it would be possible not to take a stand on an issue without a "survey"? Isn't the annual election survey enough? That is how we run the bloody country!) ) and some dope remarks that he won't join AOPA because he doesn't like my manner!! You guys are being done right up the fundamental passage by the regulator, but AOPA is left without support because you don't like Dick Smith, or me etc etc et al. Yes there are plenty who still believe that ag operators in the country should still be paying fuel tax for control towers they never use, and there are plenty of instructors who haven't worked out what windows are for, and are teaching their students the same kind of blind reliance on others, (as my old instructor used to say, still says in fact, "without a good and constant lookout all other flying skills can become quickly irrelevant") but why anyone would leave the one body that supports them against oppression, over one issue, is beyond me. But please be clear, you aren't punishing me or Bill Hamilton, etc, you are cutting your own throats and it is not going to be my role in life to change you. You have two choices, wake up or get done. And be assured, you are being done, right now. Once the CASA wishlist of bureaucratic regulations become law they will not be revised in our lifetime. Only in Australia do we see such widespread apathy and stupidity. No offence meant of course.

Last edited by Bill Pike; 4th May 2003 at 07:56.
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Old 4th May 2003, 19:38
  #47 (permalink)  
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Bill, representation isn't just what you say, it's HOW YOU SAY IT. I am not "fainthearted", and I find it offensive that you, again, have chosen to ignore feedback that is being given by putting it in the category of "I don't agree therefore you are wrong". This is exactly what I was complaining of. And unfortunately it is not enough to say that I have to accept it because AOPA is the best lobby group GA has and there is no alternative, because sooner or later there may be and this is a danger AOPA ignores at it's peril, especially in the present circumstances.

I agree that it would be disasterous for GA to fragment it's lobbying, but why would members allow AOPA to lobby on their behalf if AOPA does not truly represent them?

Last edited by Foyl; 5th May 2003 at 15:50.
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Old 4th May 2003, 23:46
  #48 (permalink)  
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Foyl, well said.

It's sad when legitimate issues are obfuscated by arrogance. An inability to rationally discuss any issue very much undermines the platform. Makes one wonder how much more people would listen if...


(A Sensitve Dope)
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Old 5th May 2003, 08:10
  #49 (permalink)  
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I coppied this post from the AOPA election thread. This is, I beleive, just the sort of inaction from AOPA that we don't need.


Still just another number

posted 5th May 2003 08:13
Talking of goodwill, I have now been emailed, faxed, and SMSed by ASA re the Horsham Court appearance Wednesday.
No matter whether one arguesd his guilt or nay, this is a fundamental matter as it relates to CASA removing a licence sight unseen and with no recourse.

ASA got magnificent media last appearance. From memory our erstwhile Pres advised we didn't involve coz he wasn't a member. I do not follow that logic as AOPA should be pursuing CASA abuse of power independent of whether the victim is or is not an AOPA member.

It is Monday, not a sign of any AOPA communication. Gee, emails must be expensive.

And we wonder why people don't want to join or rejoin - while ASA membership increases daily.

I will not be at Horsham due to my own commitments. But it would be nice for those who could get there to at least be aware that it is on.

The new AOPA manual may be Gibbons "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"?
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Old 5th May 2003, 09:13
  #50 (permalink)  
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I could well be arrogant, I could well be many things, but when I criticise another person I sign my name.
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Old 5th May 2003, 09:39
  #51 (permalink)  
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Yes Bill

Yes Bill you do, and all the good to you for that ONE point.

But one daisy in a field of lemons, don't make it a flower bed.

Bill, I am going to be brutaly honest, your attitude and approach to AOPA its members and non members alike, FAILS to garner any support or interest from me.

From my point of view, it is time to consider your options ?

Without any malice at all Bill, the only thing I have left to say is


you know what comes next!.
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Old 5th May 2003, 11:14
  #52 (permalink)  
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Mr Pike,

It is with reluctance that I post this thread for it is diverting the attention from its very well intentioned cause of trying to find what potential members (like me) want from AOPA.

If you scroll back through to page one and two, at no time did I question you or your personality. I made what I thought were very valid points as to what I as a potential member wanted from AOPA. As I said I felt it to be irrelevant as I knew very little about it, except it seemed to be for Private pilots and was a very political and bickering organisation. The days since that post (partly from your posts, partly from PM's and partly my own research) has lead me to form a more educated opinion.

It seems that you started the aggressive tone of interlocution, and that is all I have subsequently commented on. I have not resorted to name calling. For various professional reasons I avoid using my real name here, however should it bother you so much, Gary Gaunt may give you a heads up - and my phone number should you wish to contact me personally. Or you could always Private Message me. Had I had the foresight that it would get to this, then I would have logged in using my real name for this thread. For this I apologise, but remember I have not criticised you personally - only what you have written on these pages. That is the spirit of an anonymous bulletin board.

Now back to the guts of this thread....

Your comment:
It is true that AOPA is less effective without more members
hits the nail on the head. I was encouraged to see one member (Snarek) realise this and do something about it - hence this thread. He has been receptive to what I believe are constructive comments from someone (me) who is the newer pilot who never saw AOPA in its heyday, and was (!) relatively unbiased in its internal affairs.

What follows is a general message to the current and incoming board:

In the very late 90's a certain political leader and his government of a south eastern wedge shaped state employed a very interesting leadership style. His leadership style ignored the wants of the people. He believed that his voters should have what he wanted them to have, and treated them with contempt if they disagreed. The subsequent election result is in the history books.

Please dont let this continue to happen to AOPA, if it has not happened already. Ignore the members and potential members wants, and you no longer have a tiger the Governemnt respects, you have a little pussy cat.

Imagine the political force if all pilots (ultralight to 747 drivers) belonged to one organisation that represented all thier interests!

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Old 8th May 2003, 05:16
  #53 (permalink)  
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[email protected]
Fax:08 8357 9598 Phone:08 8357 9596
PO Box 172 Unley South Australia 5061

6th May 2003


When the gavel fell to start proceedings in Horsham Court House today, there was no one hanging from the rafters. But they were sitting on the floors, in the aisles and standing wherever there was space. And there were those who could not even fit in and had to stand in the vestibule.

The Magistrate peered at the packed Courtroom and asked AIR SAFETY AUSTRALIA to set up a ticket roster so that everyone could have a look, but there were not too many in the room at any one time. The magistrate was concerned that safety regulations may be broken by the large numbers present.

On behalf of every single member of AIR SAFETY AUSTRALIA, a big thank you to those who came - and congratulations to the outstanding family who braved an implicit threat from CASA by attending.

There was no result. The Magistrate decided to call a halt because he did not think he would be able to finish in three days, and he did not want to start what he could not finish.


Nothing until July 2003, at least.


Today was a victory for CASA. They are trying to run us out of money. Lots of false starts and re-runs are the best way of doing that. CASA knows that we have spent a lot of money on today's false start. CASA hopes that next time there won't be as many ASA supporters in attendance - but we know better. Our resolve will be strengthened, not weakened, by today's setback.

The prosecution wants to delay this case and the defendant wants it heard promptly. That is most unusual - normally the prosecution wants the case heard so that the criminal is punished soon, and the defendant wants it delayed so he stays out of jail. If a case is delayed, key witnesses may forget or may even die, evidence may be lost, and so on. Delay is to the advantage of the defendant, not the prosecution.

The fact that the defendant wants this case heard pronto, and the prosecution wants it delayed, tells us what this case is all about.


Our aim is to win pilots the right to a fair and independent trial. At present CASA can cancel anyone's license just because they believe he or she has broken any regulation, however minor, even if he or she has not been convicted. We want to change that so that a pilot who is accused of breaking the law has a right to be tried in Court if he or she wishes.

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Old 8th May 2003, 07:15
  #54 (permalink)  
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It looks like the AOPA forum is back on line @

I just checked it out and it looks pretty good.
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Old 13th May 2003, 15:25
  #55 (permalink)  
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The unofficial AOPA election results are now in. See below for the successful candidates.

Gary Gaunt
Ron Lawford
Michael (Mick) Kennedy
Fw (Bill) Pike
Jane Errey
Andrew Kerans
Marjorie Pagani
Trish Mahlberg
Bill Hamilton

Congratulations Gaunty!
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Old 14th May 2003, 05:54
  #56 (permalink)  
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Actual Polling

The actual polling (subject to ratification at the AGM) below.
Congratulations to the successful candidates-
Pagani 765
Pike 644
Lawford 643
Kennedy 624
Errey 573
Kerans 534
Gaunt 514
Mahlberg 484
Hamilton 454


Williams 440
Bertram 380
McKeown 341
MacDonald 314
Murphie 265
Rudd 210

Now we can move forward!

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Old 14th May 2003, 07:14
  #57 (permalink)  
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I hope we can move forward, otherwise it will be a mass exodus to the AUF over the next couple of years or to ASA
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Old 14th May 2003, 10:14
  #58 (permalink)  

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Thanks, Torres, Russell, awetzel and all of those who have sent their kind regards.

We value your support and confidence, it's up to ALL of us now, with Marjorie as leader, and the active assistance of those who were unsuccesful and the membership, to deliver on our vision.

It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

The AUF and ASA are not competitors, but natural allies. Whether from time to time we hold overlapping, competitive or even opposing views is not important.
There are many of us who are members of at least one other or maybe all three.

There ain't no room for a 'them or us' mentality on any issue, it's called staying in touch establishing common ground, understanding their positions and on from there.

But anyway that is for the new Board.
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Old 16th May 2003, 18:21
  #59 (permalink)  
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Gaunty and company, congratulations. I will watch with some interest develops in what I hope will be a new AOPA.
Gaunty, does this mean you will be spending less time in a public house in Nedlands?

Your comments I would classify as "vicious but fair". You're slipping. Photo of threepence change in the post.
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Old 17th May 2003, 09:56
  #60 (permalink)  
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Congrats all.

I'm faxing off my application today.
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