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AOPA "The Election" (merged)

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 10:00
  #61 (permalink)  
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Strongly spoken. When you surface and fire missiles it is quite awesome.
Effectively, though, it could be argued that these are Board leaks also.

From a member perspective, I view a closed Board as akin to a dictatorship. The Board issues that should remain closed are "commercial in confidence", "disciplinary", and "vulnerable strategic". Other than these, the Board is there to represent the members and should be open about it.

I say yet again that the members are not interested in the gunfight at the (not) OK corral between the Board candidates - we are interested in aviating, navigating, and communicating.

I have the NPRM (available on CD or paperfrom Damien Newton 131757 extn 1520). I have one query in the system on a PPL flying above 6 seater but only looked at it from a PPL perspective without noting the issue you raise. I actually thought more stuff was dropping into the lowest category from the NPRM comments and my reading of the before and after tables. Will re-read in light of your comments.

These constant carpings about multiple identities and ghost writers are offputting. Let me say that as a member I expect the same ethics as my own - I assure you that this writer is me only, if anyone doesn't already know who I am I'll post my email address, and while I may have a split personality through being Irish/German that is a matter of birth not subterfuge!
Thought for the day - two out of one Americans are schitzophrenic!
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Old 28th Apr 2003, 10:01
  #62 (permalink)  
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John Lyon -

Interesting to see "your" contribution. Who wrote it for you?

Some members may be interested in the only activity you engaged in on behalf of AOPA was AVIEX. This little effort was a monumental stuff-up (not helped by the poor attendance) and resulted in a large loss to AOPA. John, tell them about how you had printed 30,000 programs and forgot to make arrangements for someone to sell them. I recall that less than 400 were sold.
Tell the members about the legal action against AOPA by the AVIEX organisers and why they are taking this action. And tell the members why you only lasted 30 days as Treasurer.

Emeus -

Bill Pike tried desperately to bring Bill Hamilton under control but Hamilton just kept doing his own thing. The remainder of the board were excluded from contributing to the CASA submissions and anything to do with airspace/AirServices. Bill is a one-man band, likes to think that he has a monopoly on aviation wisdom. Whilst I wouldn't disagree with much of the thrust of his submissions, they were full of rhetoric and ideology and lacked credible substance. Bill's knowledge should be harnessed but not in an executive position.

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 10:17
  #63 (permalink)  
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Part 135 ???


My views only, not (yet) sanctioned by AOPA Board.

We need what Part 135 was meant to be before it was canned.

Like meat Bombing, hang gliding and glider flying, a joyflight is an 'experience' think where the passenger must accept some risk. It is not an airline flight. We can easilly define joyflight "departs and returns from same airfield (except in emergency) and covers a distance of (say) no more than 250 nm"

So I'd like that put into Airwork with no AOC required.

I am interested in, but haven't formed a view on, aerial taxi operations. Why shouldn't a CPL with a cessna be able to hire his services out as a VFR 'taxi'. Again, not an 'airline' ticket with the passenger understanding that and accepting the slight increase in risk. This means cheap, available service for someone who needs to get somewhere quickly. Again, who needs an AOC??? (and what does a bl@@dy AOC achieve anyway??)

But like I said, I am very open to more educated opinion here.

Of course, that would mean following the (as promised by the Minister) FARs not the (preferred by Toller) JARs.

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 10:31
  #64 (permalink)  
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I visited my local aero club this Sunday afternoon and it seemed that I was the only AOPA member still about! Other former members indicated no desire to renew until some form of respectability returned to the organisation. Not the first time I have heard that and one that the new Board must work on. A message there I think!

The AOPA Web site.
Even tho' McKeown has said it will be back up ASAP, it is not. I believe they (the 'B' team) think it is now to their advantage to not have it up and I would be pleasantly surprised to see it working prior to the AGM

AUF issues
There is no reason why the AUF and AOPA cannot work hand in glove. In fact the survival of AOPA and traditional GA demands that we work with all other associations. We can and we must.

I would like to think that a little logic will come into the elections and the matter that you raise will be addressed either by the returning officer or by the AGM. I would suggest that the first 5 board members elected be there for two years and the remaining 4 plus Lyons be there for one. That should sort it out. (Whilst there are 10 members of course)

Your many faces and variable ranting are getting a bit boring. Have you lost the plot in all the excitement? Even the "leaks" that you are given have been editored. Pity you don't seem to realise that! Are you really that dumb? Best keep it to the facts if you can.

Lyons seems to have completed a course in English and IT of late, as the Board member I am aware of up until recently had very limited PC skills and could hardly write a sentence. Now I wonder who is drafting (no writing) his posts? Nevertheless good to see you speaking (even if it is not you?)
Re the ‘airports’ NPRM ……… don’t believe all you see.
Sometimes CASA has not recorded responses because they weren’t on the ‘right’ bit of paper.
This NPRM was presented in September 2001 ….. 18 months ago.
It deals with the proposed part 139 which relates to aerodromes to be used in ‘Air Transport’ operations, hitherto referred to as licensed aerodromes.
Also, it was released prior to the NPRM for the proposed part 121B
Well, if Bill Hamilton is as good as you think, he should have ensured that it was on the right bit of paper, however you totally (as expected) missed my point. Please tell me John, when Bill has EVER tabled to the board a Letter, email, or response to a DP or and NRPM that he has written on behalf of AOPA before presenting it, let alone after presenting it. Why not?
My information is that he has never - never - never done that and it has not been uncommon for board members to find out AOPA policy via other channels as a result of what he has said. Tell me how many letters and emails has he written over the years? But of more interest please tell me how many of those are on file in the AOPA office? My info is NIL. One might be forgiven in thinking it was the Bill Hamilton owners and pilots association? Many a time I have seen emails addressed to Bill but to no other AOPA person or the office. Did Bill forward these on? Doubt it. What is he afraid of? I am advised that when he was challenged on this last year he carried on something terrible and of course did not change his ways. It seems poor old Bill Pike did not have the power or the ability to bring his fellow airline pilot mate into line. Meanwhile the AOPA ship was sinking beneath them!

And we wonder why things have gone sour!

You don’t give up do you Axiom?
Still waiting answers to questions,

Are you going to call an EGM if you don't like to outcome of the election?
The issue of calling an EGM will rest with the new board in firstly electing a leader that can manage the association first and foremost, provide leadership and respectibility back into the Association and lead the board in the same direction with unification. You can be assured that if this occurs then talk of an EGM will fade quickly, but if it does not occur then you can bet there will be an EGM to sort the lot out. Any non players will certainly be facing a vote of no confidence.

I would guess the membership will work that in quick time.
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Old 28th Apr 2003, 11:43
  #65 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down never!!!

Never in my time on the Board do I recall Mr Hamilton tabling or clearing a submission with the Board.

He did get very snakey when I replied to a paper from GBRMPA (which was circulated to the Board) seemed to me he thought any such replies were his domain and his alone.

Yes, seems Mr lyon has done a lot of writing skills training over night. Care to tell us about the magazine covers as well John, or the new computers, and why the Board didn't know about them, and how much they cost while we were almost broke.

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 13:44
  #66 (permalink)  
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One-Man Band

Well not only is Bill Hamilton the sole concoctor of all submissions to CASA without any consultation with the board, but he is also the mouthpiece for AOPA.

Bill has made many a media release without ever having discussed the issues with the board, inventing policy on the run.
Sometimes Bill has well articulated an issue, on others he went completely tropo.

A great example was his national media pronouncement that REX would go bust in six months (got this wrong didn't you Bill) and that the Ansett collapse was caused by CASA. Neither of these policy positions had been discussed by the board and it was probably well outside AOPA's bailiwick anyway. AOPA was forced to apologise to the management of REX and was nearly marginalised by the Government over the Ansett allegation.

Somehow the new board will need to stop Bill playing aviation commentator under the name of AOPA. Media Releases should be driven by the President and the policy thrust endorsed by the board.

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 14:28
  #67 (permalink)  
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Hello everyone

From my perspective, and that of a lot of people I am associated with in aviation, AOPA lost the plot well before Hamilton. I am of the view though that Bill Hamilton's 'reign' has been the most destructive, even in the Pike era, as it seems Pike never had the leadership needed to control him and his often unintelligible ramblings.

Now I believe the AOPA days of Peter Patroni had become a little stale and perhaps needed revitalising. But what we got wasn't revitalisation, it was lunacy.

Peter had the art of diplomacy, he could deal with Minister, Director and even other aviation groups with sensitivity and yet still deliver the goods. We haven't seen that since.

As for Mr Axiom, you might all recall he had a go at me (and I know I'm not alone) a few posts ago. Mr Axiom does not live in WA as some think, he lives close to me, but across the river, near Hay in NSW. In person he is quite a nice man, so his rantings under his various aliasses here have me a bit puzzled. His support for Bill Hamilton is not unjustified given previous problems he has had with an unairworthy aeroplane (not a Piper), his absolute inability to see the problems caused by AOPA leadership over the last few years surprise me, but because of it I too have not voted for him.

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 15:05
  #68 (permalink)  
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trade Union Electoral Mantra.

Look up the word INTEGRITY you fools.


Wrong address, wrong bloke. I don't care if you vote for axiom or not, he's not running and I can't help it if you own a Piper.


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Old 28th Apr 2003, 15:41
  #69 (permalink)  
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web site


I agree, I was not trying attacking the staff. The problem lies elsewhere.


Monkey, Dog, Pig, Squid. What is this, an animal farm?
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Old 28th Apr 2003, 15:50
  #70 (permalink)  
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Conduct of the Election

Apparently the independent Returning Officer engaged by AOPA to run the election has received a large number of complaints regarding the conduct of the election.

Will the election be declared invalid?

Or, what can be done to rectify the dodgy reduction in positions and the breach of the 250 word touting limit by messrs McKeown and Hamilton?

One would imagine that the Returning Officer would need to get his ducks in a row to avoid being actioned by members.

It is a terrible thought but maybe the election will have to be re-run. Not sure whether many of us could stomach that!.

In any event it would be expected that the Returning Officer's Report will be tabled at the AGM unless certain directors try to have it disappear. Must be getting paranoid !

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 19:27
  #71 (permalink)  
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Bullsh!t. name your source and if true I will demand a re-election if this sort of thing is open to an anonomous forum to debate.

How many complaints, and I suggest you count the actual number of words spruiked as electoral comment as opposed to the 250 word profiles.

More lies and disinformation.

When you blokes retire, why won't you simply do that.

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Old 28th Apr 2003, 20:13
  #72 (permalink)  
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There is certainly no doubt whatsoever that the returning officer has received complaints.

The change of numbers to the board size after nominations closed is one, and giving extra space to Hamilton and Mckeown in the magazine is the other.

He also has to assess if both of these matters has distracted from the election and if such matters are fair to all players. I believe there are other matters which he may be called on to decide upon. Certainly calling it all off and starting again is one option on the table for him.

Of course if he gets it wrong, then he may be at risk himself. Not fun being a returning officer these days, even with the best intentions.

Axiom.. go and get an ice pack and try and relax. Noboby much cares what you and your doubles think anyway.
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Old 29th Apr 2003, 00:07
  #73 (permalink)  

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Thumbs down

More lies and disinformation.
Can't let that go past.
Not even close, I have been sent, unsolicited, a signed copy of a letter from a long standing and respected member to the returning officer and cc'd to the Editor of AOPA, which raises these very points and asks the Returning Officer, how he proposes to address these anomalies.
I am aware of others.

The rest of your post is incoherent.

cogwheel and antechinus

I doubt that there is a single one of the other candidates who doesn't feel used and abused by this treatment.

But it does demonstrate the why and what we are on about. QED.

And they expect whoever gets in will work with them in an atmosphere of trust and unity.

I guess for the moment, we'll just have to play out the hand that has been dealt us and see what develops from there.

I never expected a rose garden, but not this.
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Old 29th Apr 2003, 07:04
  #74 (permalink)  
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Unhappy NO MORE, PLEASE!!!!!!!

I dont want another election!!!!!!

I don't care what happened. Other 'presidents' have misused the magazine, used censorship, in my view conducted shonky elections. So what????

I firmly believe McKeown was wrong to limit the size of the next Board and have told him so. So what. Censure him at the first meeting, appoint the 'next elected' to fill the 11 vacancies if that is the will of the meeting and GET ON WITH IT!!!

Now personally I like Bill Hamilton and John Lyon. I just don't think Lyon has what it takes and I think Bill is past it. BUT, if the members reelect Bill then that is their will. If elected I will not support either for an executive position and will support a no confidence in Lyon (but not Bill as he had the guts to stand). But despite the shonky 'letter to the editor' and article by McKeown we have to get on with things.

Another election will destroy AOPA.

There is no doubt in my mind the conduct of certain incumbent directors during this election is questionable, but that is up to the members to sort out by outlawing it in the articles and applying sanctions.

So, please, please, please can we just get on with it, kick the bums of the shonks and get Doug Stott to finish what he was doing on the articles, put it to the vote and apply sanctions against members who behave like this.

Geez axiom, I need that beer now, you talking to me yet????

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Old 29th Apr 2003, 07:45
  #75 (permalink)  
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Although I think there may be grounds for a second election, I couldn't agree more that it would be a setback to AOPA reincarnated.

What the hell would the rank and file member think?

On the bright side I suppose we would have a few more weeks of the gladiators cutting each other to pieces on this Forum.

Getting back to the rank and file members - possibly a species in decline - I think Triadic sounded a very large warning bell in mentioning that he is the only AOPA member left at his Club and none of the others want to join/rejoin. There is a message in that for all of us!
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Old 29th Apr 2003, 08:08
  #76 (permalink)  
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I could not agree more we have to move forward and put the past behind us. We as members and non-members have to work together and refocus on the future of aviation as a team.

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Old 29th Apr 2003, 08:26
  #77 (permalink)  
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Shonky Election


Your post is unintelligible, perhaps you shouldn't have partaken in that last bottle of red.


I agree, another election would be destructive but that would be the decision of the independent Returning Officer. The Returning Officer has been specifically hired & paid to ensure that the conduct of the election is kosher and is run according to the Rules (set by the board where not covered by the Articles).

The Returning Officer will need to deal with the written complaints about the abuse of the 250 word CV and the sudden reduction in vacancies and make an appropriate decision. At the very worst the RO will have to provide members with a written report regarding the conduct of the election when he declares the result of the poll. This MUST be tabled at the AGM.

You are right, the Articles need re-writing to lock in the Rules and to stop manipulation by the incumbents.

There has been an oversight in the Rules, the treatment of Proxies for the AGM. The RO should be managing these instead of being returned to the AOPA office. Following the alleged abuse of the election process by incumbent commitee men I have no confidence that Proxies will find their way to the AGM. The responsibility for the integrity of the Proxies resides with the AOPA Secretary but I have no idea who that may be or whether someone has actually been legally appointed following Marjorie Pagani's resignation.

Does anyone know who the Secretary/ Treasurer is? Maybe you can help Axiom?

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Old 29th Apr 2003, 09:01
  #78 (permalink)  
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pretty please


Fine, let the RO publish a 'list of shonks' and we can just give it to members, but I'd suggest he better wait for a new Board, this one ain't gonna let it happen.

I'm going to Barraba on the weekend, with a bunch of AOPA membership forms. Time we forgot this election and rebuilt our association.

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Old 29th Apr 2003, 09:46
  #79 (permalink)  
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Mr Snarek

I am out of the 'old school' that values ethics and transparency. You seem to be condoning the suggestions of foul-play and shonky behaviour by several of the incumbents. How can you possibly ignore this?

There is no way that you will ever recruit new members as long as the smell of corruption (and I don't think this is too strong a word) is allowed to persist.

I was on the committee many moons ago and it was a pleasure to serve with honest aviators with integrity and the desire to move GA forward.

I resigned from AOPA (along with around 10,000 others) when firstly Boyd Munro started his ego trip that involved heavy censorship of the Magazine (Mr McKeown now wants to do the same), his ugly combat with CASA and then the appointment of Bill Hamilton. Mr Hamilton presided over the decline of the membership and the finances and after a few years of his ramblings I couldn't take any more.

I only rejoined after Mr Pike became president and new blood appeared, hoping that things would change. Now I am very sorry that I purchased a 5 year membership and because of the new accounting practices there is no guarantee that AOPA will be able to provide for my membership. I would resign right now if I could.

There is a real horse and cart issue here. We must get the membership trending upwards but you will have absolutely Buckleys unless you can restore some integrity, honesty and some profesional endeavour into the process. We need strategic plans, the establishment of respectful and sound relations with CASA and Government and absolute transparency.

So you are not going to get any new members unless there is firstly evidence of change. By dismissing the need for ethical behaviour you are perpetuating the felony.

A positive step will be the acceptance of the Code of Conduct at the AGM but if the board fails to act on breaches as it has apparently done recently, then it is all a waste of time.

It is all a sad mess but unless the Evil Axis is removed AOPA is doomed.
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Old 29th Apr 2003, 09:57
  #80 (permalink)  
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Talking I live in hope


The absolutely WORST result is that Marjorie's 'ticket' only gets 5 up. That is worst case.

But, I trust the members to see the damage I believe Hamilton has done, I trust the members to judge what Rudd has done (or not done as the case may be).

I trust the members to read into axioms rantings on this forum and therefore make their judgement on Murphy.

I trust the members to show how they feel on McKeown's actions of late.

So, in trusting the members (and despite the questionable behaviour of late) I believe Marjorie will have a team of about seven. And the past will be behind us.

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