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View Poll Results: Should Slasher leave D&G or stay?
Stay out you arrogant foul-mouthed bastard!
I dont dislike him but yes he should stay away
He can stay only if he watches his tongue!
He can stay. Hes just an angry ant thats all.
Nah, stay mate. You got your good points.
Voters: 327. This poll is closed

Throw me out or keep me in?

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Old 10th Dec 2002, 10:20
  #41 (permalink)  

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If you are going to private message people criticising their opinions, could you clear your inbox so they may reply?
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Old 10th Dec 2002, 11:08
  #42 (permalink)  
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I find Slasher a bad mouthed, arrogant, self opinionated bore (and those are his good points). Yet I still want him to stay as his points of view in Jet blast are in the whole amusing and forthright, there fore I voted for him to stay. I just wish some of his views in D&G were not so boring and repetitive (read '89). No, I had the opportunity to answer the newspaper adds at the time and said NO it wasn't right to do so. Had friends on both sides of the fence but am sick of hearing about it.
There are a number of people (POMS) who have come over from JB to have there say on this matter. This is a discussion/vote on whether Slasher should leave D&G, NOT Pprune!(initiated by him).
Even though it is your right to enter into any discussion on Pprune you people have no input into OZ aviation at all (or maybe any aviation) so I say to you leave it to those of us that are the primary frequenters of this particular part of Pprune to discuss/vote, whatever. In other words butt out.
Well I've had my rant so I'll butt out (good luck Slasher)
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Old 10th Dec 2002, 12:23
  #43 (permalink)  
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Farckin ten pound jet blasters comin here an postin on our forum.

Last edited by tony draper; 10th Dec 2002 at 14:21.
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Old 10th Dec 2002, 17:52
  #44 (permalink)  
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If you do contemplate buzzing off 'cause the 'fan mail' is getting to you, take some advice from my dearly departed father: "...say Up your pipe, Jack, and walk away smiling sweetly..."

Illegitimae non carborundum
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Old 10th Dec 2002, 20:57
  #45 (permalink)  
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Mmmmm....., lets see......

Suddenly a measured tone, reasonable arguments and concerned about what others think of him?

You Sir, are an IMPOSTER! What have you done with the real Slasher?

I must say that despite feeling most of what Slasher had to say about others was much more applicable to himself and his cohort, having seen a few posts since he got religion (or was got at? I hope not.... ), I think I liked him better the other way.

Vive le difference!

Stick around mate, just pull back from the stuff mentioned by the Wizard...

Edited for typical pilot spelling......
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Old 11th Dec 2002, 07:29
  #46 (permalink)  
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Zone 5, if I abuse (or congratulate) anyone in this thread the exercise would be self-defeating.

Wizofoz, your action of sending the link to your mate via e-mail solely in itself propagated the chain of unsavory events you discribed that followed.

Thanks to everyone whos taken the time to vote whichever way.
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Old 11th Dec 2002, 07:33
  #47 (permalink)  
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No one is forced to read your posts
Regardless of likes or dislikes everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Pls stay with us, I think a lot of people are very thin skinned
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Old 11th Dec 2002, 08:50
  #48 (permalink)  
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Geeez what do you think you're doing, trying to put me out of a job or something.

I mean the safest way for me to put this is to steal a quote from Send Clowns

I don't believe in people telling others what to do and how to talk. Your contributions while sometimes ... robust? rude? unpleasant? ... have always been intelligent and often interesting and ... unique.
and Jetlegs
And while we're at it, Slasher has no warning points. Because unlike some, he is obviously inteligent enough to be outrageous, dirty talking and provocative without breaking proon rules.
my bold not my speling.

I gotta say the lacky gets stretched really really thin sometimes, but he rarely if ever takes cheap shots and there is always an underlying, very rational and exquisitely informed basis for his posts notwithstanding his peculiar turn of phrase.

I understand those not used to the robust exchanges that can take place when a bunch of Aussies get together, could well feel confronted.
I have seen colleagues from the US and elsewhere "wide eyed" at the friendly Oz banter and coloquialisms at BBQs, that would get you arrested in the US, .
My experience as a moderator over the years has shown clearly that D & G is "different and sometimes confronting" to non Dunundans until they get used to, some don't, the way we communicate with each other.
It also fair to say that we have had a very very turbulent decade or so in aviation matters which has required some very, very, plain and forthright speaking. That is one of the traits for which we have become notorious. PC has a rocky road Dunnunda

One would have had to be around in the earlier days when there were some immensely enjoyable, seriously metaphysical and deeply scientific discussions in quantum mechanics et al, to see some giant intelects at work with Slasher well to the fore. Fools were not suffered gladly, but if they were prepared to participate they would find Slasher a patient, passionate and eloquent teacher.

in re '89, well we all know, unequivocally, where he stands on that and there are some from the other side who have made some equally valid contributions. They may not agree with each other and everything that can be said has been.
They are entitled to agree to disagree on this particular subject and I have had a bit to say about everyones behaviour over the years so there is no need to further belabour the point.

Love him or hate him life is never boring around him and on balance, as one of the last of the hard bitten thrill seeker moderators, I would rather have him and any others like him around than not. If we all agreed with each other .............?

And that applies to every one of us warts, excrescences and all, who post here, intelligently, even passionately, as long as they add rather than subtract to the argument and continue to shine a light where some would it rather not be, you are always welcome, it's your forum after all or your presence would be sorely missed.
It wont be easy but it WILL be fun, it is one of the rules,
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Old 11th Dec 2002, 13:37
  #49 (permalink)  
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Well, if he's going to stay, will SOMEBODY teach him the meaning of sarcasm!!

Slasher, your comments on the AN suicides was WAY out of line, and your subsequent attempt to duck responsibility was ignoble to say the least.

A good freind of mine WAS amongst the victims, and as such I took the tone of your comments very much to heart. Accept that on that occasion you did the wrong thing and lets move on.

Apart from that, I think you are a loud mouthed, one eyed, opinionated jerk. But you seem to be comfortable with that, so go ahead.

Just keep your comments to those in a position to defend themselves.
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Old 11th Dec 2002, 15:06
  #50 (permalink)  
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Well excuse me, Jetlegs. Who said Slasher had warning points? And how do you know whether he has or not?

At least I don't post a poll to ask whether people love me or not, probably not intelligent enough for ego tickling.

Have a nice day,


Old 11th Dec 2002, 22:12
  #51 (permalink)  

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Whether or not Slasher leaves should be a decision for him and the Moderators. That is the case for all of us. That he has chosen to abide by a clear majority view on the matter here is a little puzzling and is somewhat dangerous.

Puzzling in that one of us should be of a mind to depart simply because of views, even invited, held by ordinary contributors.

Somewhat dangerous in that the poll may not be a secure and accurate measure of those views. The poll could be open to abuse. What's to stop a single contributor voting often from a number of addresses using a number of user names?

I note that of the five polling options, three invite Slasher to stay while two invite him to go. While the informed and sophisticated voters here (the majority!) I'm sure would not be influenced by these unbalanced options, there is some potential via the uncomplicated among us for a skewed result.

For the record, even given the above, I voted. I chose the only option applicable to Slasher and all of us in this matter that devolves power from the voters back to the Moderators. That is that he should stay while he watches his language. This is not a comment on any alleged previous transgressions. Far from it.

I have other thoughts on the matter but this post is long enough already! Maybe later. Best wishes to all.
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Old 12th Dec 2002, 01:49
  #52 (permalink)  
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To rainbow and others:

'Puzzling in that one of us should be of a mind to depart simply because of views, even invited, held by ordinary contributors.'

- No, its not simply that. Theres much more to it on a personal level. And Im not going to go into it.

"Somewhat dangerous in that the poll may not be a secure and accurate measure of those views. The poll could be open to abuse. What's to stop a single contributor voting often from a number of addresses using a number of user names?"

- I alreadey took this all that into account before I posted this poll, and the mathematical probabilitys in error sample vs time line each day of the 15 days. But yes Im assuming a min-max distortion error in the initial analysis of Dec 20th in the range of 8% to 17% in my favor (yes, IN MY FAVOR!) which has to be considered if the result is to be of any reasonable accuracy in the final analysis. The 1st and 5th choices obviousley will contain the greatest distortion errors. At the end of the poll its not simpley a job of just adding up the poll numbers and bingo theres the result. Theres much more to it than that.
Ill supply the math after its a done deal to anyone asking for it (permutative statistical combination formulae with a few adjustments to "n!" for this environment).

"I note that of the five polling options, three invite Slasher to stay while two invite him to go."

- That is an incorrect interpretation. There are 2 for and 2 against and one that is subtley middle ground. An understanding in the diferences of how people react or respond on relative impulse was takin into the wording of each choice to illicit a more honest answer. And I explained earlyer why I chose a 15 day time-line, not more not less. A full breakdown of the reasoning behind each choices wording, and the go-stay "weighting" of each choice, again will be given after the deals done to anyone wanting to see it.

As Ive said before all that is needed is an honest opinion.
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Old 12th Dec 2002, 06:14
  #53 (permalink)  

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Geez Woomera, does that mean there are now "Eleven Thingeys"?

But, seriously I'm pretty sure that many folks will be aware that I've always been opposed to votes by "the rank and file" on whether or not someone should be expelled. I've supported that concept in some pretty extreme cases, such as our old "mate" O_C_B.

I know that this situation is very different from all the others in that Slash has initiated this on himself. However, the basic concept is the same, as far as I'm concerned and, for the benefit of those who may not know it, it's simply this...

Everyone who registers here has a right to be here and to express opinions. The only judge on whether or not a person should be expelled is the PPRuNe management - ie the Admins and Modbods. Nobody else has any entitlement to decide whether or not anyone should stay or leave.

As for Slash's ... errr .... robust ? views, unless I've failed to grasp the English language, it would seem that others have seen fit, on this thread, to express their own robust views. If ya dish it out, ya gotta be prepared to cop it back. That's only fair.

So, Slash, I don't really care what result comes rom this poll, don't go!!! Some people will be lost for things to comment on if you leave - and then this place will die!
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Old 12th Dec 2002, 09:14
  #54 (permalink)  
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If I vote no, will you PLEASE spend more time with us down in JB land?

Because you are one of the funniest people I have ever "read", and want to see more!! ;-)

Nah, can't vote no, because that would deprive D&G of a legend!

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Old 12th Dec 2002, 11:40
  #55 (permalink)  
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Cor bimey

Ya shouldn't have mentioned about that
quantum physics
Woomera, look what you've started!!! I aven't got the faintest idea what Slash is on about now

Besides you lot have got me curiosity going so much I'm going to do a search & find out what Slash did say about the Ans crash. Hope it ain't bad Slash or I might have to slap your hand

You mean to say Slasher has 5 less warning points than me. This is BAD, looks like I'll have to clean up my act besides I wear mine as a source of pride cause it hasn't changed my opinions on the subject one iota!!! No regrets as the lyrics go!

Old 12th Dec 2002, 14:02
  #56 (permalink)  
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- No, its not simply that. Theres much more to it on a personal level. And Im not going to go into it.

Mmmmm..... I hope my hunch about this is incorrect.
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Old 13th Dec 2002, 07:41
  #57 (permalink)  
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Stick with it Slash.
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Old 16th Dec 2002, 03:21
  #58 (permalink)  
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Mr one ball, you dont know even half the story for which I dont blame you for, given Ive let on very little about it. An honest vote from you nonetheless would be apreciated. Thank you.

Zone 5 you should have 2 hunches. 1 of them is very correct. The other Ive learnt to live with.
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Old 16th Dec 2002, 06:42
  #59 (permalink)  
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Okay, I’ll accept what you say about there being more to it than that. You obviously have your reasons for the sentiment. It just seems like such a big deal, you know? I dunno, maybe pprune is being taken all too seriously by some people… could it be??? It is just an internet chat site, after all.

Live and let live, I say. I still think you should make up your own mind. Why let anyone else dictate your actions?
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Old 16th Dec 2002, 20:57
  #60 (permalink)  
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Vote boycotted.

Are you really that insecure?

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