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Old 27th Feb 2003, 20:39
  #61 (permalink)  
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G'day Bart;

Perhaps we should get the 2 dissenters to list their achievements and compare them with those left on the scene?

The pprune poll is doing well:

As I write this some 16, (72.73%) want Hamilton and Lyon out.

This includes all AOPA non members, members, fifth columnists, probably CASA "wallahs" and those with 2 or more pprune identities, etc etc.

there are 6, (27.27%) want them to stay:

Obviously with a vested interest (read that as members).

The significant thing is;

Count the "hits on the post and subrtact the above 26 votes (I know even I have looked twice), but halve that if you want and LOOK at the ABSTENTIONS.

Read also the fact that ak wants an EGM that can be called by a board member OR 100 MEMBERS.

If he was held in such high esteem by the rank and file, why couldn't he rustle up the 100 members.

I bet Hamilton could if he wanted, even I could muster that amount.

If anyone on the board calles this EGM they should take things like this into account because this could come back and bite them on the hand.

I'll Back the remaining board against snareks mob any day.

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Old 28th Feb 2003, 00:12
  #62 (permalink)  
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We are now officially at war.

You may be excused for thinking I support those who have helped me, aided me, saved me the humiliations of some very nasty CASA attacks (both monentary and personally), I can be accused of supporting an organisation that in general has the interests of aviation as it's main agenda and the majority of it's board who are attempting to do a job under very difficult conditions, made worse by an orchestrated "whiteanting" of the whole show by a very noisy, nasty and insignificant minority.

BUT, I am proud of my military background and especially my association with RAA.

Your not so subtle reference to "the white lanyard" may be lost on most, but I believe you are referring to the "coward" thing that has been the subject of more military bar room brawls history would care to reflect upon.

I take it you know nothing about military customs or you would not choose to use a "cowards" means of denigrating a postee on pprune.

Congratulations, you have just alienated yourself with every ex RAA member pilot in the country, not to mention those who regularly fly Birdogs, Austers, Winjeels and other FAC type aircraft who would be proud, I'm sure, to know that you treat them with the contempt of the pilots of these aircraft and their passengers.

You would do well to read Christopher Jobson, (published 1997)RAA Customs and Traditions and have an apology ready before we next meet.

You should also sit under the sword suspended by Hamilton's hair, young Damocles before you continue with your endeavours. seriously
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 01:06
  #63 (permalink)  
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Well, that was the most amazing over-reaction I have seen since 1991 where, in the Sapper's mess at Pucka, two very p!ssed sappers and two equally p!ssed bombardiers had at it.

Otherwise, even in a shared mess, I have only ever heard (and shared) the occasional jocular comment on the purple vs white argument. I have had, and still have, many very good friends who were/are dropshorts, FOs and even LOs.

I note though you seem to subscribe to a very military (officer that is) version of democracy, whereby a vote, any vote, that does not agree with your opinion must be wrong and the lesser vote, which corresponds with how you think, can be justified with convoluted pompous argument.

That was how we got Location Specific Charging and nearly got Part 47 and Compulsory Third Party, via the Senate.
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 03:41
  #64 (permalink)  
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Sorry to have to say this but! your nothing but a childish blethering idiot that obviously has a personal axe to grind with AOPA. We the people that have got a life are fed up with listening to your non constructive crap. I dont Know you from a bar of soap nor wish to, its clearly obvious that you have had some position of responsiblity with AOPA (board member). Thank god your not still around. I dont know what your real agenda is but its sure not in the interest of aviation. You just cant leave this topic alone can you? you obviously travel through life at the height of your incompetence. You have no idea the of the amount of damage you are doing to the industry. If I was a new comer to the industry I would think twice about joining AOPA thanks to you.

Every organisation has its problems Im sure it will work itself out one way or another. So basically grow up stop being so bitter and twisted and for god's sake get a life.

To all newcomers out there that have been reading this crap AOPA is a fine organisation but like many others it occasionaly has a few problems. I am a member and proud of it when I have a problem or a question they have always been helpful these are the facts they have always been there to support us and hopefully always will. It does need your support now probably more than ever so pitch in and join and make it stronger than ever. I have read this site for some time now and never felt like pitching my coin in untill I started reading this mindless drivel. I have always thought that pprune was better than this. pitty we cant vote to remove some of the idiots on this site that are making our industry worse.
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 04:04
  #65 (permalink)  
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Some apology, thanks digger (and that's the kindest thing that will be said about you, from me, from now on).

You want over-reaction, you haven't seen me in action yet, mate!

You couldn't p!ss, you got off the pot, now p!ss off!
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 05:00
  #66 (permalink)  
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It seems to me that the childish blithering is in the two posts above.

Is there anything wrong with a difference of opinion, obviously around here, even calls to silence it.

I hope axiom and 2B1 aren't representative of the AOPA Board????
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 05:47
  #67 (permalink)  
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Hey pat;

We've had this out before, remember, you had some damning evidence to give me about CASA's corruption/incompetence and how Me, in particular, invited you to email me with the details so I could pass on same to ICAC/FBI/NRMA/RACQ/RACV/, and I remember, AOPA.

You never emailed me with these damning pieces of evidence and I put you in the basket case.

You're still there mate, and don't call me childish unless you have something constructive to say about a forum that you appear to have no understanding of.

If you want nothing to do with AOPA, keep your opinions to yourself, because you are doing more damage than snarek and his mob to any future viability of AOPA.

Remember mate, you may need AOPA's help one day !

To the best of my knowledge 2B1ASK1 is not on the board and neither am I. Perhaps we are just p!ssed off members.

As for snarek and his (yes he brought it up before me), assertion and my subsequent admission of Artillery, where did he get this information? What does he do for a living? Has he access to files on people who are protected by privacy laws? perhaps he thinks that Lyon and I are the same person? perhaps he is right?

Whatever happens, he will find out who 2Lt Axiom is at our next meeting. With your input perhaps we will be the only members left and he will know anyway.

He is either ignorant, or has information not privy to the general public or is mistaken.

Either way, people that listen to his rantings will join his minority?

"childish blithering", baiting, and doing a poor job of it.

"Trying to silence them", not me mate, they are digging their own graves.

Have you got a job yet??
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 06:25
  #68 (permalink)  
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Why is that we have people on the AOPA board or x-board members who stir up strife using pprune plus whatever other means to discredit other’s on the board? It does not show a real maturity & people skills as a leader. I for one will not be voting people like this to the board in the future. (It’s really disgusting to see board members & x-board members that have to stoop this low to discredit their other team members on the board.) We do not need people who are there to peddle their own agenda’s and push their own personal ambitions at the expense of us members just so you can climb your own little social ladder or what ever it maybe.

You should only be on the board because you love flying and want others to have the same freedom. " AOPA stands for its members' right to fly without unnecessary restrictions and costs "

By the way I use to think Bill Hamilton was a real arrogant & outspoken sort of guy too, by what I had heard from others. One day I picked up the phone and spoke to him and found out it was not so, just a normal guy who loves to fly just like you & I. This guy has put a whole lot of his own time & finance into fighting for the right for you and I to have the right to fly. I did not say Bill is perfect, but neither are you or the other board & x-board members (otherwise they would still there).

It is about time someone takes a stand and say’s enough is enough and re-focus on the real issues that face us all as pilots who love flying.

Have a nice weekend.
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 06:30
  #69 (permalink)  
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Why is that we have people on the AOPA board or x-board members who stir up strife using pprune plus whatever other means to discredit other’s on the board? It does not show a real maturity & people skills as a leader. I for one will not be voting people like this to the board in the future. (It’s really disgusting to see board members & x-board members that have to stoop this low to discredit their other team members on the board.) We do not need people who are there to peddle their own agenda’s and push their own personal ambitions at the expense of us members just so you can climb your own little social ladder or what ever it maybe.

You should only be on the board because you love flying and want others to have the same freedom. " AOPA stands for its members' right to fly without unnecessary restrictions and costs "

By the way I use to think Bill Hamilton was a real arrogant & outspoken sort of guy too, by what I had heard from others. One day I picked up the phone and spoke to him and found out it was not so, just a normal guy who loves to fly just like you & I. This guy has put a whole lot of his own time & finance into fighting for the right for you and I to have the right to fly. I did not say Bill is perfect, but neither are you or the other board & x-board members (otherwise they would still there).

It is about time someone takes a stand and say’s enough is enough and re-focus on the real issues that face us all as pilots who love flying.

Have a nice weekend.
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 07:08
  #70 (permalink)  
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Axiom is not on the board, has never been and Mrs Axiom won't let me out to play this wekend. I'm not allowed out at night either

I hope your attention was therefor addressed to snarek, who was on the board, and since demised and now in top gear to bring the organisation to wrack and ruin because someone kicked in his sandcastle.

I do however really really like the phrase "refocus" and I'm with you brother (no I'm not Aboriginal either).

UNITY is another good word.
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 07:15
  #71 (permalink)  
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padopat, grow a brain! of course there is nothing wrong with voicing your opinion providing that its constructive in most cases on this thread its not, it is only damaging the industry if you cant see it then you should not be in it.

no im not a board member or an x-board member for that matter. I am a member that is concerned that AOPA will not be here next year if this crap does not stop. Ive been flying since the age of 17, im now 40 I love it I would not trade it for the world I have also been a lame for good few of those years, I get angry when people like yourself voice stupid opinions that make our industry worse get a life.

C182 DROVER I could not agree more have a good weekend and safe skies buddy

Axiom I don' know you well only what I have read, your heart seems to be in the right place. Being x-military myself I get a little miffed when people go one about things they have no real comprehension about, there is no argument for snarek because if he did really understand military customs and courtesies then he would not have brought them up in the first place. I will stick with my origional opinion bitter and twisted ex-board member with an axe to grind HE NEEDS TO GROW UP, come on people lets get construcive here and look to a better future you must all see that this is only making things worse. I seem to be waisting my fingertips here surely most of you agree with what Im saying if not I fear its a sad time for those of us that like to fly.
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Old 28th Feb 2003, 09:34
  #72 (permalink)  
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To Marjorie Pagani;

I have just printed the last months forum threads on pprune and it makse interesting reading (if you have the time).

I'll re read it tomorrow and try to reinforce what my initial reaction to the scribes input.

There are common threads here that you should address before you get involved in any decision making on the future of AOPA.

Leaving out the obvious antagonism between, the past and departed board members, my own input that has probably antagonised some of the participants, and the present incumbents, there appears to be a conformation of ideas that are deserving of merit.

I will not go through and name each, but they will know to whom I refer.

1) Banner advertising on pprune.
2) Less abrasiveness in public.
3) Less negative "vibes" from the board (who should "close ranks" when a crisis evolves) and jump on it as soon as it happens.
4) A cohesive board with personalities placed in heir sphere of expertise.
5) The reinforcement of the AOPA aims, asperations, agendas and limits.
6) An invitation to GA operators to be proactive participants in AOPA and not reactive.
8) A common aim to oppose restrictive harsh and unconscionable rules and regulations brought about by CASA.
9) A common aim to support those who fight these restrictive impositions.
10)An amagamation of AUF, GFA, helicopters, ornithopters, seaplanes, warbirds, charter, schools, parachutists, gyrocopters, and, anyone else who would want to be part of a protective umbrella under AOPA.
11)A simplification of (or at least an explaination of) the new rules and reg's which are being foisted upon us albeit with a struggle.
12)Magazine distribution through newsagents as well as subscription.
13) Strong leadership.
14) Recognition of individual board members knowledge and experience as opposed to branding them ego trips.
15)An endeavour to bring to the fold "space cadets" who are the grass roots of aviation and are having sh!t put on them and being brainwashed by their mentors.
16)An endeavour to bring to the fold "enthusiasts" who also are grass roots material.
17)State chapters which may alter the constitution from a company to individual incorporated associations with a central power base (magazine), represented by the states. (and no, I'm not in favour of Canberra, Alice Springs would be a better choice).
18)An abolition of the insurance ideology and mantra played for the benefit of the insurance companies and the Lawyers.
19) A basis of understanding with the regulator, the executive and the judiciary that is sadly lacking now.
20)A basis of understanding by the regulator, the executive and the judiciary with a strong and cohesive lobby group that seriously has it's constituents interests at heart. (yes AOPA is a political organisation).

Finally to end this wish list, a stop to the destructive influences of dissatisfied and absent and non decision making elements who would bring down the organisation for whatever means.

This means quick, decisive and firm statements by the incumbents that they are unrepresentative voices and should be ignored....even on pprune.

Also it appears we need a tight fiscal plan for the near future, SPONSORS perhaps ????
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Old 2nd Mar 2003, 01:01
  #73 (permalink)  
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I urge everyone to read woomera" post on reporting points, D&G regarding AOPA.

To those of you who onforward vital messages to mates in the bush and on laptops I urge you to send this also.

There is hope and pprune just gave AOPA a free 2 page advertisement to some 10,000 of their readers.

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Old 2nd Mar 2003, 01:06
  #74 (permalink)  
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woomera's post on D&G reporting points, A MUST READ. There is hope.
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Old 2nd Mar 2003, 01:13
  #75 (permalink)  
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The sad situation for AOPA is that the current board members apparently cannot work with Lyon & Hamilton.
In recent days this has been exacerbated by the alleged leaking of confidential board material by Lyon/Hamilton to some renegade members, this being in breach of the Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct was agreed to and adopted unanimously and covers what is normal and reasonable behaviour expected from committee members.
If indeed the board has lost trust in Lyon/Hamilton then it is unworkable. The problem as I understand it is that Lyon/Hamilton have steadfastly refused to spill and allow the members to vote.
My guess is that none of the current board would want to stand for the coming election if Lyon & Hamilton remain.
So where to from here?

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Old 2nd Mar 2003, 13:05
  #76 (permalink)  
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Why is that we have people on the AOPA board or x-board members who stir up strife using pprune plus whatever other means to discredit other’s on the board? It does not show a real maturity & people skills as a leader. I for one will not be voting people like this to the board in the future. (It’s really disgusting to see board members & x-board members that have to stoop this low to discredit their other team members on the board.) We do not need people who are there to peddle their own agenda’s and push their own personal ambitions at the expense of us members just so you can climb your own little social ladder or what ever it maybe.
There are a number of very good reasons as to why the discussion is here and that is the freedom to express responsible views and in fact air facts that other perhaps are not aware of. And of course the AOPA Forum has been closed for some equally good reasons. Believe me the strife you say has been stirred up by the x board members has in fact has been long precipitated by those who are refusing to agree to a spill of all positions. In fact the same two members are more than likely the ones that have pushed "their own personal ambitions" not the two that have resigned.

It sounds as if you have made your mind up before hearing all the evidence? Do you know how long some members of the board have represented themselves using the AOPA hat to get their voice heard, with or without board consent?. How many letters and emails some board members have sent over the past years that have not even been discussed or tabled at board meetings? How embarrassed some board members have been to find out what position on some matters has been put forward as policy? Talk about policy on the run.

No organization can afford to have any lose cannons on the board that push wheelbarrows that no one else knows about.

Find out the answers to those questions and I believe you and any other reader will be of the opinion that there must be a complete spill of all board positions at the AGM or even earlier at an EGM.

We all owe it to AOPA to ensure that the best people are running the association and the creditability and respectability together with sound financial management is returned so that we may all be benefit.

Woomera is 110% correct in his post. That is the way we must go.

(yes - I am an AOPA member)
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Old 2nd Mar 2003, 20:24
  #77 (permalink)  
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I am at a loss to even try and figure out you references to evidence I was supposed to have sent you. We have never corresponded in the past and given the tone of your posts on this forum, you are not the sort of character I would entertain correspondence with????

A tad of paranoia???

You then accuse snarek(???) of spying on some personal files somehwere to find out you were in the Army, well if you click on just your last few posts you will come accross the one where you told the world of your army affiliations.

A little more paranioa???

And then of course you and you friend 2B1 verbally abuse anyone (and I even read implied threats of violence in at least 4 of your recent posts (none of 2B1s)) who dares to question any opinion you may hold, however blinkered or invalid.

No wonder Mrs Axiom won't let you out to play, she is obviously concerned for your health.

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Old 2nd Mar 2003, 20:59
  #78 (permalink)  
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Thanks Cog.

It is good to see that you (as I believe do the majority of AOPA people) ensure the brain is engaged before putting the mouth (or keyboard) into gear.

AOPA will be OK under Marjorie, I am sure of it.

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Old 3rd Mar 2003, 00:30
  #79 (permalink)  
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1) You did.

2) snarek brought this up first, I confirmed, go back a way before and you may even see your reference to the evidence.

3) Next ANZAC day go tell a "Gunner" he is a coward and let me know what sort of a response you get.

May be a good idea to tell him he is paranoid as well.

I still have received no apology from snarek, shows you what sort a person he is. If he can't be a peacemaker to 2 individuals, how does he expect anyone to believe he can do better with bringing a whole organisation back together.

You are doing a great job of ameliorating the situation as well.

Good day to you sir !
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Old 3rd Mar 2003, 01:24
  #80 (permalink)  
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You and I have NEVER corresponded, except for this, and I hardly count this as correspondence. Correspondence usually leads to something useful, little of what you have posted in the last few weeks could be counted as useful.

On this issue and the snarek spy vs spy conspiracy, I strongly urge you to tell the little voices to be quiet so you can think straight.

This is the last time I rise to your bait.

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